Categories > Original > Erotica

Kylie's Story

by taytay_17

***REPOST***Kylie Peterson, a 13 year old girl, is left with her 17 year old brother when her parents leave for the week. He has special plans for her. WARNING: This story contains graphic sex, inc...

Category: Erotica - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Chapters: 2 - Published: 2010-03-06 - Updated: 2010-03-07 - 4841 words

  • Kylie's Story

    by taytay_17

    ***REPOST***Kylie Peterson, a 13 year old girl, is left with her 17 year old brother when her parents leave for the week. He has special plans for her. WARNING: This story contains graphic sex, inc...

    Category: Erotica - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2010-03-06 - Updated: 2010-03-07 - 2282 words

  • Chapter 2

    by taytay_17

    Kale's friends come over for some fun.

    Category: Erotica - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2010-03-06 - Updated: 2010-03-07 - 2559 words

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