Categories > Books > Harry Potter


by daveyhavoclover666

story not the best spelling or grammar then again i have no spell check

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Lucius - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2008-12-30 - Updated: 2008-12-30 - 485 words


Davey stood against the brick wall in black jeans, a sky blue shirt with huge white puffy clouds on it. He donned a pink 2-way zipper with clouds stars and heart decor. He yawned displaying his black painted fingernails. On his knuckles was Ciao Babi. He slowly lowered his hands to show his face. He had thick eyeliner and fake eyelashes on. He had a nice face, very strong feature. His eyes were a gorgeous green brought out by his dark hair. His hand had moved to his chestnut blond and black bang. Suddenly, Davey smiled having spotted his best friend Johnny.

Johnny was wearing a green t-shirt and blue jeans. Casual but no man looked as tempting as he did causal. Johnny was pretty. Almost like a girl pretty. Then again so was Davey. Johnny had a little goatee under his naturally tinted red lips. He had a strong jaw line and nose making him even more gorgeous. Johnny waved to Davey. He scanned around with his brown eyes. Johnny had his deep brown blond and caramel colored hair pulled out of his face in a ponytail. The boys hugged and Johnny joined Davey stance against the wall.

"No sign of Jason? He has our dates right?" Johnny lit a cigarette.

Davey nodded "Jason usually shows up late. With a date just for him" Davey answered wrinkling his nose as Johnny took a deep puff. He chuckled a second later as he ground out the butt of the cigarette with the heel of his shoe. "Its the damn British accent I tell you" Davey finished.
Of a sudden a very gorgeous man with long flowing bleach blond almost white hair wearing all black showing off how lean and buff he was. He had ice blue eyes with a very sharp nose and pale skin with pale pink lips. Some people were convinced he was a girl, a very manly looking girl. He wasn't. Davey Johnny and half the women in California could attest to that. Johnny gave a breathe of exhaustion. "Where the hell are our dates? Did you bang them on the way over here?" Johnny demanded.

Jason smiled an evil smile. “There are three girls. A blond Emma, Blonder Jacqueline or Jaci as they call her and a Strawberry blond Westley. Bon appetite” Jason said with his slight British accent. Davey sighed. Blind dates were not his thin. Jason put an arm around each of his friends as he led the way to the cafe. "Emma more my type. Jaci needs a real man like you Davey. West needs someone with brains and wits- Johnny" Jason said. Johnny raised an eyebrow.” Emma 18 Jaci 19 and Westley also 19. They all want to work out here except Emma. The others would but backstage but doesn't mind on stage either. They're eh talented girls." Jason said smiling a big smile.

Johnny cracked his neck. "Let's go."
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