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  • Sunflower

    by EJDaniels 4 reviews

    When it feels as though the entire world is against you having just one person believe in you makes everything else bearable. Harry wants to thank Hermione but things are never easy for The-Boy-Who...

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Published: 2019-03-27 - 6029 words - Complete


Recent Stories

  • The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage: Dark Mirror

    by LaxyakLovesLoZ 1 review

    Please read The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage first.

    Category: Zelda - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Link - Chapters: 27 - Published: 2024-05-04 - Updated: 2024-07-19 - 37254 words - Complete

  • Jolinar

    by Meushell 0 reviews

    Jolinar's point of view throughout In the Line of Duty.

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  • Champions Tower Defense

    by Golde 2 reviews

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  • A Ticklish Rumble

    by Qycommet 0 reviews

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  • The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage

    by LaxyakLovesLoZ 3 reviews

    The battle for good and evil rages in Lila’s heart. What does courage mean, she wonders as she fights her way through various monster-filled dungeons. Was she really born to be a hero, or did the...

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