Categories > Comics > Batman

Arkham Escapees

by keytobias5

What would you do if you found one of these sexy ladies on the side of the road? Want to find out?

Category: Batman - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Batgirl,Catwoman,Poison Ivy - Warnings: [!] [X] [?] - Chapters: 3 - Published: 2009-08-31 - Updated: 2009-10-20 - 10255 words

  • Harley Quinn

    by keytobias5

    Our first escapee is Harley Quinn. Escaping after the events of Batman: Arkham Asylum, Harley is alone and cold on the road when a kind stranger picks her up. Want to know how she thanks him?...

    Category: Batman - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Batgirl,Catwoman,Poison Ivy - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2009-08-31 - Updated: 2009-09-05 - 2468 words

  • Poison Ivy

    by keytobias5

    After a bit of a moral dilema our friend picks up some Poison Ivy. It's not always such a bad thing, is it? Poison Ivy:

    Category: Batman - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Poison Ivy - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2009-09-05 - Updated: 2009-09-05 - 5791 words

  • Interlude

    by keytobias5 5 reviews

    There are consequences for every action...

    Category: Batman - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Penguin,Poison Ivy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-10-17 - Updated: 2009-10-18 - 1996 words

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