Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Sisters Black
Chapter 16
Harry is captured by Voldemort, but manages to escape with some unexpected help. Now he just has to deal with the consequences.
Harry and Hermione step onto the train with Ginny and Ron Harry and Hermione step onto the train with Ginny and Ron. As the quartet look for an empty compartment, Harry spots Neville and curses internally, having completely forgot about the talk he needed to have with the young man concerning Bellatrix.
The teens find a compartment and get settled in. Within moments, Luna joins the group and the Ministry crew is complete.
They barely have time to get their trunks stored before Hermione grabs Ron, Luna, and Ginny for a Prefects meeting; leaving Harry and Neville alone.
Harry seals the door and puts up a Silencing Charm. "Nev, can we talk?"
Neville looks at Harry, "This is about her, isn't it?"
"Yes it is Neville. Bella is going to be teaching at school for the year. I was hoping to find a way for you two to make amends."
Neville's anger is palatable as he says, "Why should I ever forgive that bitch? You know what she did to my parents!"
Harry looks at Neville with renewed respect, and a small amount of trepidation. "Nev, I know you want revenge, you wouldn't be human if you didn't but I can tell you, revenge won't make the hurt go away. I realize that in some ways I was luckier than you were. My parents were killed yes, but I don't have to see them as shadows of their former selves, don't have to hope that someday they will recover. Don't forget though, that revenge can lead down the Dark path. If you hold onto that hatred and anger it can twist you up inside and turn you into what your mother and father both fought against."
Neville is taken back by Harry's words; and despite his seething anger, he can feel the truth in them. "So what would you have me do?"
"I might have a way that would allow you to settle the scale; however, I know about your relationship with Ginny and I won't risk having her hurt by this. I'll go over the details with you when we get to school. For now however, I think that the "meeting" has lasted long enough." Harry drops the wards protecting the compartment and opens the door to find his four friends forming a protective perimeter around the door. "You guys can come in."
Hermione is blushing slightly as they shuffle in.
Harry and the guys take their seats and unsurprisingly, their girlfriends sit down on their laps.
Not much is said while they wait for the train to leave the station. A few minutes before the train does leave, Hermione regretfully gathers up Ron, Luna and Ginny for the real Prefects meeting.
Both Neville and Harry keep their wands close at hand while they wait for their friends return.
Finally, after the train is moving, the Prefects return. Nobody says a word as the previous seating arrangements are resumed.
A quiet air of contentment fills the compartment; each couple caught up in a world all their own. However, all things must come to an end.
The compartment door opens and Draco Malfoy walks in, flanked as always by his goons, "Ah what a disgusting sight, Potty, the Mudblood, the Weasel and the Loon."
Harry quietly draws his wand, "Malfoy, I'm in too good of a mood to have it be wrecked by you. So unless you have something useful to say, shove off."
"Shut it Potty! I don't know how you managed to enslave my mother but I will see justice is done!"
Ron follows his best friend's example, "Malfoy, none of us really give a toss what you say. I've heard what actually happened from Harry and from the sounds of it, justice has already been done."
Draco's face goes red as he says, "I'd watch myself if I were you Weasel, you have so many brothers, your parents probably wouldn't even notice the loss of the youngest one."
Before anyone else can move, a Piercing Hex flies just to the side of Draco's neck and barely misses his ear.
Luna is on her feet with her wand already drawn. Her normally vapid expression is gone, replaced with a look of anger mixed with determination. Her voice is harder than steel as she says, "Mr. Malfoy, listen up and listen well. I have always tolerated the flagrant abuse and disregard of others concerning my properties and personage. However, I am markedly less tolerant of any threat made towards my friends and associates. Now this is the part that should draw your undivided attention Mr. Malfoy. I care little threats against myself. However, if in the future, you take it upon yourself to verbally or physically attack, malign, endanger, or inconvenience any of those in this compartment, not only will you be forced to deal with an official reprimand, but you will also find yourself on the wrong end of my wand. I should note that I am a Ravenclaw and as such I am better versed than most in spell craft." Luna's grin makes the blood in Draco's veins run cold, "Though I have studied the spells mostly for academic purposes, I can assure you, my mastery of them is more than sufficient to dispatch an unmitigated amoeba brained, neo-Neanderthal such as yourself with relative ease."
Draco can feel the sharp retort on his tongue, but the intimidating presence of the wand leveled against him is sufficient so he turns about and storms out of the room.
The second the door closes behind Draco, Luna's wand vanishes and her vapid expression returns in force. She settles on Ron's lap once more with an almost smug grin on her face.
The remainder of the trip is remarkable only in its peacefulness.
The group reluctantly disengages from their partners and get dressed.
They exit the train and exchange quick greetings with Hagrid before they climb into the horseless carriages. A few other students try to join the six, but a matched set of glares discourages them.
No words are spoken on the trip to the castle as the groups of lovers simply hold each other.
Professor Snape greets the teens at the door and directs the entire group to the Headmasters office and gives them the official password.
Harry has his wand in hand as he leads the progression to Dumbledore's door and up the stairs where the ageing headmaster and Harry's thralls are waiting from him.
"Greetings Harry, how was your trip?"
"Relaxing sir, and more than a little enlightening," the teen says as he sits down.
Luna and the others, except for Hermione are amazed at Harry's familiarity with the headmaster.
"Have a seat everyone, we have much to discuss."
The teens slowly seat themselves around the room.
"Harry, the first thing I would like to discuss is the attack outside of Gringotts."
"Very well sir."
The other teens look at Harry in confusion.
"The interrogation of the man went surprisingly easy. He willingly confessed to a large number of crimes, including use of the Unforgivables. As such, he's already been remitted to Azkaban Isle where he shall spend the remainder of his days."
"Thank you sir; however, I'm surprised Riddle authorized the attack."
Albus smiles sadly, "I'm afraid he didn't Harry. You see, this is the danger in being a warrior for either side. There will always be young witches and wizards who wish to gain a reputation for themselves by killing you. I myself have survived over one hundred assassination attempts since my defeat of Grindenwald. That does not include the formal duels I have been challenged to by people with the same intent."
Harry pales in comprehension.
"It is not as bad as it may seem. Most of the attempts were easily thwarted with no damage to the surrounding area. Still, no wizard who I ever faced was as powerful as Grindenwald, until I crossed wands with Tom Riddle."
Harry starts to calm down greatly.
"Also, I want to thank you for the interview you did with Ms. Skeeter. It does allow for the sisters to roam the castle freely. I know you will want to help your friends in any way you can, so long as this does not interfere with their school work, there should not be a problem."
Harry blushes slightly in comprehension.
"Very good then, now I'm afraid I must ask to speak to you and Ms. Granger alone."
Harry nods his head, "Cissa, please take the others down to the Great Hall."
"Actually, I will need to speak to the entire group again, so don't go far."
Narcissa nods her head and leads the other teens from the room.
Once the others are safely out of the room, Albus says, "Now let me say that the situation between you and Ms. Tonks is not unknown. However, I have no objections to the situation as it stands. I would like to employ her as a security consultant and assistant DADA instructor."
"I agree sir, pending her approval."
"Very good then as she said almost the exact same thing. Now, on to your boarding arrangements, you have been given a full suite of rooms as is befitting your status as a noble heir and your ladies have been quite busy in the decorating. As I understand it, Bellatrix went a bit overboard in her decorating. Still, I think you will be rather pleased with the overall effect."
"Alright sir. Is there anything else?"
"Just one small matter to clear up concerning Bellatrix's position on the staff. I know you are to honest to exploit the situation, but some feel it best if the matter is stated explicitly. One of the clauses in the employment states that you are forbidden to make inquiries beyond the norm concerning exams, assignments, etcetera, do you understand?"
"I do sir."
"Very good, now unless I am mistaken, you would prefer to avoid the feast this evening, so as to dodge the questions concerning your thrall's employment."
Harry considers things for a moment, "I hate to admit it sir, but you are correct."
Albus grins, "With your natural aversion to the limelight, I understand. Now, I would also like for you to continue the DA this year, this time with an official endorsement. Narcissa and Ms. Tonks would be of great value in such an endeavor."
Harry quashes his instinctive agreement and takes the time to think for a moment. "What would I gain from this sir?"
Albus smiles, both heartened and saddened by the teen's words. "In exchange, your retainers will be given quarters close to yours and will all of you will be given a position very much like a Prefect. However, they will be removed from their current House and will be required to relinquish any such title or position that is dependant upon House."
"Retainers sir?"
"Yes, Ms. Lovegood, Mr. Longbottom, Ms. Granger, and Mr. and Ms. Weasley."
Harry's eyes sharpen and focus on the old man. As their eyes meet, Harry feels almost as if his mind is reaching out to touch Dumbledore's. In that instant, Harry can see Albus explaining the prophecy to Tonks, sensing the headmaster would know how the woman would react; he can also sense the old man's awareness of the current romantic situation of the teens. In the next instant, the connection is lost and both men shake their heads violently for a moment.
Albus says, "I was not aware that you were practicing Legilimency Harry."
"Nor was I Albus; I don't know how I did that."
"Hmm... perhaps another skill from your thralls. Be exceedingly careful Harry, there are too many ways in which that power can be abused."
Harry nods his head. "Very well sir."
"Now back to my question from earlier, do you accept the offer Lord Potter?"
"I accept your offer Headmaster Dumbledore. However, it will be up to my retainers themselves if they wish to avail themselves of your proposal."
Albus nods and closes his eyes for a moment. Moments later, Narcissa leads the group back into the office.
Without a word, the teens avail themselves of the seats.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have a proposal for you. Lord Potter has accented to continuing the DA this year. Now in compensation, he and his retainers will be given special considerations." Albus stands up and begins to pace back and forth. "Traditionally, a noble lord, such as Mr. Potter here, kept an army of servants and staff, but he kept a small group of extremely loyal retainers whom he was normally very close to. All of you have proven your loyalty to Harry and I would like to offer each of you a unique opportunity. It would require you to formally resign your Prefect-ships and withdraw from such things as the Quidditch team. However, in compensation, you will receive your own set of room. Much like the House set up except that it would be only you and those that Harry might choose to include in the year to come."
Hermione is the first to speak up, "Sir, I've had the longest to think about this so I should probably answer first. I spent four long years working hard for this badge." She reaches up and undoes the badge, "However, last year I discover that it was just an extra set of responsibilities." She tosses the badge onto Dumbledore's desk, "I can honestly say sir, that I have no regrets about giving that thing up. Now hopefully, I can have time to have a life," she reaches over and takes Harry's hand, "and maybe do some studying just because I'm interested in the subject."
Ron takes off his badge and looks at it longingly, "Harry mate, I know I only got this because I'm your friend. However, to help you the most, I'm going to risk mom's wrath. Quidditch is fun, but it's not more important than you are." He then tosses the badge onto the desk.
Ginny takes off her own badge, "Mom was ecstatic when she heard I'd made Prefect. Merlin, even the twins were proud of me. However, family always comes first; and Harry, you are family, even if you do have the wrong colored hair." Her badge joins the other two.
Luna removes her own badge as well, "Daddy was happy when he found out I had been made a Prefect. However, he also told me to always stand by my friends. I don't have very many friends that can accept me for who I am and I make it a point to stand by those who do no matter what." She stands up, crosses to the headmaster's desk and gently lays her badge with the other three. She then turns around, walks over to where Ron is sitting, and takes her place on his lap.
Albus watches as the young wizard wraps his arms around the witch's waist as she leans back into him with a small grin on his ancient face. "If that is settled than I will make with the explanations, for all intents and purposes, each of you is a Prefect. However, instead of reporting to a head of house, you will report to either Harry or myself. Your class schedules will be the same as they were before. You will have the right to give and take House points as well as assign detentions; however, these must be countersigned by a teacher. If you can find the needed people to form a Quidditch team before the session starts, I'm sure Madam Hooch would be willing to add you to the roster. Is there anything else?"
The teens look at each other and each shakes their head.
"Well then, any of you whom wish to can feel free to skip the Welcoming Feast, except of course for Ms. Tonks and Bellatrix."
Harry stands up slowly, "I will be skipping the feast sir; I have no wished to be bogged down with questions before it's needed."
"Very well Harry, anyone else?"
Each of the teens nods their head in turn.
Smiling, Albus says, "Narcissa, please take these fine young people to Rowena's painting please. To set the password, simply tell her that you wish to change the password and what you wish to change it to."
"Thank you sir."
Bella and Tonks follow Albus out the door, promising to be back as quickly as possible while Cissa leads the teens out the door, just past the library and to the portrait of Rowena Ravenclaw. She greets the teens in a voice that is eerily reminiscent of Luna's normal voice, "Greetings Mr. Potter, the Headmaster told me to expect you. What do you wish for the password to be?"
Harry grins at his friends for a moment, "I want the password to be, Shag Riddle."
Rowena giggles, "I like it Mr. Potter, I like it indeed." The portrait then swings open and reveals a common room, much like the Gryffindor common room except that it is decorated in red and green.
There are five hallways leading from the room.
Cissa says, "Each of the halls leads to a room that has been set up for one of you. The one with the crossed swords above it however, is my masters. The one with a raven emblem is for Luna, the wand is for you Neville, the broom is for Ron, and the lion is for you Ginny."
Ron hesitantly speaks up, "Where will Hermione be staying?"
Hermione says, "I'll be staying in Harry's room. First off, what's said here stays here, everyone understand?"
Everyone nods in agreement.
"Ok, the short version is that I accidentally swore a Witches Oath not to leave Harry. As such, I have to spend most of my time with him. We are not sleeping together as such, however, we are dating."
Harry keeps an eye on Ron while Hermione makes her statement.
The red headed boy looks at his best friends; he walks over to Harry and extends his hand, "Harry mate, I know I've apologized before but I want to apologize again. I didn't act like much of a friend when I first heard about what happened to you. I will admit part of me wants to rail against you, but I know you didn't force Hermione to make that Oath, just as I know you won't take advantage of her."
Harry smiles brightly as he shakes Ron's hand, "Your apology is unnecessary, but still appreciated."
When the two let go, Luna glides over to her boyfriend and gives him a soul searing kiss on the lips that leaves both of them dizzy.
While Ginny watches her brother get an impromptu tonsillectomy, Neville wraps his arm around her waist.
Harry wraps one arm around Hermione's shoulder while the other goes around Narcissa's waist. Each of the ladies then wraps her own arm around Harry's hips.
Down in the Great Hall, the Feast is in full swing. Bella and Tonks are sitting up at the staff table and Cho Chang is looking over the Gryffindor table searching for Harry. Finally, the announcements are made and Cho decides to try and corner Harry's other slave, Narcissa tomorrow.
Back in the Potter Suite, Harry and Hermione are in the private library when he says, "Mione, I've got a question for you."
Hermione looks up from the book she's perusing, "Yes Harry?"
Harry sits down, "What do you think about Luna?"
Hermione can feel the question behind Harry's words, "I don't know anymore. Before her little run in with Draco on the train, I'll admit I agreed with everyone else, she was nuts. Now I'm not so sure."
"The reason I'm asking Hermione, is that you two are more alike than you might realize."
Hermione looks at Harry in shock.
"Think about it, almost every genius in history has been an eccentric, even you. Your love of Hogwarts: A History and absolute obsession with rules can both be tacked up to this. Luna's eccentricities are just a bit further out there and obvious."
Hermione's gaze unfocus' for several seconds as her mind works through Harry's words. With an effort, Hermione manages to dissect her own actions from an outsider's point of view. Finally, her gaze locks onto Harry. She calmly says, "I hate you Harry Potter. You are completely right. Damn, I am going to have to apologize to her immediately."
Hermione and Harry go to the common room where they find Ron, Ginny, and Neville. Hermione goes down Luna's hallway while Harry goes over and taps Ginny and Neville on the shoulder. "Hiya guys, can we talk?"
The pair stands up and Harry leads them to his private library.
Neville says, "Is this about our chat on the train?"
"Yes it is," Harry sits down and waves at a pair of chairs.
They sit down and Ginny says, "What's going on here?"
Harry replies, "Gin, you know what Bella did to Neville's parents correct?"
Ginny hesitantly nods her head.
"Well, as you may not know, Bellatrix will be teaching Potions this year and I rather want my friends to be on at least civil terms with my thralls."
Ginny asks, "So how do I come into this?"
"Simple, I have a little plan in mind so that Neville could even the score with Bella. However, I will not have you hurt by this Ginny. I wouldn't forgive myself, even if your family would."
Ginny did not honestly think her opinion of Harry Potter could get any better, however at those words, she is proven wrong. "Alright, let's hear this plan of yours."
Harry swallows, hoping that he isn't making a major screw up. "What I purpose is to basically give Bella to you two for a couple of hours."
Neville looks from his girlfriend to Harry, "What would I be allowed to do?"
Harry locks eyes with the other wizard, "Any thing you like, short of killing her."
Both Neville and Ginny's eyes go wide at Harry's pronouncement. Finally Ginny says, "You honestly mean that Neville could do anything to her so long as it didn't kill her?"
"I'm saying that both of you could do anything so long as it's non-lethal."
Ginny leans over and whispers something to Neville who nods his head. "Will she agree to this Harry?"
"I don't know if she will agree to it, but she will do it because I tell her to do it."
Neville and Ginny lock eyes and nod in synch, "I accept Harry. When do you want to do this?"
"I was thinking the first Hogsmead weekend."
Neville nods his head, "That will work. It gives me some time to work out what I want to do to her."
Harry says, "If you like, I can talk to Bellatrix about coming up with inventive ways to torture her if you like."
Both of them look at Harry in amazement. Ginny says, "And you mean that she would actually help plan her own punishment?"
"Yes she would, if I told her to."
Ginny looks at her boyfriend and nods her head. "I think we will take you up on that Harry."
Ginny and Neville leave shortly there after and Bella and Tonks return.
Tonks crosses the room and kisses Harry full on the mouth for almost a minute. Harry's hands come around and grip Tonks arse as their tongues duel. Finally she pulls back and says, "Master, there's something new I want to show you."
Tonks grabs Harry's hand and pulls him out of the seat, into the little hub that's the entrance to Harry's private suite, and into the bedroom.
In a thrice, Tonks is completely naked and Bella has Harry down to the buff. Tonks lies down on her back on the bed. "Master, please straddle my chest."
Harry hesitantly climbs onto the bed and on top of Tonks, his legs on either side of her torso.
"Alright master, now please move up so your cock is between my breasts."
Harry crawls up Tonks body, making sure to keep his weight off of her.
When her master has done as requested, Tonks gets another good look at his impressive tool and wonders how her aunts could have take it in their petite arses. "Now master, please grab a hold of my breasts and push them together so that your cock is enveloped."
Harry gently takes each warm mound of flesh in hand and pushes them together.
"Very good master, now I want you to move your hips so that you are moving your cock between my breasts like you did my cunt."
Hesitantly Harry starts to rock his hips back and forth, reveling in the new feeling. Shagging Tonks breasts like this is a completely unique experience.
When the tip of Harry's dick appears from between her breasts, Tonks can't resist the temptation and leans up and kisses the head.
Harry's head is already spinning from pleasure when Tonks kisses the tip of his dick. With a primal growl Harry comes, shooting his load onto Tonks face.
Tonks shudders in orgasm as the warm goo hits her face.
When Harry finally stops shooting off, he collapses to the side. He sees Tonks reach up to her face, "Stop Dora, leave it were it is."
Tonks stops instantly and climbs off of the bed, cum still on her face, "As you will master."
A/N: Until next time.
The teens find a compartment and get settled in. Within moments, Luna joins the group and the Ministry crew is complete.
They barely have time to get their trunks stored before Hermione grabs Ron, Luna, and Ginny for a Prefects meeting; leaving Harry and Neville alone.
Harry seals the door and puts up a Silencing Charm. "Nev, can we talk?"
Neville looks at Harry, "This is about her, isn't it?"
"Yes it is Neville. Bella is going to be teaching at school for the year. I was hoping to find a way for you two to make amends."
Neville's anger is palatable as he says, "Why should I ever forgive that bitch? You know what she did to my parents!"
Harry looks at Neville with renewed respect, and a small amount of trepidation. "Nev, I know you want revenge, you wouldn't be human if you didn't but I can tell you, revenge won't make the hurt go away. I realize that in some ways I was luckier than you were. My parents were killed yes, but I don't have to see them as shadows of their former selves, don't have to hope that someday they will recover. Don't forget though, that revenge can lead down the Dark path. If you hold onto that hatred and anger it can twist you up inside and turn you into what your mother and father both fought against."
Neville is taken back by Harry's words; and despite his seething anger, he can feel the truth in them. "So what would you have me do?"
"I might have a way that would allow you to settle the scale; however, I know about your relationship with Ginny and I won't risk having her hurt by this. I'll go over the details with you when we get to school. For now however, I think that the "meeting" has lasted long enough." Harry drops the wards protecting the compartment and opens the door to find his four friends forming a protective perimeter around the door. "You guys can come in."
Hermione is blushing slightly as they shuffle in.
Harry and the guys take their seats and unsurprisingly, their girlfriends sit down on their laps.
Not much is said while they wait for the train to leave the station. A few minutes before the train does leave, Hermione regretfully gathers up Ron, Luna and Ginny for the real Prefects meeting.
Both Neville and Harry keep their wands close at hand while they wait for their friends return.
Finally, after the train is moving, the Prefects return. Nobody says a word as the previous seating arrangements are resumed.
A quiet air of contentment fills the compartment; each couple caught up in a world all their own. However, all things must come to an end.
The compartment door opens and Draco Malfoy walks in, flanked as always by his goons, "Ah what a disgusting sight, Potty, the Mudblood, the Weasel and the Loon."
Harry quietly draws his wand, "Malfoy, I'm in too good of a mood to have it be wrecked by you. So unless you have something useful to say, shove off."
"Shut it Potty! I don't know how you managed to enslave my mother but I will see justice is done!"
Ron follows his best friend's example, "Malfoy, none of us really give a toss what you say. I've heard what actually happened from Harry and from the sounds of it, justice has already been done."
Draco's face goes red as he says, "I'd watch myself if I were you Weasel, you have so many brothers, your parents probably wouldn't even notice the loss of the youngest one."
Before anyone else can move, a Piercing Hex flies just to the side of Draco's neck and barely misses his ear.
Luna is on her feet with her wand already drawn. Her normally vapid expression is gone, replaced with a look of anger mixed with determination. Her voice is harder than steel as she says, "Mr. Malfoy, listen up and listen well. I have always tolerated the flagrant abuse and disregard of others concerning my properties and personage. However, I am markedly less tolerant of any threat made towards my friends and associates. Now this is the part that should draw your undivided attention Mr. Malfoy. I care little threats against myself. However, if in the future, you take it upon yourself to verbally or physically attack, malign, endanger, or inconvenience any of those in this compartment, not only will you be forced to deal with an official reprimand, but you will also find yourself on the wrong end of my wand. I should note that I am a Ravenclaw and as such I am better versed than most in spell craft." Luna's grin makes the blood in Draco's veins run cold, "Though I have studied the spells mostly for academic purposes, I can assure you, my mastery of them is more than sufficient to dispatch an unmitigated amoeba brained, neo-Neanderthal such as yourself with relative ease."
Draco can feel the sharp retort on his tongue, but the intimidating presence of the wand leveled against him is sufficient so he turns about and storms out of the room.
The second the door closes behind Draco, Luna's wand vanishes and her vapid expression returns in force. She settles on Ron's lap once more with an almost smug grin on her face.
The remainder of the trip is remarkable only in its peacefulness.
The group reluctantly disengages from their partners and get dressed.
They exit the train and exchange quick greetings with Hagrid before they climb into the horseless carriages. A few other students try to join the six, but a matched set of glares discourages them.
No words are spoken on the trip to the castle as the groups of lovers simply hold each other.
Professor Snape greets the teens at the door and directs the entire group to the Headmasters office and gives them the official password.
Harry has his wand in hand as he leads the progression to Dumbledore's door and up the stairs where the ageing headmaster and Harry's thralls are waiting from him.
"Greetings Harry, how was your trip?"
"Relaxing sir, and more than a little enlightening," the teen says as he sits down.
Luna and the others, except for Hermione are amazed at Harry's familiarity with the headmaster.
"Have a seat everyone, we have much to discuss."
The teens slowly seat themselves around the room.
"Harry, the first thing I would like to discuss is the attack outside of Gringotts."
"Very well sir."
The other teens look at Harry in confusion.
"The interrogation of the man went surprisingly easy. He willingly confessed to a large number of crimes, including use of the Unforgivables. As such, he's already been remitted to Azkaban Isle where he shall spend the remainder of his days."
"Thank you sir; however, I'm surprised Riddle authorized the attack."
Albus smiles sadly, "I'm afraid he didn't Harry. You see, this is the danger in being a warrior for either side. There will always be young witches and wizards who wish to gain a reputation for themselves by killing you. I myself have survived over one hundred assassination attempts since my defeat of Grindenwald. That does not include the formal duels I have been challenged to by people with the same intent."
Harry pales in comprehension.
"It is not as bad as it may seem. Most of the attempts were easily thwarted with no damage to the surrounding area. Still, no wizard who I ever faced was as powerful as Grindenwald, until I crossed wands with Tom Riddle."
Harry starts to calm down greatly.
"Also, I want to thank you for the interview you did with Ms. Skeeter. It does allow for the sisters to roam the castle freely. I know you will want to help your friends in any way you can, so long as this does not interfere with their school work, there should not be a problem."
Harry blushes slightly in comprehension.
"Very good then, now I'm afraid I must ask to speak to you and Ms. Granger alone."
Harry nods his head, "Cissa, please take the others down to the Great Hall."
"Actually, I will need to speak to the entire group again, so don't go far."
Narcissa nods her head and leads the other teens from the room.
Once the others are safely out of the room, Albus says, "Now let me say that the situation between you and Ms. Tonks is not unknown. However, I have no objections to the situation as it stands. I would like to employ her as a security consultant and assistant DADA instructor."
"I agree sir, pending her approval."
"Very good then as she said almost the exact same thing. Now, on to your boarding arrangements, you have been given a full suite of rooms as is befitting your status as a noble heir and your ladies have been quite busy in the decorating. As I understand it, Bellatrix went a bit overboard in her decorating. Still, I think you will be rather pleased with the overall effect."
"Alright sir. Is there anything else?"
"Just one small matter to clear up concerning Bellatrix's position on the staff. I know you are to honest to exploit the situation, but some feel it best if the matter is stated explicitly. One of the clauses in the employment states that you are forbidden to make inquiries beyond the norm concerning exams, assignments, etcetera, do you understand?"
"I do sir."
"Very good, now unless I am mistaken, you would prefer to avoid the feast this evening, so as to dodge the questions concerning your thrall's employment."
Harry considers things for a moment, "I hate to admit it sir, but you are correct."
Albus grins, "With your natural aversion to the limelight, I understand. Now, I would also like for you to continue the DA this year, this time with an official endorsement. Narcissa and Ms. Tonks would be of great value in such an endeavor."
Harry quashes his instinctive agreement and takes the time to think for a moment. "What would I gain from this sir?"
Albus smiles, both heartened and saddened by the teen's words. "In exchange, your retainers will be given quarters close to yours and will all of you will be given a position very much like a Prefect. However, they will be removed from their current House and will be required to relinquish any such title or position that is dependant upon House."
"Retainers sir?"
"Yes, Ms. Lovegood, Mr. Longbottom, Ms. Granger, and Mr. and Ms. Weasley."
Harry's eyes sharpen and focus on the old man. As their eyes meet, Harry feels almost as if his mind is reaching out to touch Dumbledore's. In that instant, Harry can see Albus explaining the prophecy to Tonks, sensing the headmaster would know how the woman would react; he can also sense the old man's awareness of the current romantic situation of the teens. In the next instant, the connection is lost and both men shake their heads violently for a moment.
Albus says, "I was not aware that you were practicing Legilimency Harry."
"Nor was I Albus; I don't know how I did that."
"Hmm... perhaps another skill from your thralls. Be exceedingly careful Harry, there are too many ways in which that power can be abused."
Harry nods his head. "Very well sir."
"Now back to my question from earlier, do you accept the offer Lord Potter?"
"I accept your offer Headmaster Dumbledore. However, it will be up to my retainers themselves if they wish to avail themselves of your proposal."
Albus nods and closes his eyes for a moment. Moments later, Narcissa leads the group back into the office.
Without a word, the teens avail themselves of the seats.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have a proposal for you. Lord Potter has accented to continuing the DA this year. Now in compensation, he and his retainers will be given special considerations." Albus stands up and begins to pace back and forth. "Traditionally, a noble lord, such as Mr. Potter here, kept an army of servants and staff, but he kept a small group of extremely loyal retainers whom he was normally very close to. All of you have proven your loyalty to Harry and I would like to offer each of you a unique opportunity. It would require you to formally resign your Prefect-ships and withdraw from such things as the Quidditch team. However, in compensation, you will receive your own set of room. Much like the House set up except that it would be only you and those that Harry might choose to include in the year to come."
Hermione is the first to speak up, "Sir, I've had the longest to think about this so I should probably answer first. I spent four long years working hard for this badge." She reaches up and undoes the badge, "However, last year I discover that it was just an extra set of responsibilities." She tosses the badge onto Dumbledore's desk, "I can honestly say sir, that I have no regrets about giving that thing up. Now hopefully, I can have time to have a life," she reaches over and takes Harry's hand, "and maybe do some studying just because I'm interested in the subject."
Ron takes off his badge and looks at it longingly, "Harry mate, I know I only got this because I'm your friend. However, to help you the most, I'm going to risk mom's wrath. Quidditch is fun, but it's not more important than you are." He then tosses the badge onto the desk.
Ginny takes off her own badge, "Mom was ecstatic when she heard I'd made Prefect. Merlin, even the twins were proud of me. However, family always comes first; and Harry, you are family, even if you do have the wrong colored hair." Her badge joins the other two.
Luna removes her own badge as well, "Daddy was happy when he found out I had been made a Prefect. However, he also told me to always stand by my friends. I don't have very many friends that can accept me for who I am and I make it a point to stand by those who do no matter what." She stands up, crosses to the headmaster's desk and gently lays her badge with the other three. She then turns around, walks over to where Ron is sitting, and takes her place on his lap.
Albus watches as the young wizard wraps his arms around the witch's waist as she leans back into him with a small grin on his ancient face. "If that is settled than I will make with the explanations, for all intents and purposes, each of you is a Prefect. However, instead of reporting to a head of house, you will report to either Harry or myself. Your class schedules will be the same as they were before. You will have the right to give and take House points as well as assign detentions; however, these must be countersigned by a teacher. If you can find the needed people to form a Quidditch team before the session starts, I'm sure Madam Hooch would be willing to add you to the roster. Is there anything else?"
The teens look at each other and each shakes their head.
"Well then, any of you whom wish to can feel free to skip the Welcoming Feast, except of course for Ms. Tonks and Bellatrix."
Harry stands up slowly, "I will be skipping the feast sir; I have no wished to be bogged down with questions before it's needed."
"Very well Harry, anyone else?"
Each of the teens nods their head in turn.
Smiling, Albus says, "Narcissa, please take these fine young people to Rowena's painting please. To set the password, simply tell her that you wish to change the password and what you wish to change it to."
"Thank you sir."
Bella and Tonks follow Albus out the door, promising to be back as quickly as possible while Cissa leads the teens out the door, just past the library and to the portrait of Rowena Ravenclaw. She greets the teens in a voice that is eerily reminiscent of Luna's normal voice, "Greetings Mr. Potter, the Headmaster told me to expect you. What do you wish for the password to be?"
Harry grins at his friends for a moment, "I want the password to be, Shag Riddle."
Rowena giggles, "I like it Mr. Potter, I like it indeed." The portrait then swings open and reveals a common room, much like the Gryffindor common room except that it is decorated in red and green.
There are five hallways leading from the room.
Cissa says, "Each of the halls leads to a room that has been set up for one of you. The one with the crossed swords above it however, is my masters. The one with a raven emblem is for Luna, the wand is for you Neville, the broom is for Ron, and the lion is for you Ginny."
Ron hesitantly speaks up, "Where will Hermione be staying?"
Hermione says, "I'll be staying in Harry's room. First off, what's said here stays here, everyone understand?"
Everyone nods in agreement.
"Ok, the short version is that I accidentally swore a Witches Oath not to leave Harry. As such, I have to spend most of my time with him. We are not sleeping together as such, however, we are dating."
Harry keeps an eye on Ron while Hermione makes her statement.
The red headed boy looks at his best friends; he walks over to Harry and extends his hand, "Harry mate, I know I've apologized before but I want to apologize again. I didn't act like much of a friend when I first heard about what happened to you. I will admit part of me wants to rail against you, but I know you didn't force Hermione to make that Oath, just as I know you won't take advantage of her."
Harry smiles brightly as he shakes Ron's hand, "Your apology is unnecessary, but still appreciated."
When the two let go, Luna glides over to her boyfriend and gives him a soul searing kiss on the lips that leaves both of them dizzy.
While Ginny watches her brother get an impromptu tonsillectomy, Neville wraps his arm around her waist.
Harry wraps one arm around Hermione's shoulder while the other goes around Narcissa's waist. Each of the ladies then wraps her own arm around Harry's hips.
Down in the Great Hall, the Feast is in full swing. Bella and Tonks are sitting up at the staff table and Cho Chang is looking over the Gryffindor table searching for Harry. Finally, the announcements are made and Cho decides to try and corner Harry's other slave, Narcissa tomorrow.
Back in the Potter Suite, Harry and Hermione are in the private library when he says, "Mione, I've got a question for you."
Hermione looks up from the book she's perusing, "Yes Harry?"
Harry sits down, "What do you think about Luna?"
Hermione can feel the question behind Harry's words, "I don't know anymore. Before her little run in with Draco on the train, I'll admit I agreed with everyone else, she was nuts. Now I'm not so sure."
"The reason I'm asking Hermione, is that you two are more alike than you might realize."
Hermione looks at Harry in shock.
"Think about it, almost every genius in history has been an eccentric, even you. Your love of Hogwarts: A History and absolute obsession with rules can both be tacked up to this. Luna's eccentricities are just a bit further out there and obvious."
Hermione's gaze unfocus' for several seconds as her mind works through Harry's words. With an effort, Hermione manages to dissect her own actions from an outsider's point of view. Finally, her gaze locks onto Harry. She calmly says, "I hate you Harry Potter. You are completely right. Damn, I am going to have to apologize to her immediately."
Hermione and Harry go to the common room where they find Ron, Ginny, and Neville. Hermione goes down Luna's hallway while Harry goes over and taps Ginny and Neville on the shoulder. "Hiya guys, can we talk?"
The pair stands up and Harry leads them to his private library.
Neville says, "Is this about our chat on the train?"
"Yes it is," Harry sits down and waves at a pair of chairs.
They sit down and Ginny says, "What's going on here?"
Harry replies, "Gin, you know what Bella did to Neville's parents correct?"
Ginny hesitantly nods her head.
"Well, as you may not know, Bellatrix will be teaching Potions this year and I rather want my friends to be on at least civil terms with my thralls."
Ginny asks, "So how do I come into this?"
"Simple, I have a little plan in mind so that Neville could even the score with Bella. However, I will not have you hurt by this Ginny. I wouldn't forgive myself, even if your family would."
Ginny did not honestly think her opinion of Harry Potter could get any better, however at those words, she is proven wrong. "Alright, let's hear this plan of yours."
Harry swallows, hoping that he isn't making a major screw up. "What I purpose is to basically give Bella to you two for a couple of hours."
Neville looks from his girlfriend to Harry, "What would I be allowed to do?"
Harry locks eyes with the other wizard, "Any thing you like, short of killing her."
Both Neville and Ginny's eyes go wide at Harry's pronouncement. Finally Ginny says, "You honestly mean that Neville could do anything to her so long as it didn't kill her?"
"I'm saying that both of you could do anything so long as it's non-lethal."
Ginny leans over and whispers something to Neville who nods his head. "Will she agree to this Harry?"
"I don't know if she will agree to it, but she will do it because I tell her to do it."
Neville and Ginny lock eyes and nod in synch, "I accept Harry. When do you want to do this?"
"I was thinking the first Hogsmead weekend."
Neville nods his head, "That will work. It gives me some time to work out what I want to do to her."
Harry says, "If you like, I can talk to Bellatrix about coming up with inventive ways to torture her if you like."
Both of them look at Harry in amazement. Ginny says, "And you mean that she would actually help plan her own punishment?"
"Yes she would, if I told her to."
Ginny looks at her boyfriend and nods her head. "I think we will take you up on that Harry."
Ginny and Neville leave shortly there after and Bella and Tonks return.
Tonks crosses the room and kisses Harry full on the mouth for almost a minute. Harry's hands come around and grip Tonks arse as their tongues duel. Finally she pulls back and says, "Master, there's something new I want to show you."
Tonks grabs Harry's hand and pulls him out of the seat, into the little hub that's the entrance to Harry's private suite, and into the bedroom.
In a thrice, Tonks is completely naked and Bella has Harry down to the buff. Tonks lies down on her back on the bed. "Master, please straddle my chest."
Harry hesitantly climbs onto the bed and on top of Tonks, his legs on either side of her torso.
"Alright master, now please move up so your cock is between my breasts."
Harry crawls up Tonks body, making sure to keep his weight off of her.
When her master has done as requested, Tonks gets another good look at his impressive tool and wonders how her aunts could have take it in their petite arses. "Now master, please grab a hold of my breasts and push them together so that your cock is enveloped."
Harry gently takes each warm mound of flesh in hand and pushes them together.
"Very good master, now I want you to move your hips so that you are moving your cock between my breasts like you did my cunt."
Hesitantly Harry starts to rock his hips back and forth, reveling in the new feeling. Shagging Tonks breasts like this is a completely unique experience.
When the tip of Harry's dick appears from between her breasts, Tonks can't resist the temptation and leans up and kisses the head.
Harry's head is already spinning from pleasure when Tonks kisses the tip of his dick. With a primal growl Harry comes, shooting his load onto Tonks face.
Tonks shudders in orgasm as the warm goo hits her face.
When Harry finally stops shooting off, he collapses to the side. He sees Tonks reach up to her face, "Stop Dora, leave it were it is."
Tonks stops instantly and climbs off of the bed, cum still on her face, "As you will master."
A/N: Until next time.
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