Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The snow is falling down on me.

ballad of madness

by emovampire 1 review

i'm not sure if i'm on drugs or not....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-06-12 - Updated: 2008-06-12 - 390 words

I must warn you...this will suck!

“You know, from the first moment I lay my eyes on you...i knew there was something about you that you say...different..
You weren't like all the others...You seemed to..i don't know...outshine...everything else... you are so beautiful..I'm sorry..”
He starts walking away.Fading slightly...
He stops and slowly turns around.
“I have caused you much pain. I have destroyed your life.Now you have found yourself and that is one of th worst things I could possibly do to you. I must leave you. Forget me. Thank you Gerard. I am sorry...”
He turns once again.Fading more...
He was the only thing I have ever loved.The only thing I have ever had.
Now I need to let him go.
I can't.

I run up to him and tackle him to the ground.
He stops fading.
He turns over and looks at e with a surprised look on his face.
“You know something?” I ask.
“Two roads split off from here. My life is running in oppostite directions.Exadurating the barrier between who I am...and who I want to be...”
I lightly brush my lips against his.
I don't want him to leave.
I just remembered.
I love him.

“Gerard...You are killing yourself by knowing me....”
“This is not your decision to make..”
I hold him close to me and rest my head in the crook of his neck.
“Which part of me is left?..I feel so close..yet so...far..” I whisper.
I can feel my mind wondering again. I don't want to leave him again.But to save myself...
I throw my head back and scream.
I thrust my head forward to meet his lips.I hold the back of his neck to stop him pulling away.But he doesn't even try.
He moves his lips slowly, carefully...He doesn't want to hurt me...
I don't care. I want him to be mine.
I thrust my tongue in between his lips, trying to show how desperate I am.
He opens his mouth wider and wrestles with my tongue. I missed this. I never want to let this go again...
I can feel the ground moving. I'm going to be forced out of my own mind...
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