Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > x...Break me Gently...x

x...Break me Gently...x

by ThisLoveIsReal

One-shot, my first one, go easy on me! Anddd none of this ever happened apart from in my twisted mind XD worries my Mum too :) Frerard, hot, slightly twisted...but definitely hot XD

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] [R] - Published: 2010-02-21 - Updated: 2010-02-23 - 1918 words - Complete

"Oh Frankie...?" I shuddered as the light yet luring voice called for my presence-the tune to his tone slightly ominous. Instantly I recognised who's voice it was. After all, who but Gerard could possess such a contrast of personality to their voice? One so angelic and innocent,whilst the other that of a more temptational nature.

"I-is that you Gee?" I questioned in a curious mumble, despite already knowing the answer as an unintentional stammer infects my speech. Clearly, he had heard this as he responded in a mocking tone, allowing his call to portray the innocent side. "Why so nervous Frankie? I just need some help with something..." He persisted, sounding like a little boy in need of aid with his school work. I found my eyes wonder to his bedroom door, the pink and black sign reading "Gee's Room" causing a smile to form upon my pale lips. "What is it?" I ask in lazy response, allowing my tounge to toy with my lip ring. " stuck in my jeans..." he admits, his voice lowering noticably in shy confession. "You got your cock
stuck in your jeans?" I choked out in humourous astonishment.

"Shhh! Mikey will hear you!" he stressed, his words nothing more than a desperate whisper, his younger brother currently sleeping in the next room. I chuckle darkly,pushing myself up from the sofa, dropping my Kerrang! magazine onto the coffee table beside me. "What was that?" I tease, leaning against his bedroom door. "Someone might hear that, you got your cock stuck in your zipper?" I repeat aloud, emphasising the the last eight words purposely. I felt the doors presence dissapear from my back as it was suddenly yanked open, forcing me to fall straight on my back, meeting none other than Gerards stained burgandy carpet. I found myself convieniently staring up at his smirking face and zipper which was in no way caught up with his member. He bent down to my face, his breath burning against my cheeks. "I'm gonna make it so you regret you were ever born..." he warned, grasping the back of my jacket with one hand. With one strong pull, he tossed me onto his bed effortlessly, slamming and locking the door behind him, a devilish grin staining his face.

I felt my eyes suddenly become drawn to his own dark orbs, a plan twisting within his hazel eyes, a blend of chocolate brown and emerald stunning me. I had never seen them with such emotion before. Such lust... Before I could snap out of my haze and register what was happening he clicked off the light, winking briefly before doing so. "Marco..." he teased in a whisper. I stood up instantly as I heard him approach. I stepped around the room cautiously, feeling out for the walls for guidance. I heard the springs of the bed squeak and a deep chuckle. His voice came off as silk. "You can play hide and seek all you like..." His tone changed to a threatening melody rather than a playful tune. "But the door is locked by key.." I shuddered at the statement, the realisation that I'm not getting out without some form of punishment hitting me hard. "And once I find you...and we continue our little game..." he continued, his voice lowering to a cruel whisper. "We're going to play by my rules...and the concequences will be dire." I could hear the smirk in his voice, almost feel the excitement bubbling within his stomach.

A sharp grasp suddenly took control of my wrists, causing me to yelp aloud. A low groan erupted from my captor in front of me. "Found you..." he purred, hot into my ear. I felt my shirt being torn off, the buttons dropping to the carpet seperately. Cold metal clinked as he murcilessly held my hands behind my back, his chest against mine as he started linking my wrists together. "G-Gerard please stop it...Let me go!" I pleaded, always being self concious of my appearance. A sinister laugh was given as response to my begging, the mocking sound now traveling to behind me, letting me know he was moving. I felt his boot push down onto my back, forcing me on my knees and my face to the floor.

"G-Gee...please..." I begg, afraid yet strangely exillerated to what he'd want of me next. He removed his foot silently, but I daren't move, daren't speak. "Lay yourself on my bed flat on your stomach." he ordered specifically. When I didn't move, he entwined his fingers into my hair, pulling me to my feet while doing so and once more, throwing me onto his bed. This time differed, he instantly straddling me as he began to remove my belt. I whimpered in protest, unable to act due to the metal restrictions that plauged my wrists. "Don't you dare struggle..." he warned, discarding my belt carelessly among the pile of broken buttons on his tattered carpet. "You wouldn't want to upset me now would you Frankie?" He said, his words more of a statement than a question. "N-no.." I stuttered, my jeans growing suprisingly tight. "Oh...whats this?" Gerard teased, running a fingertip down the bulge in my skinny black jeans. "Someone wants to come out and play..." He murmered darkly, sliding down my jeans painfuly slow. Teasing my jeans off, he dugg his nails into my thighs as he lowered both my trousers and his palms. I felt the red marks appear on my skin, I didn't need to see them as minor pain was present. Finally I was left fully exposed to the darkness other than a thin pair of black boxers.

"Y-you can't do this!" I yelped, my insecurity becoming almost unbearable. "I-It has to be against the law or something!" I cried, my cheeks flushing bright red. "Oh? Really?" he questioned,false innocence tainting his voice. "Well...Frankie, there's something you should know about me.." he murmered in a low growl. "W-what?" I stammered, my voice shaking violently. "I'm a bad...bad...bad man..." he confessed proudly, his member pressing into my thigh. "And I'll do what I want with you." he stated, roughly tearing my boxers away, exposing me completely. He slammed a hand into my chest, winding me slightly. "Stay." he ordered, his tone suddenly vicious. I felt his weight lift from the bed as I heard him make his way towards the door.

"N-no! Gee please not the light!" I squirmed at the restraints preventing me from escaping or concealing my dignity in any way. The light shocked my eyes and I shut them instantly as a response. A sensational moan escaped from the cornor of the room. I opened my eyes slightly to see Gerard digging his nails into the wall, his eyes fixed on my body. "Fuck Frankie..." he mumbled. I noted the fact that he had been undressing as his shirt lay amongst my clothes and his chest was bared in front of me. A pink sheen across my cheeks appeared as I saw I was hard. So. Fucking. Hard. He shook himself out of his daze and began to prowl over to me, a feminine movement to his hips as he moved. Towering above me, his warm hand began to worm it's way beneath my back, bringing us closer together as he pulled me up. My heart felt like it was going to burst, his eyes were so beautiful. So deep. He brought his lips down onto mine, the softest touch he had layed on me today. He twirled his fingers gentley within my brown locks of hair. He introduced his tounge to the kiss, calmly letting it explore my mouth. Pulling away he began to speak. I couldn't comprehend how anyones voice could sound so reassuring, so beautiful after doing this to someone. "You tell me when's enough...just tell me you give and I'll stop..." he whispered, flipping me over onto his lap so he could see my ass.

My erect member dug uncomfortably into his thigh, causing me to moan deeply. "Make a sound, scream, whimper, moan...You'll regret it." he stated, his silky voice only making him sound that more vicious. "Your going to enjoy this..." he growled, his own erection pertruding through his red skinny jeans into my leg. Hands chained behind my back, I gasped in erotic pleasure as he bought his hand hard down on my ass, the stinging sensation making me harder by the minute. "Ah-ah-ah, no sound..." he reminded me cruely, a sound of relief in his voice as he monitored my cocks reaction. He bought his hand down a second time, the insasiable feeling running straight to my length this time. I grit my teeth feircely to prevent myself from making any sound, knowing the punishment would be utterly murciless. Repeating his actions several times I felt myself become close to climax, my body never before being put through this sort of pleasure. F-Fuck! I think to myself, my only option remaining to keep quiet and hold myself from comming. He let his hand fall brutally onto my ass karate style, causing me to scream out in ecstacy. "FUCK! GERARD!" i let out over his legs violently and he shoves me off,not being able to keep that dirty smirk off his triumphant face.

He raises an eyebrow, staring down at the stain on his jeans. "Look what you've done Frank...You know what that means...?" He lectured, his eyes turning serious. I shook my head silently in response and watched as he flinged his cum stained jeans into the corner. "It means that you have to be punished..." he grimaced, as if slightly dissapointed. "And it's such a clean back aswell." he trailed off into thought, once more, rummaging through the same oak drawer. He turned around to me once more, hiding something behind his back. "But were those jeans..." he stated with a heavy sigh, approaching me slowly. "P-please...I-I couldn't help it...y-you-" I tried to explain before Gerard interupted. "Don't you dare try to blame this on me..." he growled, suddenly uncomfortably close to me, our chests almost touching. "Now lay on the bed on your stomach." Gerards eyes burnt furiously into mine, forcing me to automatically do as he commands.

I feel him straddle me from behind, his member pressing through the thin fabric of his black and green striped boxers against my ass, resulting in me whimpering, just about audible to the human ear. This made him chuckle, a fierce growl to his voice. "You should be nervous this time..." he warned. "It's never nice the first time..." he laughed mockingly, running a fingertip up my back making me shudder at his suprisingly gentle touch. One of the cuffs were removed from my right wrist, soon reattatched as it was wrapped around the bed post. He let out a dark groan, I could hear than he was gritting his teeth at the sigh of my bound body. "Guess what game we're playing Frankie...?" he teased, running a rough material down my back. "Eye spy with my little eye..." he started, pulling what looked like his boxers around my mouth to prevent any protest. Of course, then he couldn't class it as "against my will" if I couldn't say so. He giggled darkly, setting himself up behind me, placing gentle kisses across my shoulder blades.

[First one go easy on me! Reviews for more!]
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