Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

The Submissive One

by syntheticlove1

What do you do when you give complete control to someone else? What happens when you begin to fall in love with the one who owns you body, mind, and soul?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2009-02-12 - Updated: 2009-02-13 - 506 words

Hey you guys, this is a new story im working on. I really and truly dont know how it will work out, but im going to try my hardest!
I just now got my computer fixed, it crashed and I had NO way to a computer. I'm really going to try to finish my other stories.
Right now, im having wicked writers block on some of them. On top of that, i lost my notebook that had 4 chapters already written for Vampires Mate!
:( This is going to be a very dark story, (S&M) stuff that im not really use to writing but it's played out in my head and seems pretty amazing. So bare with me
while i try my hardest! THANKS SO MUCHH!!! - lizy


It's weird how one starts their life. Not their born life, but the life that they lead. How do you fully decide on the life you want to lead? Money, fame, family? What makes you say to yourself ' I want to be a lawyer!' or ' I want to be a doctor!'? Well, that same thing, whatever it is tells us that we want to submit. We want to give ourselves over completely to the one who claims us or our master. It's a funny thing really, submitting that is. You give yourself over completely and utterly to someone else. A person just like you with rights just like you have. But when you're in that role...well you have no rights. Only the right to sit there and take it, to do exactly what it is that is asked of you. Believe me, it's freedom at it's finest.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not like we are beat to death oh no. You get punished when you don't do something you are asked to do. You can't just wake up one day any go " Wow, i think im going to submit today! Let someone punish me if they want to.". It's not that easy. You can be trained in special places, trained by your own master. They break you, break your will and your mind. In some ways they teach you that you can't live without them and without them you are completely and utterly lost. In a way its freedom, giving over the control to someone else, never having to worry about saying if something feels good because you know they will make it feel soo good.

This is my story, the story of how I feel in love with my we now have a great relationship. We went through hard times, believe me. So much of those times I ended in tears curled up in a dark corner someone, trying to get the courage to say the one word that I know would set me free. Hold onto your pants because this is going to be one hell of an adventure.

Okay you guys, how does it sound so far?
Like it? Hate it?
Give me something :(
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