Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Make a Wish

Coming Together

by PerfesserN

Myrtle understands Hermione. Harry gets a wonderful gift

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2008-07-01 - Updated: 2008-07-01 - 2000 words - Complete


Chapter 03 - Coming Together

Hermione wasn't just crying - she was in a full-on, no holds barred, howling jag. Just watching her Myrtle felt as though her heart must break.

"Oh Harry, oh Harry, ohGodohGodohGod!"

"Oh sister, you've got it bad -don't cha?"

Hermione's eyes flew open and she tried to compose herself but even as she tried her face began to screw up again as though she were about to crumble into despair yet again.

"It's okay," Myrtle said sitting on the bed and pulling the distraught Hermione into a tight embrace, "if I know Harry, and I think I do, he'll figure it out - eventually."

"You don't know Harry - he's more loyal than a Hufflepuff, once he commits to a girl he'll stick with her for once and all. It's one of the things I - I . . ."

"Say it; it's one of the things you love about him, right?"

She nodded her head rapidly and began to wail against Myrtle's shoulder.

"If it gets out that Harry's taken tears are going to fall like rain all over this castle." Myrtle said with a grimace.

"I thought he'd see that I have always been here for him, I was sure he'd notice how right we are together. Idon't love him for his fame or his money or his "Ancient and Most Noble House,"I love him because he's the sweetest, most understanding - forgiving boy I've ever known. Do you know we don't even have to speak sometimes? He seems to know what I'm thinking; I thought that was a sure sign."

Myrtle made up her mind on the spot. "Don't fret Hermione, I'm going to get some sleep, something I haven't done in fifty years, and then I'm going to get up and we're going to convene acoven.

Hermione's eyes flew wide, "and what will the articles of the coven be?"

"We will vow to support Harry James Potter always and in all ways, we will accept his chosen one or ones and support each other as sisters in love." Myrtle leaned back so that Hermione could see her smile, "And convince our green eyed sex god that sharing can be awonderful thing."

Hermione gaped at the girl, saw honesty there, shrugged her shoulders, smiled hopefully and said, "Blessed be."

To which Myrtle echoed "Blessed be."


Harry waited in his four-poster with the curtain drawn trying to process all that he'd just seen and done.

He'd been with a mostly naked girl.

He'd been hugged and kissed by the selfsame mostly naked girl.

He was currently waiting to sleep with the mostly naked girl.

Yep, circle this day in red on the calendar and celebrate it for ever after, no mater what happens next.

The bed curtains drew back as if by an invisible hand, oh wait, they were drawn back by an invisible hand and Harry trembled in anticipation as his mattress depressed under the weight of his invisible visitor.

She flipped the cloak around so that her head was uncovered then fastened a broach in such a way that she could wear the cloak as a simple cape. Myrtle shouldered the shimmering material to her back to present her mostly nude form to his enthusiastic and adoring gaze.

Aside from the cloak she was dressed only in her high-waisted knickers and knee socks. Her pale body capturing what little available light there was in the room. He had awonderful, close view of her small breasts with their large areola capped with what had to be painfully hard nipples.

He drew the covers back and sighed as her soft, warm body slid into place next to his.

"Harry," she whispered, "cast asilencing spell around your bed."

"/Planto meus cubile quietis/."He said, barely audibly. "Myrtle, I've, um, never been, y'know, like this, Imean, with a girl before. . ."

The little girl silenced him with her finger, then brushed her lips against his and said, "I know, Harry. I've been keeping an eye on you ever since you and Ron and Hermione visited my bathroom in your second year.

"I know you have bad dreams, and that Cedrick's death is making it harder for you to get any real rest."

"I've been visiting your bed every night since September first, trying to help you relax. You caught me on my way to see you tonight; I had been hoping you wouldn't be up walking around."

"Myrtle, how have you been helping me relax?"

She drew closer and softly sang the old Welsh lullaby,

"Sleep my child,

And peace attend thee,

All . . . through . . . the night . . ."

Harry's eyes grew wide, "That was you, then?"


He rolled to his side and gathered Myrtle into a fierce embrace, burying his face into her hair, "I thought, maybe, you were an angel."

"No, never and angel" she said, rolling over on her back and taking Harry with her.

After what seemed like an age he levered himself up so that he was in the push-up position over Myrtle.

"Near enough to an angel for me,"he said and smiled in such a way that her heart melted and her knickers soaked.

"Oh Harry," she said, drawing him in for a tender kiss. Tender at first but then their kisses became more passionate as she wrapped her arms and legs around him and ground her hot, wet center against the fleshy pole in his pants.

She found the perfect spot through her thin, wet knickers as she rolled his hard cock between the cleft of her sex so that his firm arousal pressed against her equally stiff clit.

"Oh, ohhh, ohhhhhhhh, Dal ati!, Daliwch ati, Cariad!"

Harry pressed urgently against her as well and soon, too soon, he felt the familiar tingling in his scrotum that meant he was about to spew.

"Arrrrrrrgh!" he cried as he released, further soaking their underwear.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh!" she moaned adding her juices to his.

He collapsed onto her and she reveled in the weight of him pinning her to the sweat soaked mattress.

Harry lay bonelessly on top of Myrtle, who had relaxed her legs a bit, but still pushed up against his semi-soft member squeezing little aftershocks of bliss and keeping him from going completely soft.

He lifted himself up a bit and said, "I'm too heavy on you."

"No, you feel good on me, sweet Circe that was amazing!"

For some inexplicable reason Harry felt guilty about what had just happened.

"Are you okay, Myrtle, did I hurt you?"

Myrtle, who had been a student of adolescent sexuality for over fifty years, understood what Harry was feeling now - she'd seen boys react badly to their inane sense of guilt and push the girl away, usually breaking the girl's heart and setting the boy up for alifetime of disappointing relationships.

"Harry, you were perfect, a real gentleman. You didn't do anything that I didn't want you to do, and see," she said, reaching down to tug on the elastic of his pants, "we've still got our clothes on - sort of."

Her smile was so genuine that Harry had to smile back.

"So if I asked for another go-round?" he said, wiggling his eyelashes.

"I'd say 'Blessed be to the Goddess for the stamina of a teenaged boy,' and have another go myself!"

He rolled to his side and gently stroked her pale face, "what if I just want to lie here and hold you all . . . through . . . the night."

"Oh, Harry, that would be wonderful!" saying that she got a devilish look in her eye and rolled him onto his back so that she could straddle him. "After I've had me wicked way wit cha!"

Harry groaned with pleasure as Myrtle ground her cum-slicked mound against his equally slick cock. Rubbing against each other, separated by two thin layers of sex-slicked fabric felt sublime.

Myrtle ground down and wiggled on Harry's erection, then quickly stood up on her knees saying "bugger this!" She leaned to one side, balancing on one knee to pull her knickers down and around the other knee and over her foot. She then leaned to the other knee to repeat the process for the other leg.

Even in the faint light of the canopied bed Harry had a clear view of Myrtle's sex. Below her fine tuft of dark pubescent hair he could easily make out her outer lips, somewhat puffy, as well as her slightly darker inner lips, moisture glistening in the available light. He gulped, not sure if he was ready for what was about to happen, but determined to do whatever Myrtle required of him.

She then tugged his boxers halfway down his thighs and settled down on his now exposed cock, trapping his hot member between her engorged lips and his lower abdomen.

She slid her deliciously warm, oily sex backward and forward, her puffy outer lips looking for all the world like the halves of a too small bun on an oversized sausage.

"Oh God, Myrtle, I'm not gonna last long like this."

"You don't have to, Harry. This is for you, luv. Cum for me, baby, come on now."

And she ground down on his exposed cock giving him the most amazing feeling of his young life.

"N-no! You f-first! You cum f-f-first!"

Harry tried to put off his imminent eruption by thinking of unsexy things, Quidditch, but the thought of his favorite sport brought the image of Alicia and Angelina in those tight riding britches walking toward the girl's shower carelessly unbuttoning their tops. Not helping! He imagined McGonagall in tartan knickers and was shocked that the image aroused him - woah! 'Where in hell did that come from?' He grimaced.

Snape, that's it, think of Snape in dirty grey boxers.

Myrtle screamed and creamed at the same time. Her sex was so over-stimulated that she had to fall off Harry and rub her thighs together just to calm the incessant buzz along the entire length of her clitoris.

"Oh sweet baby Hecate! Harry you absolute jewel! I'm never gonna wanna leave this bed - I am yours, your woman, your whore, whatever you want me to be, I will be."

Harry took her roughly by the arms and said, "Don't you dare talk about my Myrtle that way. You are /nobody's/whore, you are sweet and kind and loving and understanding and sexy as all get out. Any bloke would be lucky to have you on his arm, and right now I figure I'm the luckiest bloke in the world!"

"This is our now together, Mister Potter." She said as she slid down his body to rest her head on his chest. "I hope you approve."

"I approve, Miss Malone, with all my heart." Harry said, kissing the top of her head. He smirked and added, "I especially approve of what you're doing right now."

She had reached down to grasp Harry's still ridged cock and was casually stroking him, almost in the manner of greeting and old friend.

"I like your wand, Harry; I think it suits me just fine."

"We'll have to get you to Diagon Alley so that Olivander can match you up with a wand of your own."

She looked at him with the cutest pout, "but I like playing with this wand," she said, giving his pulsing cock a delicious little shake.

"See, it likes me, seven-and-a-half inches of Harry wood with a delicious core of magical semen, yum!"

Harry pulled Myrtle up and kissed her tenderly.

"Sleep now, my Myrtle, we have along day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Oh Harry," she smirked, "you don't know the half of it!"


/Dal ati!/, Daliwch ati, Cariad! Translates from the Welsh to Keep at it!Don't give up, darling!

If I have any Welsh-speaking readers out there my Mam-gu would tell you Cymru am byth! Y Ddraig Goch ddyry gychwyn! Twll d
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