Categories > Books > Harry Potter

A potter's death: Last chance

by kumitzin

Voldemort's won & Harry is dead. Yet Fate has decided to give him one last chance. Adopted by a mysterious man and casted into the world of bounty hunters & mercenaries. Super Harry! HP/OC, Eventua...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] [?] - Chapters: 13 - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2010-02-18 - 28978 words

  • A potter's death: Last chance

    by kumitzin

    Voldemort's won & Harry is dead. Yet Fate has decided to give him one last chance. Adopted by a mysterious man and casted into the world of bounty hunters & mercenaries. Super Harry! HP/OC, Eventua...

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2009-01-18 - 428 words

  • A new Begining

    by kumitzin

    Whatever could exist after dead... Harry never did imagine it like this.

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Dudley,Harry,Petunia Dursley,Vernon Dursley - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2009-01-20 - 1007 words

  • Revenge... sweet revenge

    by kumitzin

    Harry is sent back in time and things start to change...

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Dudley,Harry,Petunia Dursley,Vernon Dursley - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2009-01-18 - 699 words

  • Where do I sign?

    by kumitzin

    Dead acts in misterious ways... nad send help from the past

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry,James,Lily,Lupin,Petunia Dursley,Sirius - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2009-01-17 - Updated: 2009-01-18 - 1185 words

  • Fatherly Image

    by kumitzin

    Harry meets the man who swore to train him.

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-01-18 - Updated: 2009-01-18 - 1745 words

  • What family is like

    by kumitzin

    Meet the Family.

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-01-18 - Updated: 2009-01-18 - 2688 words

  • Fated Encounter

    by kumitzin

    Harry explains his past and then travels to dwontown London.

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry,Hermione - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-01-20 - Updated: 2009-01-20 - 2105 words

  • First mission: the burrow!

    by kumitzin

    Harry finds a reason to fight, win, and live on. The training starts now... and it wasn't as easy as the Boywho-Lived first thought.

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Ginny,Harry,Molly Weasley,Ron - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2009-01-20 - Updated: 2009-01-20 - 2134 words

  • Trial

    by kumitzin

    Harry's first mission assessment and somebody's trial.

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry,Lupin,Sirius - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2009-02-25 - Updated: 2009-02-25 - 3718 words

  • Marauders

    by kumitzin 1 review

    There is a surprise for Harry and the last two of the Marauders

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Harry,James,Lily,Lupin,Sirius - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2010-02-18 - Updated: 2010-02-18 - 3714 words

  • Aerial Dog-fight

    by kumitzin 1 review

    On their way to France, the Firefang family encounter some trouble.

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Harry,Lupin,Sirius - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2010-02-18 - Updated: 2010-02-18 - 5351 words

  • Hermione #1

    by kumitzin 1 review

    While everyone is in France, Hermione gets to deal with some really serious stuff.

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Hermione - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2010-02-18 - Updated: 2010-02-18 - 2458 words

  • Intermission

    by kumitzin 2 reviews

    How does Dumbledore Fare in our adventure?

    Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Dumbledore - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2010-02-18 - Updated: 2010-02-18 - 1746 words

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