Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Out of Control

Chapter 4

by Lororie 0 reviews

Chapter 4

Category: Death Note - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: L,Yagami Raito - Published: 2008-06-15 - Updated: 2008-06-15 - 500 words

Raito seated himself at the computer, contented. Who knew L was such a good kisser? And as a side bonus, he certainly would NOT be bored for a good long time. If the Kira conflict and plans weren’t enough, he always had L to seduce…

The mere thought of seducing his enemy brought a smile twitching to Raito’s lips. The following image of L on a bed, begging for him almost made him laugh out loud. Yes, seducing L could only aid his plans; the fun involved was a fantastic secondary attribute!!!

**Hmm. How to go about it…does L suspect me more now for deciding to go with it? Or less because it wasn’t my automatic reaction? Did it really matter either way? I know L isn’t convinced, or I’d be arrested already. L can’t be convinced without the Death Note or knowledge of the Death Note. So really, I have nothing to worry about. However…seducing L and convincing him of my innocence could lead him to tell me his real name. Plus, I already knew that I’ll enjoy it. So long as I didn’t get too attached…which shouldn’t be a problem. I’ve already decided that I can easily kill my family if necessary to preserve myself as Kira; a romantic relationship shouldn’t be any different.


…not worth thinking about. What IS worth thinking about is just how to go about getting him to beg, hehehe!**

Raito stood up and stretched slowly, feeling L’s eyes on him from the moment he first moved. He knew L wouldn’t necessarily understand his feelings, but he was still a guy – he’d get turned on even if he didn’t know how or why. And he WAS a genius; maybe Raito wasn’t giving him enough credit.

Either way, Raito knew that L was following his every movement as he finished his sinuous stretch and deliberately bent over to show off his…ahem stretch his lower back by trying to touch his toes. Yeah.

He then turned around – slowly enough that it looked natural, but quickly enough to catch L blatantly staring with a look in his eye he usually reserved for cotton candy.
Raito smirked.

“It’s well after midnight, Ryuuzaki. Are we going to get to bed any time soon?” Raito asked, deliberately stressing the word ‘bed’. He was rewarded with a slight widening of L’s eyes, which were quickly averted from his continued stare.

“I think that would be a very good idea, Raito-kun. My mental capabilities are severely diminished with a prolonged lack of sleep.”

Raito chuckled. So L was going to fight back, hmm? Well, Raito had yet to meet a girl who could hold out against a strip-tease, and L was hardly as…inured to foreplay as those lovely ladies, so really this should be very easy. Raito chuckled again and began to walk casually toward their shared bedroom.
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