Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Make a Wish

Myrtle Malone

by PerfesserN

Astarte approves. Harry has a gift for Myrtle, Myrtle reciprocates. The Grey Lady gets their attention.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Harry,Hermione,Professor McGonagall - Published: 2008-07-05 - Updated: 2008-07-05 - 2177 words - Complete


Chapter 5 - Myrtle Malone

Lady Ravenclaw reviewed Professor McGonagall's notes and smiled. "It's been too long Minerva; you are, of course, correct."

The transfiguration mistress allowed herself a small, quirky smile, and nodded.

"We really need Professor Flitwick for the rune scheme, unless you can think of someone more qualified."

Neither one suggested Albus Dumbledore.

"He will know what the pattern means." Minerva said, resignedly "but I trust Filius with my life."

"It's nearly time for the meeting." The Grey Lady offered.

"So it is."


In older cultures certain entities were revered as gods but then came the "Brothers of the Book. The Judeo-Christian-Muslim rabbis, priests and imams made it their mission to demonize all of the old gods in favor of the "One True God" and /his/prophets. They then set about slaughtering followers of the old gods. When it got harder and harder to find pagans to murder the various followers of the OTG proceeded to kill each other over contradictory interpretations of how to worship the all powerful, all loving Deity.

The old gods themselves moved to the between worlds, most were content to be away from the cesspit that is human nature but some kept an eye on human affairs. One such entity was the Goddess Astarte.

Astarte first manifested herself in Phoenicia, where she could be seen adorning jewelry and coinage in all her naked beauty - she was most concerned with fertility, love and the sacred act of sex. She fell completely, albeit briefly, in love with a Semite youth from Syria and gave him a daughter who grew to be the legendary sorceress, Helen. All the sons and daughters of Helen were magical, as were their offspring. Through the ages Astarte kept track of all her progeny, delighting in their escapades for they all shared her appetites.

Whenever Astarte wanted to observe the human world she would simply stand between the glass of any mirror and its reflection. In this manner all mirrors became her window to the mortal world.

Today she watched Minerva McGonagall and smiled her approval.


Harry returned to the common room from lunch and wondered where everyone was. Apparently McGonagall had called ameeting of the Gryffindor girls, Ron was still stuffing his face, Neville was off in a greenhouse, Dean and Seamus were kicking a football around the courtyard while the other members of their house either joined in or watched in fascination, having never seen a proper football before.

"Hello, Harry." Myrtle said and giggled.

"Myrtle? Where are you?"

The little ghost stepped out of the fireplace, properly warmed and completely naked, to cuddle with Harry on the common room couch.

"I have a present for you, my Myrtle." He said, pulling a long, thin chain from his pocket.

"Silly, you don't have to give me presents."

"I know, but I think you'll like this one."

He carefully draped the chain around Myrtle's neck. Amazingly, as soon as the chain touched her ethereal skin she became corporeal.

"Yes!" he cried, pumping his fist in the air.

Now a very solid, very warm, and completely naked Myrtle Malone lay next to Harry on the couch.

She "squeeeeed!" and pulled him into another searing, tonsil probing kiss.

When they finally broke she asked"How?"

"The locket was my Mum's. I know it was hers because it has the initials "LE" engraved on the front.

"I found it while cleaning my Aunt's house and have kept it hidden ever since. I used a shrinking charm to place the invisibility cloak inside the locket. If you ever need the cloak, just open the locket and it will spill out. I was hoping that the locket had enough magic of its own to conduct the cloaks special properties to you."

"Now, Mister Potter, I have something for you."

She took him by the hand and started up the stairs to the girl's dorm. On the third step she stopped and felt along the wall for the proper spot . . . there! She pulled a loose brick out and re-inserted it backwards so that it stood out in dark contrast to the sun lightened stones surrounding it.

"Now we can go on up."

"What happens if we don't reverse the brick?"

"Oh, bells sound and the stairs become a slide and dump whoever was on the steps into the common room.

"Of course, it only happens if aboy tries to climb the steps to the girl's dormitories."

"Of course."

She led him into the room shared by Hermione, Parvati and Lavender - it was easy to spot Hermione's bed, surrounded as it was by books and parchments and broken quills.

She sat on Hermione's bed and said, "Come on then, one of us is over dressed."

"Um, Myrtle, what if the girls come back?"

"Oh McGonagall will have them in the meeting for at least two hours, besides, we have Hermione's permission."

Harry grinned, "I love that girl."

"I know," Myrtle said, kissing him while unbuttoning his shirt, "and she loves you too. But we're agreed, Iget you first."

Harry sat stunned on the bed as the concept sank in.

Myrtle smiled and thought, by Jove, I think he's got it! Then proceeded to relieve the young wizard of his trousers, pants and socks.

"What you have to understand, love, is that I may be physically the same age as you, but I have over fifty years experience watching couples, well, couple. I know what works and what doesn't - what to say to a girl, or a boy, and more importantly, what /not/to say."

She guided Harry onto the bed proper and kissed him senseless.

"In short, it will be my job to make sure you can do your job and do it well."

Harry smiled as Myrtle slid on top of him. She was petite and warm and seemed to fit perfectly on his chest. The slightly coarse hair just beginning to grow above her pudendum tickled his bulbous glans.

"When you're with a virgin, like now, there are several things you have to remember: first and foremost, let the girl know that you love her. If you don't love the girl you're not making love, you're fucking. Trust me when I say she'll know the difference.

Second, she'll be nervous and will probably need more time to get relaxed and ready for you. Talk to her, use your fingers, your mouth and your tongue to bring her off at least once before you enter her."

Harry was beginning to panic, what if I'm pants in bed? What if I hurt her? Will she hate me for taking her virginity?

"Don't worry, love, you'll be wonderful. Want to know why?"


"Because you care more for me than you do for yourself is why."

"I do, y'know," he admitted, "I want to be perfect for you. Please teach me."

"Well, first and foremost, keep touching me, always have some part of your body in contact with mine, speak softly, lovingly."

He stroked her hair and the side of her face and murmured "I'm so lucky to be with you, I don't know what I did to deserve you but I want to spend the rest of my life just loving you."

Myrtle began to melt under his touch. "Kiss me, Harry."

He kissed her gently, then trailed kisses down her chin, her neck, her breast bone. When Myrtle shifted to place a nipple within his reach he kissed and sucked the hard little pebble until he felt her whole body shudder.

"Are you alright?"

"Oh yes!" she said and guided his head to her navel, which he lathed with his tongue. "Oh yes, love, do that again, but lower this time. Feel that hard little nub, near the top of my sex?"


"That's like my version of your cock, it gets hard and it gets sensitive and it loves to be stroked. While you're doing that probe my lips with your fingers, but gently love."

He did as directed and she felt it as though he were inside her head, reading her mind.

"Go ahead and slip a finger into me, Harry, its okay."

"Won't that break your, um, thing?"

"It's called a hymen, or a cherry. And no, remember the monthly flow has to go out of there so most hymens are perforated; some are only a ring of soft skin around the inside of the vagina. But I'm avirgin, even if you put one or two fingers in me, your cock is a lot thicker than a finger or two. He found the nub she was describing and decided to do his level headed best to stimulate her in much the same way she had brought him off in the shower.

Harry kissed her lower lips; slipping his tongue in as far as it would go while probing carefully with his middle finger.

"Oh Harry, you can be a little more forceful than that, lick my nub while fingering me, oh yeah! Yeah! Oh Fuck yeah!"

She bent backwards as he found the perfect combination of tongue and fingers to push her over the edge.

"Stop! Give me just a minute, Harry - that was intense!"

He nuzzled her sex while murmuring, "Love you, love you, love you."

"Oh sweet Goddess I love you!" Myrtle panted. She drew him up so that the helmeted head of his cock was just at the entrance of her dripping wet pussy.

"I've seen this done well and I've seen it done terribly." Myrtle panted, more than eager to get him inside her. "If you push just the head in, that's it, just like that, you're stretching my membrane so that any quick movement, by either of us, will break it. You could let me decide or you could move in and out slightly to try to ease your way in. Just keeping yourself on the brink like this may even be enough to remove the barrier."

"Myrtle, luv, what do /you/want me to do?"

She smirked and pushed against him so that his throbbing member sank halfway into her warm, wet tightness.

"Goddess I'm glad to be rid of that!" she cried. "Now hold still for a few moments, wait for me to start moving before you do, okay?"

"Whatever you say, luv, you're in charge here."

Myrtle smirked and said, "And don't you forget it!"

"I'm lucky," she continued, "that was pretty easy, just a little sting is all. I've seen some girls shriek because the boy just plowed into her. You'll never be that insensitive." She rocked her hips experimentally, "Oh that's good, okay Harry, start pushing in. Remember to always go slow at first, but once I get used to your length and thickness, I'll tell you to speed up. Let me set the pace."

He pulled out and pushed in a few times getting Myrtle used to him then started pumping faster at her urging.

"Oh GAWDESS/, Harry, you're inside me, you're /FUCKING meeeee! Fuck oh/! Fuck oh, fuck oh fuck oh fuck, fuck, FUCK - /fuuuuuck /meeeeee/!"

Soon the slap, slap, slapping of flesh on flesh echoed in the small dorm room. Myrtle and Harry began to glow with shared perspiration and magic.

"Come for me Harry, cum inside me, baby!"

Harry growled, then groaned then grunted as he emptied himself into her tight hot sex.

Even after he was spent he continued to pound into Myrtle until she screeched her own release. Then they both pushed their co-joined bits together, trying to get as close as humanly possible.

They lay, pressed together for several minutes while they came down from their peak.

Harry started to pull away when Myrtle told him, "No, stay. Always stay. If I let you know that I want to move then its okay, otherwise stay with me. Let me know I'm the most important thing in the world at this moment - make me feel special."

Harry put his weight on his elbows and stroked her sweat-soaked hair. "You are y'know? You are the most important, the most special person in the world to me."

Myrtle pulled Harry back on top of her and held him fiercely, "You won't need too much coaching, love, you seem to understand the most important things already."

"I love you, Myrtle Malone."

"I love you, Harry Potter."

They cuddled for the better part of an hour, Myrtle answered questions as he thought of them. She also taught him a good wandless cleaning spell as well at the all-important contraceptive spell.

"We'd better get dressed now."She said at last, and borrowed some clothing from Hermione.

As they dressed unhurriedly Myrtle said "You need to speak with the Grey Lady before you see Hermione."

"Why is that?"

"She has some things to share with you concerning Salazar Slytherin."

Harry frowned, "Why would I want to know anything about /him/?"

"Trust me, young lord, you'll want to know."

Harry was startled to hear the voice of the Grey Lady just behind him.
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