Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Son of the Serpents

Chapter 9: Beginning Hogwarts

by selenepotter

the Rattler starts at Hogwarts, Why Slytherins turn Dark.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Crossover,Erotica,Humor - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Quirinus Quirrell,Snape - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] [R] [?] [Y] - Published: 2008-12-13 - Updated: 2008-12-13 - 3463 words

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
The Serpent Society is owned by Marvel Comics.

Back at the hotel, after shopping, the Serpent Society made plans. Seeing how much gold was in Harry’s vault, they knew that Gringot’s had to be full of gold! If they used purely muggle means to get it, they could loot the entire bank and get away scott-free. This would be the Rattler’s first heist. This plan was simple, since the Rattler had been there before, He could teleport himself and Sidewinder inside. Once Sidewinder had the co-ordinates, he could carry the rest of the Serpent Society in.

The Rattler took Sidewinder’s hand and tried to teleport to his vault, deep inside Gringot’s.


Nothing happened.

Try your Shadow Cloak, suggested the Asp.

The Rattler willed the Shadow Cloak to envelope himself and Sidewinder. They stepped out of the cloak deep in the depths of Gringots, next to Harry’s vault. Sidewinder activated the circuits of his teleportation cloak and teleported away. While he was alone, Harry decided to try using his Shadow Cloak to get into the vault next his.


A bell began ringing, some sort of goblin alarm system. Worst than that, the Shadow Cloak had failed to respond to his thought when he tried to enter the vault! He tried to use the Shadow Cloak to return to the hotel. Nothing happened! Harry heard the clanking sound of a heavily armed and armored groups of goblins in the distance, charging down the tunnels. Harry reach into his Shadow Cloak for a weapon. Nothing happened!

Chapter 9: Beginning Hogwarts

The Rattler made a run for it, fleeing away from the clanking sound of the armored goblins. He felt sure he could take on a large number of them, but he didn’t want to be seen and reported on my any survivors. He raced down the tunnels coming upon intersection after intersection. The Rattler wasn’t paying much attention when at a 4-way intersection of the tunnels he ran into someone who had been running down the other tunnel. The two of them topple over in a heap, but the Rattler kept rolling and ended on his feet. He looked down at who he’d run into.

“Professor Quirrel!” exclaimed the Rattler, before wincing. Running in the tunnels had given him a headache. “I won’t tell if you don’t.”

“D-d-d-d-deal!” replied Quirrel, before hopping up and running down a tunnel.

The Rattler picked a different tunnel, the only one neither of them had come from to gone to, and ran. He’d only gone a few hundred few when he found himself dodging a jet of flame, coming out of the nose of the biggest lizard he’d ever seen!
The Rattler turned his dodge into a roll that ended with him on his feet. He ran the other direction until he came upon a side tunnel and took that one.

The Rattler started making only right turns as he came upon side tunnels, hoping he’d be able to retrace his steps if he needed to.

He turned a corner to find himself back where he’d started. Cobra and Sidewinder were waiting for him and the Goblins were just charging into view.

“There you are!” said Sidewinder.

“I think the three of us can take them,” said the Rattler, as he assessed the Goblins, clad in armor and wielding short swords. He recognized that even with their short blades, they were packed in too closely to use them effectively.

“Oh no you don’t!” scolded Sidewinder as he grabbed the Rattler. “I’m Scrubbing this Heist!

Cobra, stay here, I’ll be right back for you.

As Sidewinder teleported them away the Rattler saw the Cobra slip past the lead Goblin, and behind him, put him in a full-nelson, kick the two goblins behind him, twist the goblin around so that the Cobra could use him as a living shield, then bend the goblin’s head forward so he could shoot tranquilizer darts from his wrist launchers at the two goblins on either side of him.

9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾ 9 ¾

The Rattler had been disappointed that his first heist had been aborted so quickly. Sidewinder promised him that they would make another try at a later date.

He’d found his way to platform 9 ¾ and quickly found himself sharing his carriage with Ron Weasley. Ron was about to demonstrate the spell that would turn his rat yellow when the door was opened by a bushy haired girl.

“Excuse me, has anyone seen a t-“ The girl stopped in her tracks when she saw the Rattler in his costume, absentmindedly flicking his tail around. “Who do you think you are? A Superhero?”

“This is Harry Potter!” supplied Ron.

“Are you really?” asked Hermione.

“Actually I prefer to be called the Rattler. My Mom’s Diamondback, of the Serpent Society.”

“I thought you parents were dead?” asked Ron.

“Foster Mom, then,” said the Rattler. “She’s the only mom I’ve ever known. So, no, I’m not trying to be a Superhero, I’m trying to be a supervillain.”

“Aren’t you afraid you get beaten up by a hero and sent to prison?” asked Hermione.

“Already did,” replied the Rattler, glibly. “Captain America caught me and Cobra. Broke my neck too. I had to stay in Juvie at the Vault until I broke out.”

“You fought Captain America!” squealed Hermione, as her eyes lit up.

Rattler didn’t like the fan-girl look of admiration on her face, so he tried to distract her.

“Weren‘t you going to show me a spell?” the Rattler asked Ron.

“Oh yeah!” said Ron, before demonstrating the spell his brothers had shown him. “Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, Turn this stupid, fat, rat yellow.”
He waved his wand, but nothing happened. Scabbers stayed grey and fast asleep.

“Are you sure that’s a real spell?” (quote from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone) asked Hermione.

“~I sssmellsss a ratsssesss! ~” hissed the Rattler’s Cobra as it stuck its’ head down from the luggage rack above.

“A Snake!” Shrieked Hermione.

“It’s okay, he’s mine,” explained the Rattler. “He smells your rat. You wouldn’t be willing to sell him would you?”

“Sure,” said Ron. “He’s pretty useless. All he does is sleep, anyway. How much are you willing to give?”

“A galleon?” offered the Rattler.

“Done,” said Ron as he handed over his sleeping rat and held out his hand for the coin.

The Rattler handed Ron the galleon coin then, stood so he could face his familiar. “~Here you go, Sssutek, ~” hissed the Rattler, as he picked the rat up by its’ tail and offered it to his cobra.

Suddenly, the rat began morphing! As the tail grew shorter, the Rattler shifted his grip to the creature’s back leg. In the blink of an eye, the Rattler found himself holding the leg of a middle-aged man. Due to the difference in their heights, the man’s top half was on the floor. The Rattler was only tall enough to suspend the bottom half of the man in the air.

“Harry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to betray you parents! Please don’t feed me to that snake!” pleaded ‘Scabbers’.

“Who the hell are you!” demanded the Rattler, as his tail started vibrating, threateningly.

“It’s me! Your Uncle Peter! Please don’t kill me!” begged Petegrew.

“We’re RELATED!” shrieked the Rattler as he gave the middle-aged man a quick, one-handed toss into the air so he could grab him by the neck, and not the leg. Why did you leave me with those awful people?”

“I had to hide!” whined Peter, “If anyone found out I was the Secret Keeper instead of Sirius, I would had been sent o Azkaban!”

“AND WHAT DO YOU THINK I’M GOING TO DO WITH YOU?” yelled the Rattler, as he tail vibrated furiously.

The animagis tried to escape by shifting form.

“STOP! STOP CHANGING, DAMMIT!” yelled the Rattler before quickly pressing his hands together.

The pressure on Peter’s neck, broke the front half of the second bone in his neck, the axis, off in a classic ‘hangman’s fracture’, and just like in a hanging, the Rattler and squeezed his neck with more pressure than Peter’s weight. The cervical bone fragment went shooting up into his skull and into his brain, killing Peter Petegrew instantly, stuck in mid-transformation.

“You . . . .You killed him!” gasped Hermione, as the Rattler let the body fall limply to the floor.

The Rattler turned to glare at her, his tail still vibrating furiously.

There was a distinctive ammonia smell of Hemione wetting herself as she slowly backed out of the cabin and shut the door before running away.

“Bloody Hell! I can’t believe I let that thing sleep in my bed!” said Ron.

The Rattler’s anger was broken as the implications of this sunk in and he abruptly stopped rattling his tail.

“Eeeewwwwww! That’s gross!” said the Rattler, as both boys shuddered.


During the rest of the train ride, Ron filled the Rattler in on the Houses . . . About how Slytherin was the house for Pure-Blooded bigots and Gryfindor was the best house. So Harry knew, that no matter what happened, he wouldn’t want to end up in Slytherin.

But when he entered the Great hall and saw the banners with griffins, eagles, badgers and snakes, he knew he wanted to be in whatever house used the snake symbols.

The Sorting went pretty normally until Professor McGonagall called out:

“Potter, Harry!”

“I prefer to be called the Rattler,” said Harry as he walked up to the stool with the Sorting Hat. He was wearing his Rattler costume under his school robes and had his Shadow Cloak over them, covering his back. He sat on the stool as she covered his head with the Sorting Hat.

“Hmmmm interesting, I don’t believe I’ve ever sorted a Supervillain before. You’re certainly got your share of ambition” Said the Hat.

(Not Slytherin! Not Slytherin!) thought Harry

“Not Slytherin, eh?” said the hat. “You’d do well in Slytherin . . .”

(I want to be in the house with the snakes!) thought Harry.

“Very well, have it your way, SLYTHERIN!” proclaimed the hat.

“YOU STUPID HAT!” yelled Harry as he ripped the Sorting Hat in half!

The entire room gasped! Everyone was too shocked at seeing him destroy a priceless artifact of the Founders to stop him from putting the two halves together and ripping them again, in fourths!

“Mister Potter! Stop that this instant!” demanded Professor McGonagall, as Harry put the four pieces together and ripped them up again.

Harry put those pieces together and was ripping them again when he caught a sudden movement in his peripheral vision of Professor Snape leaping to his feet with his wand pointed at Harry. Harry dropped the pieces and leaped for a chandelier, just in time to avoid being hit by Snape’s silent cutting curse, as he reached into his Shadow Cloak and pulled out one of the Punisher’s .38 revolvers. Aiming for the ‘Sniper’s Triangle’, the area between the shoulders and the navel, Harry emptied the gun into Snape as he leaped up for the chandelier.


When all six chambers failed to fire, Harry threw the pistol at Snape, as soon as he’d grabbed the chandelier. It nailed Snape in the forehead, knocking him unconscious!

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” yelled Dumbledore as he rose to his feet. “Mister Potter, Come back down here! We’ll discuss this in my office.
As for the rest of the first years, we’ll have to temporarily sort you until we can come up with a way to properly sort you. Those of you who know what House your parents were in, raise your hands.
You may go to one of the Houses that you parents were in.
Now the rest of you, count off numbers from one to four.
Now 1’s go to Gryfindor, 2’s to Hufflepuff, 3’s to Ravenclaw and 4’s to Slytherin.
These are you temporary House assignments, you will be re-sorted, possibly into a different House as soon as we figure out how to do so.
Mister Potter, Minerva, come with me to my office!”

Harry hopped down from the chandelier and followed the two professors out of the Great Hall, returning the Hobgoblin’s pumpkin bomb to his Shadow Cloak that he’s been prepared to throw next . The older students had put of the fires during Dumbledore’s speech, that had started when Harry had knocked candles down onto the Hufflepuffs below.


“Sherbert, Lemon?”


“Now, Harry-“


“Harry, I heard what you did to Mister Malfoy,” continued Dumbledore. “You can’t just go around killing people. I find it hard to believe that things are much different from this in the muggle world.”

“They’re not,” replied Harry as he helped himself to another Lemon drop. “But I don’t give poop. The guy with the greasy hair attacked me first.”

“That’s Professor Snape, your new Head of House,” chimed in Professor McGonagall.

“Yeah, well he’s not very good in a fight,” replied Harry. “You’d think he’d at least try to duck.”

“Harry, the sorting hat you destroyed was a priceless artifact of the Founders that has been used to sort students for a thousand years,” explained Dumbledore. “Every new student since the beginning of Hogwarts has been sorted with that hat.”

“And I put that thing on my head? Eeew kooties!” said Harry, with a shudder. “Looks like I need to use some quell tonight!”


“HEADMASTER, I INSIST YOU EXPEL THAT LITTLE MONSTER!” yelled Snape as he slammed open the door. His head had stopped bleeding, but there was still a prominent bruise as he had escaped Madame Pomfrey before she could finish treating him.

“That’s Mr. Monster to you,” said Harry. “Though I actually prefer to be called the Rattler.”

“Why you little-“ growled Snape, as he drew his wand.

Harry leaped towards the wall to the side of him, landing on it with his feet. This allowed him to make an stronger leap that was parallel to the floor. He grabbed Snape’s wand arm as he flew over it and gave it a twisting pull.

“Aarrrhh” scream Snape as his arm came out of joint at the shoulder and he dropped his wand.

Harry had used the arm to halt his momentum and land on the floor next to Snape. A quick swipe of his tail, knocked Snape’s feet out from under him. Reaching into his shadow cloak, Harry pulled out El Aquila’s rapier and put the tip of the sword to Snape’s throat. (he didn’t have El Aquila’s mutant power, but it was still a pointy object)

“Now you listen here!” warned Harry. “I may not know much magic yet, but I can still take you out without working up a sweat! Now stop attacking me before you get yourself killed!”

“You see! He’s just as arrogant as his father!” growled Snape. “Expel him now before someone else gets killed!”

“That’s enough, Severus,” replied Dumbledore. “Minerva, take him back to Poppy. Now Harry, you can’t go around attacking and threatening people, not if you want to remain a student here. Promise me you won’t kill any of you fellow students while you’re here, even if they attack you.”

“Okay, I won’t kill them,” agreed Harry. “I’ll just maim them.”

Dumbledore pinched his nose, wondering if perhaps Severus was right. But there was too much at stake. He couldn’t expel the only one that could kill Tom.

“Come on, I’ll escort you to the Slytherin dungeon,” said Dumbledore.

“But I don’t wanna be in slimy Slytherin!” protested Harry. “I want to be in the house with the Snakes!”

“Slytherin is the house with the Snakes, Harry,” replied Dumbledore. “Each house has some rather unique traditions. Slytherin House has some sort of Hazing week. I’m not sure of the details because I wasn’t in Slytherin when I was a student. But it would in your best interest co-operate with the traditions of your House.”

When they arrived, Dumbledore spoke the password; “Ambition” and left Harry to wait in the common room for the rest of the 1st years. It was only a few minutes before the door opened and an older boy and girl who had badges on their robes lead the rest of the 1st years in. As soon as the 1st years were all in, Harry noticed that the 7th years had all followed them. Not saying a word, the older kids walked past them and through a door on the other side of the common room. An older boy who, like the girl who had led them here, stepped forward and said:

“Good evening. I am Thomas Fudge and this is Flora Addams and we are your 5th year Prefects. Here at Slytherin we have special ritual for greeting 1st years that will be performed by the 7th years as soon as they are ready. Until then, relax, and make your selves comfortable.”

Eventually, the door opened and the 7th years strode in dressed in black leather, spikes and chains. Many of them, both boys and girls, were partially or completely bare-chested. A purple haired girl came to the front of the group. She was wearing black, high-heeled boots that came halfway up her thighs. She wore a black leather mini-skirt, a corset that covered her breasts except for two holes from which her nipples protruded. Both were pierced and a chain connected the rings. She had black leather gloves that covered most of her arms and wristbands from which spikes protruded. She began her speech: “Welcome to Slytherin. My name is Tonks. In addition to sharing the 7th year prefecture with Argus Fletcher, I am also Head Girl. We, in Slytherin, are the future leaders of the wizarding world. We are the Masters, the powerful, and the Strong. But in order to be a good leader, you must know how to be a good follower. In order rule from the top of the hierarchy, you must know what it is like to be at the bottom of the hierarchy. In order to a good Master, you must know how to be a good Slave. For this reason, during the first week of each year, the 1st years are slaves of the 7th years. How well you obey your Master will enhance or decrease you status as a member of Slytherin House. Welcome to Slavery!”

As head girl, Tonks’ was the first choice and she chose Harry. First she led him through the door directly across from the outer door of the common room. It led into a long room with bunk beds on both sides of it. There was a trunk in front of each bed and another between each bed. She led him to the far end of the room where there were a series of wooden shelves.

"This is where you will sleep," Tonks said, indicating the shelves. "Your trunk goes over there." She indicated the opposite wall. Then, she led him through the door in the far end of the room to show him the bathroom. It was unisex with stalls in the toilet area and a large common shower room.
After he had put his trunk away, Tonks led Harry out in to the common room. Other 1st years were being shown the dorm by their masters. She led him into another room that was just off of the common room. It was filled with bondage hardware. Crosses, manacles, whips, and chains all adorned the walls.

"This is the play room" said Tonks with a predatory look. "Over the next week, we'll be spending a lot of time in here."

Over the next week, they did indeed spend a lot of time in the play room. But only after she stood over him, whip in hand, to make sure he'd done his homework. No one outside of Slytherin could be allowed to get even a hint of Slave week. Appearances had to be kept up. She taught him many things and made him perform many disgusting acts. Finally, it was over.

Author’s Note: It is my contention that the abusive nature of Syltherin house is want turns so many of them, especially the ones from Slytherin families, Dark.

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