Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Sisters Black

Chapter 26

by Oldwolf

Harry is captured by Voldemort, but manages to escape with some unexpected help. Now he just has to deal with the consequences.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Characters: Bellatrix, Harry, Narcissa - Warnings: [!!!] [R] [X] - Published: 2006-04-07 - Updated: 2006-04-07 - 4490 words

The guys' eyes bug out and Harry says, "Wow."
Pansy's appearance has changed from pug ugly to very pretty.
Narcissa produces a mirror and hands it to the young woman. "I... I... I'm pretty again."
Ron looks at the girl for a moment before he turns to Luna and kisses her on the lips.
Harry clears his throat, "Alright people, things have been a mess today. Ron, you might want to get to know Millicent better before you use the Curse on her."
Ron nods his head, "Luna, Millicent, shall we move to my room?"
Harry's shocked when Hermione doesn't go ballistic.
"Tonks explained things to me Harry. I am still not happy, but if this is their choice, then what right do I have to argue."
Harry looks at his girlfriend for a moment before he kisses her.
Pansy looks at the pair and feels a stab of jealousy for the witch.
Cissa escorts Ron and his ladies to his room for a rather pointed talk.
Hermione says, "I'm going to go have some fun with Cho, do you want to come Harry?"
"No thanks Mione, Pansy and I need to have the same type of talk Ron is having with Bulstrode."
The bushy haired witch smiles as she walks towards the bedroom with Cho following behind her.
Harry's gaze shifts to Neville, "I take it Tonks explained things while I was out?"
Ginny says, "Yeah, she did. The two are getting a bum deal. I'm glad that my parents aren't into that form of idiocy."
Neville slips his arm around his girlfriend's waist, "I agree. Gram talked a few times about setting up a marriage contract for me, but she had the decency to give me final approval."
No one can see Ginny's hand as it latches on her boyfriends bum, "Come on, we need to have a long talk with Bellatrix."
The three go to Neville's room, but no screaming is forthcoming.
Harry says, "Dobby."
The house elf appears, "Yes sir?"
"Dobby, we'll be having two guests tonight, please set up a pair of guest rooms."
"Right away Harry Potter," the tiny creature says before he disappears.
Pansy has a disgusted look on her face as Harry turns back to her, "Get that look off your face right now. Manners and courtesy are something we can afford when dealing with everyone except our enemies."
The witch bites her own tongue, not wishing to further aggravate her future master.
Harry takes Pansy and Tonks to the study. He takes his customary seat, "Alright Pansy, I want to know about you; the entire ball of wax."
Pansy paces back and forth as she tells him of her past; of the training in the Dark Arts, of beatings from her father, of the total lack of emotional support from her mother, of Draco's flagrant abuse of their contract.
Harry listens and he can sense the truth in her words.
Tonks can feel that the young woman is hiding something and her thoughts turn dark, suspecting that the abuse Pansy had suffered had surpassed merely physical.
Pansy collapses into one of the chairs as she finishes her tale, feeling oddly cleansed.
Harry says, "Thank you Pansy. Shall we plan on using the curse on you tomorrow afternoon?"
"That is acceptable master."
"You know, you don't have to call me that."
"I know master, but I want to. It feels good to actually be able to give the title to a man of my own choosing."
Harry can feel his pride swelling up at the witch's words.
Tonks says, "I won't press you for details about the abuse you suffered Pansy, but I do want to tell you that I will listen if you want to talk about it."
Pansy says, "Thank you Auror Tonks."
The pink haired woman smiles, "Since you will soon be serving my master as well, you can call my just Tonks."
Pansy looks at her, "Master..." Her gaze shifts to Harry, "You've bound her, but have kept quite about it so she can keep her position."
Harry smiles, "Correct. I trust you understand that I do not wish for this to become public knowledge."
"I understand master."
"Good, now I have a rather more embarrassing question for you."
"Ask anything you wish master and I will answer you."
"Very well, for the curse to work at its best, it needs to be cast either during or directly after intercourse. So the question is this: what form of intercourse do you want to employ?"
Pansy blushes, "What do you mean master?"
"Pansy, for me to do the spell properly, I have to shag you first. How do you want it?"
The blush deepens, "I don't know. I... I... I've never... you know."
Harry looks at her in surprise, "You said that Draco demanded that you satisfy him. How could you not have?"
"Master, Draco didn't wish to risk seeing my face in the heat of the moment, so he forced me to service him the same way over and over again."
"Dare I ask Pansy?"
She swallows nervously, "Are you familiar with what's called a 'rim and jerk job' master?"
"Not that I'm aware of."
Tonks blushes as she speaks up, "I am passingly familiar with it master. It tends to be rather satisfying for a certain type of male, but it is very, very degrading to the woman."
Harry suddenly locks her with a very intense stare, "I'm not complaining mind you, but I'm surprised that neither Bella nor Cissa has tried anything like this."
Tonks smiles at her master but doesn't try any evasion, "Because master, they know as well as I do that you would not be happy. However much they may wish to degrade themselves for you, their primary goal is to please you."
Harry relaxes and nods his head before turning back to the matter at hand, "Alright, Pansy, I want to make sure you enjoy yourself when I cast the spell so the next question is do you have any fantasies that I could help come true?"
Pansy blushes, "Maybe one or two. Although you can't help me with one, it involves Draco and a bit of payback."
The wizard nods, not entirely surprised, "And the other?"
The witch's blush deepens as she explains her fantasy.
Once Pansy is done explaining her fantasy, Harry says, "If that is what you want, then that is what you shall get."
"Thank you master."
In Ron's room, Millie has been giving the lovers the same type of information, though she's much more circumspect concerning certain sections of her life.
Finally Luna says, "Alright Millie, now there's one last problem."
"What's that Luna?"
"As much as I may love him, Ronald does not have the raw magical potential to cast the spell normally."
Ron blushes, but doesn't say a word, knowing she's right.
"However, before you lose hope of him not being able to be your master, I should tell you there is still hope. As you may or may not know, sex gives a person a temporary increase in power. Now, if Ronald were to have sex with you, he should have enough magic to perform the spell, though he will be incapacitated afterwards."
Millie says, "I don't want to hurt him."
Ron speaks up, "Millicent, Millie, I might not know you well personally, but to keep you away from Riddle, I'll risk injury."
The large witch grabs the boy in a rib crushing hug reminiscent of Molly. Ron's breathing hard when Millie release him; she has a sheepish look on her face as she reaches into her robe. To the boys surprise she pulls out a dog collar that she hands to Ron, "I know most guys think I'm dog ugly, so it's appropriate that your bitch be collared."
Ron grabs the girls shoulder before she can turn around. "I don't care what anyone says, you are not 'dog ugly' and I'll hex the next bastard who insinuates that!"
Millie's face goes beat red, knowing that the boy means every syllable.
Luna takes the collar from Ron before he can destroy it, "Millie, you offered Ronald this collar for you, why?"
"To further show my submission to him. I'll admit, the repeated comments about my appearance prompted part of it, but not most of it."
Luna looks at her boyfriend, "Ronald, you're honor and nobility does you and your family justice. However, this is what she wants. You may still make good on the promise to hex the next person who insults her for her looks because you will not be using this on her because of it.
"Millicent, what spells are there on this collar?"
"There is a Truth Charm standard and there's another, relatively minor spell."
"Which is?"
"It's called a Choke Chain Charm."
"And what does it do?"
"If I get too far away from the person who collared me, my air starts to get cut off."
Luna nods, "So I presume this was not intended for daily use?"
"It was intended for daily use, but only within the confines of this suite."
Luna nods her head and hands the collar back to Ron, "Ronald, this woman is to become your personal property within twenty-four hours. I will not register my own opinion on this matter, think of it as your first act as her master."
Ron looks at the collar for a second before he looks at his girlfriend. Finally he turns to Millie, "Turn around."
The witch grins widely as she turns around and lifts her hair.
The redhead quickly slides the collar into place and locks it just as it's pressing into Millie's skin.
She turns around and kisses his cheek, "Thank you master."
Ron's face turns the same color as his hair. "You don't need to call me that."
Millie says, "Yes I do. You are my master in all but name and tomorrow you will become my master for real."
Luna laughs, "Ronald, don't worry, I believe even Harry had trouble being called master. However, I do ask one thing."
"Yes Luna?"
"I request that I be the only one allowed to call you lord."
Ron wraps his arms around Luna, "Of course honey, of course." He kisses her and Millie wipes a tear from her eye, knowing how much the pair loves each other.
When the lover's part, Ron clears his throat, "Anyways Millie, um, we got off track for a bit. Ah, yeah, we were talking about the power needed for the spell."
"Correct Ronald; now, Millie, when you are bound to Ronald it is a very special occasion so something special is in order, wouldn't you agree?"
Ron nods his head while Millie just blushes.
Luna smiles airily, "Very good, now Millicent, is there any particular fantasy that you would wish to use for your initiation?"
The woman's blush deepens, "Actually, there is. You two helped make most of that fantasy come true, but I would like to do the entire thing."
Ron looks at his girlfriend before turning back to his future thrall, "I hate to say this, but would you please fill in the details?"
"Well master, there were a few things I would have liked to add to that scene."
"Keep going."
"Um, well master, you see, I kinda wanted to be bound when you took me."
Ron looks over at Luna and nods his head, "That shouldn't be a problem."
"Also master, I wish to be punished before you claim me," she blushes, not knowing the type of things that her master and mistress have been doing.
"Punish you how?"
"A... a spanking master."
Luna nods her head with a wide grin on her face and her boyfriend says, "That shouldn't be problem."
Millie looks up at Ron, "You mean it?"
"Indeed I do. Hasn't Luna told you what type of games she enjoys?"
Luna speaks up, "Not really Ronald. I was hoping to have more time to acclimate her to our pastimes, but it would appear that it is unnecessary."
Millicent blushes scarlet as she realizes what the blonde means.
Ron says, "So, shall we plan on using Bella's room for the initiation?"
Cissa says, "That shouldn't be a problem actually, barring unforeseen circumstances."
"Thank you Narcissa."
Luna nods her head, "That would be perfect Ronald."
Ron smiles at the befuddled girl, "Millicent, tomorrow, you become my slave, a strange concept for me to even begin to comprehend. However, that is tomorrow, for tonight, anything you do, you do completely of your own accord."
Luna says, "I think that would be a bad idea Ronald. You should conserve your energy and magic until tomorrow."
The other blonde says, "She's right, the spell is very, very draining."
Millie looks down at her feet for a moment, "Master, are you upset that you only get me while Harry gets Pansy?"
Ron smiles, "Not really. This was entirely your choice. A part of me does want to shag her at least once, but really, no."
All three of the women smile at him and Millie says, "Thank you master, I thank you for your honesty."
Back in the study, Harry and the ladies are making small talk when Dobby appears in the room. "Master Harry Potter sir, Headmaster Albus sent Dobby to make sure nothing had happened sir."
"What do you mean Dobby?"
"Master Albus said that the women needed to sign some papers to protect you and your Wheezy. He said that he would have the papers ready in the morning."
"Tonks, please go see Ron."
The pink haired Auror quickly leave the room and heads to the boy's room.
Ron is surprised when there's a knock on his door. He opens it to find a pink haired woman waiting for him, "Hiya Tonks, what's up?"
"Albus just sent Dobby along to make sure nothing happens tonight."
Ron nods, "We weren't planning anything, but thanks for the heads up."
Tonks nods, "Alright, I'll see you in the morning then."
That night the two future slaves talk to their masters, including several fantasies they have.
The next morning, the group has breakfast delivered to them along with the papers that both Pansy and Millie sign.
Pansy is escorted by Tonks to Harry's room while Bella takes Millie to the playroom.
Ron and Luna enter the room and Bella says, "Ms. Lovegood, you might not wish to be here for this. If you are involved, you might accidentally get bound as well, which might well kill your boyfriend."
Luna looks at Ron, "It is up to you love."
"Will she be in danger if she is merely watching?"
"No, she will only be at risk if she is engaged in sexual activity with you or the woman when the spell is cast."
Ron nods, "Can you deal with that Luna?"
"Indeed I can lord, though I would like permission to masturbate while you shag her."
Bella speaks up again, this time a bit hesitantly, "You may entertain yourself with her as well, so long as you were not doing anything at the time the spell is actually used."
Luna grins, "That would be perfect, with lord's permission."
"That will be fine kitten."
The two walk further into the room where Millie is waiting for them. She's naked with her hands clasped in front of her, hiding her pussy from view.
Ron stops in front of the woman while Luna walks to behind her.
Millie yelps when Luna smacks her arse, but otherwise remains completely passive.
The redhead smiles before he goes over to the cupboard to retrieve a blindfold and a pair of leather manacles.
Luna goes over to the cupboard while Ron is walking back and gently grabs his bum.
The ex-Slytherin doesn't resist as her master pulls her arms behind her and binds them together. She is then taken to one of the blocks and pushed over it face down.
Luna drapes her robe over the bar before she walks over to her boyfriend completely naked with two dildos in hand.
Millie's cunt is sopping wet as her master cuts off her vision. She feels something press against her lips and she eagerly opens her mouth for whatever her master or mistress wish.
The blonde smiles at the woman's subservience as she pushes the dildo into Millie's mouth while she uses the other dildo on her own pussy.
Ron looks at his girlfriend as he grabs a paddle from the wall. He looks at Millie's rump for a moment, making a note to have her start working out to tighten it. The redhead draws back his hand and brings down the paddle with all of his strength.
The bound woman is grateful that it's not a real cock in her mouth as she instinctively bites down from the blow.
The hand Luna has at her crotch speeds up at the squeal of pain from Millie.
Ron smiles as he draws back for a second blow.
Both of the women shudder in orgasm when the second blow is delivered.
The young man delivers four more blows before he lays down the paddle and lowers his trousers.
Millie can't contain her moan of anticipation when her master grabs the cheeks of her arse roughly. When she feels his staff press against her pucker, she takes a deep breath and tries to relax.
As the tip of his dick pushes into Millie, Ron can feel that he won't last for long. His balls have barely come into contact with Millie's pussy before he starts to come.
Luna pulls back instantly, "Do it Ronald!"
Ron grabs his wand from its sheath and points it at Millicent, "/Servus secus/."
The spell hits the woman's back and she can feel the subtle invasion of her mind, her other ambitions become less important as the need to please her master grows.
Ron pulls out and is caught by Bella as he collapses.
Millie turns around and kneels down; she eyes her master's flaccid cock for a moment before she leans further down and kisses his feet.
Bellatrix levitates Ron's unconscious form over to one of the beds.
Harry enters his bedroom where Pansy is waiting for him.
Pansy is lying on her back as her future master enters the room. She licks her lips as she looks at him.
The young wizard can see the girl's shaven cunt as he disrobes. His staff is at attention as he walks to the bed.
The reclining witch draws her legs up giving her master a better shot at his target.
Harry climbs on top of Pansy, being careful not to put to much weight on her legs. He reaches down and takes his member in hand and aims for the woman's backdoor, grateful that Tonks had remembered the need to prepare the woman.
Pansy takes a deep breath and tries to relax as Millie had told her to.
The wizard starts to slowly push in, enjoying the feel of a virgin arsehole. He makes a point to stop frequently to allow the witch to adjust to his girth.
The witch gasps in ecstasy as her first cherry is taken. She relaxes into the hands of her master, grateful for his inherent gentleness, Millie had told her the first time a boy took her butt, it had hurt like hell.
Harry has his wand in hand as he starts to pull out of the moaning woman. He pulls out only a little before pushing back in.
Her master's short strokes soon have the witches head spinning. She sees her master start moving his wand moments before she feels a hot liquid shoot into her bum.
Harry casts the spell just as he comes and his mind explodes with information.
Pansy can feel her master's mind touching her mind, but it feels comforting rather than being violated.
The wizard leans down and kisses the woman's forehead, "Welcome to my Thralls Pansy. Obey me and you will never regret your choice."
As her master comes to her feet, Pansy crawls off the bed and kneels before her master. "Thank you for taking me as your thrall master, may I never do anything again to harm you," she then leans down and kisses Harry's feet.
Meanwhile, in Ginny's room, the witch is fingering her pussy at a mad dash as she wishes that Neville would even touch her private parts. Finally, she gives up with a frustrated scream. She stands up, completely naked, and starts to pace. Finally she decides she just needs to get out of the suite, she throws on a robe and goes out to the common room, looking for a partner.
Tonks looks at her master happily, and slips from the room. She finds Ginny waiting for someone, "Wotcher Ginny."
"Hello Tonks, I need to go visiting, mind being my escort?"
"Of course, where are we going?"
Ginny leads the way out of the suite, "The headmaster's office."
The pink haired woman nods her head, curious as to what the whole matter is about.
The pair arrives at the gargoyle and they are soon making their way into Dumbledore's office.
"Ah, Ms. Weasley, please sit down. How may I help you?"
Ginny sits down, conscious of the fact that she's naked beneath her robe. "I needed to talk to you about the form Luna received."
"I was wondering when you would come asking for that. Very well, here is a copy of the form already prepared. However, it lacks one vital component; it must be signed by both of your parents."
Ginny takes the form with no small amount of apprehension, "Thank you sir."
Albus smiles at her as she stands up, "Good luck Ms. Weasley, I hope you and Mr. Longbottom have a long and happy future together."
Ginny is blushing as she and Tonks walk back to the suite. The witch goes directly to her room to do something she hoped she'd never have to do. She sits down at her desk and gets out her writing supplies.
Dear Mum,
I had hoped that I would never need to do this to you but I find myself in need of a favor which you will not wish to grant. I have gotten a Release of Consent from Professor Dumbledore. This will allow Neville to ignore certain problems associated with the age of consent. It releases him from all culpability for any act he may take so long as I am willing.
Mum, I know you don't want to do this, that you want us to remain children, but that simply cannot be. So, I'm going to let my Slytherin side out and offer you a deal. During the summer before the Quidditch world cup I came home early and made almost no noise as I approached the Burrow. What I saw in the kitchen initially disturbed me, but soon I was ecstatic. You were bent over the table getting shagged by dad. I was grateful you two still enjoyed an active sex life, but I got the surprise of my life when you called him by a different name. First off, this is not blackmail; I will not speak of it to anyone else without your permission. What this is however is an offer. I will do what I can, which is a great deal, to help bring your fantasy to life. In exchange, I want the Release form signed by you and dad.
All my love,
The young witch looks at the letter briefly before she closes it up and summons an owl to send it to her mum.
Back in Harry's room, Pansy is eye to eye with her next challenge. Her master is reclining on the bed while he waits for her to start. Taking a steadying breath she lowers her head and gets her first taste of a man's cock.
Harry relaxes as Pansy tries to swallow his cock whole. He hits the back of her throat and she visibly gags. "Use your tongue more Pansy."
The witch looks up at her master and Harry's dick twitches at the beautiful sight of Pansy with her mouth stuffed full of cock. She tries to comply but she doesn't have a clue where to start.
"Run your tongue along my cock. Pretend it's a Popsicle."
With the new reference, the woman goes at her task with a will.
Harry sits through the blow job, but makes a mental note to have Cissa instruct her in the art; though he does have to admit, what she lacks in skill she makes up for in enthusiasm.
Pansy swallows her master's gift with rapture. When she's done, she draws back, "Thank you for the wonderful present master."
"You're welcome Pansy; but please talk to Cissa about your technique."
Pansy blushes, "Forgive me master, but that was my first attempt."
Harry sits up, "You mean you never...?"
"Master, as I said, Draco Malfoy found my face so repugnant, he didn't wish to risk seeing it during any form of intercourse."
Harry shakes his head at his rival's callousness. "Very well then, is there anything else you would like to do tonight?"
"Not really master, I'm tired; would you mind if I go to sleep?"
"Not at all, sleep well my dear."
Harry climbs off the bed and gets dressed quickly.
Molly is finishing the dishes wondering if Arthur would feel like punishing her tonight, her bum tingles as she imagines her husband's rough hands coming down on her arse.
Arthur Weasley is in his favorite chair reading the newspaper with a glass of Fire whisky as he contemplates the rest of the night. He thinks, "It's Sunday, Molly normally asks for a spanking tonight. Hope I'm up to it." He chuckles at the thought, still amazed that his wife's behind is still as tight as the first time he buggered her.
Molly is debating between her husbands hand and a belt when an owl flies in the window and lands in front of her.
She takes the letter from it but the owl simply flies to Errol's perch apparently waiting for a response.
Molly opens the letter from her daughter and begins to read. By the time she's done with the letter, the woman is blushing a deep scarlet, "Arthur dear, we need to talk."
Arthur looks up from his paper, expecting the normal routine to start, "Yes love?"
Molly walks into the room, "I just got a letter from Ginny."
The man gives the letter a quick read, "What do you intend to do?"
"Would you mind?"
The balding man smiles, "Let's go see our daughter and future son in law."
The two quickly find themselves in Dumbledore's office, "Ah, I've been expecting you. Should I send for Mr. Longbottom and Ms. Weasley?"
Molly smiles at the old man, "Please do Albus."
A/N: Until next time.
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