Categories > Books > Harry Potter > If Wishes Were Hippogriffs

Half in Shadow and Half in Light

by PerfesserN

Padma takes Harry's mind off his studies. Voldemort targets some muggle families. Minerva gets a double dose of Harry, Hannah has a very good day.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Harry,Padma,Professor McGonagall - Warnings: [!] [X] [?] - Published: 2008-09-20 - Updated: 2008-09-20 - 4963 words - Complete

Chapter 16 – Half in Shadow and Half in Light

Dinner had been a sedate affair, Harry spent most of the time either answering Minerva’s NEWT level questions or referring to one of many books stacked on the table near his plate. He did compliment Dobby on the excellent steak and kidney pie, which sent the house elf into paroxysms of gratitude. He was so focused he hardly spoke to Padma or Glynda or Luna, who watched Harry’s every move during dinner as if she were trying to memorize every aspect of her warlock. If Harry had been in a state to notice he’d have been unnerved by the attention he was receiving from all the witches, including his favorite professor.

Minerva broke into his studies, “Harry?”


“I said you’ve been studying too hard today, you need to relax for at least an hour before your head explodes.”

“Um-hum, okay,” he mumbled, then chose one large tome from the pile. “I’ll just take this into the other room and skim over it. . .”

Minerva sighed and looked at Padma, who smirked and said “Leave him to me.”

Harry sat at one edge of the “Big Comfy Couch” with two transfiguration texts on the end table when a shadow fell over him, blocking his reading light. He looked up to complain, and then stopped, completely gobsmacked.

Padma, wearing nothing, save her gold body jewelry leaned down to kiss Harry before slinking around to recline on the other end of the couch, one foot up on the cushion, the other down on the floor. “Mujhe tumse dil se pyar hai”

Harry took a deep breath, let it out slowly and smiled, “I love you too, let me show you how much.”

He waded through the soft cushions to hover on all fours above his Indian goddess, touched his forehead to hers and said, “Dil kee gaharaeon se.”

Padma shook with emotion as she repeated, in English, “From the bottom of my heart.”

They kissed.

Such an inadequate and mundane phrase for such a profound act of spiritually sensual love.

They kissed. And in that kiss they poured their souls into each other.

Harry trailed tender touches with his lips and fingers and tongue along the edge of her jaw, down her long neck to the valley between her beautiful coffee colored breasts.

He worshiped Padma’s dark, reddish brown areolas, laving the small pierced nipples with his tongue until they stood firm, two perfectly formed cylinders adorned by golden chains. She gasped as Harry manipulated her nipples with the tip of his tongue.

Padma became so stimulated that her whole body was one writhing erogenous zone, Harry could have caressed her heel and she would have come – noisily!

“My lord,” she gasped, “please!”

“Uh-uh, my Lady Padma, I made a promise.

Padma’s eyes rolled up into her head as Harry trailed kisses and caressed down to her hairless sex.

Harry, by this time, had enjoyed a fairly good sampling of the wonderful female flower and he marveled at the smooth, dark skin of Padma’s pudendum.

“So smooth,” he purred, placing little kisses all around her flowing quim, each kiss eliciting a “mini-gasm” that made the Indian girl’s breath hitch.

Padma’s legs were spayed wide, one foot still up on the couch, the other still on the floor, so Harry took a moment to admire his lady witch, closely.

The bottom of her slit was a teardrop-shaped opening, a classic “splitter” caused by her extreme state of arousal. Her cuntal juices flowed, making the whole of her sex glisten with anticipation.

Harry placed the tip of his tongue in the center of Padma’s split, then licked upwards to capture her engorged clit.

“Harrrrrryyyyyyyy!” Padma shrieked.

Harry grinned; he loved making this exotically beautiful witch come.

And he hadn’t even begun to use parselmagic . . . yet!


Glynda, “the good witch” of Slytherin – she still didn’t quite get the reference, having never read L. Frank Baum - was settling down, gingerly, in that wonderful muggle innovation, the hot tub. She hadn’t required the intimate curative spell that Luna had, but her beloved warlock had been . . . inspired . . . by their sexual energy and enthusiasm and may have ruined her for the next few days.

“Thank Hecate we’re on a seven-day rotation. Please understand, Harry, I love you, now more than ever, but you just can’t understand what a weapon you’re wielding there!”

Luna, who was currently impaled on said “weapon,” purred, “oh yes, we’re being assaulted by a yummy object!”

Padma luxuriated in post coital bliss resultant from, Durga bless her, seven or eight mind blowing full-on orgasms. Harry had promised to make her scream and she had – she’d screamed herself hoarse.

Glynda watched in morbid fascination, and more than a little envy, as the blonde Ravenclaw began to bounce with indefatigable delight in Harry’s lap. She could almost hear her taught little baps “twanging” with every bounce.

“Go easy, sweetie, don’t hurt yourself again.”

“Uh! Doesn’t uh! Hurt uh! At all uh! Vagina uh! Curatia uh! Uh-uh-ah-ah-aaaaaaahhhhh! Goooooood!”

Padma spoke through half-lidded eyes, “What our coven sister is telling us, amazingly eloquently, I must say, is that the Vagina curatia sum charm has left her perfectly suited for our lord’s largess.”

“Largess or largeness?” Glynda chided.

“Both,” Padma sighed, “as he’s generously endowed and not stingy with it!”

Luna, who had her arms and legs wrapped around Harry raised her head just long enough to say, “What she said!”

Glynda and Padma shared a look, nodded and moved around the large wooden tub so that they flanked their warlock. Padma placed his right hand on her vulva as Glynda did the same with his left.

Harry knew that if he died at that moment he would be content, what adolescent had ever enjoyed the feel of three deliciously eager feminine flowers, one in each hand and one surrounding his cock all at the same time? He repeated the charm and was pleasantly surprised as all three girls moaned in pleasure.

Oh aye - it’s good to be the warlock.


The tiny silver bell chimed and Minerva entered the bathroom smiling.

“I had planned a transfiguration practical for this evening, but since you’ve apparently transfigured a wooden bucket into this marvelous tub. . .” She placed her hand in the water, “. . . and charmed it to warm and circulate, then there’s just one thing left for me to do.”

Saying this she loosened her robe and let it fall off her shoulders proving that she had, indeed, been naked beneath. She groaned in pleasure as she stepped into the soothing water. “Darling, we’re going to need a bigger tub!”

Harry, yet again enjoying the delightfully bouncing Luna in his lap could only grin and nod in agreement.


Severus Snape fell to his knees to kiss the hem of the Dark Lord’s robe, “Master, wizards from the Ministry of Magic will be here shortly to take possession of Malfoy Manor; we must withdraw to one of the other properties.”

Voldemort’s red eyes narrowed, “A pity we couldn’t have seen Lucius one more time before his execution, I would have gladly saved the Wizengamot the trouble.”

Snape remained silent, awaiting instructions.

“LeStrange! To me!”

Bellatrix, Rudolphus, and Rabastian fell over themselves in their haste to debase themselves at Voldemort’s feet.

“I have been deprived of four of my inner circle, go through the Hogwarts’ class list, and choose four mudblood families. Kill them all.”

Rabastian smiled, “Kill four mudbloods, yes, milord, thank you!”

Voldemort shook his head, “Not four mudbloods, LeStrange, four mudblood families, of every generation. Leave none alive!”

Bellatrix lifted her face to her master’s, “What of the students themselves, milord? How can we kill them if they’re at Hogwarts?”

The Dark Lord looked at Snape, and said, “Severus will place a time-delayed portkey on the four mudbloods so that they will be transported to Little Hangleton.”

Snape went white as he thought, ‘has the Dark Lord discovered my plan or is this just a monstrous coincidence?’

For at that moment the widow Malfoy was in her room, pinning her mourning cloak into place with a broach that was, in fact, a time-delayed portkey.

Severus regained his composure and reigned in his emotions, lest he inadvertently broadcast his true intentions. He was a master legilimens and occlumens, after all – he would survive this, this latest atrocity as he had all the others.

But at what cost?

At what point does the role a man is forced to play become the actual man? If he remained with the Death Eaters through this slaughter what further good could he do? What could possibly offset the weight upon his soul?

Severus Snape could almost hear the soothing voice of the Headmaster assuring him that it was all for the “greater good.”

Dumbledore wanted to maintain the status quo, with the most magically gifted in charge.

The Dark Lord wanted to bring the wizarding world into a position of strength – for the betterment of wizard kind.

Both men, both charismatic leaders, both completely convinced that theirs was the way – the only way – to oversee the magical world.

Like the Crusaders and the Jihadists, both sides were convinced that God, Heaven, the powers that be for “the greater good” was on their side.

Something crystallized in Severus Snape at that moment. A tiny seed of resolve. He would find another way – or die in the attempt.

“Milord,” he said, amazed at his own calm, “I beg your leave to go to the castle so that I may do your bidding.”

Voldemort nodded and Snape withdrew.

“Diminishing returns.”

Bellatrix looked up at her lord and master, puzzled. “Milord?”

“I believe our potions master may have become more trouble than he’s worth. Pity, he’s been so reliable. But lately I find myself wondering if he ever really was.”


Narcissa Malfoy, cloaked in black and veiled, listened from the landing at the top of the stair; she’d have to warn Severus. She’d felt disoriented since the death of her useless husband – while he’d been alive her life had focus. Now that her husband was dead, her focus shifted.


Draco, watching from the kitchen was dressed in a plain grey robe, it may have been black at some time in the distant past – it didn’t matter - it was an improvement on the rags he’d been forced to wear up to this point. This was an old trick, even in Merlin’s day. Take everything away from the new recruits, then give them any consideration, food, clothing, permission to sit on the furniture, and the erks will fall over themselves in gratitude – subservient.

The Death Eaters hadn’t counted on Draco’s fierce sense of self worth. He wore the dingy old robe in such a way that it became a fashion statement. Bearing and deportment – class will tell. He didn’t trust Snape, or the Dark Lord or any of the Death Eaters. The only person he felt he could trust was his mother. He didn’t mind that she seemed to hover near him, he was glad of the company.

Snape, in a rare moment of selflessness, had told Draco that he needed to keep close to his mother, to protect her. Narcissa had been given instructions to stay close to her son and, when the broach began to vibrate, make sure to immediately grab him and hold him tight.


Nathan Edwards, ministry auditor, carried The Heraldic Staff, about as long as his forearm and topped off with a brass sphere and two outstretched wings. In ancient times the man who carried the Staff was given safe passage through battle lines and unfettered access to the leaders of any struggle. The bearer of the Heraldic Staff was, and is, in fact, invulnerable to any form of attack, magical or mundane.

On this day Nathan bore the ancient artifact as protection from the many curses and enchantments within the Malfoy properties. The last two auditors who’d entered the old Malfoy Estate had not fared so well. Neither had carried any protection save for their wands. One fell dead in the foyer, his bones liquefied; the other had run from the house laughing hysterically. He’d died laughing.

Nathan passed through the cursed foyer and felt only a slight vibration as the staff absorbed an unknown but undoubtedly deadly curse. He carefully inspected each room using his free hand to take magic photos of the rooms and their contents for the purpose of his audit.

As he approached a glass display case the brass ball began to glow with a piercing, penetrating light. Every object in the case glowed with a sickly yellow-green fluorescence. A beam of light, avada kedavra green, shot out at the spot it perceived the auditor to be – that was the staff’s protection from the unforgivables, it made the curse think he was an arm’s length to the right of wherever he actually was.

Nathan continued to catalog the contents of each room until he was finally left with only the dungeons. Climbing down the long stair along one wall he was amazed at the scale of the subterranean structure – it was as though the former master of the house spent more time in his dungeon than in any other part of the manor. There was a large ostentatiously furnished room with dark paneling lavishly accessorized. A great dining table set in the center of the masculine room with decanters of Port and Brandy and boxes of fine cigars. This genteel setting was offset by chains and shackles hanging from one blood-stained wall.

It was too easy to picture Lucius and his guests relaxing after dinner while a guest? Prisoner? Victim? was tortured for entertainment. Indeed, it was the first and only dining room Auditor Edwards had seen with sloping tile and a large drain in the floor.

One room was only revealed when the Heraldic Staff began to vibrate as the auditor passed a seemingly blank stretch of bare rock wall. The potent “notice-me-not” charm evaporated under the magical artifact’s power. Nathan found himself on one side of a heavy door with a small window set in the center. He exchanged the camera for his wand and cast a lumos.

The chamber contained two large, rune covered sarcophagi. As he entered the room the brass wings attached to the ball shuddered, indicating that something – or someone - was alive in each casket. The fluttering wings signified that what ever was in there was neither dangerous nor at risk, but the haft of the staff buzzed warningly; there were frightful curses primed and ready to strike anyone who attempted to open either sarcophagus.

This would require help from the Department of Mysteries.

Nathan dutifully photographed everything in the room, the shelves of potions on one side of the room, the arcane markings on the walls, ceiling and floor, even the dead vermin in the corners, before moving on.


Day one-alpha, turned time.

The pre-dawn hours found a restless Harry and Minerva sitting on the soft-cushioned couch in the quarters that had been set aside for married students near the kitchens. The house elves, Dobby in particular, had been ecstatic to learn that Harry and his witches would need special quarters, three sets of them and that the various “Harry’s” would need feeding not three, but nine times a day.

The Deputy Headmistress was trying to convince Harry that “terrible things” happened to wizards who meddled in time.

“But, if my time-turned self knows that there’s another me, how is that a problem?”

“What if you were to kill your other self?”

“Why would I do that?”

“I mean accidentally.”

“I’m here, Minnie, so I must have not killed my previous self from yesterday.”

“Ach, Harry, what about tomorrow?”

Harry shrugged, “I’d be interested to talk to my future self.”

“That’s the one thing you canna’ do! If you talk to your future self it can affect your actions today so that your future self doesn’t exist – and then you won’t exist.”

Harry spoke from the door of the apartment, “I love you, Professor McGonagall, but you sometimes worry about the silliest things.”

Harry on the couch grinned lopsidedly, “I knew you’d show up.”

The other Harry, future Harry, shrugged, “I knew exactly when I had to be here. Gotta be careful not to upset the time line and all.”

“Harry, Harry, what are you doing?” Minerva asked, looking at each Harry in turn, nervously.

The redhead found herself flanked on the couch by the two Harrys.

Present Harry stroked her chin as future Harry began to nuzzle her neck, “C’mon, Luv, don’t tell me you’re not intrigued by the possibilities.”

Future Harry grinned and said, exactly as Minerva said, “I never. . .”

The two Harrys looked at each other, future Harry smiled and nodded as he brought his hands around to unbutton Minerva’s blouse from behind. She leaned into future Harry as her other Harry placed his deliciously warm hands on her thighs. Present Harry pushed her close-fitted black skirt up exposing the soft lacy knickers beneath.

Minerva twisted around to kiss Harry, and then obligingly lifted her bum so that Harry could pull her pants down and off.

While Harry kneaded her sensitive breasts and kissed her with his whole being, Harry trailed kisses up her thighs until he’d reached her freshly shaved sex, fragrant and gleaming with moisture.

As Harry kneaded Minerva’s breasts, Harry gently massaged the Bartholin’s glands on either side of her puffy sex, making her even wetter. He carefully positioned his hands so they were back to back, the pads of his fingers facing away from each other, and then slipped his index fingers inside her, gently probing, feeling for the right spot on her sensitive, spongy walls and waiting for Minerva to make the keening sound that told him she was close. She broke the kiss, gasping for air as her whole body vibrated from the stimuli – at that moment present Harry surrounded her clitoris with his lips and tongue and “buzzzzzzed.”

Minerva screamed, arched her back, and squirted into Harry’s open mouth.

“Hmmmmmm, Harry,” Harry said, smacking his lips, “you’ve gotta try this!”

Harry, who was still holding the squirming, panting Minerva grinned and said, “I did, just now!”

Present Harry asked, “What now?”

Future Harry whispered into Minerva’s ear, “are you ready for that sandwich, Luv?”

Minerva groaned, beyond speech as future Harry cast “Anus curatia sum.” He tested her readiness with one finger, eliciting a squeak, followed by a long moan, before adding another digit.

Minerva reached behind herself and tugged at Harry’s trousers, “Off. Trousers. Now!” Then looked at Harry coming up from between her legs. “You too!”

A quick displacement spell transported two pairs of trousers and one skirt to the back of the couch and left all three lovers naked from the waist down.

Minerva placed one foot each on future Harry’s knees and lifted her bum so that he could line his rampant cock up with her charmed ass. He eased the mushroom-shaped head of his gland into and just past her sphincter muscle and groaned at her warmth and tightness as he “popped” in. She slid down on him, slowly at first, then more forcefully until he bottomed out in her bowels.

She looked up at present Harry and grunted, “Well?”

The Harry in front of her lined up his equally firm todger with her more than ready quim and slid in with one smooth stroke. Minerva groaned and winced, giggled and moaned, “So full, I’m so full!” He could feel the other Harry’s cock through the stretched layers of smooth muscle tissue between Minerva’s front and back passages.

Future Harry said, “Go slow and deep, we need to get a rhythm going.”

Present Harry nodded and began the long, slow strokes that Minerva loved.

Anal Harry began a counter stroke so that when cuntal Harry was pulling out he was pushing in, and vice versa.

Push, pull, stroke in, stroke out – a little faster now, in, out, in, out. Feel Minerva begin to squirm again, keep it up, push, pull, slow and long, nice and deep - oh yeah.

Professor McGonagall, for her part, was nearly lost in the sensations of a proper double penetration, but then began to panic, what if this was all he thought she was good for, what if. . .

Both Harry’s stopped.

Top Harry asked, “Are you alright with this, Minerva – is it all too much too soon?”

He had seen or sensed her worry, and, oddly enough, that was what made everything right. He was more concerned about her – her sense of self-worth - than his own pleasure.

She smiled and said, “Less talk, more fuck!” Then urged her two Harrys to keep going faster and faster until the threesome was, in fact, a groaning, grinding, squirming well oiled fucking machine.

Minerva’s last coherent thought as she gave herself completely over to her pleasure was “I wonder what three Harrys could do?


Twenty minutes later the pile of six arms and legs began to recover from post coital bliss – squared and cubed. Future Harry gently disengaged himself from the people pile. He kissed Minerva and ran his fingers through Harry’s hair, then faded out as Helena entered the room with breakfast.

The Grey Lady looked at the naked, flushed, barely coherent Professor McGonagall – her flaming-red hair darkened and limp, dampened as it was with the layer of sweat covering her from head to toe - and smiled.

“I hope you’ve left some for me, Headmistress.”

Minerva grinned and said, hoarsely, “Not to worry Lady Helena, there’s plenty of Harry to go around, believe me.”

Helena poured out tea for four, “You should want to bathe, I think. Odd thing, bathing. I’ve had more baths in the three days that I’ve rejoined the living than I would have had in a month in the eleventh century.”

Harry lifted the unresisting Minerva and padded off to the bathroom where a large wooden tub, twice the size of the one he’d conjured in Helena’s apartment, waited. He eased himself and Minerva into the warm water and cuddled her into his chest.

“That looks so sweet.”

Harry turned to see Hannah Abbot framed by the open door. She wore the acromantula silk “shortie” that had become the uniform of the coven when they were in their quarters. Her blush was legendary, Hannah, a strawberry blonde, had fair skin that would redden at the slightest provocation and at this moment she looked as though she’d spent too much time in the sun.

Minerva purred, “Care to join us?”

Hannah nodded. Then shyly lifted the hem of her short gown up over her head.

“Nice curves, eh, Harry?”

Harry could only gulp and nod.

Hannah’s breasts were almost perfect hemispheres, white as alabaster with reddish pink areola – which was part of her delightful blush. Her strawberry blonde hair was natural; no question about that, her carpet definitely matched her curtains.

Harry stood in the waist deep wooden tub and offered a hand to help steady Hannah as she gingerly stepped into the warm, circulating water.

She stumbled a bit getting in so that Harry had to steady her by pulling her into a tight embrace. Hannah looked up into those emerald eyes and shuddered.

“I can’t believe I’m actually with you, Harry.” She said, her lower lip quivering, “I keep thinking I’ll wake up and this will all have been a dream.”

Harry kissed her, tenderly, and said, “Then it’s a good dream.”

Hannah felt Harry’s fleshy knob hard against her stomach. Looking down she asked, “it that because of me?”

Minerva smiled and said, “Trust me, dear, it’s because of you. I was sitting on his lap when you came in and I felt him notice you straight away!”

Hannah looked up again and kissed Harry, but passionately this time, pouring all her love and trust and need for him into that one, deep, soulful kiss.

Harry felt Minerva meld herself to his back as Hannah hugged him tightly to her delightful chest.

“Harry,” Minerva whispered, “try the vagina curatia charm on her before you take her, I think it will help.”

“If you think so, Luv, I believe it. Your guesses are better than most people’s givens.”

Minerva blushed as the praise and helped Harry guide Hannah onto the submerged bench. Minerva sat first, pulling Hannah’s back to her to be her cushion as Harry trailed kisses down her chest and onto her magnificent boobs.

He kissed one, then the other. They were all delighted to discover that Hannah could experience “tit-gasms,” tiny little climaxes as Harry kissed and sucked her erect nipples. She especially liked when he would roll one nipple between his thumb and forefinger wile sucking on the other, manipulating the pebbled peak with his lips and tongue.

He was bringing her joy in just this way when he reached down with his free hand to cup her sex and intoned, “Vagina curatia sum!”

Hannah’s mouth formed a perfect little “O”. She grabbed Harry’s face in both her hands, kissed him hard and said, “Now, godsdamnit, right now!”

Harry didn’t need to ask, he lined up his rigid member with her eager entrance and slid in, slowly at first, a little in, a little out then deeper and deeper until he realized he was balls deep inside her and she was fine with it, more than fine, she was throwing her pussy hard against him trying to get him to fuck harder, faster, deeper.

Harry placed her knees on his shoulders and began to saw into and out of her tight orifice with harder and yes, deeper strokes. Meanwhile, Minerva supported Hannah’s head and shoulders out of the churning water by wrapping her arms around her and played with those wonderfully sensitive mounds.

Later, when she was asked, she just shrugged and said, “Oh aye, they were right there and aren’t they magnificent?”

Helena stepped into the room to see Harry roughly pounding into Hannah, growling as the young girl shrieked. At first the former ghost thought Harry was abusing the poor girl but then recognized the throes of passion as Harry and Hannah both climaxed, rather loudly, splashing water out of the tub over everything in the bathroom.

Hannah let her legs fall off Harry’s shoulders, then wrapped them around his waist to pull him into yet another searing kiss, propped up by Minerva who looked satisfied that her lord and favorite student had been satisfied.

As they finally broke the kiss Harry saw Helena and asked, “Time for breakfast, milady?”

Helena barely resisted the impulse to fan herself, was it suddenly very hot in here?

“At your pleasure, Milord Harry.”

“Um, ten minutes then?”

Helena curtsied, and said, “Of course, Harry.”

Harry knew it would be very rude to just pull out of Hannah and trot off to breakfast so he sat with her, still on his lap, still surrounding his softening but still firm cock as she came down from her pinnacle. Minerva stroked her back as Harry held Hannah close, murmuring how good she was and how much he loved her.

“I guess I should get off now, Harry.” She said, a bit of disappointment evident in her voice.

“Stay as long as you want, Hannah, I love the feel of you all around me like this.”

“If I stayed as long as I’d like we’d never get out of this tub, milord.” She grinned.

“Just a bit longer then,” he said, and kissed her.

It was a very clean and refreshed Harry, Minerva and Hannah who joined the Lady Helena for breakfast. They were dressed in school clothes and robes. Harry would wager that neither girl had bothered putting on knickers. He’d long since forgone boxers. Why impose yet another barrier to the delights of the flesh?

“So, Headmistress,” Helena asked, “is our lord always so, ah, vigorous in his ministrations?”

“Only if that is what the lady prefers,” Minerva answered between mouthfuls – she seemed to be inordinately hungry this morning, and then remembered, oh yeah, two Harrys early this morning. No wonder she was hungry.

“I think he somehow gets into our heads and just feels how we want him and he does what ever he can to accommodate us.” Through half-lidded eyes Minerva said, “He knows more about us than we do!”

Hannah smiled, swallowed a bite of scone and said, “What she said!”

“I wonder if it works both ways,” Minerva mused, “can we somehow feel what Harry needs and try to meet that need?”

“I am sitting right here, ladies.”

Hannah kissed his left cheek as Minerva kissed his right and said, “Of course, dear. Have some more breakfast; you need to keep your strength up.”


Author’s Note: So, any guesses as to what’s in the sarcophagi? For a hint go to the Yahoo Group “3 or 4 Part Harmony” and read the messages, you could also find “Meet the Blacks – Again” by BrianJ, who, I believe, was the first to put this particular plot device into a story.

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