Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Awesomesauce Incest Poem

by ShaylaLambert

Yeah. It's totally waycest. Don't read it if yer lame.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2009-06-08 - Updated: 2009-06-09 - 347 words - Complete

I dedicate this to James Franco and Scott Ian O_O (I dont know why?)

Mikey was hot, the type Gerard was not.

At least in his books, Gerard scored low on looks.

For Mikey it was a different story, one where he adored Gee.

And so the first of May was a very special day.

It didn't take Mikey long to plan this very special first kiss.

Gerard stayed late at work, running errands for a jerk.

He drove alone, but thinking of Mikey made him moan.

When he got in the house, he was embraced by cute little Mikey mouse.

Into a warm hug he fell, caught under Mikey's tantalizing spell.

And before he knew it, they were lips to lips, hips to hips.

The kiss was awkward, sloppy, and quick, but immediatley got to Gerard's dick.

When Mikey's tongue slipped into Gerard, his cock quickly became hard.

But to Mikey's dismay, Gerard pulled away, said it was wrong,

then Mikey mentioned he was wearing a thong.

Gerard gives him a smirk, and his eyes began to lurk.

After a quick glance, he complained, "You're still wearing pants!"

So they pranced to the bed, greeted by crisp sheets of red.

Hands fumbled around, busily throwing clothes to the ground.

Mikey sat down, Gerard turned around,

flipped the lights to dim, and carefully climbed on top of him.

Now, you can definately guess what happens next, as he trails kisses down Mikey's chest.

Soon enough, Gerard'a head bobs up and down, and in pleasure Mikey begins to drown.

Mikey screams, moans, pants and groans.

He comes hard into Gerard's mouth, but Gerard's still got a party goin' on down south.

Mikey thanks him with a kiss, and grips him hard,

"Are you ready for me, baby? Are you ready for me, Gerard?"

I know handjobs have nothing on blowjobs, but with Mikey it's not the same.

Thanks to his skillfull hands, Gerard quickly came.

As they lay side by side, Gerard smiled wide,

and asked Mikey what he though of soon becoming a bride.

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