Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > It's Not That Complicated


by AlexisSCREAM

........... xD

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2010-05-24 - Updated: 2010-05-24 - 349 words

updating AGAIN bcause I feel like it. I think I'm going crazy... sorry for the shortness of this, by the way


Ryan had just woken up and was allowed up to three visitors at a time, so Brendon and I met each other there. Well, technically, he was there first, but he hadn't been there for long.
'Hey Ryan' I smiled. The room was eerily silent from the second I walked into the private room Ryan had. Well, apart from the fucking beepign machine thing. I swear to fucking God, Ryan didn't even need that pile of crap!
'Hey... ummm...' He obviously didn't know my name.
'I'm Hannah's twin, NK. But, as a special treat, you can call me... NK...' I smiled. I mentally slapped myself. I'd never been THAT nervous... or THAT stupid in front of anyone before.
'Oh... umm okay... hi!' Ryan said, smiling a little. His smile made him look so cute. I quickly glanced at Brendon, who was sitting in the corner. He seemed scared but Ryan seemed happy. The pair of them were honestly creeping me out...
Brendon sighed loudly before saying 'I'm going'. He simply stood up and left. He left me alone with a super hot guy...
'NK... you're gay right?' Ryan asked me, breaking the awkward silence. I rolled my eyes. It was the one question I'd get 67436598709 times a day.
'No... I'm bi...' I sighed, trying hard to hide how annoyed I actually was.
'Well, I like you... and I by the looks of it, you like me too...' I glared at him. He had a cute little smirk painted across his face. I bit my lip nervously, and tried to hide my gaze, which was directed at my cock. 'Nice one...'I thought. I'm pretty sure I was blushing.
'I-I-I uh...' I stuttered, trying to hide the... unhideable.
'Can we date?' Ryan suddenly asked me, smiling like the most insane maniac I've ever seen. I nodded and raced towards his bed, carefully wrapping my arms around him.
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