Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Photograph


by Disenchantedxo

I belonged to him now, everything that was mine was now also his, except for one thing I prayed he’d never take away from me. My photograph.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2010-02-18 - Updated: 2010-02-18 - 2049 words

Heyyyy :) okay so i've had this idea stuck in my head for a while now, that's the reason i decided to kill off my other story Interlude lol... but anyways, i'd appreciate reviews and stuff to let me know this story is starting out good or bad, so read on and enjoy!(hopefully :P)

My limp, weak body crawled up each step slowly and cautiously. My bones ached and the skin on my right cheek burned from when his hand had clashed against it. I could feel the soft wet tears fall on my arms as they escaped my eyes and I tasted the salty bitterness in them. My breath was ragged and wheezy, my heart pounded hard against my chest, urging me to hurry up. But I just couldn’t find any strength left inside me anymore, physical or emotional; he’d taken it all away. I belonged to him now, everything that was mine was now also his, except for one thing I prayed he’d never take away from me. My photograph.

I’d married my husband Jason at quite a young age, I’d just turned seventeen. At the time it didn’t seem like such a big deal and I hardly thought about the agreement I was making from the moment I said, “I do.” That moment was when I became a prisoner to him. I’d given up everything for him, my college course, my dreams of becoming an artist and also my family name. I was no longer Charlotte Jane Mason; I was now referred to as Mrs. Charlotte Jane Reed.

By marrying him I had given him complete access to me, to do whatever he liked. Though before our marriage he was never the man he was now. When I first banged into Jason in Starbucks one morning - spilling my coffee all over him – he’d laughed and invited me to sit with him. He was gorgeous, I couldn’t deny that, so I sat with him and we’d chatted. He seemed so polite and gentle on the first few dates we went on, but now I realise it was all just an act to cover up his real personality.

When I’d heard him say his vows to love me forever in sickness and in health, I really did believe it. I try to believe it every night when he abuses me; I try to convince myself that somewhere in his heart he loves me and that I deserve what he does to me. It’s the only way I can live through the pain each day.

I heard his heavy footsteps coming from downstairs and I immediately began to crawl again. I clung on tightly to the banister as I heard his rough breath behind me. He crouched down to my side and gripped my neck hard.
“Where do you think you’re goin’ you little bitch?!” He snarled and pulled my hair back forcing me to look up to him. I whimpered as he tugged harshly on my hair and spat on me. My hands flew up to my face to wipe it off when his free hand took both of my writs and pinned me to the step.

I looked deep into his eyes, searching for any signs of love… nothing. The only thing I could see in his ocean blue eyes was lust and dominance. His cold lips came crashing down on mine and kissed me roughly. I was debating with myself whether or not to bight down on his lip so hard it would draw blood, but I knew that would only earn me another hand across my face.

He pulled his lips from mine and pressed his forehead hard against mine furrowing his eyebrows.
“You think you can just fucking crawl away from me whenever you please?” He growled. He obviously wasn’t expecting an answer from me as he released his hand from my hair and whipped his palm across my cheek. I cried out loudly as it stung like hell and violent tingles spread around my face.

“This is what you get when you try to run little girl.” He whispered soullessly into my ear and sat upright. I cringed away from him as he said that. I was only a little girl to him. I was eighteen and he was thirty five, it seems wrong when you look at the age difference but when he’d made me believe he truly loved me, age didn’t mater.

My parents had told me over and over that I was too you for him and that he was just using me. But did I listen?


He fiercely tore off my clothes and unzipped his jeans placing his body over mine. I fought back tears as he positioned himself to enter me and I tried to shuffle my body away from him. He gripped my writs harder as he plunged himself into me and lustful groans left his mouth.

“Fuck…” He whimpered and thrust harder into me, making the tears I’d been fighting finally spill out. They rolled down my cheeks, leaving wet trails on my face and he lowered his mouth to my ear, “Stop crying you worthless whore.” He snapped and it made me jump slightly. He’d called me a whore? After everything he’s done to me? I shook my head in sorrow and pleaded with him to stop, but like every time – he’d just completely ignore me.

He continued to crash into my lifeless body until he was finally satisfied. He stood up and an evil smirk crossed over his lips.
“I’m beginning to get rather bored with you my love,” He said pouting out his lip and looking down on me.

“What more do you want from me?” I whispered hoping he wouldn’t give me an answer; I didn’t have anything left to give him.
“Don’t give me that crap Charlotte. You married me, so therefore you are willing to do anything for me, do you want me to show you the vows you made to me?” He asked bitterly crouching down again. I shuffled away from him and shook my head.

“I know my vows.” I said keeping my eyes from his, my voice was broken and frail. He leaned over me and grabbed my chin fiercely.
“I hope you do, otherwise I’d have to give you a reminder.” He threatened and stepped over me to go to his room. I rubbed my chin and started to pick up my clothes he’d torn off. Part of me felt dirty and used, the other part was relieved that he’d had enough of me for the night.

I got dressed and slowly made my way down to the cellar, trying to be quiet. When Jason fell asleep, it was not a good idea to wake him up again. So I tiptoed to the cellar door and creaked it open. I scurried in and shut the door behind me; I knelt down beside my mattress bed and reached underneath it. I pulled out a rather crumpled looking photograph, but that photograph was the only possession I had left which Jason didn’t know about. Every night I’d take it out and stare at it for hours, thinking back on the best memories from my childhood. It wasn’t much of a picture, but it meant everything to me. It would erase all the fear and sorrow and replace them with hope and happiness. Hope that maybe some day, he’d come and rescue me from this hellhole.

I studied it carefully, taking in each ray of sunlight that danced over the two small figures both sitting on a swing. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was the middle of summer in Dallas – where I grew up. I was only eight at the time and my Dad had helped me make a tire swing in the golden field around the back of our house. I remember swinging back and fourth on it all day, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I’d stopped swinging and turned to face a small boy with wavy black hair. He’d smiled at me and said, “Hi, my name’s Gerard Arthur Way,” In the cutest voice ever. He’d extended his hand out to shake mine and I shook it politely.

“My name’s Charlotte Jane Mason.” I’d replied and I remember going bright red at that point.
“That’s a pretty name. Me and my brother Mikey have moved in next door to you.” He’d said shying away a little.
“Oh so we’re gonna be neighbours?!” I’d asked excitedly, I’d never had any other kids live by me.
“Yeah, so do you wanna play with me?” He’d asked and my face had lit up. I’d nodded and patted the swing shuffling over so he could sit with me.

From that moment on Gerard and I had grew up together as best friends. Mikey always used to tag along with us, but when high school came things were a little different. We weren’t kids anymore, and we’d grown out of the silly child games we used to play about princesses and princes. And on the night of my fourteenth birthday, Gerard took me to our tire swing.


“Where are you taking me Gerard?” I asked as he took hold of my hand, I tried to peek through the blindfold over my eyes.
“Ah ah ah, no peeking… You’ll find out soon enough.” He said and led me to wherever we were going.

After a fairly short walk, he stopped and removed the blindfold. I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw the familiar tire swing in front of me. He grinned back at me and suddenly darted off into the field of gold. I chased after him and grabbed his wrist, then he swung around causing us both to fall to the ground. He landed on top of me with a slight thud.

“Oops.” He said looking down on me and we both began to laugh. He looked deep into my eyes and removed my bangs from my face gently. My heart was beating insanely at this point; I’d never been this close to him.
“Charlotte there’s somethin’ I need to tell you…” He whispered and leaned in closer to me so our noses were touching. “I love you.” He said and softly pressed his lips to mine. He pulled back to study my expression – which was dazed and in a slight trance. I blinked a few times and before I even knew what I was doing, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his lips back to mine.

End of Flashback…

That had been my first kiss. I was so god damn nervous, though Gerard never once made a nasty remark. After that we’d dated for about a year, and then tragedy caught up and ruined our fairytale. The Way’s had decided to move back to New Jersey, because most of their family lived around there. It had torn my heart apart the day he’d told me, and I cried for weeks afterward. I haven’t seen him since, and that would be about three years ago. Even though I’ve married an asshole, I’ve never once forgotten Gee and Mikey. I haven’t ever tried to contact them; they probably wouldn’t even remember me. So it was best to keep things in the past.

I slipped the photo back under my mattress and got up to lie on it. I wasn’t going up to bed with him, I’d much rather sleep down here on my own freezing to death. No blanket, no pillow, just a worn out mattress. But my heart was warm with love, the love of remembering those happy times…

Yeah so this chapter was rather long for a first chapter but i had to describe the background info on charlotte so you guys woudn't be confused in the next chapter lol :P sooooo... good, bad? tell meeee! x
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