Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Horus Goes Home

Lemon Interlude 2: Quidditch, Girls and Gratitude

by SamStone

Bets and teenagers... does it ever not involve sex?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Crossover, Erotica - Characters: Cho, Ginny, Harry, Luna, Padma, Parvati - Warnings: [?] [X] - Published: 2006-03-21 - Updated: 2006-03-22 - 17298 words


Lemon Interlude 2: Quidditch, Girls and Gratitude


It was morning and Horus was slowly waking up. He looked around him and noticed that as usual there were at least two girls cuddled nude against him. It was slightly odd that it was not Padma and Lavender as he had gotten used to having them in his bed last year, but with having what most would call His Hogwarts Harem some changes had been necessary. He could not favor one girl or group of girls over the others too much. It was a shame that he had not been able to get private rooms or better a private wing or even house. Things would have been easier and he had to remind himself to create a portkey or something similar that the girls could use and maybe move into the come and go room as there he could at least have a bed big enough to cuddle all his girls. At first he wondered how through random chance that these two were the ones in his bed as it looked as if the other girls would have begged off as it seemed obvious that something important was going to happen today that they needed their rest.

Now that he thought about it he realized that Katie, Angela and Alicia were having a special practice for him as they wanted him on the Quidditch team. It seemed odd that Weasel Boy had somehow ended up with detention after vocally stating that he would be on the team and that he would be keeper. Thinking back he realized that none of his brothers had been keeper so that he would be able to stand out and that most captains were keepers as they would be better able to see the field so it seemed that was the boys plan. Oddly enough even the twins had been barely able to stand the brat during the school years and while they had stopped targeting him directly they did target him as often as possible with groups. His mind went back to the rather delectable encounter with Cho as he thought about it he realized that whatever the bet was definitely had a sexual component and it was likely with the way she had acted when he had not been distracting her with his fingers that she was part of today's tryout probably to show what a seeker should act like.

Padma, Parvati, Lavender, Hermione, and Ginny had gone to bed relatively early all things considered. So here he was with Luna and Susan of all girls snuggled against him. Taking a moment to think he realized that there were enough girls missing to have a face off Quidditch game if he was added. He suspected that Katie and friends were making sure that the next keeper would be a girl and that it was likely that he would be the only guy on the team next year. It would make for interesting practices. He just knew that they would find a way to convince him to help massage the aches after practice.

Horus shook his head a bit and kissed the slumbering girls goodbye before heading to take a quick shower. He came back dressed in a towel and crawled into bed. He looked at the two girls sleeping like that and realized that as much as he would like to let them sleep off last night leaving them here where others could find them would be bad. He got a rather wicked grin on his face and slid up behind Susan. He ran his hands over her slowly working her body over as he felt her respond even as she was mostly asleep. He had a smirk on his face as right before she woke up he slowly entered her with his fingers. Her eyes snapped open and he muffled her shout with a kiss as her body came around his fingers. He motioned to Luna and Suzy gained a similar grin to his. They proceeded to work Luna over slowly until she woke up in the middle of cuming while kissing Susan.

"Well ladies as much as I want to stay and play," Horus said with a bit of regret. "I have things scheduled and you two need a shower."

They sighed in disappointment as they headed sneakily down to the showers. It was early enough that either the guys were down at breakfast or were sleeping in like Weasel Boy. They had shot him a gaze that they wished they could drag him off to the shower with them, but they understood that he needed to get going. They had kissed him and teased him for a moment before telling him that they would catch up afterwards.

He dressed quickly in comfortable yet form fitting clothes as he made his way down to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. It was odd how the elves were always quick to serve, but he never took that into consideration since they were definitely happy. A light breakfast that would be easily digested yet has enough food for some activity was his choice.

Horus made his way down to the Quidditch pitch and halted at what he felt. The pitch had layered notice me not charms as well as enough security to tell them if anyone unexpected came down. He turned from the impressive set up and saw the girls there. None of them were dressed in Quidditch gear besides the protective gear. They were not in loose robes that hid anything and were in fact wearing skin tight yet flexible clothing. The clothing looked similar to tights yet stretched a bit like spandex and the way the clothes fit snuggly to their skin was a good reason for the charms.

That being if any other guy saw them they would need to cast stupify until they passed out because there was no way a guy would not try to ask them on a date or more considering how they looked. One of the reasons for that was that the clothes showed that none of the girls were wearing anything under the body outlining cloth as one could see the very goosebumps on their tits as well as see the exact count of any hairs they had near their pussies.

"Hey Horus," Katie said as she came up and gave him a quick kiss and a hug before leading him over to a bag, a broom near where Cho was with her broom. "The first part is simple and that is that you and Cho here will be trying to catch as many of these balls as possible. Catch enough and we have a scrimmage Quidditch match so that you get a feel for what seeker does besides going after the snitch."

"This what the bet was about?" he asked Cho who blushed at the thought of the bet.

"No," she managed to get out.

"Hey Katie," Horus shouted. "There a bet on this?"

"No," she said as she tapped her cheek in thought. "Think there should be one?"

"Why not," Horus said with a shrug. "Need something to keep it interesting."

"Point a ball?" she asked. "Most points win and each one is good for a favor?"

"Sounds good," Horus said. "Any limits on the favor?"

"No," Katie said as she grinned evilly at Cho. "Would be less fun that way."

Horus mounted his broom and hovered next to Cho as Katie started flinging the balls into the air. Horus darted around at speeds that should have been impossible for the old broom as it almost looked like he was apparating from spot to spot as he was still only for long enough to grab the ball then he was gone. Cho growled when he appeared next to her to snatch every ball that she got close too. He was too good and the odds of any team winning if he was on it were small. On the plus side the odds of him going professional and thus not being able to play for Gryffindor after the year was small.

Horus had fun with the broom even if it was not as much fun as a board would be. A difference between the two sports he thought. Mystics had maintained a sport that had been popular before the Demon Wars and it was due to the shear fanaticism of those that knew about it that it had remained through the disasters and wars that followed. He was fairly certain that a drunk that had seen the game had messed it up and the tale became the source for Quidditch. It would explain why it seemed so wussy similar to the difference between say Rugby and American Football. The original version had four rather vicious balls while instead of flying brooms they used enchanted boards, skates or belts. The main difference was the center goal between the three that Quidditch had. One had to catch the shock ball and get it in that hole before the thing shocked the hunter into letting it go. It was little wonder that something described as the next best thing to team dueling was so popular among mystics who were genetically hardwired for combat.

Horus passed the balls he had to Katie and said, "How many is it?"

"Well you caught all of them and there was a hundred so you got a hundred points and Cho got zero," Katie said with a mischievous look in her eye as she eyed the girl. 'That means a hundred favors for you."

"Similar bet on the scrimmage game?" Horus asked. "Favors by points between teams and the snitch settles the bet between Cho and I?"

"That will work," Katie said as she thought that even if he got the snitch her team would be ahead on points. "Lets form up the teams. I believe you have Lavender, Padma, Ginny, Parvati, Hermione and Hannah while it is myself, Angela, Alicia, Cho, Daphne, Tracy, and Blaise. Also there should be something besides favors for points to make things interesting..."

"Like what?" Horus asked while he looked Katie up and down causing her to flush.

"Well since none of us are kids and most of us have bought one of the lovely enchanted vibrators that you invented," Katie said with a lecherous drawl. "Maybe something similar?"

"What? Like losers pleasure the winners?" Horus asked as he hid his smile at how interesting these side wagers could be.

"Hmm... That would work after the game," Katie said as she rubbed herself against her broom. "Still something as an incentive for when we go for the goal would be nice."

"What like if the keeper blocks the chaser eats her out and vice versa?" Horus asked with a bit of a smirk.

"That would work," Katie said. "Although it would give more competition between chasers than say all chasers orally pleasure the keeper if one misses and if the shot gets in the keeper gives the chasers at least one cum?"

"Yeah that would work, but what about the beaters?" Horus asked.

"Good point," Katie admitted. "Fouls need additional punishments as well."

"Hmm... We need to give this some thought," Horus admitted. "Besides I may have the right to negotiate for my team due to other reasons, but yours does not have that."

"Hmmm... Maybe but they left me in charge so any gripping comes later," Katie said without an ounce of regret. "How about beaters get pleasured by those whose plays they broke up during breaks and the same if they actually hit their target?"

"That should work. All that's left is picking positions," Horus said. "Hannah as Keeper, Hermione and Ginny as Beaters and the rest as Chasers since they have good team work."

"Right," Katie said. "Me, Alicia and Angela as Chasers, Tracy and Daphne as Beaters, Cho is of course our Seeker and Blaise as Keeper. That work?"

"Yeah," Horus said with a grin. "Any bonuses for Seekers besides the snitch?"

Katie thought it over and said, "Same as Beaters."

"Break a group, get the girls giving head?" Horus asked.

"Yeah," Katie said with a bounce thinking of catching a break to get a chance. "Also if you foul or miss a break up that you take you gotta give head."

"Agreeable," Horus said sticking his hand out. "Shake or kiss on it?"

"Kiss," Katie said before she leaned in and kissed him.

They separated panting with Katie having a stain by her pussy and Horus having a noticeable bulge. They nodded and walked back to their brooms. Susan chose that moment to step out and hold up a cloth. The moment that it hit the ground they were airborne and moving fast. They did not notice that Luna was sitting in the shadows watching as the game progressed. Susan and herself were lucky that they had enough time for a bit of play in the shower or they would have jumped the team then and there and the rewards and punishments were difficult to watch. Thankfully Suzy planned on sneaking off to at least snog Luna while the others were busy and maybe more if their was enough time.


Fifteen minutes had passed and there had not been a single completed goal let alone a long string of plays. Susan had tallied the side bets as they went along. The game only stopped when a foul or a goal was attempted. Suffice it to say that after the first bit of intermission the players came back while smiling even fiercer than before.

Horus reflected that Quidditch was like a very simplified and mellowed version of Grav-Ball. Sure there were only two balls and they were not spiked and slower, but the rest was fairly similar. He darted between the opposition chasers to prevent them scoring and dodged bludgers so that was normal. Although they had added sexual twists to it. The chasers and keepers were fiercer than normal since looser had to play with the winner of each confrontation.

Hannah had turned out to be a scarily good Keeper causing Katie, Alicia and Angela to spend large amounts of time keeping their mouths busy. That the girl got at least three cums one from each girl giving her head made them wonder what the keepers would do when they lost. Blaise was the first keeper to loose and Lavender, Padma and Parvati enjoyed her attentions. Seemed that it was only fair that since Hannah and her would get three orgasms for every blocked goal that the chasers would get three as well. One got eaten while the other two girls got finger fucked then she rotated. Suffice it to say that Blaise had a rather shiny mouth afterward but that did not stop the girls kissing her before returning to the game.

Hermione and Ginny were not out of it and managed to break up several plays as had Horus. Suffice it to say that those three kept Katie and friends busy for a bit. Lavender, Padma and Parvati enjoyed playing with Lisa and Daphne and even Cho during the few breaks they got. Thankfully the game time was rather long going over three hours with just enough intermissions to spice the game up.

Soon enough they had just finished the scrimmage game and Cho and her team had lost bad. It had turned out that Lavender, Padma and Parvati were almost as good of chasers as Katie, Angela and Alicia. It had been shocking that Hermione and Ginny had been such scary beaters let alone that Hannah of all people was very good as their keeper.

Their play had gone on for over an hour and the whole lot of them were sweaty except for Horus who did not even seem winded. The girls had marveled at that stamina at least those that had not seen and experienced it first hand.

Lavender was thinking about what to do next. As much as she wanted that she did not want the school to find out how good he was but she knew that these girls would find out. While most would think that if someone was good at sex they would at least be passing at massages, Horus could do things with his hand that were mind numbing. She did admit that a massage would be nice. She pondered what she should do now. A plan came to her mind. Ask him to join them and help soup them up in the shower, followed by a massage then a soak in the tub and maybe work some sex in between.

Katie looked flushed and her hair was tangled when she landed in front of Horus. Both stuck out their hands to shake them before changing grips so their hands were twined between them as they kissed again. Their other hands reached around and went around the others back before tracing the spine to rest on each others ass. Their hands unclasped yet they did not break their kiss. Instead the now free hand roamed between them. In Katie's case she ran her hand along his shirt tracing the invisible seal which released the shirt so she could run her hands along his defined chest.

While Katie was exploring his chest Horus returned the favor and even managed to get his hand inside her shirt and started to massage her bare breasts. They still did not break their kiss as the other girls were saddling up the side bets that had not interrupted game play. As such they did not interrupt the two impromptu captains as they let the tension that had built over the game out.

They kissed as their hands roamed over each other. They were both acting like a pair of randy teenagers. Horus was enjoying the kiss even if he would like to use his mouth elsewhere on her as well as having Katie use hers elsewhere on him. Horus had his hands alternating between her pussy, ass and tits as she did the same. Surprisingly it was Katie that placed his cock at the entrance to her pussy and she stepped forward before they began to move together.

After a relatively strong orgasm, Katie had jumped him like a teddy and wrapped her arms and legs around him. Horus did not even sway as she undulated and he brought his hands from her tits to hold her ass so she did not break the kiss or slide off when she came down from her cum.

Horus lowered them to the ground and started sliding into her as he moved his hands from her now on the ground ass to knead and play with her tits. Horus enjoyed moving his hands from her tits to stroke her face and head as he kept up a slow screwing of her snatch. He did not speed up his thrusts until Katie started to wrap her legs around him again and brought her feat to his ass to encourage him to go faster. Horus was savoring the sweet sensual suction that her slit was giving his sliding dick as he moved inside her snatch. Suddenly Katie clamped down hard and he felt her moan into his mouth as she came and it was very difficult not to cum from the constant churning of her cunt on his cock.

When she had calmed down and he no longer felt that her pussy was about to suck his cum out like it was a vacuum, Horus rolled over pulling her on top and he just laid there savoring the feel of her pressed against him. Soon enough Katie started to bounce on his cock as she rubbed herself against him as he kneaded her undulating ass. Eventually Katie would win out and she snapped her head back to let out a snarled Yes as she clamped down on his cock as she ground herself against him as she kneaded her tits as she felt him cum inside her.


Katie was panting as she lay slumped on top of Horus on the grass of the Quidditch pitch as she finally broke the kiss that they had shared throughout their coupling. Her head was resting on his chest and she was still trying to get enough air into her lungs even as she felt his cock twitch inside her pussy causing her to contract her self around him.

His right hand was resting and holding her ass as his left was under his head at the moment acting like a pillow and prop as he looked at her as she lay recovering on top of him. It would take her a bit to get her breath back so he started to run his hand from her head down her back to rest on her ass before running his hand back to her head and back again. He just lay there listening to her breathing as he felt her heart still throbbing against his skin.

When she finally had enough breath to say something she said softly, "You know the last time I felt this good was after watching the Holyhead Harpies. Wish we could have a scrimmage match like this with them. They just look so sexy."

Horus was thinking as she mentioned their name. He could have sworn that he had read something about them in one of the letters from Gringott's. He remembered last year after the Quidditch World Cup that he had looked them up. Something about how they were the first Quidditch team and had started as some Lord's Harem. Really if he had a harem of professional Quidditch players then it would have been mentioned and not as a side note. It was probably just a merchandising contract or something.

Horus however wondered about scheduling the scrimmage match that Katie wanted to have. It would not hurt to look at that note in further details. He raised his arm off of where it was resting on Katie as she lay slumped on top of him on the Quidditch pitch and tapped a few buttons on his WIS to bring up his mail. His eyes bugged out when he saw what it said. He did own the Holyhead Harpies and they were his harem. He had an official harem. This was complicated as he had never met them before. He looked at Katie and thought about it.

"Hey Katie were you joking about wanting to play against the Harpies?" Horus asked.

"No," Katie said with a sigh. "Although I do dream about playing on their team. Just getting to play with them would be nice."

"You mean both on the pitch and after don't you?" Horus asked as she blushed.

"Yeah," Katie said before raising her head up and kissing him tenderly. "Shame that won't happen though."

"What if it could?" Horus asked.

"It would be nice," Katie admitted. "Don't know how you would do it though. It's not like you own the team."

"Katie promise not to scream," Horus said.

"I promise," Katie said in a confused yet solemn tone.

Horus raised his hand to caress her face before saying, "Just found out I do own them."

Before Katie could break her promise and shout Horus had his hand over her face.

"You wondering why I said I own them and not just the team?" Horus asked. Katie nodded. "Well it turns out that the team is still officially a harem even if it has not been officially used so in a while." Katie's eyes went wide and she almost fainted but Horus stopped that with a quick squeeze getting her attention again. "Now calm down, Katie. I think we should discuss when to have the game so that it does not disrupt either their or our schedules. However we will be rather indisposed for the rest of today and don't even think to tell me that you were unaware of that. We will talk about this afterwards ok?"

He took his hand away from he mouth and she said, "Yes." She licked her lips as she got a rather naughty look on her face. "We will need a bit of practice though. We should be able to get Hermione, Ginny, Lavender and Parvati up to speed though picking who will play which position will be fun."

"Don't forget the others," Horus said. "Some of them would definitely enjoy playing with the Harpies."

"You of course mean both meanings right?" Katie asked with a sigh.

"But of course," Horus said before kissing her one last time and lifting her up to carry her to the showers. "We will tell the rest of them later, but not before we finish today's games." She nodded in agreement as she rested her head on his shoulder.

Horus enjoyed spending time lathering up and washing Katie. It was nice to have one of the simple pleasures that had seemed so missed these past few weeks. Molly was always around at Grimmauld place and as such he had not had the time to spend just spending time with one of his girls. Sure they had talked before, but he had never realized that they had become so close all things considered.

'It would take the other girls a while yet so I might as well take some time with this,' Horus thought as he ran his soapy hands over Katie. 'Besides this is something that I enjoy doing strangely more than I enjoy being washed. Well most of the time...'

Horus leaned in and asked, "Want a deep penetrating cleaning?"

Katie answered him with a kiss. With that kiss he let just enough soap on his dick and used his cock to scrub the insides out in a better manner than douching. At least now he was teasing her tits as he scrubbed her pussy clean. He kept it up until her pussy had rinsed the soap out from a few orgasms. He slid out and let the shower spray wash her juices off along with what soap had mixed into it.

Before he could move away she reached behind her and tugged him against her ass as she thrust her ass against him. Horus got the hint and slid in this time into a much tighter and hotter hole. Horus slid in and out of her ass slowly as she leaned back while thrusting her tits into his hands. Horus enjoyed her moaning as he felt her cuming around him in addition to feeling her pussy gushing down her thighs.

Horus slid out as he felt her slumping against him with his cock being the main thing keeping her from slumping to the ground. He moved her around until she was touching her toes and aimed the spray from the shower to rinse out her ass. She was still open from his cock so the water got around easier than it should have. He walked her over to the side where their was a drain and held her cheeks apart as she rose up. Katie was blushing beyond her afterglow as she was embarrassed that Horus had given her a cock assisted enema. He led her back to the spray and bent her back over to let the water wash whatever had not been washed off before.

Horus knelt down behind her while she was bent over and brushed over to make sure that she was clean. He leaned in and kissed her washed pussy causing her to shiver. As long as she was clean he felt no reason not to indulge as long as he was able. Putting that thought to action Horus began to eat her out to make sure that he would not regret not doing this later. Soon enough she begged him off since she needed to breath. He pulled her up and kissed her again. She leaned against him as he rinsed her off.

He had just finished rinsing off Katie before he started giving her a kiss when he felt her start to soap him up without breaking the kiss. He leaned back and relaxed as he enjoyed her running her hands through his hair as she scrubbed his hair and gave him a scalp massage. It was very relaxing.

'I have two Quidditch Harems one in school and one professional and Katie wants to go professional for my Harem,' Horus thought as he leaned back into Katie's soothing fingers. 'This was not what I thought I had overlooked from Gringott's. I thought maybe some information on the mail wards. Maybe I should quicken the plan with the recent articles in the Daily Prophet.'

Katie had rinsed his hair off before kissing his neck a bit as she hugged him. Next she started to wash his back working out some of the tension even if it was less than if they were having a full massage. Horus moaned in appreciation as Katie's hands eased him out of business thoughts for a moment.

'Tomorrow will be perfect for movies,' he thought as Katie wrapped her arms around him as she continued to lather him up. 'Lunch would be a good time for that. I will have to see which movie to start with. Use it as a teaser to get a club formed.'

Horus turned his head and kissed Katie as she started working her soapy hands lower. He shivered under her touch and focused on business since he still did not hear the other girls arrive yet.

'Might as well see if Delores gets enough power to dismiss teachers since that would be a good way to limit Dumbles power,' Horus thought as he did his best to enjoy Katie's hands yet still prolong the experience. 'Trelawney needs to go. Shame Hagrid is so hung on Dumbledore that it will take something massive to shatter his beliefs. Maybe having him cleared of the murder he did not commit will help and when he finds out Dumbles could have stopped it yet didn't so that he would have Hagrid in his debt will be priceless.'

Katie had turned him around in the shower spray to wash him off. She had not however let go of his cock as she was still massaging it. She realized that she didn't have time and things would have to end. She had just been scrubbed clean inside and out so she as much as she may want to could not have him cum on her or in her more filling holes. Besides she wanted a taste.


The other girls had staggered in twos, threes and fours to the shower. Susan had enjoyed her side bet that Horus had failed to hear. Penalties involved giving her a quick cum for each and there had been a few in the game although the during game punishment had been enjoyed Suzy was not going to go with just relieving herself with Luna during the game. It was interesting that Luna had borrowed Horus's invisibility cloak complete with confounded tracking charms.

The girls enjoyed the mutual showering and they were none to careful in where their hands wandered while washing. They did insist that Horus wash most of them off and they made sure he paid more attention than necessary when he washed their tits, pussies and asses although some just purred when he had given them a scalp massage when he washed their hair. His harem did insist on deep scrubbing which involved him using his cock like a scrub brush on their pussies and a few had decided their asses needed a scrubbing as well even if they used a spell every morning and time they went.

It was a shame that he had only had a chance to cum down Katie's throat and it looked like he would have to wait until afterwards for some relief beside that little bit he snuck in. Hannah had spent a moment or too longer as the others had milled about waiting for him to finish with the girl.

The now cleaned off girls walked naked along with Horus to the side and Lavender handed him a light oil to use in massaging them. The oil would evaporate before they soaked anyways. Moaning followed as girl after girl opted for the full body massage as his hands got every bit of tension out of their system. Thankfully they were relaxed so much that they were only able to shudder, sigh and murmur their thanks instead of shouting like some of the more vocal girls would do when they came.

The girls that had lined up first were those that had been on the receiving end of one of his body melting massages and they were recovered enough to help the later group walk to the tub to soak. Then again, Lavender, Padma, Parvati, Hermione, Ginny and Hannah had at least three weeks to get use to the intensity of sessions with Horus so they were more prepared and had worked up better recovery times than the others. That is even after double scrubbing Hannah, Ginny and Hermione.

Katie, Angela and Alicia had whispered to him that they wanted this after each Quidditch game to help ease their muscles. He had leaned down when he was massaging their backs as he sat between their spread legs that they would not mind him fucking them or eating them during massages but they were unable to move to enjoy it at the moment. He agreed that would work after games.

Cho was the most interesting in what she said as he massaged her. She was so relaxed that she managed to tell him about the bet and he was rather shocked that he now had her for two years and Su Li for three years and that was for sure. She had been so confident in her abilities since even Cedric had not challenged her as a seeker she had started to think she could go professional. She had confessed that while she did not put out more than a hand job and never feeling direct skin with her boyfriends she had been less discreet with her fellow Asian girl and had mentored the girl the past few years. Cho had spent most of that time training her in how to maximize her mistress's pleasure.

Horus had to admit that Su Li was attractive, but had been too preoccupied to chase after her. Cho being there getting massaged had been unaware of the smirk he had as he contemplated letting Luna punish Cho for the things she had done over the years. It would be a good lesson in humility for her since she had begun to become a bit of a bitch the past year to those besides Luna. It was good to see Luna without the mask that she had taken to deal with her mother's death and the other things in life. He had not asked but he knew that she had been planning something to get even. She would have probably just stunned Cho and took her to the come and go room and vented. He admitted she did have a dominating and a vicious streak to her, but she also had on some level enjoyed what happened just not to the extremes of her stuff being stolen.

They walked or more accurately held themselves in groups to support themselves as they made their way to the tub except Hannah who was last to go and just relaxed against him as he carried her to the bath. Unbeknown to the other girls she had managed to coax him to cum and instead of wasting it being rinsed off of her she had given him a quick suck as she came down from having him scrub fuck her pussy and ass.

So Hannah was slumped in his arms savoring the cum she was swishing around her mouth and had been doing so since before she followed to the massage table. She felt clean yet dirty at the same time. She worried that Cho and the others would make the logistics of their relationship difficult. It was a good thing that she did not know about the Harpies. It would be a good thing that Horus was contemplating lending Cho to Luna for the duration and only borrowing her on occasion. He had wondered about the two years before he had gotten the answer out of Katie as it was her that had made the bet. Seems that Cho really likes playing with girls when she can control them so the converse was also that Cho could play with Katie whenever it did not interfere with classes. Katie knew that she would not loose the bet so she had agreed.


The tub was rather large and the girls had sunk into it as the heat soothed their aches and helped ease what little tension the massage had not relieved. The rather large tub was closer to what was in the prefect's bath and was big enough for them to swim around in. The girls stretched and swam about as they felt the warm water soothe the aches that those who had gotten the internal scrubbing had gotten. The warm water also allowed for an improved blood flow as it allowed constricted veins to allow a greater amount of blood to rush around the body. This is the reason that the body somewhat swells in warm water.

The girls noticed that while the water was extremely hot they were not burning or turning lobster red as the water while giving a rosy flush did not burn or scald them. This heat allowed their arousal to show more than normal. Several of the girls were enjoying that the water had made their pussy all puffy and sensitive while their breasts had swollen just a bit as the increased blood flow somehow increased the sensitivity from what they normally felt.

The girls were acting like girls swimming about and playing in what most would consider an innocent child like manner. Casual grabs to catch the swimmers slowly became less innocent and the girls were soon more likely to try to snatch each other by their snatch or their tits. Oddly enough the increased sensitivity had the added bonus of at times seemingly granting hair triggers so that even the littlest bit of stimulation caused the caressed girl to shiver for a moment as an orgasm hit.

For reasons that Cho did not know she was being surrounded by a constant stream of girls in a manner similar to sharks or wolves trapping prey. Before she could turn around one of the girls would swim by and caress her causing her to close her eyes and shiver as she shuddered before she could open her eye another girl swam by and she came again. So Cho was floating in the middle of the tub that should be called a pool being swarmed by girls that rub against her causing her to cum even as they float away with grins as most rubbed against her got themselves off as they swum back to one of the clusters before swimming back past Cho on their way to one of the clusters.

Horus was leaning against the wall in one of the larger clusters. This was unlike the others where a girl stopped long enough to get a quick cum, as they stopped long enough to ride him for several cums before floating to the side to catch their breath. The disadvantage for Horus was that the water seemed to allow a constant flow of blood to keep his cock erect as he settled back to recline as the girls came up to him waiting a turn to bob with the water on his cock. Those girls that were not out drifting away after they floated off his cock as they recovered were the ones that were spending long enough there to feel the floaters up enough until the minor orgasms woke them enough to float a bit before they shook their head and swam to the next cluster.

In all the clusters on the walls were around Horus, Hannah, Ginny and Hermione which formed against the corners of the tub. With Cho floating in the center of the tub being used as a quick cum between clusters, the girls were coming real close to breaking the limit of consecutive orgasms that was officially listed.

Luna had been doing the circuit as well and each time she made sure that Cho made her cum harder than she had. She had snuggled up against Hannah, Ginny and Hermione and was now on her way to get in line for the ride on Horus. She had to admit she was impressed by how much she enjoyed her encounters with the girls. She had thoroughly enjoyed playing with Hannah and Hermione. She did admit that she had been a bit cruel to Hermione, but then again she had always thought her as the Gryffindor Cho from her behavior. She did admit that Ginny had been a surprise considering how off she had acted last year, but that was explained away as she had listened to what the girl had done when at the meeting.

Luna had to admit that floating on her back and letting the redhead go to town was fun after she had kissed and fondled the girl. Well if one counts fisting as fondling. It was nice that Horus let her play with his toys like this. She did not plan on joining his harem as a permanent fixture, but the role of occasional lover who got to play with his harem was nice. She did wonder what the surprise he had planned for later was. Her friends were rather tight lipped about the matter. That was not something she was used to having happen. Still she noticed that her friends were darting around the pool as well as the other girls. It did explain the shuddering when their was nothing around the other girls yet someone had just teased an orgasm out of them. Odd how normally they were unable to affect those around them and yet today they were able to at least interact somewhat. She spotted her friends floating among the drifting girls who did not see her friends as they were playing with them.

She would find it odd to have them doing the same after all these years. Still she continued swimming toward the line. A few minutes and she would be bobbing around on his cock as he kissed her or suckled her tits like he seemed to enjoy so much. It was a shame that wizards seemed like such prudes or things like this would happen more often.

Luna kept herself busy by running her hands and legs around her fellow floating girls as they did the same. It would be very distracting even more so than normal to have her tits this sensitive if she was dressed. It was distracting enough when her friends were talking and the way that her clothes rubbed her just so. If they were at this level of sensitivity she would have to be in control enough to walk as every motion would have he cuming like a fountain. For a moment she wondered if that was what Hermione and Ginny had felt for those two weeks with the trainers slowly screwing their slick slits.

Luna shook her head as she felt a tug. She suddenly had a silly grin. It was finally her turn and she slid down nicely as she felt his cock slid into her once more. It had been a while and she felt far more on edge as she felt her pussy start to contract the moment that his head brushed her swollen lips. Her head had fallen forward as she moaned when she slid on top him. She felt his hand gently touch her face tilting it up. He was smiling at her and then he leaned in and kissed her. She snapped around him as the kiss went on as she brought her arms around his neck hugging herself to him. She felt relaxed yet excited.

This time was not just sex or venting, it was something strange yet beautiful. She understood him on a different level now. There was something not love like a romantic would describe but a deep connection friendship maybe. She knew that he cared in some manner for her not like he did for his girls but there was a mutual respect and trust between them. She let herself go then and it was different. This time was not about lust or love but of some strange quality of companionship. Two strangers from strange lands meeting and telling each other that they were not alone. She a girl that saw things that others would never believe in and he who had seen things that were not apart of this world.

Luna finally pulled away from the kiss and raised herself up feeling his cock sliding out of her. She thrust her head back bringing her breasts to his lips. His hands were resting on her ass as she felt herself pulling her arms together as she brought her chest closer to his mouth. There were other hands touching her but not with a rushing motion but a happy one. She was there for a while savoring the feel of him partially inside her as his mouth teased her nipples and his hands kneaded her ass in a reassuring and pleasurable manner.

Horus let her nipple out of his mouth and she slid back down leaning back to kiss him again. She shivered a bit as the girls floating about reached out to touch her breasts and with a gentle touch she shivered as they sat there for what felt like ages yet was perhaps one of the longest timeless moments she had ever felt. He broke the kiss again and she rose up once more this time he took her other nipple in her mouth. Her other tit was not being ignored as one of the girls around her had snuggled behind her and caressed her and him.

She sunk down one last time as she felt herself tiring then she felt a throbbing inside of her and she was shuddering in his arms as she hugged herself to him when it finally ended and she could feel her strength return enough to lift off him she kissed him one last time and said, "Thank you," and then she was gone floating on the side.

Her eyes closed as she saw her friends that had comforted her over the years slide up to her and soon she was shuddering as they moved over her floating form. She sighed as she felt hands and tongues all over her still sensitized body. She listened as she floated as she murmured her orgasms as she slowly heard the excitement die down and the sounds of people swimming and cuming died down and was replaced by the sounds of people just soaking and floating about drifting before settling down on the edges of the tub.

Cho floated in the middle of the pool and she was the only one in the pool that had not had his cock inside her pussy that morning. She eventually drifted about the pool and it seemed that the girls touched her just enough to tease her before passing her down. Eventually she would reach him. What happened next was unexpected, but Cho would enjoy it when she finally floated and bumped into him as she rose from the cum induced slumber she was in.


Cho was slumped on the ground and she was still shuddering from the shear force of how hard she had cum from the rather embarrassing fucking she had just received. It had started out tender like she had expected. He had sucked her and played with her pussy until she had gained every girls attention as they soaked as he worked her over. As soon as she had recovered she had done something she had never done for one of her boyfriends before as no one had managed to get more than a hand job from her so the rest of the girls watched with glee as she tried to swallow his dick without any practice. They smirked every time she gagged as she tried to make up enthusiasm for experience. She was a quick learner at least and had tried experimenting as she went. She had been very inexperienced and it was no shock that she had not been able to swallow enough that she was soon panting with cum covering her face. From what she knew about guys she expected that she would have time to recover, but he had quickly flipped her over and started rubbing his still cum coated cock against her cunt.

Horus had been buried into her soon enough that she had the most adorably confused look on her face before she started screaming again as she felt him sliding inside her slit. The girls had not been inactive as they soaked and watched at the same time. They found ways to pleasure themselves as they watched Cho being screwed silly. She had been shouting for more that he should go harder and faster. So he had and she had just came harder with each passing minute. It had been a wonderful and rather arousing sight for them to watch the relatively prissy girl begging to be shagged like that fast hard and rough.

For the past ten minutes she had been shouting at the top of her lungs for him to cum inside her that she wanted to feel him fill her slutty snatch after he had screwed her little slutty self senseless. The girls watching were either masturbating or feeling each other up to their mutual orgasms as they watched Cho Chang begging to be taken hard like some harlot. Finally after the sound of their fucking had become rather loud, he pulled her against him as she wrapped her legs around him as he ground his cock as deep into her cunt as he could go and let himself cum inside her convulsing cunt. She slumped to the ground as she continued to constrict her cunt as she came trying to coax his cock empty of his cum.

The panting Cho was licking her lips of the cum that had been left on her face before but had been too busy screaming from the strength of the orgasms she had been under. As she was coming down from the stress she shuddered as she felt her heart pounding from the exertion she had been doing before muttering as she slumped back, "Bugger Me."

She was slumped and unable to resist as he flipped her over and slid into her cunt a few times before sinking his cock into her ass. Her eyes snapped open and her mouth dropped as she felt him enter her ass. He stroked in and out slowly a few times to let her get used to him as he felt that her pussy was still cuming. Her ass was very tight and warm and there was some resistance as he savored the feel of her gripping him. He moved his hands from where they had been kneading her ass cheeks as he slowly screwed her ass to grip on her dangling tits. The kneading had helped her relax so there had been little resistance to his penetration. The slightly rough way that he worked her tits over had excited her causing her to squirm around his cock.

Since she was still cuming she had unknowingly started to rhythmically grip on his cock in her ass and the squirming from his playing with her sensitive stiff nipples had resulted in an increase in the strength of her grip. Horus took this as a good sign that she was enjoying it and started to slowly increase the rate and strength of his thrusts. Soon enough she was thrusting back against him and the room was once more filled with the sound of slapping flesh and the shrieks of Cho as she was cuming hard again.

Horus was enjoying himself and that Cho seemed to like slightly rougher rutting than the tender stuff some of the girls liked. Her pussy had been doing a good job milking his cock until he had buried himself and ground as deep as possible as he splashed the very depths of her cunt with his cum; now he was enjoying the rather pleasurable way that her ass was moving as she seemed to want him to slam fuck her ass until he let a load of cum fill her spasming ass. That her screams were interspersed with shouts demanding more and asking for him to cum inside her again had rapidly begun to get him to the point of release again.

Cho was aware of motion and her orgasms. She was babbling from the intensity of his thrusts and that she could not resist slamming back to meet his thrusts. He suddenly stopped his thrusts and she felt his cock which had been throbbing seem to swell as he filled her well used ass with cum as he mauled her tits. She was unaware of half the things she had said while incoherently shouting as he had fucked her. She felt him slide out of her ass and she whimpered at the loss as without him holding her up she slumped to the ground.

Her eyes opened and she saw a girl that she did not expect standing over her. Loony the girl she had tormented and teased was standing there solely with calf hugging boots. Her eyes looked at the girl's pussy and noticed that it was wet, spread and rather close to her face.

"Cho meet Luna," Horus said with a feral grin. "She petitioned to play with you so since she asked so nicely I am going to let her."

Cho had a look of shock on her face before her head was buried into Luna's snatch. Luna tightened the grip on her hair and she got the hint. Cho was lapping at Luna's pussy as the girl made sure that Cho licked her in all of her more sensitive spots. Luna made sure that Cho paid special attention to her clit as well as making sure that she used her tongue to get as deep and around as possible. Cho eventually settled on sucking on Luna's clit as her tongue lapped all around her pussy.

"Open up," Luna said as she got close to cuming. Cho resisted and Luna gripped her hair tightly as she caressed her cheek. "Open up pet or it will be worse..."

Cho opened her mouth making sure that she had all of Luna's pussy inside her lips. She felt the contractions on her tongue before she felt the sudden increase in moisture coming form Luna. Cho tried to move away but Luna held her head firmly making sure that Cho's mouth was sealed around her cunt as it gushed her cum into her mouth.

"Swallow," Luna said in a cold tone.

She ground Cho's face into her pussy as the girl swallowed her cum as it poured into her mouth. Cho was crying a bit as she felt humiliated by Luna. Luna had a savage smirk as she moved the girls head as she sat down on Horus letting his cock slid into her just eaten cunt. She pulled Cho's head back to lick at her pussy as she bounced on Horus's cock as he played with her tits while Cho had to look at the look on her face as she sucked the girls clit.

Luna was savoring every moment of this coupling as she felt his cock sliding in her cunt as she relished feeling Cho sucking on her clit. She had an idea on how to next humiliate the girl. Cho was so embarrassed that she did not notice that the other girls had been watching her since she had his head buried at her dripping snatch. The other girls had chosen to muffle the cries of their orgasms not with silencing charms but with kisses or even burying their own mouths into their current lover's breasts or even their pussies. For some reason the other Ravenclaws were taking a decidedly sinister interest in Cho's humiliation. Perhaps she was not the only one that the girl had bullied.

Luna had been distracted by the orgasms that the tongue, cock and hands were causing her. Her eyes fluttered over the watching girls as they watched Cho as she sucked on her clit. She remembered what her idea was and best focus on that before the next orgasm drove it from her mind. Yes it would be embarrassing having Cho make sure that her ass was lubricated maybe even have the girl give her what was it called a rim job? Yes one of those before having Horus sliding his dick in her as Cho ate the cum out of her pussy. That would be a good punishment for the girl. Although she wanted to see her dangling from chains and being used by those she tormented. Maybe Horus would let her borrow a trainer and have them watch as she used Cho as she came like Horus had just done? That was a plan for later as she best enjoy the fun for now.

Luna had a difficult time remembering that she wanted to stretch this time out as she felt that impulse to slam herself onto his cock until she felt him pop causing her to cum even harder. She had to focus and savor the sensations that she was enjoying. It was an exquisite torture feeling his cock leaving her cunt and she enjoyed feeling Cho's tongue as she licked at their joining and feeling it flick from lip to lip as she ran her tongue over his emerging cock. Every time she rose up until just the head was inside her pussy she had to resist sinking down and just grinding against him.

Luna had dragged this coupling out as long as possible she was barely able to move and had just slumped down onto his cock and started focusing on coaxing with her cunt to get her shot of cum. She relished the thought of Cho eating her out again in addition to cleaning them both off. She could just see the look on her face when she was told to make sure that her ass was ready for his cock. She was grasping at his cock faster as she felt him start to throb inside her and she slowly raised her head from where it had slumped down to watch Cho nursing on her clit. Luna's head snapped back and rested on his shoulder as she felt him cum inside her. Cho stayed with her mouth glued to her clit until some of the cum started to run out and she moved to lap the cum up.

Horus lifted her up holding her so that she sat on his hands as Cho went to work on his cock sucking the cum off of him. She looked confused at them when he was clean and her head was raised up to be level with Luna's twat and she pulled Cho's face toward her pussy.

Horus looked at her and said, "Finish cleaning us up."

Cho flushed and dove into licking Luna's pussy clean. She was embarrassed that the girl she had spent the past four years dominating was the girl she was forced to serve. The only thing that would be even more embarrassing would be if she had to serve Su Li as well.

Luna held Cho's face to her pussy when she got close to cuming and made sure that the rush of cum almost jumped and shot into Cho's mouth. Luna was grateful that she did not need to support her weight as Cho was doing a good enough job sucking the cum out of her that her legs did not feel able to support her weight.

Horus let her down onto her knees where she slumped down with her head and tits touching the ground. Luna managed to turn her head to look at Cho who went back to lapping at her cunt. Luna sighed and let herself enjoy Cho working her tongue in a much preferable manner to her sharp tongue.

Luna managed to get enough awareness after the last cum that Cho gave her to say, "Hmmm... Need a bit of help for what's next."

Cho lifted her head and asked, "What's next?"

She did not like the look on either of their faces and shuddered as she thought what they might ask next and dismissing it as impossible. Cho looked down at Luna's ass and noticed that she was running her hand from her asshole to her pussy. Luna loved the look of shock on her face.

"Yes Cho," Luna said. "I get to take this lovely cock up my arse next and you get to make sure I am good and ready."

Cho flushed but one glance at their faces set her to her task. At first Cho sunk her finger into Luna's cunt to get at some of the previously accessible lubricant and tried to get enough to work a finger in but it was not enough. She flushed in embarrassment as she tried to use her spit to get her finger into Luna. She had shiny eyes as she fought back a tear at how ashamed she felt at that moment. She lowered her lips to Luna's ass and kissed her there as she did her best to wetten her ass. Knowing that she would need more lubricant she moved her fingers back to Luna's pussy and worked her pussy over until she came enough for her to use to get a finger into her ass. She was shocked that Luna's ass had spasmed at the same timing as her pussy when she came this had accidentally let her tongue enter her and she had felt it ripple around her tongue.

Cho managed to get a finger into Luna and had slid it inside of her for several strokes. She noticed that Horus's cock was no longer slick with cum due to how thoroughly she had sucked him as she had made sure to savor every drop she had licked off and she realized that she would be giving him a quick and sloppy blow job to make sure he was lubricated enough to sink his cock into her ass. While she made sure to leave enough spit on his cock, she continued to finger Luna's ass as she bobbed her head on his cock. She almost hoped that she could get another gushing or two of cum before she had to let go, but it was not to be.

Cho removed her finger from Luna after lifting her mouth off the moistened cock making sure to swirl her tongue around leaving enough spit to ease him into her. She moved to the side as he sunk his cock into Luna's ass. Before she could go far her face was once more against Luna's pussy. She did not even think this time and started tonguing her as soon as she touched Luna's snatch. She thrust her tongue deep and was rewarded with a shot of mixed cum right away flowing into her mouth. It was embarrassing that she seemed to crave acting like this. Why was she lapping at Loony's snatch or even tonguing her ass? Better question was why was she dripping as she did so?

She was Cho Chang Prefect, Seeker and one of the most desirable women at Hogwarts and here she was eating Loony's pussy with as much enthusiasm as Su did hers as Luna got a cock up the ass which she had just licked and fingered and probably would be sucking the cum out of after licking the cock she had just slicked up clean again while she felt it through the thin membrane separating her tongue as it fucked Luna's snatch as she stretched her tongue as deeply as possible. Not that she could begrudge the girl that after she had ridden his cock in her own ass, but the sheer humiliation if anyone found out was mortifying to her even as she had savored being taken like a bitch in heat thrusting her trembling twat against his thrusting dick and then she had slammed her ass as she begged him to take her ass harder and faster until she felt him grind his cock into her ass as deep as possible as he flooded her well used ass just like he had her pussy before.

She would have frozen if she had remembered that the room was full of girls that had watched her fuck his cock every which way and then in the middle of afterglow having to help service Loony had made the viewers rather hot yet they had managed to muffle themselves as they enjoyed hearing Luna and Cho being rather vocal as they came. Since she did not realize she was being watched she slurped at Luna's pussy even licking at his balls occasionally as she felt herself shivering as she came without anyone touching her. She was cuming from getting Luna off and she realized that her legs would collapse again and it would probably be before Horus overfilled the girls ass and she would have to force herself up to lick at the cum that dripped out of Luna's stuffed ass as the cum gushed past his buried shooting cock.

'I really need to find out why all these dirty deeds and thoughts have been making me cum so hard,' Cho thought as she felt her thighs slickened again. 'Never thought that being a sub would feel this good. That might be why Su likes when I have her play with me? Fuck my legs are collapsing! I don't want to let this pussy go yet!'

Cho had craned her head to stay latched on as her arms wrapped around Luna's back to stay gripped. She managed to stay on as Luna gushed into her mouth again. She felt a trickling flow out of Luna's ass and it was Horus cuming inside Luna. She managed to lick the cum dribbling out before her arms gave out. Thankfully Luna slumped along with Horus and ended up with Luna's pussy resting on the collapsed Cho's face. Horus and Luna shivered when they felt Cho lapping at his balls and tracing the cum streams that were flowing out of Luna's ass as they seemed to be grinding into Cho's face as he let himself overfill Luna's squeezing ass which only caused the cum to gush out as she contracted making Cho lap even more at the cuming duos union.

Cho was slumped on the ground as she cleaned Luna and Horus off. She was sucking a cock that had just been up a girl's ass taking it readily as he fucked her face while Luna rested herself on her hands which was the only reason that her pussy was lifted off Cho's face. She had just finished cleaning his cum off having just swallowed the last bit when she had then been told to suck the cum out of Luna's ass which then rested on her face as Luna had sat back up which ran her pussy over Cho's nose. The scent brought Cho back to her lust filled state and she started running her hands over and kneading Luna's ass as she sucked the cum out as Luna ground herself against the questing tongue and the nose that she began to rub her pussy against.

Cho did not notice that Lavender had lifted herself out of the tub and grabbed her bag removing several trainers from it. She would have denied that she was still aroused and wanted to be fucked again even after cleaning Luna off again. That her legs were spread and she was thrusting up as she lapped at the cum flowing out of Luna's ass was no sure sign that she wanted her pussy stuffed again or at least to Cho who would have denied that she wanted to be fucked again and again until she was a cum filled Cho collapsed on the floor.


Cho was sobbing on the ground. She had just had the most intense orgasms of her life and the two responsible were negotiating who she belong to without even looking at her. She had been looking forward after what she had learned to originally have Katie as her little sex toy for two years and a weekend to attempt to claim Hogwarts resident sex god. That had been a disaster! Now instead of having another sex toy in addition to Su Li, she was now one herself and to Loony Lovegood of all the girls. Sure they had just fucked her until she was begging them to use her as she came and came like some slut seeking to be screwed silly, but to hear that Loony was given complete control over her for the next two years was scary after the rather shocking impromptu torture session. Little did she know that she would never call what had happened torture after what happened later that night.

If anyone had asked her yesterday, she would have said that she was a dominant and she loved to show her superiority especially over Loony. Every girl at the game had strapped on a trainer and enjoyed using her like a slut. The shocking thing was that she had been begging and pleading for more. It had not mattered when they had started spanking her and twisting her nipples. Oh no she had been far too busy cuming and each touch had made her cum harder.

So here she was slumped on the ground crying after having thanked everyone that had fucked her in addition to kissing them she had been kneeling so she had kissed their pussies and kissed the head of his cock before taking it once into her throat since she had French kissed the girls pussies. The whole being owned thing did not sound that bad until the two had started discussing punishments and rewards. She was not used to being the one that was discussed like she was not there as she had simple told Su what was what.

Hermione had piped in that a loyalty pledge similar to what the Defense Association would be made to sign would be something that they could have those that wanted to borrow Cho sign. That way they did not have to worry about her or others going to Flitwick to tattle on what they were doing to her. Horus had simply stated that hanging her in a decent harness which brought a flush from those he had suspended before would allow plenty of creative play and that they could have the volunteers sign before going into use Chang.

Katie had been tapping her finger against her cheek as she thought of something. She nodded her head and brought up the topic of Su Li. The poor girl had not been around and Cho should go and get her and tell her pet that she had a new master.

Horus thought about it for a little bit before saying, "Cho you will be going with Lisa to get Su Li while Luna and the rest set up the play room."

Cho nodded and rose up to stand. She was confused on what to wear before Luna handed her a robe that would keep her covered as she made her way to Ravenclaw. More to say that it was a quick button over that would keep random students from seeing she was naked and dripping cum and that only her face was clean.

"Well we need to head to the come and go room," Horus told the others. At the confused looks he added, "You will like it for those of you who have seen Star Trek think a holodeck with magic otherwise think a room that provides whatever you need yet cannot remove things from." 'That last bit was probably to keep shops in business,' he thought. 'If they did not have that prevention they would go out of business since it even could provide potions.'

As they made their way to the room Horus thought, 'This will be fun. Luna however needs a bit of practice before they get here. I could always have Amber come here and give Luna a bit of practice. It is a good thing for the moment that Binns is still teaching or lecturing on history as it gives the girls a place to take a nap. Although he never says anything useful it is almost as if someone does not want the students to know their history. Once Trelawney is gone the ghost can go although I do want to find what is keeping him here. At times I think he is under someone else's compulsion, but would the meddlesome fool do that? Yeah he probably would.'

Horus had long since found a way to use the room besides the pacing three times back and forth manner that seemed to work. A simple enchantment allowed for an alternative method quite easily. At times he thought the room was an example of a symbiotic pocket dimension as there were some of the older Masters and Grandmasters that had there own realms that they had long since made their homes where their will was absolute over the reality.

"Welcome to the Come and Go Room or as you might call it the Room of Requirements were the room can provide Anything the user wants," Horus announced as they had entered the room and the door closed behind them.

Before their eyes the room changed from a massive endless white expanse to a room that would make the most decadent hedonist giddy in appreciation. They were so distracted by the room that they did not notice the minor look of concentration on his face although those that had been claimed felt a flash of inquiry over the link that was not directed at them. The nagging sense of interest was directed to a shadow in the center of the room that seemed to have no visible source. The shadow rose out of the floor leaving a kneeling naked form whose only adornment was a thick collar around her neck.

"Master calls," the girl said as her head was bowed almost burying her head between her bountiful breasts. "What does Master need?"

Those that had not met her before were shocked by the complete submissiveness that the girl exuded while those that met her wondered who he would let play with the living sex toy. Horus kept his face passive although he was pleased that she had finally learned one of the simpler abilities and he would not have to fetch her or have her brought by others now that she could shadow walk.

"Luna this is Amber," Horus said in way of introduction. "She will be letting you practice with the more damaging of toys as she has a much higher limit for what she can handle. In addition she will be giving a detailed explanation on how to use the toys in the play room."

With that said a giddy bouncing Luna led Amber off to the side where a wall suddenly appeared to separate them with a sinister looking prison like or perhaps dungeon like door sliding shut behind them with a deep bracing thud as the door locked shut. The other girls wondered about it but dismissed it a moment later as a rather large bed appeared on a raised dais. Those girls that had spent time with him outside Hogwarts or Grimmauld grinned as they recognized the bed. The bed was large enough to cuddle a rather large number of people. Most of the new girls were a bit tired as unlike those that had been through a few sessions they had to work on their stamina and most had been left as panting wrecks after they had been let loose on Cho.

The girls had not screwed her and it was a bit more intense than even calling it fucking would have been able to be called. The girls had vented as it seemed that Cho had been a pain in the ass to most of them though none of them had been one of her conquests as it seemed she liked topping girls in humiliating ways. To some of them they had felt a bit of the darker side of their personalities come to the fore as Cho had screamed and shouted while she came hard and non stop as they used her roughly. It had not mattered to the girls where they buried themselves just that each thrust was harder and rougher than the last.

Luna had been leaning against the wall barely able to stand after she had gotten a go around. She was excited and pleased as she watched Cho begging for more as it seemed almost every girl there wanted a go at her. It had been so arousing that Luna had slumped to the ground and had been coming without any stimulant than watching.

As a result of all that most of the girls had been leaning on each other as they walked to the room. The bed was heaven and they seemed to need a bit to rest so they all snuggled together. For some reason the sounds coming from behind the wall instead of scaring them awake actually managed to sooth them as they fell into a light nap to a deep sleep depending how exhausted they were. So the group slept as the sound of screams and shrieks or whips and leather striking flesh lulled them to sleep. Most of them pictured Cho in that room and it brought a smile to their slumbering faces. It might take a little while for Cho and Lisa to return.


Su Li was on her way to dinner. She had spent most of the day in anticipation as her mistress had said that she had something planned that was very special. The only thing she knew was that there was something going on that involved Katie and Harry or as she had observed he liked to be called Horus.

She was not expecting to see a docile Cho being with Lisa Turpin of all girls stalking down the halls. She made a minor sound that caused Lisa to turn towards her. Su's eyes widened at the look on Lisa's face as the girl strutted towards her followed by the staggering Cho.

"Hello Su," Lisa said as she leaned into the skittish girl. "Cho here seems to have gotten into some trouble and used you as collateral. Isn't that a shame?" Su just blinked and Lisa leaned in and kissed her until she would be willing to agree to even eating her out on her knees in the hallway. "Oh that's not a shame? Well we have places to go and people to enjoy. Come along Su there are some special games we are going to play."

With that said Su followed Lisa as they made their way to the Come and Go Room or as most of the group would call it the Cuming and Going Room. Su was not exactly against the ideas of sex even with boys it was just that she had been Cho's pet for a long time now that she obeyed immediately. Since Cho was acting submissive to Lisa that meant she should as well.

Before they made it too far down the deserted corridors to the room, they had come across a little nook to the side. Lisa made a minor mistake in glancing into the nook and Su went into the nook and Cho followed a moment later. Lisa sighed and looked both ways before going into the nook as well.

Lisa entered the nook to see Cho having lifted off the cloak so that Su could look her over. Su licked her lips appreciatively before turning her head to Lisa. Lisa blinked and she was leaning on the wall with Su lapping at her pussy almost reverently.

"Cho," Lisa managed to say. "Help Su out." Lisa let a moan out as Su started sliding her fingers inside her pussy as she ran her tongue around her pussy. "I want her to cum when I do!"

Cho was behind Su and was running her hands from the girl's tits to her pussy as Su continued to suck Lisa's pussy. The younger girl was working her fingers inside of Lisa as she used her fingers on her pussy and even managed to get a finger into her ass. Lisa was leaning into her touch and soon let herself flood the girls mouth as she came hard enough to drive the cum from her cunt into Su's motivated mouth.

Lisa was petting her head as Su continued to tease her pussy this time with light kisses as she came around Cho's fingers. Su had latched onto Lisa's clit and sucked hard when Cho had felt her clamp down on her fingers when she came strongly.

"Well then as fun as this dalliance was we need to move on still," Lisa said after taking several deep breaths after Su had sucked another strong orgasm out of her.

The two girls nodded and Su helped the two get dressed while Cho made sure that Su's skirt was covering her ass. Lisa rolled her head as she left the nook with the Su and Chang following her as they stared at her bouncing ass as she almost skipped to the come and Go Room.


Meanwhile Luna was listening to her friends and Amber who were explaining the better part of both punishments and pain as pleasure to her. Amber was suspended by her wrists with her pussy being suspended with a dildo just barely inside of her pussy. Her arms were tensed lifting her up from the first crack of the whip.

"Now then, Luna," her friend sitting on her left shoulder looking like a dominatrix pixie said. "A whip is all about the snap of the wrist. You can tell that she enjoyed it as she wriggled her ass into the stroke. Now aim for her ass."

Luna took aim and brought the short whip to crack right on the top of Amber's right ass cheek. The girl looked torn between thrusting her ass into the stroke and sliding down to impale her pussy. Amber thrust her ass against the stroke and as soon as the whip slid from her ass she thrust herself down impaling her pussy as her arms were stretched above her.

"Thank you mistress," Amber said as she hung with a stinging ass and stuffed cunt.

"See," the right pixie dressed in solely leather covering her legs arms and midsection with a corset said. "She enjoys the sting. The line between pleasure and pain can be quite thin indeed. We should have worked our way up to whips from paddles and crops after covering proper ways to spank someone."

"Really sister dear," she said. "Sometimes its best to start with the hardest since learning the basics are easier after. Still a crop does not seem to bad since she does enjoy the pain. We will have to hope that we find Chang's line and make sure she regrets needing to be punished before toning down to where she craves the pain and punishment."

"Sister where is the fun in that?" she asked. "Amber here is obviously into the scene and can explain the games as she is being played far better than Cho will as she will be overwhelmed quite easily."

"Of course I am willing to explain to mistress while I am being played with," Amber said. "Why else would Master lend me to her?"

"That is a good point," Left said. "That way we will be more than ready to play when Cho is delivered to us. A shame that she had to bring his other slave."

"Your just upset that you cannot play with her yet," Luna interjected. "Now pet we are going to play and none of that thanking stuff until we are done. The reason you are not gagged is I want to hear you say what you want, what you need, what you crave. The where with what and how hard are questions I want you to answer. Is that understood?"

"Yes mistress," Amber said as Luna brought the crop down on her ass.

'People wonder why I am weird,' Luna thought. 'How would you deal with having these two talking all the time and that does not include when they are playing with themselves or each other. Yeah there is the dominatrix Evilyn and the horny slut Lust who sit on my shoulders distracting me with explicit sexual matters.'

For the next while there was the sounds of Amber shouting out instructions as Luna worked her over and worked up the intensity. Amber had long since healed most of the original marks even as she had managed to cum harder with every passing minute. It would be a rather extreme scene that Cho would walk in on when she arrived. Luna was wearing a trainer and fucking Amber's ass as she swatted Amber's pussy with her right hand and played with her left tit as she had Amber having to bite her right tit to keep quiet as she was being worked over.

The sharp intake of breath that Cho made on walking into the room caused Luna to bring down a rather hard strike which resulted in Amber letting her fang pierced tit loose as she threw her head back to cry as she undulated between impaling herself completely in either her ass or her pussy. Luna turned and in doing so slid herself completely into Amber's ass as she also rested her weight on the girl causing her to slid down until she was fully impaled on the shaft as her arms were stretched straight up.

Luna noticed that Amber was cuming like crazy and felt herself cum inside the girl's ass before she realized that she had cried out. As soon as Luna felt that she was not shooting into Amber's ass she withdrew causing Amber to groan in disappointment. Luna walked over to Cho who had left her cloak in the other room leaving her standing naked still covered in cum and hand marks in what was a dungeon.

Luna stalked toward Cho and soon the playroom was filled with the sound of Cho screaming in pleasure and pain as she worked her tormentor over. She enjoyed every minute of using Chang as she used everything her friends and Amber told her to draw out the experience for Cho while savoring every cum she had the girl give her.

Luna was not sure which hurt Chang more begging for more or haring Su as she fucked Horus in the other room. It seemed to hurt her hearing others playing with her toy even if she heard Su shouting about what happened with Lisa and Chang in the nook.

Of course Lust was talking about how exciting that was while Evilyn was talking about how used Chang must feel having to pleasure Su Li without reciprocation. Luna wondered what would happen if she listened to Evilyn more while playing. Then again, she talked a lot about proper use of Chang and that Chang should appreciating serving her mistress and that Su should be rewarded for such an entertaining story. Lust was going on about a similar vein except that she should try to have Su cuming more than Cho had ever made her and should make sure the poor girl always fell asleep sated sexually.

It seemed that she had already sucked his cock back to hardness and was bouncing away as he nibbled her titties as she seemed to be already cuming since she had started sucking him.

Luna shuddered as she held the bound Cho's head to her pussy as she listened to Su describing what was happening to her. It seemed that Evilyn was right since Cho was dripping whenever she looked at her pussy. Luna closed her eyes and visualized Su as she spun around to bounce on his cock as he ran his hands from her clit to her tits as she slapped her ass against him with every stroke down onto his cock. Lust of course decided to pipe in that Luna had experienced that and that it was obvious that she had enjoyed it and should therefore repeat it soon. Luna let herself go after pulling Cho's head back to spray her face instead of just letting Cho suck her cum down her throat. She so had to remember to borrow Su and have her describe what was going on as she played with her.

Luna made a note to play with Su in front of Cho when she was tied up as having the girl struggle while Su described what was happening to her willing body would have Chang squirming begging to be used so badly she would beg for a spanking as readily as she would a screwing. Evilyn grinned since Luna had whispered that and she had just over heard it. That sounded like the perfect way to test Chang's limits.

Luna brought Cho's wet face back to her pussy before lowering it so she would tease her ass with her tongue. She smirked as she heard Su describe leaning forward onto her hands and knees as Horus started to fuck her doggy style and it seemed that the girl was cuming like crazy as her descriptions kept being interrupted by her encouraging shouts. Lust piped in that she did that as well and that Su was going to deserve a nice bit of care for how good a story teller she was. If she listened and followed Lusts instructions she might as well just post a sign and let anyone and everyone fuck her. Lust never was satisfied and had been telling her that she should have snatched her own poor deprived innocent girl and spent the past three years training them and maybe bringing her with to orgies. Lust was really obsessed that Luna never seemed to have enough sex in her opinion. Probably because she tended to sleep as close to Luna's pussy as possible and wanted to lap at some cum.

Su definitely was enthusiastic which explained to Luna why Cho liked to use her as often as she had. Luna moved over to Amber and made sure the two were in an interesting suspension. It looked so perfect that she contemplated having them sleep in it. Really having Cho laying on top of Amber with them secured to each others pussies looked delicious. Luna went over and grabbed the trainer she had taken off while having Cho eat her out and grabbed the crop again as the slapper she had been using on Cho seemed to only excite her more as it provided so little stimulation and was more for shock value than stimulation.

Luna came back to the bound girls and played with the trainer in her right hand as she gave the crop a few flicks with her left. Just this once she was going to indulge in one of Evilyn's scenes since it was something that Lust and herself had agreed would be fun. This would be the perfect memory for a Patronus seeing Cho in this position was fulfilling more than she could imagine. Luna rubbed against Cho's ass as she gave her a good swat with the crop before running her fingers over the welt that rose on Cho's tender ass. She shook her head and decided to ignore Evilyn telling her to work Cho's ass over first that it will just heighten Chang's experience. Knowing how she acted Cho would probably pass out after flooding Amber's mouth if she gave her a good work over today. She just seemed to have a hair trigger just like in the bath earlier.

Luna slid into Cho's ass just as she heard Su shout out that she wanted Horus to bury his cock into her ass. Luna found the coincidence amusing before she started to bring the crop down on Cho as she thrust wildly inside her ass. She felt the trainer start to throb and pulled out of Cho's ass reaching with her hand to tug at Amber's head. The girl removed her mouth from Cho's face allowing Luna to slide the trainer into Amber's mouth where she shuddered as she felt the edge come back and then let go into her mouth. She rested for a bit as Amber brought the trainer back to full hardness when Luna pulled out and sunk back into Cho's ass.

Luna kept this up for a while before she felt Cho slump onto Amber from the orgasm that had been building. Luna sighed removed herself from Cho's ass and walked around before sliding into Amber's ass once again. Luna brought her crop down on Cho's ass as she leaned over to reach it. She smiled evilly as she heard Cho's muffled shriek into Amber's pussy cause the girl to cum around her. She decided to do the same to Cho as she had Amber except she would cum inside Amber's ass and have Cho lick her back to attention.

She would have to remember to thank Lisa for what she had learned about Cho. Yes a nice Lisa sandwich sounded a good way to repay her. It was oddly humorous that lust suggested that right after she thought it then she went on to describe things perfectly. Make sure she cums until she passes out drooling from the pleasure would be fun especially if Su is helping and Cho has to watch. Luna was soon slumped on top of Cho and Amber and her mind drifted off.

'This year is going far better than I had ever dreamed,' Luna thought as she felt Amber's ass sucking on her again. 'I have had my revenge on those that hurt me and am having a lot of time spent in mind numbing orgasm overload. Evilyn got to see me act out one of her scenes and Lust got to see me cuming like crazy. Now if I could get Alucard to do an interview with the Quibbler everything would be perfect.'


Cho was hanging in a harness from the ceiling at the foot of the bed. As it was Saturday she had the tendency to not be spotted as she normally was sequestered with Su Li since she would spend most weekends playing with her once she had finished her homework. Cho was covered in welts, marks and cum with her pussy and ass visibly coated as well as her face. Despite all that if one looked at her face they would see a content smile on her face which given how the rest of her looked would seem strange. Although she shuddered whenever a drop of cum fell down beneath her where there was a splash. Then again, that might be because Luna had shoved a trainer into her ass set on intermittent.

Beneath Cho was where Amber was in a raised harness with her arms bound above her head with the wrist to elbows while her legs were bound ankle to knee with her legs held open giving her arms and legs a triangular look while leaving her body devoid of encumbrance. Cho was facing one way while Amber the other looking for all the world like they had been in a suspended sixty-nine and Cho had been lifted up and away. Her eyes were partially open as her head rested on her arms with her mouth lined up so that any cum that dripped from Cho would fall onto her face while any cum or drool dribbling out of Cho's mouth would strike her pussy.

To those who could see them, Evilyn and Lust were sleeping on top of Amber. Lust had laid herself where she could get splashed by the cum dripping from Cho. Evilyn was resting with her head touching Amber's pussy so she could see the look on Chang's face. Evilyn liked seeing Chang moaning wishing for enough stimulation to cum and not be left on edge as she tried to sleep. It had been nice for Evilyn to see them treat the two as was proper for their status that being used for others sexual satisfaction. That the two had orgasms as a result was only natural after all since a slave takes pleasure in serving.

The bed was full of cuddling girls nestled around Horus with Luna a bit to the side with Su Li snuggled against her resting her face on one of Luna's nipples with her hand nestled inside Luna's pussy as she slept. Luna's left hand was resting on Su's ass as her right hand rested on her shoulder where it had come to rest after spending a while just running her hands through the girls hair. Tracy, Lisa and Daphne were cuddled around the pair.

Horus was wrapped in a rather engulfing hug with Lavender resting on top of him and Padma and Parvati against his side with their heads resting on his arms as pillows. Hermione and Ginny were snuggled against the Patil twins while Katie, Alicia and Angela were the next layer of the pile. Susan and Hannah were nestled with their heads resting on top of the girls and their arms was wrapped around Lavender bringing their bodies closer to the pile.

All of them were rather tired from the day's exertions and had been grateful that the room provided food after their nap. Tomorrow would be a rather interesting day for the school in general for it would be interrupting the normal Sunday routine with something new for most of the students and staff. Hogwarts was going to have their first afternoon matinee and lunch. The only problem was that they were still torn on what the first movie would be. It was a bit of pressure to pick one movie to introduce those who had never seen movies or occasionally on holidays to the wide variety of cinema choices.

It was eased a bit by the fact that they needed a movie that even the ickle first years could see so they needed something that would hold the attention of eleven year olds as well as teenagers and adults. The odds of the recovering teenagers using a game of chance to pick was possible although having a few shorter movies had been discussed, but the draw back was that then they would vote and given how they seemed to like to bet sexual favors in their games having a bet determined by clapping after the showings appealed to them. The problem was time they could spend doing other things as they had agreed on cuddling during private showings. No sex although making out would not be discouraged and they would not do that in front of kids or staff. That was what the private movie times would be for. The more personal pleasures than they would have among crowds.

Tomorrow would be an attempt to expose the reactionary wizarding students to the unknown pleasures of the muggle media. Some of the girls wondered about starting to circulate the more interesting videos the same way they were circulating the more personal toys. The number of pen pals and sisters at home and out wanting such useful items was massive. The twins had spent most of the week enchanting them to meet the orders at Buxbatons and even Durmstrang. That followed with the Gryffindor Chasers gift had made sure they would be occupied until lunch on Sunday.

Suffice it to say that the underground Hogwarts trade would soon be making the Weasley Wizarding Wheezes into one of the quickest and profitable businesses ever as they could get out quicker and newer changes than for the mail orders. In addition to the pranks that were being developed with the remaining Marauders there would be soon a line of enhanced for her pleasure toys and with the coming of video to the masses things would be interesting. The twins had been distracted all day by the concept of interactive pensives and similar simulations. That was after they had been dropped into a rather draining simulation that they were finally coming out of now that the action was over. Full sensory VR for the horny teenagers would be a goldmine for them.

The only problem would be the blokes and birds that had to be yanked out to get to class, but that was a minor trifle. There had been a long tradition in any boarding school for underground trade in contraband and erotica and the like was no exception. Girls had passed around dildos ever since they were invented and boys had passed around adult magazines although there were moving pictures for the wizarding pictures. That is not to say that girls did not read PlayWitch just as much as boys read PlayWizard. It was a universal phenomenon that was common regardless of mundane, magical or mystical that being horny teenagers are curious and will find a way to find out. The current Hogwarts group was just profiting like anyone else in there position would.

While the twins might be cool with Horus, Weasel Boy would go postal if he even suspected anything do to his obsessive and controlling self. That Horus's Harem for a better word would all be in the Defense Association in addition to extra lessons would make the control freak suffer for his attempts to control not only his little sis, but Hermione as well. Creative Ginny had twisted the Bat Bogey Hex into something far worse. Horus had in an act of self preservation decided he did not want to know what change she had made to the hex that it should be renamed a curse.

That night there were a large number of content people sleeping in there beds. Even Neville was sleeping easily in his bed. The twins were passed out with dreams of the fun their new invention had caused dancing in their heads. The girls of Hogwarts that had paid for the new toys were asleep with grinning lecherous smiles on their faces. All alone in his bed Weasel Boy sulked he had forgotten his PlayWizard magazines he had borrowed under the mattresses of his bed far away. So he slept while dreams involving fantasies that would never happen floated between thoughts of food in his head. He was lucky no girl wished to use Legilimency on his sick head or he would have seen along line of girls who would use his sisters Bat-Guano Curse on him until he needed to be scraped off the floor. It was a typical Saturday night at Hogwarts indeed.
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