Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Loving Words, Lusted Thoughts

by shatteredsanity

The pencilled line that divides love from lust is one that is all too easily erased.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2008-06-27 - Updated: 2008-06-27 - 245 words


I watched him that night. Like I've done for the past 9 months, 4 weeks and 7 days.
I watched him sleep; breathe in, breathe out. Feel his beautiful ribs corrugate his skin as I caress his chest and weave my hands across the ivory porcelain that coats his body.
Eyelids growing ever more heavy with recurring sleep deprivation, I placed butterfly kisses on his cheek and lay my face to rest on his steady drumbeat.
He was absolutely immaculate, so fucking perfect. Eyes full of original innocence gazed at me every-time I closed my own. I loved him. Loved him with every single bit of my heart, and more. I'd given up the drugs for him, the pills and the powder, all save the poison. That was too much fun, especially with him. I would've given up the Marlboro Reds too, but he insisted on blow-backs, said it tasted pretty.
That was one other thing I loved about him, choosing fractured phrases and put them together in a splintered sentence and somehow, strangely, it worked. For him. Insanely electric eccentric for a fraction of time, but, blink and he's back to drowning in his dreams. Like a child, he was innocent and darling, but give him his poison and lock the bedroom door with me and he turned into a storm in a single room of sex and tender touches. He was my baby, my beautiful little baby. And no-one could ever steal him away from me.
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