Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Sisters Black

Chapter 39

by Oldwolf

Harry is captured by Voldemort, but manages to escape with some unexpected help. Now he just has to deal with the consequences.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Characters: Bellatrix, Harry, Narcissa - Warnings: [!!!] [R] [X] - Published: 2006-04-24 - Updated: 2006-04-24 - 1557 words

In the morning, Susan is formally transferred out of Hufflepuff House and into Harry's Retainers.
The week passes smoothly as plans are made for Hermione's big night.
Finally Friday night arrives and Harry and his ladies make the Floo trip to Grimmauld Place for a conversation that has been brewing for months.
The group is greeted by a smiling Remus, "Hiya cub, what brings you to this Blackest of corners?"
Harry groans, "You know, your getting as bad as Sirius with his constant 'Sirius-serious' jokes."
The werewolf is surprised to find only a very minor twinge of pain at the mention of his last school friend. "Honestly though Harry, what brings you by?"
Harry nods to his ladies and they disappear out of the room, "I need to speak to the Grangers and Dobby separately."
"Sure, that shouldn't be a problem Harry. Is there anything the matter?"
"There's nothing seriously wrong Remus, just a couple of small matters that require my personal touch."
The werewolf nods, recognizing the young man's tone. "Very well Harry, I'll send Dave and Emma up to your study at once."
Harry beats a hasty retreat up to the study. For once he's grateful to find the room deserted. He seals the room and summons Dobby. The young man extracts several vows of secrecy from the small creature before explaining what he wants done.
Dobby is shocked to hear his master's plan, but agrees to do his part in its execution.
A moment after Dobby disappears with his customary crack, Harry unseals the room and a knock follows almost immediately after.
Harry calls for the person to enter and Dave and Emma walk in, "You wanted to see us Harry?"
"Yes," the seated man says. "Please sit down. There's something I need to talk about with both of you and I doubt it's going to be pleasant."
Dave smiles at the wizard as he sits down next to his wife, "This has to do with sleeping with Hermione, correct?"
Harry seems to shrink back into him self, "Yes sir it does."
"Has anything happened yet?"
"Err, umm, well, ah, oral intercourse I think she called it."
Emma giggles a bit, "Relax Harry, neither my husband nor I are upset with you. Hermione told us of her intention to sleep with you months ago. How have things been progressing?"
"Ma'am, we haven't done anything yet."
"As I said Harry, you can relax. As I said, Hermione's been trying to work up the courage to press the matter of a physical relationship for over a month. Though I'm curious as to why you've been so reluctant to press a more physical aspect on the relationship?"
"Honestly ma'am, I haven't felt the need to press it. I have six gorgeous ladies that wait on me hand and foot to deal with any... urges that I have. With the need for physical release addressed, I felt no overwhelming urge to push Hermione into something she wasn't ready for. Until just this week, I was fully prepared to wait until we were officially married to consummate our relationship. However, she approached me and expressly requested that our relationship be moved to the physical level. I told her I would only move to the physical stage with your permission and consent."
Dave grumbles a bit as he reaches into his pocket and fishes out a coin that he hands to his wife, "Harry, if you didn't guess by my question the last time we spoke, I approve of you sleeping with my daughter. This is mostly because I know now that you are not a normal, overly hormonal teenager. Everything I've seen so far seems to point to the fact that you are entirely too honorable. I honestly expected that promise not to sleep with Hermione to last less than a week, yet here you are, over two months later, asking for our permission rather than going behind our back and just telling us after the fact."
Emma lays a hand on her husbands arm, "What my esteemed spousal unit is trying to say Harry, is that we give you our blessing with no reservation."
Harry smiles and says, "Thank you both."
The three continue to talk for over an hour while elsewhere plans are coming together.
Snape looks on passively a Wormtail screams in pain.
When Voldemort finally lifts the curse, he looks at Snape, "Are you certain of events Severus?"
"Yes I am my lord. You familiar was captured by the Potter brat and killed as she was on her way to deliver instructions to your spy. The next day the girl approached the worthless brat and convinced him to allow her to join his motley band."
The Dark Lord nods, "And did anything else happen?"
"Not to the best of my knowledge my lord, but Potter doesn't go out of his way to inform me of the going-on's within his suite."
Voldemort nods, "And are there any indicators that the spy's story will interfere with my plans?"
"I do not believe so my lord. While I don't believe the brat is yet ready to embrace your glory, I also believe that he is past the crucial point. Unless there is a major change, I expect him to be prepared to join you in three to six months."
The Dark Lord nods before moving on to other business, allowing Snape a sigh of relief.
Harry feels as though a weight has been lifted from his shoulders as he watches the Grangers leave the study. With their consent granted, he can finally start to plan out his encounter with his fiancé. However, before he can even get started, Cho walks into the room.
"Excuse me master."
The young man looks up from his desk, "Yes?"
The Asian witch crosses the room and kneels in front of her master, "I have a request for you master."
Harry lays down his quill, "And that would be?"
"I would like to request a beating."
Harry starts to massage his temples, "Might I ask what for?"
Cho cringes as she feels the recourse of her master's headache, "For no other reason master, than I would enjoy it."
The young wizard leans back in his chair, "Would it be safe to say that delegating this to Hermione or one of the others would be less than acceptable to you?"
Cho swallows at the resignation in the man's voice, "Unfortunately correct master."
Harry sighs, "Very well then. I will attend you in twenty minutes in the playroom. Have two items ready for my use."
Chang lowers her forehead to the floor before standing up, "It will be as you command master."
Harry shakes his head, wondering if he will ever understand women as Narcissa enters the room with a potion vial in hand.
The blonde hands the potion to her master, "Here you go, a simple pain relieving potion."
The young man is surprised when the potion tastes like peppermint and his headache almost instantly vanishes, "Thank you Narcissa. I expect to be occupied for the next three-quarters of an hour or so with Cho. After that, I want to start laying the plans for Hermione's deflowering, providing she's still willing."
"Master, unless I am fatally mistaken, there is nothing you could do that could dissuade that young woman from sharing your bed now that both of you are done dancing around the other."
Harry nods, still slightly unconvinced, "Still, I want to be completely sure before we take the final step. If things go as planned with Hermione tonight, I will need you and Bella to occupy Pansy and Cho for the entire evening."
"And what of my niece?"
"I will be needing her aid with Hermione."
Narcissa licks her lips a little and turns her attention to her master's crotch, "Pardon my forwardness master, but would you mind if I..." She doesn't finish the sentence; instead, she simply drops to her knees between Harry's legs.
"Not right now Narcissa. I want to be fully charged for Hermione tonight."
Cissa pouts a bit as she stands up, "Very well master. I will speak to my sister and your other slaves as well as our mistress to facilitate plans for this evening."
"Wait a second, mistress?"
The blonde swallows slightly at her slip of the tongue, "Master, please understand, that we know your thoughts, sometimes better then you do. We gave her the title of mistress because we knew you loved her and that by pleasing her, we would be pleasing you."
Harry nods, "Alright. I approve of the results, though I'm not thrilled at the delay in informing me of the situation, though I do understand your reasoning." He gets a sly smile on his face, "For now though, strip down."
Intrigued, Narcissa pulls off her robe and removes her skirt before her master stops her. At his command she bends over with a glimmer of what's to come.
Harry draws his wand and casts a vibration spell on Cissa's butt plug, "You are to leave that spell in place until I personally remove it; am I clear?"
The woman has a bright smile on her face as she says, "Perfectly master."
As Harry stands up to go deal with Cho, he wonders what going to happen next.
A/N: Until next time.
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