Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Sisters Black

Chapter 42

by Oldwolf

Harry is captured by Voldemort, but manages to escape with some unexpected help. Now he just has to deal with the consequences.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Characters: Bellatrix, Harry, Narcissa - Warnings: [!!!] [R] [X] - Published: 2006-04-24 - Updated: 2006-04-24 - 1010 words

Harry looks at the dead woman before him for another moment more before his eyes track to where the spell came from.
Dolohov just stands there cackling madly, unaware of the fate that is about to befall him.
Harry's eye's lock on the insane Death Eater and with an inarticulate roar, the young man throws up his right hand and as his palm comes into alignment with the man, a green bolt leaps from his hand.
The other pedestrians look on in shock as the jet of green light hits Dolohov in the chest, causing the man to drop like a stone.
Harry grabs the fallen witch's hand in both of his and shouts out, "HERMIONE!"
Hermione finds herself on a murky beach. As she looks around, all she can see is fog. Off a little bit, she can hear water flowing. As she turns in that direction, Harry steps out of the fog.
"Hermione, thank Merlin you're alright. I was so afraid I'd lost you," the young man says. He grabs her hand, "Come on, Voldemort is around here somewhere. Once we cross the river you'll be safe." He starts to pull Hermione behind him as he trudges towards the river.
In a matter of moments, the fog clears enough for Hermione to see a wide river; however, the fog is still obscuring the other side.
Just as Harry is about to step into the water, a voice from behind the calls out, "HERMIONE!"
Hermione says, "That sounded like you."
Harry gets a look of panic on his face, "Ignore it Hermione. That was just Voldemort trying to deceive you."
The young witch isn't so easily fooled however, especially once she sees the look on the man's face, "Harry, what is going on here?"
The wizard grabs Hermione's hand and starts to tug incessantly, "Come on. I'll explain everything once we're on the other side."
Hermione digs in her heels, "I'm not going anywhere until you explain to me what is going on here!"
The mask the man is wearing starts to slip a bit and Hermione can see the ugly monstrosity tugging her towards the river. Without taking a moment to think, the witch kicks out and catches the creature in the crotch, causing it to release her to grab its injured bits.
The witch takes off running to roughly where she heard her name called from. Behind her, she can hear the monster start to run after her as she starts to panic.
Suddenly the fog clears away and Hermione can see Harry standing by a fence, his arm stretched out to her, with a golden aura surrounding her.
The creature is in hot pursuit of the young witch and he redoubles his efforts to catch her before she can reach the young man standing by the gateway.
Hermione locks her hand around Harry's wrist less than a split second before the monster can grab her from behind. She feels a sensation very much like a Portkey before she sees a bright flash of yellow light.
Tears are flowing down Harry's face and one of them drops directly onto Hermione's forehead just before her eyes shoot open.
"H... Harry?"
The young wizard looks dazed to hear his name and looks down at Hermione who is slowly trying to sit up.
The witch in question says, "Did anyone get the number of the hippogriff that hit me?"
Just then there's a series of pop's as Harry's Thralls arrive on the scene accompanied by Madam Pomfrey.
In a thrice, Hermione is bundled up by the disturbed looking matron and carted off to the castle under heavy guard.
A few moments later, the area is flooded by Auror's and Unspeakables.
Soon the entire town is cordoned off and everyone is questioned as to what they saw.
Harry gives his statement to Tonks while the others go about their tasks.
As it become increasingly apparent what Harry did, many of the Unspeakables look at the young man with barely restrained awe.
Finally Madam Bone arrives on the scene and quickly walks over to Harry, "Well Mr. Potter, you seem to have a singular talent for causing me headaches. Just for my information, would you please give me a brief overview of what happened?"
"Yes ma'am. Hermione and I were walking towards the Three Broomsticks for a butterbeer after some headaches at school. She suddenly collapsed and I don't honestly remember much beyond that."
The older witch nods her head, "That was more or less what I was expecting. How are you feeling anyways?"
"Besides the fact that I'm worried sick about Hermione, I'm fine."
Nodding once more, Amelia says, "Harry, I'm surprised you are still standing. From all accounts, including a magical examination of the body, you used the Killing Curse on Antonin Dolohov. However, we've already checked your wand for that spell and found nothing. According to the statements everyone has given, it would appear sir, that you have the distinction of being the first one to ever use the Killing Curse without a wand or other magical focus."
A few minutes later, the senior Auror on sight hands his boss a report.
Amelia says, "Well, it looks like you won't be facing any charges. Physical evidence, or lack there of, not withstanding, there's enough extenuating circumstances that preclude any possible prosecution. Oh, and just between, us, you might want to file that paperwork soon."
With that Madam Bones signals for her people to pack up and Disapparates.
Harry is immediately beset upon by Professor McGonagall, "The headmaster wishes to see you in his office immediately Mr. Potter."
As the elderly teacher leads the way back to the school, Harry wonders why these things seem to happen to him.
Voldemort is slack jawed when he receives the report from his spies about the amount of power Potter had demonstrated. After a moment, the Dark Lord starts to cackle, seeing only Harry's use of the Unforgivable, rather than what provided the true power for the spell.
A/N: Until next time.
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