Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Horus Goes Home
Chapter 21: Preparations and Plans
Sunday Family Dinner was a concept that most civilized countries had or at least something similar. That it was at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place would have been one of the differences. The Black Family was and had claimed to be the Noble and Ancient House of Black what had been forgotten over the past century or so was that Black Magic and Dark Magic were not inherently evil that magic merely is and short of the malignant spell category most could be used for good purpose.
The malignant category covered spells who had what was deemed a morally unacceptable price. Spells that required human sacrifices or lethal levels of blood or worse souls were in that category. Killing was not necessarily an evil act killing without reason and wastefully was. Malignant spells could be done legally and a small percentage used death row criminals if such required a human sacrifice.
Spells that were deemed malignant were often attempted to find ways to substitute the cost of the spell. Magic was not despite mundane belief free. The energy came from somewhere and most casters burned a rather large amount of calories and if their own magic had not been able to draw from the ambient energies most would consume more food than an eighteenth century lumberjack. These topics and others had been brought up at the Family Dinner. The loudest and most fervent of these debates was when the definition of Dark Magic had been asked about. Horus had denounced any ministry defined definition as most tended to lob any spell that the ministry could not track, reverse or control.
The following debate about the nature of magic was enlightening, but rather technical and had lost most of the people there in the discussion. Despite everyone there being familiar with magic the theoretical explanations and the math were not something they were all well versed on.
Sirius had tuned it out a while ago and was sipping on his wine which he had strengthened a bit. That allowed him to ignore the mathematical parts and focus on the ethical ambiguities. The arguments about morality and lethal spells had been interesting. He had been an Auror like James but during the war effort more emphasis had been on brute strength and dueling skills than the theoretical explanations or morality. They were left to enforce ministry regulations with force when necessary. He understood magic as much as a cop understood the metallurgy of his gun. He knew enough to use it and to keep it in good shape, but not enough to make one from scratch.
Tonks was in a similar state despite being an Auror in supposed peaceful times when they were more an investigative and statute enforcement. As she would tell it they were more akin to plain clothes man police instead of the Detectives compared to Officers they had been. That did not mean that Aurors had less dueling skill than before just that other skills were as important since there was less need for the Aurors as military as during the last Dark Lords rise.
Bella was involved in the conversation bringing up the view of someone who had theoretical and practical experience with the so called Dark Arts. She was rather more involved with the ethical considerations of use as Horus tended to bring up the easy application of the so called Light Arts to cause lethal or crippling damage. The debate ranged along the basis of magic the difference between will and intent based magic. They diverged when they debated any mind altering spells, potions and drugs. The cheering charm as being a mind altering charm and thus in the same category as the Imperious and similar potions in regards to ethics was a major point in the debate.
Narcissa was more interested in the legality and reason why spells became banned and others denied acknowledgment. The lack of new spells in the current century had brought about a debate about the stifling regulations for new ideas. She had heard a lot of things over the years and there were some things that had seemed inconsistent and she had always wanted to find an answer to that.
Andromeda followed the debates with interest as it helped her see the changes from the wives her sisters had become. That it also allowed her to get a better view on their man was of more interest as one tended to loose oneself when they were passionately discussing something. The first concern that she had was that he was so young, but by the laws and the old ways there was nothing that she could do.
That did not mean that Andromeda Tonks nee Black was helpless. She did see what could attract her sisters' attentions physically. He did not look his age and was in far better physical shape than most pureblood or even muggle athletes were. He moved with a grace that seemed to be more likely seen in professional or high level government dueling specialists. She had wondered what all had come from his and what from Seras's influence. Her little girl was no longer tripping all over the place being unnaturally clumsy. At times she had wondered about that in addition to her being in the Aurors and that was not very safe all things considered. A female Auror if captured did not have the best of luck.
So it would come as little shock that she worried about her daughter. The Death Eaters had been known to rape and torture victims and she knew that they would be worse with a captured Auror. That did not mean that she was against her daughter doing the right thing even if it was not the easy thing. She had been trying to keep the traditions at least the knowledge of them alive. That was mostly do to the fact that she believed that Sirius would have taken over sooner and never suspected that he would end in Azkaban. It was a good thing that Sirius had yet to reveal that Dumbledore had pretty much known he was innocent and left him to rot so he would have control of Harry Potter.
It didn't help that Sirius was dozing upright at the more technical aspects of the discourse. That the math involved was definitely beyond NEWT level Arithmancy and he had not taken that at school didn't help matters any. So he sat there as the women and his godson discussed things that by rights his godson was too young to have learned about. He finally snapped out of it when they got into a debate in regards to the proper way to use cutting and severing charms. Disable verses kill shots. He was momentarily shocked by the methodical and brutal methods his godson favored.
He could not believe at first that his godson who seems so nice even if a bit standoffish at times would coldly discuss using severing charms and the like to slit people's throats if you went for kill shots or severing hands or fingers being the better for disablement. Seeing Bella animatedly discussing using severing charms on legs to prevent running away after they lost their wand was not something he could have done cold stone sober. Luckily he had not been entirely sober at the time.
Sirius was grateful that he had spiked his wine to get over the boredom of the bookworm debates. It would now allow him a way to ease the sick feeling he was getting when they got into which way was the best to bisect enemies. Bella had favored horizontal slashes while Horus, he had to think of him like that in moments like this and not as his little godson that he had held as an infant or he would be more than a little pale, had favored vertical slashes but that was on lone opponents so that all the vitals were dealt with less chance while a horizontal slash with maybe some vertical change when dealing with groups. They both agreed that neck and head wounds were better for definitive and timely take downs.
Sirius was amazed at how they talked about the wounds with nothing but clinical precision while they tended to gloss over the killings themselves. He at least noticed that Andy seemed a bit put off at their discussion. When they had dragged Tonks in to get the opinion of an Auror he thought that she would be a beacon of reason in the slaughter. He looked almost as queasy as Andy had when her daughter started describing her views on incapacitation of dangerous individuals.
Neither of them could believe that Tonks was favoring reductor charms to take down criminals. The only disagreement that the two had was that severing charms required more precision. Horus had countered that reductors were more likely to have collateral damage if they dodged and were slightly slower than severing charms. Sirius and Andy had both taken a carefully concealed look of sickness when Nymphadora had stated her other reason against severing charms was that she did not like picking up bits that the reductors tended to leave pieces too small to worry about.
The two supposed sane members of the Black family had shared a look after that. What had happened to the sweet shy little Nymphadora? Now they had one that would act similar to a hardened and cynical hit wizard in combat. Sirius was fairly certain that this was just a bad dream brought on by a flashback to when his parents debated the best charms to inflict pain on muggles. The only thing that disproved this to him was that they seemed to not dwell on the pain of a curse, but more on the disabling ability of a spell.
While that was a comfort, Sirius was blissfully unaware that all four of them were rather indifferent to torture being used, but that they believed that it had no purpose during combat but rather after the fighting was over. He would have gone twitchy if he had heard that little Nymphadora was able to give a detailed account of the best ways to use curses and muggle tools to maximize the pain that a victim felt. He would have been more disconcerted when Bella would have added suggestions. He would have fainted if he heard his godson give a methodical description of the best healing spells that would prolong the suffering without relieving pain or allowing the pain to let the victim go into shock.
He was spared such a discussion that the group had previously lightly touched on when he tried to bring things back to track. That was without blatantly starting to talk about why they were there. It was not just a family, but more like a Family. Wizarding Pureblood Families were common. They had acted as a cross between nobility and criminal organizations since long before the Ministries and the modern systems had formed.
Despite it being family all of that was just small talk that went off track. It was not the main reason for the family meeting and polite people at least tended to talk about other things when they had time. It was tradition that one did not get to business or some said brass tacks right away unless it was an emergency. Protocol said the niceties had to be observed. The Black family just tended to use subject change to help lull their counterparts before they struck. Not that that would work mind you, but it was tradition and an ingrained family practice all things said and done.
So Sirius had decided to use the one topic that never or at least almost never failed to involve people. He chose Quidditch. This was not a bad choice as his godson did play the sport and that most people were somewhat fanatical about there team in a manner eerily reminiscent of football or as anyone in America would call it soccer. Wizards have magic and not a lot of other forms of entertainment. They have lousy music, horrible stories and rather pathetic excuses for journalists telling people the news.
Horus had grown up in a much different world than the others. He liked his music and vids just fine. He liked seeing mundys battle with giant robots. He liked his dueling and his sport. He still thought that Quidditch was about as similar to his sport as American football was to rugby. That was mostly due to the complete wussy nature of Quidditch. Bludgers broke bones that much he would acknowledge, but the beaters just did not have the same brutality he was used to. He was used to his board and not a broom. He liked the fact that he was less likely to get knocked off his board than a broom.
Seeker position were similar yet he still felt like a pussy when he caught the snitch instead of having to hold on as the snitch tried to get free as he rushed it to the goal and fling it in as hard as possible. Sure the equivalent of a keeper and everyone else would be trying to stop him, but that made it more fun. He liked his sport as it was one of the few links to life before the Demon Wars. It would seem odd that a sport would survive when almost all civilization was destroyed. It must have been that it was good combat training. It was one of the few links to life before things had started going to hell in a hand basket. It was also one of the few things that even the most xenophobic explorers had in common. Humanity had been left to rot by their allies, but at least Grav-Ball had survived. Civilization rose and fell. Humanity had intergalactic communication and the sport remained as popular as ever.
Horus was a firm believer that a drunk wizard saw a game once and then proceeded to water it down until the pansy whiny wizards could accept it. They had protective gear and cushioning charms or all things. What next bludgers with stunning charms on them? It was just one of those things as likely to coexist as people taking scotch on the rocks can understand a purist. Quidditch to Grav-Ball was like water-balloon tag was to paintball. Horus enjoyed the game but it was just not the same. The number of penalties and rules was a minor concern. So how well could a conversation go when Sirius Black brings up Quidditch? He needed work on his transitions though as it came at a rather poor time.
"So what was your favorite Quidditch team?" Sirius asked. "You never really said much about the sport before."
"That is a difficult one," Horus said. "Do you mean English team or in the world?"
"Let's just deal with the local teams," Sirius said. "You obviously are not a Cannons fan."
"You mean the team Ronny went on about who has the motto of just trying," Horus said with a bark of laughter. "I am rather disposed to the Harpies, but I have my reasons for that."
"That they are all attractive girls," Sirius hedged. "That would be a reasonable reason as well as they do rather well in the league."
"Actually that is beside the point," Horus said with a smirk. "I feel rather disposed to them since I own the team."
"So you have your own Quidditch team and they are all hotties," Sirius said. "It must be nice being able to see them practice and all."
"You mean being able to see them any time and walk about their training as if I own the place because I do," Horus said with a mischievous look in his eyes. "Yeah I plan on doing that too. Think about what I said. I own the Harpies."
Normally Sirius was fairly quick on the uptake at least in regards to pranks and verbal banter. Still the concept of someone owning the Harpies well he had heard jokes about wishing someone owned those hotties. He figured that the kid could see them or something, but the concept of owning people seemed outdated even to a Pureblood raised like he was. Own a house elf sure; own a witch something that was mostly dreamed about outside some of the more restrictive marriage arrangements.
'He can not be hinting that he owns the team. Can he?' Sirius thought. 'I mean I wondered why the team was now and always been solely ladies, but he is almost hinting that they are a harem or something. I would have read something like that in PlayWizard. I can see the article... Dear PlayWizard, I would never have believed it could happen, but I found I had a Quidditch team of hotties that had to do whatever I wanted... Yeah like that could happen. If James had a harem he would have told me... Unless he didn't know which is not something a Marauder would fail to discover. Besides he never would have chased after the girls at school as much if he had a harem, but then again Horus has what seems to be a harem and he chases after or more accurately is chased by girls.'
"Well that has to be a rather strange position to find oneself in," Sirius finally said. "The question is what your current harem thinks about this."
"We don't mind," Bella said.
"As long as he takes some time with us it isn't so bad," Cissa continued.
"Not like any normal witch could survive being with him if he was monogamous," Bella added.
"The rest are barely recovered from the last time he went wild," Cissa added.
"Not that he didn't spend time with us when he was like that," Bella said.
"I am the only one that didn't get as much time then," Nymphadora said. "Not that I wasn't occupied at the time. I saw what the girls were like afterwards."
"I had hoped that this year went better than last," Horus said. "I thought I had planned it better anyways."
"What do you mean this year?" Sirius asked. "What happened?"
"Despite what some would say I am not depressed at Halloween like I should be," Horus said. "Despite my parents dying on that day and the long legacy of disasters that happen on that particular holiday; I have my own problems on that day. You know that while Remus does not have to change with the moon that it is harder to not change on those days. Well the same is similar with Fall Equinox. The downside is that I get rather randy on those days and nights."
"He means that he is like a dog catching a bitch in heat," Bella chipped in. "We were barely able to handle his daytime affection for one day."
"More accurately we spent the rest of the morning reclining behind our desk until lunch and even then it was almost impossible to move," Cissa said. "I don't know how your girls handled it last year."
"Teenage stamina and having them experimented with flexibility and having worked through most of the Kama Sutra," Horus admitted. "It was a good thing that there were enough positions that prevented me from accidentally bruising too many bones. Sure I get a relatively high libido on those days, but the problem is trying not to cause too much damage in the enthusiasm."
"I thought you left four full Veela, a half Veela and a nymphomaniac exhausted and that was after your time with Bella and Cissa?" Tonks asked. "Still might be fun when you are that attentive."
"Restorative potions," Horus said. "You would need to stock up on those."
"Well Nymphadora dear," Andy said. "You managed to avoid talking about this the last time we were together but how did this start?"
"Well with Horus here," Nym said. "Me and Sirius picked him up at the Airport. Turns out that there was a veritable line of women who wanted to shag him and we were dragged along as observers. Not that it stayed that way for long. Turns out none of the women were too picky what went where as long as they were having fun. As for becoming serious with Seras that is a bit more complicated."
"Start at the beginning of that," Andy said. "You never were interested in more than or even trying to do any experimenting with girls."
"Mostly Seras had decided that I was delicious and she wasn't going to let me get away," Nym said. "Thinking back it was almost stalkerish. She did a really slow seduction though. We would run into each other and she would tease me. You know slight touch here a slight caress there. Son enough she was giving me light pecks on the cheek. One day she kissed me on the lips in a bathroom and the next thing I know I am naked and she is trailing kisses down from head to toe. I woke up with her licking and nibbling at me and I was thrashing around."
"That is how she got you into bed," Andy said. "How did it become more than just sex?"
"We talked went to lunch and the like," Nym said. "We got into law enforcement for the same reasons. More and more of our talks were pillow talking and we both opened up. It didn't hurt that she is a great kisser and her hands. Well if I was unable to spend time with Horus suddenly things just fell together. The best thing is that she is not overly possessive although that could be that we both like playing with others as well and most definitely lover boy here. Mom seriously he is just so good. I do care for Seras and our relationship is a bit strange, but it works for us."
"It's not like either of them are being lied to," Horus said. "The closest I ever did to cheating was with Cissa and I just don't think a gay husband is not extenuating circumstances."
"Yeah my life sucked," Cissa said. "How mom and auntie ever got either of us into those horrible marriages I will never know. I am rather glad that Horus came along. If it hadn't been for him I would be miserable and Draco would have been the perfect copy of Lucius."
"He got me out of the mess I had been in," Bella said. "Rotting in Azkaban was hell stupid Lestrange."
"Still Mom lucked out with dad," Nym said. "If I have to share the people I love so be it. At least I know that they care for me."
"True enough," Horus said. "I care for all my girls each in a slightly different way. Besides Nym I know both I and Seras care for you. Still as long as I have to finish up these required tests I had to go to school. Not like I don't know more or better things. It was either that or let Dumbles at my money more than he had and it would have been legal."
"How about we turn to lighter things," Sirius cut in. "I am a guy and unlike my godson I really don't want to have to listen to girl talk."
"Shush Sirius," Horus said. "Don't you know not to listen to the talk when they are not talking to you and just act like a cuddle toy while they talk? That is far better than your method of running away."
"Thus speaks the man who willingly goes shopping with girls," Sirius shot back.
"I might as well go with it is more dignified than being dragged along," Horus said. "Mostly I get by because I grew up with more female than male role models. Like my aunties would let me get away without knowing how to tell them my opinions on their clothes. Nowadays I get by with knowing that they will most likely model some skimpy clothing that I can deal with knowing that I will get to see them in them and get to take them of the girls."
"That would help instead of being teased," Sirius said.
"Remember that Nym and most of the others are not just looking at how good they look, but how good the others look," Horus said. "Have they not told you how often I find them snuggling together?"
"As much as guys dream of twins and many girls together," Sirius said. "There is the matter of actually surviving."
"One day at a time," Horus said. "One day at a time. Well that and remembering that every girl is different and thinking about their needs helps. We should retire to the living room since I have a feeling that the story will be rather long."
"Might as well," they said and proceeded to the living room.
Horus was sitting on the couch with Tonks in his lap and Bella and Cissa cuddled next to him. He was spending time running his hands comfortingly along Nym and she was relaxing a bit.
"Well mom I take it you want to know more and the boys don't mind sitting while talking," Nym said. "Sirius will probably zone out."
"Just as long as you finally tell us what happened with Pru," Bella said. "Even if you had told us we were unlikely to remember when we were recovering."
"Fine Bel," Horus said. "As much as I thought you would remember I guess the two of you were rather out of it."
"Out of it," Cissa said in a scoffing tone. "We were so out of it someone taking shions would have been more coherent. Still it was fun getting there. Don't worry Andy when we get some time we will stop in and chat. I don't think Sirius wants to hear about the games the three of us play."
Short Lemon Scene
"Well mom," Nym said. "You wanted me to tell you more huh. Well Seras kissed me. She snogged me and teased my breasts until I felt that I was going to cram. Then she teased my pussy while she kept kissing me. I came hard and the next thing I knew I was naked on my bed. I looked at her and she was licking her fingers from my cream. The way she looks when she licks her lips should be illegal. I got wet just seeing that normally and here I was spread out on bed with her kneeling between my legs smiling down on me."
"What happened next?" Cissa asked. "Did she kiss you so good that you writhed against her?"
"Yep," Nym said saucily. "Seras leaned down and kissed me until I was breathless and had left a trail of cream against her. So here I am lying back panting after that kiss to see her smirk at me before she whispered in my ear to relax."
"How could you relax in a situation like that?" Bella asked. "When I am in situations like that I have a hard time not grabbing the kisser and kissing for all my worth. That is while I try to keep my hands involved."
"As much as I wanted to I was still panting from the cum from that kiss," Nym said. "So Seras had me there and she started trailing kisses down my neck. To keep me distracted she was caressing my tummy coming close but avoiding Anything that would send me over too soon. When she started nuzzling me I tried to rub myself against her hand and I managed to get my pussy to rub against her arm when I went stiff."
"All that and she barely touched you," Bella said. "I take it she learned from you sir?"
"Really Bel," Horus said as he was slowly working his hands to tease the storyteller. "Just because one of my lovers can make a girl cream so easily just shows I have a way to bring natural talent out."
"Where was I?" Nym said in a squeak after a gasp due to Horus's hands. "Right I was panting again and Seras was rubbing my tummy as I came down. She worked her ways down from my throat stopping at my tits to suckle on them. She had me moaning quickly. I could not believe that I got my arms to grasp her head as she nuzzled and teased my tits until my arms fell down when I arched up."
"Could you lot do Anything about teaching my husband to be like that?" Andy asked in a teasing tone. "I love the man, but there are some things that normally girls do better."
"Mom Horus does it better," Nym said. "The only thing that would help would be if he could soften his lips. Then again he is better than me at shifting so he could possibly..."
"I have no reason to do that," Horus said simply. "You are getting distracted from the subject at hand and if anyone is going to distract it will be me."
"What are you dooooiiiinnnng," Nym squeaked out as his hands found what they were searching for. "That was not fair. How can I do Anything in front of mum? Then here you are playing my body like a fiddle."
"If you think your mum minds, why don't you ask her?" Horus asked. "So Andy, mind if I keep Nym in the right mindset while she talks?"
"No," Andy said with a bit of strain. "Nymphadora get back to the story. Just because you're relaxing there is no reason to ignore your listeners."
"Mom, if you want to try to focus when he is doing this, be my guest," Nym said hotly. "Now since you want me to continue I will. She teased me after she let my breasts go. She trailed kisses down past my legs before heading back up. She slowly circled and teased me as she came slowly closer to my pussy. When she started eating my pussy I snapped up and she wrapped her arms around my legs as she did her best to make me cum out of my mind. I blacked out a few times as she was eating me. She had worked a few fingers inside me and was sucking my clit like a baby. When I came to after that, she was kissing me tenderly and then she kissed her way up and tenderly kissed me every where. After that there was really no way that I was going to go after the untrained boys and the only man I know that is that good is Horus and he was going to be trapped at Hogwarts for nine months out of the year."
"That makes perfect sense to me," Cissa said. "I was spending a lot of time last year visiting Hogsmeade. So that comes as no surprise. Bella you feel the same way I can tell. So Nym is perfectly normal, Andy. Now Horus lover dear tell us what happened when you spent lunch with Prue. It is not everyday that you bang a Charmed One."
"It could have been, but they mostly live in Frisco," Horus said. "So there I was just gotten out of a threesome with Kaori and her intern who had a crush on her and I stop at Prue's job. I gave her a kiss hello and when I reached under her skirt she was wearing stockings and no panties and she was dripping wet. I sat her down on her desk and ate her out until she was not just wet but on edge. I flipped her over, flipped her skirt up, gave her ass a good feel and slid into her. I was holding onto her tits as I screwed her. She turned her head and we kissed. God she was so hot that her kiss was searing and when she moaned into my mouth when she came it was so good."
"We know you," Bella said. "There was no way that you would have had a quickie if you had time. Considering how you mentioned it you did more than a quick shag."
"Yeah I did more than a quick shag," Horus said. "I tugged her shirt off and she gave me a nice tit fuck before trying to inhale me. Prue could pull milk from a dried tit and she did the same to me. After she had licked me clean and made sure we both had time for more, I gave her a quick shag until she creamed on me. Then with being lubed from that I slid into her ass. You could not believe how she goes off when getting buggered. She was working her muscles over me just so and soon enough she coaxed me real deep. After a bit of clean up I left after one smoking kiss and she sat down in her chair with a smirk and she most definitely squirmed a bit for the rest of the day."
"That was hot," Bella said rubbing against him. "Now Andy if you don't mind the four of us are going to bed."
End Lemon Scene
So ended a family meal that had been entertaining and a bit disconcerting for Sirius. Andy was happy that her daughter was happy although she was a bit worried what would happen if things went sour compared to a normal relationship.
She was comforted by how they interacted through each other. The conversation had been arousing and she had skipped off to get her itch scratched by her husband. Poor man was going to be groggy in the morning.
As for Horus, Bella, Cissa and Nym well they made sure that Sirius was grateful that they had silencing charms on the rooms. Well Sirius was wishing he did not know that the bird he was dating was unavailable that night.
Hellsing Manor was a military fortress. The Headquarters of the Royal Protestant Knights was not what one would consider a place of ceremonial matters as they were more practical. Hunting rogue Mideons, FREAK Chip vampires and other supernatural threats to England and the Crown did not leave much for pomp and circumstance. They did follow protocols and the like, but more was focused on results than procedure for procedures sake. They used blessed silver bullets formed from crosses from a church. They were unlike the biased xenophobic Iscariot actually able to tolerate supernaturals that were not threats. They had mostly formed do to the capture and conscription of the Hellsing Weapon Alucard.
Hellsing were soldiers that fought things that made even the most hardened of soldiers queasy not that they would ever admit that fact. They were run by Sir Integra Fairbook Windgates Hellsing who is considered by most to be the Ice Maiden. Her uncle tried to kill her in a coup attempt which resulted in the release of Hellsings weapon and subsequent binding to the young Hellsing Heir. She was aided by Walter Dornez who was given the nomen Angel of Death for how he dispatched ghouls and other supernatural threats by strangulation and decapitation by monofilament wire.
The latest major recruit was one Seras Victoria who upon the failure of her mission in Cheddar was turned into a Mideon by Hellsings weapon. The alternate was to allow her to die. Unlike most she did not go mad with power or blood lust. The main source of the FREAK chips was found but not until after the majority of Hellsings normal troops were lost in the battle with the Nosferatu Incognito which destroyed several blocks in London. It was during the rebuilding and recruitment drive after that mess that the Hellsing organization came across a young hunter by the name of Horatius Horus Stone. His interaction with the troops and Officer Victoria resulted in a marked change in improvement of the organization. The running joke among the enlisted was who was a harsher drill instructor Alucard or Horus.
Before leaving at the completion of his contract he had the troops able to handle ghouls and low level Mideons or regenerators such as Father Anderson the dog of Iscariot whom Alucard had given the title of Judas Priest. With Hellsing on a much firmer foot the supernatural threats in the Isle were markedly reduced and with the routing of Das Millennium the source of FREAK chips was no more. The main thing that changed in the past few months was the fact that while Officer Victoria had a relationship with the hunter Horus she had not lost her humanity do to the change. Hellsing was a family even if they were a bunch of strange individuals. As long as the work remained well, Sir Integra had no interest in the soldier's personal lives. That was all well and good except that it took a while for new recruits to get over hitting on her. Unlike the US there was no explicit form of don't ask or tell as such Seras who had regained much of her humor before loved to leave the regular soldiers sputter when she turned them down. The fact that she had a boyfriend and a girlfriend normally threw them.
What this all boiled down to was the fact that the big three where having a discussion with Seras, her intended and one Auror Tonks about the effects such a strange change would have. Seras was doing well on the job but had most definitely loosened up from emulating Sir Integra's professionalism. Then again they were in a bizarre manner family with a common goal of protecting the ignorant masses from all the hidden dangers that stalked them.
With all that was it any wonder that the family acted a bit stressed at the meal this night. There was a slight tension in the air that normally signaled either a need for a good fight or a good shag. Despite all the other things that Sir Integra was she had a low opinion of Catholics and Protestants were rather strange in some of their notions in regards to sex and relationships.
"Ah Police Woman," Alucard said. "I hear that congratulations are in order."
"Yes things are going rather well now are they not?" Seras responded. "Sir Integra. Would you terribly mind if I scheduled time off for the honeymoon?"
"So I take it that you two are getting married," Integra said. "I thought that you were dating Auror Tonks."
"That is kind of complicated," Horus said. "Are you well versed in the concept of soul mates and I don't mean the modern romantic notion?"
"Soul mates are those that are for all intents and purposes a balanced other half that compliment each other perfectly," Integra said. "For the most part I always viewed it as some strange romantic notion as I do not recall ever hearing of one."
"It is relatively rare for normal people to meet their other half as the odds of both being born in the same time are relatively rare," Horus said. "It does happen and it will be more common with the larger population, greater travel and slightly longer life span. It is far more common in those beings that live considerably longer still most times it takes centuries if not longer to find ones other half. The complication is that certain metaphysical abilities function in a manner similar to multiple personality disorders where the ideal compliment is not one but several. It is this which has complicated certain matters. Normally one has one soul mate and I was aware of one person that had two soul mates do to a similar condition to my own."
"I take it that you are aware of the complication and that there is nothing that you can do about it?" Integra asked.
"Yes I am aware and there is nothing one can do about the complication," Horus said. "One could sooner ask the fish not to swim than do so. It is a complication of my bloodline and there is nothing I can do about it. Thankfully the particular wedding ceremony is old enough to handle the matter with out problem."
"How old is the ceremony?" Integra asked. "There is not much that remains of such matters for the most part. They were lost to the ravages of time."
"One of the less admitted aspects of the offshoot of humanity known as the mystic is that we have retained slightly more history than one would readily believe," Horus said. "Most view that as both a good thing and a bad thing as some things are better forgotten. Sadly the reason that most despise the Catholics more than you do is that they had an opinion of us worse than Satanists. Now tell someone who has like yourself battled the forces bent on the destruction of all human life for generations that they are evil that they must have conspired with devils and other infernal sources to have their abilities and you would get a rather unpleasant response. The main reason that a number of my kind seem almost anti-religious is do to a part of the hierarchy a couple of archangels deciding that humanity was not worse the resources similar to a lost cause like the US felt to Vietnam or the USSR had with Afghanistan. Then again this was a long time ago and some would say to forgive and forget but we have a long memory."
"How long ago was this?" Alucard asked as he had a sudden interest. "I had not heard of such a thing occurring."
"Long before what modern man believes as prehistory," Horus said. "The event occurred around seventy thousand BC, but do to the calendar changes and some unpleasantness the exact year was lost. You do have to understand that the history of before ten thousand years ago was not that pleasant and things were different then. Before you ask about why this was not part of the disclosure there was a good reason and that was that despite finding out that there was more out there certain things happened that we were not proud of. The phrase the path to hell is paved with good intentions applies."
"I take it you do not feel like discussing such matters now," Integra said. "Well there must be a reason and the wedding is a far more pleasant thing to discuss."
"That it is," Horus agreed. "But I know that you will want a full report eventually just make certain that no one else reads it. I will say that our hands are not clean from the matter, but than again no one is. My ancestors did what they had to the same as yours. If the middle management had not cut and run the following tragedies would not have occurred, but they were scared. The most I will say is that most legends have a basis in reality. Take all the legends of demons and imagine the strongest and most terrifying dreamed of by modern horror writers now take that into an unimaginable depth and carry it into the deep dark pits of forever and you have a minor idea of what happened. The middle manager types were aware if they were accessible to humanity than those entities could reach them and kill them. Now just think what you would do against something that sorry Al could permanently destroy Alucard with the same effort he could squish an ant. What would people be willing to do to survive in such a time? Now we really should return to more pleasant matters."
"So where is the wedding going to be?" Integra asked taking the subject change seriously. "As much as I would like it here the security of this facility should not be compromised."
"It would be nice to have it here," Horus said. "Unfortunately some of the guests would not be able to come. They are not really able to leave their residence enough to come here. Still it will be a rather remarkable event and quite memorable for the near future at least. As to where I was thinking of The Palace of Ice and Crystal, it would be the perfect place for a winter wedding. It does take a bit to get used to the constant snow and all, but other than that it is a relatively nice place."
"Why have we never heard of this place?" Walter decided to ask even if he was normally like furniture there without standing out.
"The Palace of Ice and Crystal is located elsewhere outside either secular or most religious authority," Horus said. "The place has staid out of the petty squabbles that have plagued the world these past few thousand years and they have no desire to as they put it interfere with the development of uncivilized barbarians who lack even the most basic understanding of elegance in function. The people there do not have a high opinion of what modern man has accomplished. The height of civilization seems uncivilized to them as they recall quite clearly how far we have fallen. They remember quite clearly what the world was like before the demons came. They rather find the Watchers Council origin tale quite humorous since it was so inaccurate. The place is referred in myth and legend similarly to Avalon, but it is perpetual Winter and Night there as a counterpart to what is referred to as the Summerland."
"I always thought those were euphemism for other people's ideas of heaven," Integra said. "You talk as if they are real places that one can visit."
"They are both actually," Horus said. "The thing you have to remember is that Christianity and even Judaism is a relatively new religion. People have acknowledged the Creator of All Things, but most didn't use the word god to refer to the One. Despite popular belief and most might consider Heresy the afterlife is a rather complicated affair. There is a Heaven and there is a Hell, but beyond that there are similar places. With the myriad of demon dimensions being mistaken for the actual Hell that is understandable. Most of the so called Pagan Gods are more like upper level managers and their followers for the most part go to whichever reward and punishments their particular faith holds. Just because someone worships a particular god or more accurately is under the banner of said being does not mean that they deny the authority of the Creator or as most refer instead to as the Great Maker. Calling the Maker god just does not seem to most to be all encompassing enough as most gods have a limited domain of influence. However the Winterland is not some sort of punishment as it is more geared to those who found there heaven in elegant ice with the fear of a fiery hell. A similar opposite of those in northern climates where hell is described as unimaginable cold. The reason the Christian Hell is considered fiery is that desert dwellers would vied inescapable heat as worse than the cold. Most of them would view the cool as welcome escape from the sweltering heat of the desert."
"Most of that would seem to most as heresy, but you act like you have been there," Integra said. "Is there a reason for that?"
"Actually there is," Horus admitted. "Part of my duties was helping restless spirits find their peace. That part sometimes required me to walk the paths to ensure they made it to their destination. That allowed me to get rather familiar with the various parts of the afterlife. The main problem I learned was that those of my kind do not get as peaceful of a rest. They will either be reborn or have to fulfill their duties in the afterlife. A part of the sacrifice I suppose."
"Sacrifice?" Seras asked questioningly. "You never mentioned this before."
"The sacrifice is considered the cost of our powers," Horus began. "With the middle level managers in charge of the fight against the demonic forces having withdrawn most support, the people at least some of them accepted death. Some of the people would not accept and decided to fight back even as land, sea and sky were swarming with demons devouring all before them as locusts. The more powerful of the horde required combined attacks of priests, warriors and mages. Do to the fundamental incompatibilities of the energies used it was impossible at the time for someone to use the particular combined frequency needed to destroy the enemy. The reason was that the separate energies canceled each other out and only two types could be used by a person. The problem was finding a way to prevent signal cancellation as it were. You must understand that the population at the time was even larger than now and to suddenly go to less than a million people on the planet in less than a few days was quite a shock. Suffice it to say that they found a way and my kind was the result. The process has been lost even though attempts to recreate it have had some similar results. The greatest tragedy was that the first group went through the final parts of the process to late and that unlike myself burned out by their own abilities. The consolation we still tell ourselves is that they took large parts of the horde with them."
"How come your kind survived while the first did not?" Integra asked in interest. "One would not think that a large enough of an age gap would result in such a failure."
"Five they were five years older than the window turned out to be," Horus said. "The final process had to be applied before ten years of age or the process was likely to burn out or more accurately suffer a metaphysical meltdown with an effect similar to a nuclear meltdown. Our ancestors sacrificed their chance to be normal so that others could live. The ritual needed was set to certain celestial alignments and the second batch would be far too late if they did not balance the equations differently. Dying for ones children to live a better life is one thing, but knowing that you were dying so that your children would be little more than living weapons so that other parents children would someday live normal lives seems rather cruel. To get around the celestial alignment and not have to try to survive for centuries they chose to die so that their nieces and nephews would have a chance. That is the main reason that most look down on those that call us unnatural or monsters. We know that we are burdened with a duty and all they can see in their jealousy is what we power we have to accomplish our tasks. If you ever have to deal with my kind remember that, We never asked for this and that we like yourself never had a normal childhood. The only way that would happen was if every demon and collaborator was gone. The imperatives we have been born with are no less immutable than those you were born with. Search and destroy. The same orders only we were born knowing them."
"I would then wonder why you have not been compelled to kill either Seras or Alucard even more so wanting to marry Officer Victoria," Integra interjected. "With what you said that does not make sense."
"Nosferatu and Mideon are not by their nature evil in the manner that they are not by instinct compelled to destroy or enslave all humanity," Horus said. "Unlike the blood demons and the like, they have a choice more so than others. Seras chooses to use her skills and abilities to protect humanity and that is the difference. The kind that Alucard would call weak demon trash are like cockroaches in that even when you think they are completely wiped out they pop up again. The FREAK chipped vampires kill without reason and leave ghouls in their wake that is a difference again. However, if I was presented by one of the demon breed it would be almost impossible for me not to immediately terminate it. Their presence is obvious and they are as easy to detect as if rotten decayed meat suddenly was in front of us. The imperative with them was immediate termination as the demons used them to infiltrate and sow discord among those fighting at the time. The complete loathing that is instinctive of the demon breed is almost impossible to explain in words. Alucard would come the closest to understand the revulsion, but that is more gained by experience while mine is more like your disgust at Das Millennium taken into the deepest instinctive level of the mind."
"So what kind of guests will be there and is there a worry about security?" Walter asked as he knew they would be attending, but he needed to know how much of a security risk there would be.
"Hmm... That is a rather difficult question to answer," Horus began. "The main problem is that many of the people showing up are rather famous or infamous depending on the point of view. Quite similar to how some of them feel about Alucard here though some are a bit more notorious."
"Who there would be more notorious than me?" Alucard asked in amusement. "Any of them old friends I may know?"
"Quite possibly actually," Horus said. "Well the more famous people would be some of my aunties actually. Auntie Bast and Inari will be there. A few of the Lords will be there at a guess this will be one of the largest gatherings since the end of the Mystic War besides the memorial at the end of the Season of Sorrow. Most of those there will be on their best behavior as they can be all things considered. The heads of most Organizations will be there. I don't plan on Iscariot or the Watchers Council showing up. The guests would most likely toss them out do to the rather low opinion of those groups that is common."
Sir Integra along with Walter did a rather good job of covering up the shock of who would be there. Alucard was just smirking as usual and Tonks and Seras were distracted by a bit of girl talk. For the most part the rest of the meal went on as is normal. Well as normal as two Nosferatu, a Hellsing and an Auror can be.
Although Sir Integra did ask how they were planning to handle being at Hogwarts and if they had any ideas on how to look for potential recruits. She was disappointed when Horus brought up that most would be those that were already planning on being under Horus's command. Still he had turned most of them from being the magical equivalent of couch potatoes to toned and physically able athletes. That had done nothing to help the slight annoyance that she felt that a good pool of prospective help had been mostly already culled.
It was not until Horus had mentioned rotating an internship with Hellsing could improve their skills and help to improve inter organizational cooperation that Sir Integra had let the subtle glower fade. It was better to do cross training than to get some wet kids that were so green that they would be no better than fodder. Although she avoided mentioning she had been hoping that more of Britain's magical population would become active in actually protecting the idle and not being nuisances that called after they let the situation go completely FUBAR because the Ministry REMFs would not call anything in since they believed that they could handle it. The last thing they needed would have been FREAK chipped wizards and witches. She did not believe that the chip would have been short circuited by the magical interference that wizard and witches generated. For all she knew the chips could have been shielded.
There was a reason that Hellsing ad issues with Iscariot, the Watchers Council and the Ministries of Magic. The main reason was that none of them seemed to believe that they needed help and that they had a given supreme mandate for their actions. Horus at least mentioned that the current Minister was spineless enough to keep from doing Anything too stupid if he had advisors yet dumb enough to be easily subverted.
Someday there would be inter-organizational cooperation. Sir Integra just hoped that it would not be because the world had gone to hell in a hand basket. As they left, Sir Integra wondered about the giddy feeling she was getting from Alucard. That was until she realized he would be able to terrorize people again. He was the No-Life-King and was one of the most fearsome beings on the planet and he acted at times like he was either a kid or in a second childhood. Neither was good for her mood or the stress from all the forms she would have to fill out after one of his adventures.
'Hopefully this time there isn't to many property damage claims,' she thought. 'Well if there is they can just use their magic to fix it.'
The Great Hall was rather crowded. The wondered why they had been informed that everyone was to be at dinner that night. Most thought that it would have to be about an announcement. Some wondered if more about the crimes of Albus Dumbledore had come to light. Most of the Gryffindors wondered if McGonagall was going to announce a substitute until a replacement Transfiguration teacher showed. They could see that while she was able to both teach her course as well as deal with the administrative burden that she could not do so forever.
"Good evening students," McGonagall announced. "As most of you wish to get to the food my announcement will be brief. Until the post of Transfiguration Professor can be filled there will be a substitute on loan from the Aurors. Please welcome back Auror Tonks. She will be dealing with the younger years and looking to see if any students have the gift of Metamorphmagus which she will then tutor any students in."
The students clapped rather loudly. They could tell that while McGonagall was stern but fair; she was not going to overwork herself. She was their teacher and despite how serious she was she did care for her students and not just her house.
"There is more," she continued. "You are wondering who the additional faces are. They are two specialists on loan from Hellsing to help those in specific topics in Defense Against The Dark Arts. Officer Victoria will be lecturing the younger years and Mr. Alucard will be dealing with OWL year and above."
"Hello," Seras said giving a sheepish grin just hiding her fangs. "I am sure that class will be enjoyable. Don't mind Alucard if he seems a bit strange. He just deals with things differently."
"Watcher," Tonks said. "Call me Tonks or Professor Tonks. Only my close friends call me by my first name which I will not tell you. If you are not them you will be a volunteer in class. I am sure to make it quite interesting if you choose to ignore my warning."
Alucard just sort of cackled and Umbridge shivered along with the rest of the school. Horus smirked and lifted his goblet to Alucard. He gave a head nod to Seras and Tonks. Things were looking up. Now if he could find a way form Nabiki and Kasumi to be here things would be perfect.
Katie looked at him and whispered, "You act like you know them?"
"I do," Horus said. "I have worked with Seras and as for Tonks well we met through my godfather. It is good that she is around I worry about those two when they are out of sight. They seem to attract trouble like bees to honey."
"What about the other one?" Parvati asked. "We know that you have talked about Seras before and some of us have met her, but there is just something about him..."
"You mean Al," Horus said. "Think back to class and what Nev yelled out when I talked about where I interned."
Her eyes bulged before she said slowly in a strange voice, "He looks nothing like I thought he would. You were right about the books being a disservice. He does have an interesting style yet it looks good on him."
"Yeah, he is an interesting friend though I would advise not being around when we spar the surroundings tend to take a beating," Horus said in a wistfully reminiscing voice. "Still it is nice that Seras and Nym are not going to have to be apart. They just click ya know? Still Seras is one of those that has an interesting sense of humor. She did mention that things were getting boring without me around and that Sir Integra was relieved to only have to deal with Al's high jinxes."
"Well at least class will be interesting," Hermione said. "What despite everything else I still am a bit of a bookworm. Just because I am reading does not mean it is just facts. Still real experience would be nice. The closest we had was Lockhart and he was a mind raping memory stealing fraud. Still would be a good class."
"Would be an improvement on the fake Moody," Horus said. "Still he did a good job explaining Death Eaters and their innate idiocy, but then he was one so that did not require much thought."
"Remus was a good teacher," Lavender said. "If he didn't have that monthly problem and most parents are paranoid about it then he probably would have been teaching. Still more proof to the curse on the job."
"I heard it was because Dumbledore refused to hire Riddle as a teacher," Neville interjected. "Still class will be interesting, don't you think?"
"Ten to one Integra is going to use this as an alternative in recruitment," Horus said. "Some one to clean up the messes that seem to happen when the Aurors are over their heads and the situation has gone completely to rot. Still the best candidates would be those that made it into the second level of the DA, those have enough skill not to get killed and the brains not to show off. More people die acting dramatic when in situations than because a creature is dangerous. Most just want to be left alone and here a guy comes up and annoys them. What do you think the school motto is really about? A sleeping dragon is relatively harmless unless you bother them."
"Well it would be less boring than the Aurors have been," Katie said. "They were starting to become little more than magical meter maids in purpose."
"True," Horus said. "That was mostly do to criminal elements becoming non violent again without the typical wanna be conquerors they focused on profit. Those types are less likely to cause problems and would go legit if there was not markets for certain ministry over regulated items."
"One thing everyone will agree on is that DADA is going to be interesting for a while," Hermione said. "Luna is so going to pester him for an interview."
"Why not an unbiased interview would be worth millions," Horus said. "Now dinner is almost over and we have some things to do tonight."
The group had a feral grin. Tonight they were going to get some long deserved revenge. They would have started if they hadn't been required to go to the meal. It had allowed them to better formulate their vengeance.
They were in a shadowed room. In the room hung the unconscious form of a woman who had been the source of many a man and woman's unhappiness. She had done things that made even the more vicious member of the group disgusted. They were planning there revenge and they had the law on their side in this matter.
"So how do you think things will go?" a woman's voice asked.
"I think she will get what she is deserving," a male voice said. "the question is can all of you go through with your parts?"
"We may have lived with her," a different guy's voice said, "But that does not mean that we liked it."
"I most assuredly will make this an experience to remember," a girl's voice said heatedly. "By the time we are done the misery we experienced along with the pain, suffering and humiliations will be repaid with interest."
"I understand that," the first mans voice said. "I still cannot believe that Arthur went through that. Still you will be a participant won't you?"
"Most definitely," Arthur said. "While most would view this as wrong it is only fair, Horus. She tried to do things that I never imagined that she would. I should have listened to my friends about her."
"You were young and in love. Love blinds you to faults. We best get ready. She will be waking up soon," Horus said. "Best be in position. I think the surprise will be one we will all enjoy."
"Most definitely," the other voices said.
"You just want to see how good the punishment is," Horus said. "Arthur is the only one of us to have savored our reward for her punishment."
"It is quite enjoyable," Arthur said. "Do you really think that she might have forgotten?"
"More like her mind will try to make her forget," Horus said. "It was a rather shocking fall form grace was it not?"
"To those that only knew the mask it was," a cold girl's voice said.
"She will get what is coming to her Luna," Horus said. "I rather think that your suggestion would be good for a finale though. We will see how we are doing when we reach that point."
Lemon Scene with some disturbing behavior
Molly Prewitt woke to a groggy sensation. Her head felt like she had taken a few bludgers to the head or gotten herself totally smashed. The next thing she noticed was that it seemed rather drafty and her wrists seemed to chaff. She looked down and her eyes bulged at what she saw. She was practically naked and her body looked as if it was a teenagers again. For a moment she wanted to thank whoever had done that as it gave her another chance to actually snag some weak willed rich boy who could support her in the manner of her preference and hopefully service her as she deserved.
"You must be wondering what is happening," a voice from the shadows said. "So I might as well listen to what questions you have so that I may answer them to the best of my knowledge."
"Where am I who are you and how did this happen?" Molly rattled off her questions rapidly. "More importantly what right do you have to keep me here?"
"Ah so your memory is a bit fuzzy about that then," the voice said with a dark malevolent chuckle. "Well long story short you went to trial and things really didn't go very well for you."
"Why can't I remember?" Molly asked in a confused voice. "Besides I have done nothing wrong."
"That is not what the judge said," the voice said with an almost audible smirk. "Anyways it was a relatively private trial held in courtroom ten. I must say that everyone was shocked by what you confessed under Verisiterum. You should have seen the look on Arthur Weasley's face; it was priceless. Why he almost lost it on the spot. The bailiff did let a few curses through as he was rather shocked at your confession. One of the things that happened that is most relevant to your situation was that you were divorced, but unfortunately for you it was not until after the sentencing. It let the judge have a bit more leeway in your punishment."
"What punishment?" Molly asked fiercely. "I have done nothing wrong and I do not believe that there was any such trial. Besides Arthur would never divorce me he loves me far too much."
"Finding out that he was a poor substitution after your gold digging plots backfired must have something to do with it," the voice said with scorn. "Then again the Longbottoms did give testimony so thing went rather bad for you. Anyways you did ask about your punishment so I might as well tell you. Do to the families that you had wronged things went according to the old laws. It would not have been as bad if you hadn't tricked Arthur and had not been a Weasley at the time. Turns out one of the families you wronged had an oath of fealty that the Weasleys had sworn and as you were one it made things far less pleasant for you."
"What oath of fealty?" Molly asked. "I don't recall the Weasley family having sworn one and I know the Prewitts had not either."
"Wrong on both accounts actually," the voice said in a sneer. "You actually got the worst of it because of the Prewitt Oath. Turns out your family received a name from one of your victims so the Prewitt Family is no more. All of there things that you would have inherited have been stripped from you. Funny thing is that Arthur agreed to divorce you according to the old laws and turned you over to the victims to do as they will."
"No you must be lying!" Molly shouted heatedly. "My family has no such roots and Arthur is far too weak and controlled to do something like that!"
"Really don't know him very well did you," the voice said in an amused tone. "He was rather grateful actually as he had been tempted to do something about you, but did not wish to inconvenience the kids. Now as for your punishment you should notice that you seem to have been regressed to what you looked like at Hogwarts. That is not a reward but part of the punishment. No one would really be interested in fucking an ugly cow like you turned out so you were returned to an age when you were actually somewhat attractive. The other part of your punishment is that certain modifications to your body exist. Most would consider them a good thing or at least a lover would. Your body will retain the same firmness and tightness that you currently have."
"That doesn't sound so bad all things considered," Molly said. "Still the age regression is nice and I get the whole sex thing, but how would that be a punishment?"
"Ah that is rather interesting," the voice said in a dark tone full of sinister humor. "You seem to missed the tightness issue. Basically no matter how used you become your body will be restored to be used again. You must have blocked things out since they were so painful. Any ways Arthur rather enjoyed his part in the ceremony. He has been rather annoyed that you never would let him bugger you so he was a bit overeager."
"Still does not sound like him," she said ignoring that Anything he said could be real. "How do I know this is not an illusion?"
"Does it feel like an illusion?" the voice asked her sending a cold shiver up her spine. "You can feel the air on your skin. You can feel the change to your body. You must be wondering why the pain is missing. You heal quick enough where any attention will not kill you. That however does nothing for the pain."
"How are you doing this?" she asked with resignment. "Besides how do I know that my children will not save me?"
"The same children who are waiting for a chance to even the score?" the voice said in a questioning tone full of disbelief. "Besides Arthur and some of your other victims want a shot at you. Alice in particular is looking forward to using you to ease some tensions. As for how I am doing this a simple enchantment on that collar does most of the spell work. Not that you could remove it. It is there for life and your victims plan on making sure that is a long and fulfilling life as you attempt to redress your crimes."
"What judge would agree with this?" Molly asked. "Whatever farce of a trial you had has no way of being binding."
"Far from it there was everything legal that needed to be dealt with," the voice taunted her. "Everyone that knew you has washed their hands of you. Hell your husbands only interest is when he can have you make up for your like of wifely duties. Then again there are others with more reasons for redress and recompense. I believe you know Luna Lovegood. She is ever so happy to help you play nice with others. I have to admit that she has become quite the sadist, not that your son minds much. Oh you were planning on having the little dear help scratch your itch and train your son on how to control whatever wife he ended up with. Sorry but it was a complete failure."
"How?" Molly asked in absolute shock. "She never..."
"Showed any signs about being more than the submissive slave you trained?" the voice finished the question. "Well it is quite simple really, your training helped develop half of her personality. She is a switch you see. Quite similar to a few of the girls your son met. Seems Ronald or as he is called now Ronny is far more submissive than even you thought your husband was. Why little Luna had him crawling on his hands and knees begging to be used. Does that not make you proud? Well at least one of your influenced ended up as you hoped. sadly for you none were your children. Why Ginny and Ronny both enjoy playing with their mistress and she is so looking forward to proving to you that she is better than you ever where."
"This can not be happening," Molly said before muttering. "How could all my plans fall apart? They were fool proof. This is all Potters fault. If he had been raised by those Dursleys he would have been a proper weak willed male that Ginny could control and through her I could control."
"Why it sounds that like Dumbledork you have fallen under the Potter boy once again," the voice said in a teasing tone. "Didn't you fail at grabbing either Potter or Longbottoms fortunes and your daughter did the same? How humorous that turned out to be. Al the kids that know about your fall from grace plan on expressing how much a pain in the ass your manipulations were by becoming pains in your ass only not figuratively but literally. Why little Gin-Gin is planning on helping her brothers use your revitalized body to ease the stress you created. Gin-Gin is rather insistent that since you called her a slut that you should be treated like one since unlike before your time as a gold digging whore you will not be getting anything from this. Well that is not exactly true as the spells will help recondition you to your new role in life. Just think soon you will welcome being whipped and buggered until you bleed. To think all this would have been far less unpleasant than it will be if you hadn't called your daughter a slut because she didn't catch the man that was shagging her mindless."
"You bastard!" Molly shouted. "When I get out of this you will pay. Ginny will catch a nice fool whose money I can control and the boys will buckle down and bring money and fame to the family."
"Hmm," the voice said. "I don't think that will happen. Allow me to introduce the first of your victims. Each one will be a bit more experienced in making you willingly apologize."
"Hello Molly." a girl's voice came from the side as she stepped out of the shadow wearing nothing but a black silk choker. "We are going to have ever so much fun."
"Ginny dear," Molly started. "If you get me out of this everything will be forgiven. I will even help you nab the boy you really want."
"Why ever would I do that mother dearest?" Ginny sing songed her replied question. "I have so many things to show you. Why some of it will be positively pleasant. I want to hear you sing Molly love. I want to make your screams a symphony for your victims. I want to savor the way you will shiver and squirm under my touch. I want you to beg for our forgiveness as we use you. I want you to finally pass out smiling knowing that you have pleased us and made a small dent in the debt you owe us."
"Now Ginny you don't want to do that," Molly began only to suddenly cry out as the pain blossomed from the strike.
"Do you like it Molly?" Ginny asked with a wicked smile on her face. "Do you like the feel of my crop as I mark your flesh?"
Molly's only reply was a scream as Ginny brought her increased strength to bear. She brought the crop down again and again even drawing blood. The wounds sealed up enough not to bleed, but not enough to heal or ease the pain. Ginny was glazed eyed as she worked her frustrations out on the bitch she had so loved. Molly would pay for what she had done not just to her but to her mistress. Ginny acted like a woman possessed as she brought the crop down all around her body not paying attention as the rags that had hung limply from her body were torn off under her strokes.
It had not taken long for Molly to start sobbing and begging. That did not mean that Ginny had let up far from it actually. The venting woman had made sure to work as much of Molly over as possible. The woman was red and sore all along her back and ass. Her front was similarly reddened with emphasis placed on her revitalized and now firmed breasts along with the area around her pussy and asshole almost being red raw from the number of swings that Ginny had used. Ginny had not neglected the arms or legs and the aforementioned appendages had a cross work pattern of red stripes along the lengths. Ginny had also remembered to pay attention to the feet knowing that any weight in the present condition would be extremely painful.
"Well that is enough for a warm up with the crop Molly-slut," Ginny sneered as she reached inside and felt her toy up. "Now I get to try out this lovely whip my Master and Mistress gave me to use on you. I wonder how much you will cream and scream when this whip strikes one of your present marks. The others will be positively giddy when they find out how much of a pain slut you have become."
With that the room descended into silence before the crack of the whip brought the shivering and shuddering woman back to her senses as she screamed again. Ginny had a wicked and decidedly feral smirk as she brought the whip down on her mother's back savoring and shivering with every crack. She was licking her lips as she saw the bruises form and the cuts start to bleed before sealing just enough to stem blood flow. Ginny was decidedly wet and she noticed that the plaything was not just sweaty and bloody, but that her thighs were decidedly less bloody as she could see liquid washing off the blood in a slow trickle.
Ginny ran the blood tinged whip through her folds until it was glistening before offering the whip to Molly and saying, "Kiss the whip that has punished you as you deserve. Show your thanks for being put in your place."
Molly cried before kissing the whip. Ginny did not let it go with a single kiss and had her trail kisses all along the whip. She watched as Molly liked her dry lips and tasted her blood and juices mingling with her daughters. Ginny just sneered before ramming the handle of the whip into her mother's pussy. She looked into her wide eyes as she worked it inside her with one hand before grabbing a breast and twisting it cruelly.
"If you surrender to your fate you will come to enjoy it," Ginny said. "I know I have and you are far more like me than the person you pretended to be. Do you think I didn't see you cream yourself as my whip kissed your skin? Do you think I can't feel your pussy clamping onto this handle as I fuck you with it? Do you think I can't see your tits standing out begging to be touched to be used? Still to stubborn to admit it huh? Well we will see about that. By the time today is over you will beg not just for me to use you, but for every victim to use you as they desire."
Molly was shacking her head in denial that was quickly refuted by the moan she made under Ginny's handling. She shuddered and spasmed around the invading object while she arched her tits into the hand groping and teasing her tit. She shuddered hard and arched forward when Ginny bit down on her neglected nipple.
The handle continued to stroke her slumped body for a time before she heard Ginny whisper in her ear, "See what happens when you cooperate. Now relax as I am sure you will enjoy this."
Ginny was behind Molly's back and had licked the blood off before she spooned against the hanging woman. She started moving the handle inside her again as she rubbed herself against the woman's ass. Her spare hand fondled her while she leaned forward enough to tease and elicit several moans as her mouth worked over the woman's untouched neck.
"This is going to be some serious fun," Ginny purred into Molly's ear. "Just try to stay relaxed and this won't hurt... Much."
With that said Ginny preceded to take some frustration out on Molly's ass. The trainer had barely been lubed in the wetness from the whip when she had slid into the woman she had once called mother. All she could think about was how tight her as felt. Well that and that her siblings should take a crack at the ass she was in. Not once during this had she let up with her hands and Ginny savored every moment that she caused the woman to respond. The only thing better than playing with the toy was how good the toy was making her feel. Far too soon for her tastes she felt herself get light headed. Ginny was soon slumped buried inside of Molly feeling the way the whip rubbed against her as she wiggled.
"Well toy that was fun, but one good lesson that you taught was to always share my toys," Ginny said as she slid out. "The others might be rougher with you but I will definitely enjoy watching. Your up next!"
"Hello Molly," the twins said. "We have heard that you have been a very bad girl and despite what you think Ginny did was not the sum of your punishment. We thought we would tell you that all those jokes you thought were useless are turning out to be rather profitable. We will be able to buy in and soon out both Gambol and Japes and Zonko's. How is that for useless trouble?"
The twins were while less sadistic in their playing were having a far more deep seated desire to make this woman pay for demeaning them and their life's work. The two twins were close enough that besides finishing each others sentences were able to communicate without words far too easy for Molly's peace of mind.
Without words the twins slid into the woman that had raised them. Gred felt her scream send shivers up his cock when Forge broke her hymen. It was not that it would not be restored, but that the pain resulted in greater pleasure for the boys. The two knew that they would be in no shape to spend time with their girlfriends, but it would be worth it. The two kept up pounding into the suspended woman as the worked themselves closer. Soon enough the two spilled themselves into the woman.
Gred pulled out of her mouth and went to where his brother had been. He slid in before Molly had regained her hymen and soon enough was stroking into her. Forge on the other hand alternated skull fucking and tit fucking the woman. The two were young, but they had been with their girlfriends the previous night so there was no way teenager or not that they would be able to go until all their frustrations were gone.
They switched and this time Forge sunk into her ass while Gred took his turn at her once more firm tits. Gred saw that his brother would be not recovering for a while so he did not let himself shoot. He just let her keep him aroused as he fucked her tits butting against her mouth. Gred stopped often enough for Molly to wet his dick so he didn't chafe himself as he fucked her tits. He was lucky that he was getting licked when his brother gave a go before slumping onto her. Gred almost lost it with how loud she had shrieked when she came.
Gred was still up but he was no longer on edge so he pulled his brother off of Molly and let him rest on the side while he slid into her. Well he actually set it up so that Molly would like his brother clean first. His father was right that she was extremely tight in the ass. He didn't know how his brother had managed to get into her as he had a hard time and that was with her ass having been creamed.
Gred had been close too many times before and soon enough he shuddered as he shot into Molly's ass. He managed to walk wobbly to her mouth where he shuddered a bit as she licked him clean. He was lucky that his brother was aware enough so that the two staggered back to the shadows where they could enjoy the rest of the show.
"Hello Molly," Luna said. "I believe you know my pet Ronny. We re going to have such fun."
Molly was unable to speak or resist as the two set to task. Luna took Molly's ass while Ronny enjoyed the blow job that she gave. Luna did however give a rather strong spanking to the ass that she was screwing. They switched after giving their receptacles a good squirt and Luna rubbed some into the tenderized ass. Luna took time to have Molly both deep throat the trainer and lick her off. She made special effort to use both Molly's head and tits as hand holds in her thrusting. Luna had calmed down by stroking a few minutes between Molly's ample breasts. Soon enough she had cum inside Molly's mouth, she reached down and played with her tits as she felt Molly swallowing. Luna smiled as she looked over and saw that Ronny was still pounding away at Molly's ass.
'What to do? What to do?' she thought as she had Molly licking her clean. 'Do I pound Ronny into Molly or be sandwiched between them? Then there is always sandwiching the new slave. Decisions, decisions whatever will I do?'
Luna just smirked as she pulled Molly's head from where it was licking her clean. She slid under and positioned herself under Molly's pussy. She thrust up and shuddered feeling her teat into her. Luna could feel Ronny thrusting inside Molly and rubbing against her and it was good. So the two were making a Molly Sandwich and they were enjoying themselves especially the rubbing against each other inside her and the way that Molly was shuddering and convulsing around them.
Ronny shuddered inside Molly and Luna pulled him out and directed Molly to clean him up. She slid to take his place while he was cleaned up. Soon enough she felt Ronny was clean enough, but not wet enough for her uses so she had him screw Molly's pussy until it was lubed enough. She pulled him out right before Molly could come and had Ronny slid into her. Soon Luna was writhing being a Luna sandwich and not caring that Molly was cuming because it felt good as she screwed the girl's ass. When Ronny came inside her she came hard inside Molly and the two collapsed on the girl which pulled on her restraints which had the unintended effect of having her black out. The two were panting but managed to crawl in front of Molly and she sleepily cleaned them off before they slunk into the shadows.
The next voice snapped Molly out of her daze and addled state when she heard, "Hello Molly," from the girl she had almost screwed over by stealing her man.
"Alice," Molly said in shock. "I thought you and Frank were still out of it..."
"Our benefactor fixed that," Alice said. "I was rather shocked to hear that you had sunk even lower. Still watching things have been quite... arousing. So I feel you should help sate what you caused."
Alice while being older than Luna and thus more experienced was not as creative. So she enjoyed Molly like she use to having the girl lap at her Pussy while her pet reamed Molly's ass. The only thing she normally did otherwise was have Molly lick Frank clean before fucking her while Molly lapped at them. Frank was not allowed to fuck Molly's pussy since the slut tended to take potions to ensure if she got a cock inside her that she could trap the guy with a kid. All this would have preceded normally if Luna had not chucked a trainer at Alice who recalling what it did decided to use it.
For the first time Molly had something inside her pussy when Alice was involved. That it was Alice was understandable as there was no way that Molly could trap either of them. Alice did take a sadistic glee in once again tearing Molly's hymen. If it hurt the bitch it was worth it in her opinion. Besides it gave Molly time to get Frank up again and she saw the way Frank stiffened when she tear into Molly. Her shriek must have felt really good around his cock. Once Frank was up and clean she had him slide into her and she like Luna writhed between pounding into Molly and being pounded into by her pet stud. Alice had a Mona Lisa smile as Frank carried her back to the shadows after she had collapsed shooting into Molly.
"Well it is almost over for today," the voice said. "I take it that you still have no idea who their benefactor is?"
"No," Molly rasped out.
"Well I might as well shed some light on that," he said as he stepped out into the light. "Hello Molly we are going to have some fun and then well you will have to see."
Horus had not been inactive while Molly was being used. He had however contented himself to blow jobs at most as he really wanted to be on edge when he pounded into Molly. Horus was for once not concerned about the person he was fucking orgasming. He gripped her ass as he slid into her pussy and smirked when she screamed as he entered her restored and retightened pussy. He did not slow down and she was swinging and bobbing from his thrusts. The watchers could be heard having some fun. The girls were not letting the guys become exhausted as they wanted to watch the finally. Horus was having fun as he felt the speed and motion get Molly off milking him as he watched the others at play.
Horus could see that Alice, Ginny and Luna were keeping the boys busy. Alice was ridding frank as she alternated stroking and sucking the twins. Ginny and Luna were playing with Ronny and each other. Horus paused grinding as deep as possible into Molly when he came. Her scream caused the observers to pay attention as they looked at the glass eyes look before she slumped forward.
Horus slipped out of her pussy and had an evil look as he sunk quickly into the restored ass of Molly. Having the enchantments restore her to peak physical performance meant they did not have to waste healing magic and time waiting for her to recover. Molly snapped eyes wide when he sunk into her. Horus kept the same rhythm pounding into her ass as he had her pussy the only real difference was that he reached and used her tits as grips.
He thrust forward while pulling her against him with such force that the restraints snapped back into place loudly. He squeezed her ass cheeks together as he pulled out. He walked in front of her and had her clean him off and slicked him up. He gave her tits a quick fuck before seeing if she could take him completely into her throat.
"Well Molly that was fun, but I feel like just watching your finally for a bit," Horus said as he walked into the shadows.
The other guys came out and began fucking her. Her sons were filling her holes while Frank thrust between her tits. She couldn't see as they fucked her and she didn't notice when the others rotated in until she felt her hands being wrapped around two dicks. The last thing Molly saw before collapsing for the day filled and covered in cum was Ginny ridding Horus's cock while Luna and Alice helped them.
End Lemon Scene
Molly Prewitt had that coming and a lot more for her behavior over the years. The funny thing that the Weasley's who were aware of what happened was that they didn't feel anything about the woman anymore. She had used them and now they were returning the favor. For the rest of her life she would be little more than a play thing that her former victims would often enough indulge in.
That day a good number of people would be able to put the problems that she had created away. Whenever they felt the issue return they could always borrow the play toy to get their frustrations out. The ironic thing was that the punishment actually made her far easier to live with. In the end she realized that she deserved it and actually came to enjoy her life more so than when she had been a manipulative bitch.
Arthur would often enough stop by for what other prisons would call conjugal visits. He had a good many years of frustration to work through but he always went away from his visits with a bounce in his step and a smile on his face.
Luna had learned from that day that as long as her pets enjoyed something then she was nothing like Molly. She could still do things they disliked but saved that for punishments. Punishments were to teach something and if you enjoyed it how could it be a punishment.
Nerima was a strange place. To anyone with a high enough chi sense they had avoided the Kuno mansion do to the sickly tainted feel that had been there. Nowadays it was avoided for other reasons. The Tendo Dojo still had challengers of bizarre martial arts schools show up but that was considered normal. There was the occasional youma foolish enough to wander outside Juban and was quickly dealt with. Youma tended to tell stories about Nerima about the dangers there. One of the more popular was that as it was a Mecca for martial artists of all kinds no one could be dismissed as an easy victim this was proven when a very kind grandmotherly lady rearranged a youma into a nice piece of origami that was then left as a wind chime for her little granddaughter who had decorated it. The former silly attacks of the Senshi were considered a more dignified end than that.
Other supernatural entities that had visited tended to return for rematches with one Saotome Ranma. It was inevitable that the ghost cat would return. It made the innate stupidity of following back to the mansion and gained the attention of the Lady of Cats. Some people believe that if the night is quiet in Nerima you can still hear the screams of the ghost cat. Really attempting to attack one of her nephews mates in one of her shrines had to be the most foolish thing that boy could have done.
Other supernatural beings tended to notice the rather powerful wards that protected the place. That the wards had started to bleed into the different dreamscape and mindscape even influencing the astral and symbolic impressions around the house was inevitable. The house was slowly on its way to being a demesne for a Master Sorcerer. The fact that while a Journeyman had a sub-dimensional pocket apartment this was nothing compared to the nature of there home when they became masters. Masters tended to live in their homes and traveled far less than when they were younger. A reason for this was the nature of their magic influenced their surroundings more. While he had not spent a large amount of time in the mansion he had a link between his residences which allowed the bleed out of the build up from Halloween and his visit to begin the slow and meticulous process of moving his home from a singular dimension to a coplanar matter.
This really was not to strange for Nerima, but the sight of the odd normally invisible spirits stopping in to visit and help would take time for non natives to get used to. Kasumi despite going to school for medical studies still enjoyed cooking and that she had company when she did so was nice. Fox, cat and snake spirits were the more common visitors to the house. There was gossip of course and they visited their mother often. Kasumi had often had to relax with just herself and her dreams when she had been taking care of her family. She was wondering when she could be introduced to the kids. She liked having Hotaru and Gabriel over when they could.
'They were such energetic kits,' she had thought as she did her morning katas. 'Akane was always a disappointment with how much she had to be the center of things. I am amazed that no one really noticed that I still practiced. It was a shock to find out that Ranma-kun knew that I was still practicing. Then again he was good at reading people at least in regards to fighting ability. Things have become better since he came and more so when Ho-kun came. If Horus had not come along, would things have ever really changed? They both brought a bit of excitement and adventure into what had been a boring life.'
Despite what most thought Kasumi had never been helpless. She may have been the most kind and gentle and considerate girl in the known world, but she was able to defend herself at least from Nerima type situations. The Watchers had been unexpected and they had guns which not many had taken into account as they were illegal and even the various organized crime elements had avoided using them. The nice apology had been pleasant, but lacked sincerity although they did mean what they said when they said they would not bother her. A part of her never wanted to know what happened to he kidnappers. That was if Nabiki's smirk about the matter was any indication. She turned her thoughts to her sister. The boys at school had never been mature enough for her or her sister. So her sister had never had the chance to be happy. Soun had abandoned them and she had to take care of the house taking her mothers place while her sister was forced to find ways to pay for the upkeep of the house.
Nabiki was happy with her life more so than she had been since her mother had died. That her mother had been resurrected and brought her father out of his stupor of the past decade was good. That she did not have to worry about finances helped considerably. The fact that she did like business and that with the new connections she had gained she did not have the same fear of the glass ceiling or becoming a trophy wife. She only wished that her sister was not as stupid in her behavior. Sure her mother was putting her foot down in regards to her little sisters temper, but she still tended to jump to conclusions and mallet people. She just wished that her sister's jealousy would stop ruining her life. Her sister had believed that she was the best at whatever she chose to do without effort and that rankled more than she had ever let on.
She turned her thoughts to her littlest sister. Akane was in need of help Nabiki had told her so and she was at times sad that she had to carry the guilt for not putting her foot down, but it had been against her nature to do so. If only her father had kept her in line, but he had allowed her to become a spoiled brat. It had been shocking when she realized that Akane had broken her promises so easily. She had let a little bit of honor be tarnished to preserve the wa of the house while her life was sacrificed for giri. Her life was put on hold for duty and she had wondered if she would ever get it back.
Kasumi would not have had these worries if Horus had been able to explain the metaphysical ramifications of mating. The problem had been trying to take something that he understood and tried to translate concepts that did not exist into Japanese. Some things were as effective as explaining sight to the blind. Mating while not having the dependency reciprocation of an Avatar link did while not being anywhere as painful effect the mate. It was more common among Zoanthropes to mate than the other mystic races. Vampires tended to avoid it as they put more time into their progeny than looking for a permanent mate.
The simplest yet most visible effect was that it shared the longer life span with the mate. In this case as long as the mate lived death by old age was inconceivable. While one would normally worry about disease and the like next the improved immune system was shared. That was the reason that stories of a mate never included one dying of old age. The draw back was that the number to survive the death of a mate after the killer was dealt with was few and far between. The most famous was Oroborus, but everyone knows that he was not the same for millennium afterwards. He had became Azrael and a nice little tribe that witnessed his rage eventually decided that nothing human could cause that much destruction and became as they were monotheistic their angel of death.
As she was not aware of these things there was no apprehension when Horus materialized behind her and gave her a hug. He had missed her that was true. He had enough matters to keep himself occupied with at the moment. The wedding plans would need to be discussed and the like. That was not what would happen in this instance as he was able to just hold her for a moment assuring himself that things were alright. He could not shake the feeling that things were not going to go as planned. Something would go wrong, but if just for a moment he wanted to be with his loved ones. He had lived through explaining things to the Blacks and Hellsing all he had to do was survive the Nerima incident. The age old question was; how could he invite the NWC without a disaster forming?
That was not what was on his mind as he continued to hug and slowly kiss his way from Kasumi's neck to her ear where he whispered, "It is good to be home Kas-chan. I have missed you."
"Ho-kun," Kasumi purred. "It's good of you to stop in. I wish that I had not been busy the last time you did. It sounds like there was plenty of fun to go around."
"Yeah sorry about that," Horus said sheepishly. "They did mention that you had a test that day so I didn't want to bother you while you were studying. I'll make up for it on the honeymoon though."
"Just remember that we miss you and that you should visit more often," Kasumi said as she gave him a rather involved hug.
"I will it is just that business and other obligations never let us merely do as we wish," Horus said after releasing the hug. "Still I heard you have been doing great in school. It looks like life is going great."
"You care for us and that is enough," Kasumi said. "Nabiki is sadly out for several hours. So how do you plan to spend the time?"
"Making slow love to you to say I am sorry that work keeps me busy," Horus said. "I'll leave the wedding plans on the table. I still have to drop a few of the invitations off."
"Well you have some time to practice for your husbandly duties," Kasumi said.
"I will never think of such pleasant things as a chore Kas-chan," Horus said. "Now let me make things up to you."
So Horus spent the next several hours proving to his beloved that he did love her and that he was serious. He gave a nod as he saw Kimiko going over the plans. He sighed seeing Nabiki sleeping there and he carried her to bed and tucked her in with Kasumi. He gave the girls a quick kiss before he left as much as he wished to stay he had one task more to accomplish before he could sleep.
Horus was on his way between Japan and England. He had a place he didn't want to stop at but he had to. He faded into a clouds shadow with a sigh. He knew that this would be complicated but he had to tell them. His family needed to come and there was not a meeting this night.
"Hello aunties," Horus said as he materialized. "I need to tell you something. I found my mates and I was wondering if you could help the planning. Kimiko and Trish are working on the plans so please help."
"Really nephew," Inari said. "Popping in like that and asking like that was just not proper."
"I am sorry, but there are far too many things I have to do before morning," Horus said. "I have to inform someone that they are getting what they wanted for the holidays. Well that and get some sleep."
"We understand that dear," Bast said. "Still you have been a bit distant lately."
"Sorry but you know how work can get," Horus said. "If it helps I have been teaching and that takes a good deal of my time. Add to that preventing a disaster that would lead to a magical war if I don't keep an eye on it and having to track down some lost souls for Koenma it has been busy. Add that dad raised the priority on that and I don't have enough time on my hands."
"We understand dear," Inari said. "Now give your aunties a hug."
"Missed you to aunties," Horus said as he hugged the two glomping women. "I will try to visit more, but like you I have been busy. Say auntie how has Naruto been? I have not been able to stop in and visit lately."
"He is doing well kiddo," Inari said. "He will achieve his dream and he is much happier now that he has true loves and not a crush on that pink haired loud mouthed girl."
"Well that is good," Horus said. "I have the feeling that I will see him as part of my Quest and yet that it is not him. I just hope I don't get a multidimensional quest as those always lead to trouble."
"Yes they do especially if it is a non divergent reality," Bast said. "Some of the other realities are positively shocking."
"Um auntie who is that?" Horus asked seeing the collapsed cat-boy on the ground. "He looks like he went a few weeks too long without water or food when you are in heat."
"Oh that is the Ghost Cat," Inari said. "He was giving the district a bit of a problem until he got here. He did seem rather overeager when he got here."
"Well it looks like he is coping well enough," Horus said. "At least he is out of trouble now."
"Kill me," the Ghost Cat whimpered looking more like an emaciated husk than should be possible. "For the love of all that is sacred kill me."
"Um? Auntie have you been using the cat for some relief?" Horus asked. "Because I think you should maybe get a few others so you don't accidentally kill him."
"Don't worry about him nephew," Bast said. "You were talking about your upcoming quest. I take it that something feels off?"
"Well at most I have the feeling that I am helping myself help me if that makes sense," Horus said. "Still as long as I don't visit a fictional universe I should be fine. Those get interesting when what you think you know is not accurate for their."
"Yes there are a few like that," Inari said. "Still as long as it annoys the Puppeteers all is good. They seem to be up to something again."
"Well them and the Watchers Council or Iscariot are always fun to give headaches too," Horus said. "I still cannot believe that they went after someone under my protection and to make matters worse it was one of my mates."
"They did what," Bast snarled. "How dare they? It is bad enough that they are incompetent and loose more of their charges do to that then demons, but that they would interfere in our matters. It is reprehensible."
"I get the feeling that they won't anymore auntie," Horus said. "Those involved were made an example of. You would be proud and I have to say that the Council members that know what happened have not gotten a good night sleep since."
"That is perfect," Inari said lifting him into a full body hug. "Show those meddlers what for."
"Auntie I have the feeling that I might have set something in action that I don't remember in regards to those meddlers," Horus said. "I remember waking up from a dream which I cannot remember and then Set-chan was there. The Temporal Enforcers may have been involved, but that means that I got involved in another Temporal SNAFU."
"Well even if you did you know that they don't get involved unless there is a reason," Bast said. "Now tell me about the girls that have found their way into my nephew's heart."
"Well there is Seras, Nabiki and Kasumi," Horus began. "The strange thing is that I feel the mate bond forming with all three of them. Although each bond feels slightly different as if each is to a different part of my nature..."
"Well that can happen some times," Inari said. "Look at your dad with his two mates. I do wonder how long until they come back. I would have thought they would before now, but they obviously have something to accomplish still before they return."
"As much as I realize that," Horus began. "Dad misses them. He has not just been the same since. He may be coping and he knows that they will return it is just strange that it is taking so long to do so."
"Enough with the sad talk," Bast said. "Now get back to telling us about the women in your lives. I get the feeling you are leaving a lot out."
"Well my love life has gotten a good deal more complicated," Horus began to say. "It all really started when I was in London on patrol..."
Horus talked for what had to be hours as he brought his aunties up to date on what had been happening. They were happy that he was happy. More so they were glad that he had helped so many people out without causing overt problems. They missed being able to freely walk with the masses of humanity, but they had their domains to oversee. One thing all three of them understood was duty even if at times they wished they could skip a meeting of two to have fun.
One of these days they would have to get together and have an outing like when he was younger. Most people would wonder how they knew him if they had not met him until the future and the main reason was that dying had left them as aspects in the Netherworld and that time is not as linear there as in normal space. The aspect thing allowed them to actually be in a manner similar to clones in the same place at the same time yet their power was not really split like it would be in clones. Only certain actions that required the whole concentration of themselves were limited.
Far too soon for the honorary mothers they had to let their little boy go. He had things to accomplish and they had a wedding to plan. They were grateful that he had shrines where they needed to go or they would not have been able to directly interact. Still Kimiko would be shocked when she met the in-laws. Still as a Nerima native she would be more likely to go with the flow.
Katie Bell was doing a late night patrol. She was in one of the more shadow filled corridors. She was a bit distracted by things and as such was soon startled by what happened next. She had been wondering a bit about the guy who seemed to attract more girls than seemed possible. Her eyes went wide when she felt a breath of air brush across her neck.
"Hello Katie," Horus purred into her ear.
She spun around looking for him with a rapidly beating heart with wide eyes before she whispered rather harshly almost hissing, "Don't do that!"
"Why ever not?" came the questioning reply into her ear that she almost felt the breath there, but she knew he was not there and yet he was.
She shivered as she felt a trailing touch before she said, "Why do you do things like this?"
"Because it is fun," Horus replied. "You need to learn to live a little, Katie. I do have good news for you."
"What going to take me up against this wall?" Katie asked as she leaned against the wall and ran her hand down from her face to cup herself as she trailed her fingers caressingly. "That would be ever so much fun. Would be nicer if you would stop playing ghost..."
"Could a ghost do this?" Horus asked before Katie let out a moan as she felt a few phantom hands teasing her to completion. "Or better this or this?"
"Damn it Horus your not playing fair," Katie whined as she slumped against the wall.
"Why would I play fair when I can play naughty," Horus said. "It is ever so much fun. So did you want to find out about the news?"
"Might as well," Katie said with a sigh. "You are being rather playful today. So it must be good news. Still feeling a girl up like that until she creams without a bit of play is not like you. I expected you to have me against the wall churning as you have your wicked way with me ravishing me until I am practically purring."
"And here I was thinking you wanted to know when we are going to meet and greet the Harpies," Horus said in a sad voice. "Still you probably want me to ravish you while I tell you correct?"
"Most assuredly," Katie purred back. "Now get over here and ravish your favorite chaser."
"Well as I have not seen any of my other chasers do as well you must be my favorite," Horus said as he materialized behind her. "Now tell me exactly what you want to do my lovely Katie."
"Against the wall now," Katie said pulling him into a kiss and her against the wall.
They were still there with Horus kissing her as she leaned against the wall when they heard a voice make a clearing sound. The two were too involved to pay attention and she just sighed watching them. Tonks just held her head in her hand for a moment before shaking her head and walked to the wall across from them and leaned against it.
So she looked as Katie had her head back as Horus was necking with her. She licked her lips when she heard the moan come from Katie's mouth. They were still dressed but their hands were involved. She momentarily wondered why neither of them noticed her before realizing that she was not a danger and that she was more likely to join in than interrupt. Katie had just shuddered and hissed out something that sounded like yes when Tonks decided to interfere again.
"Well, well, well what do we have here," Tonks said looking them over with a bit of hunger in her eyes. "Horus why must you always take all the hotties away. You really should remember to share."
"Really Nym," Horus said. Sneaking up like that. How could you? What bad habits has Seras shown you? Why I remember when you would have snuck in and I would I have looked down and you would have been checking if Katie was ready to play. For shame just watching."
"Well you two were involved and watching you is always hot add to that how you could be dropped off in the middle of a desert and by the time you were surrounded by hotties," Nym said. "Besides I was just on my way to Seras since my patrol is almost over. Care to join us?"
"I most assuredly do not mind," Horus said. "What about you Katie? Want to meet a few friends that you have not hand the chance to meet before."
"Really should have guessed that they were close friends," Katie said with a laugh. "I don't mind as long as I get a turn Professor."
"Well then ladies let's be off," Horus said. "The night is young and we have far more pleasant things to do than lurk in hallways."
"Like see if you can stain the wall with some exercise," Nym said. "Call me Nym Katie. Professor is far too formal for how close we are going to be. Although that might be fun later."
"Yes Professor Nym," Katie said in a fake innocent school girl inquiring voice. "Are we going to get some special lessons?"
"Most assuredly you two could do with some hands on lessons," Nym said.
"All games aside," Horus said. "If you two don't stop flirting, I won't be held responsible if you are sore because the wall is not very comfortable."
The two gave him a look that said that they both would not mind and that they liked teasing. Katie leaned in and gave him a good searing kiss.
When she let him go she said, "As much as I do want to try something that adventurous when were we visiting the Harpies?"
"Saturday," Horus said. "I am sure that Nym here would not mind coming along with us."
"True I would not mind," Nym said. "Still we have better things to do. We just need to remember to take several restorative potions so that we can properly enjoy tomorrow."
Chapter 21: Preparations and Plans
Sunday Family Dinner was a concept that most civilized countries had or at least something similar. That it was at Number Twelve Grimmauld Place would have been one of the differences. The Black Family was and had claimed to be the Noble and Ancient House of Black what had been forgotten over the past century or so was that Black Magic and Dark Magic were not inherently evil that magic merely is and short of the malignant spell category most could be used for good purpose.
The malignant category covered spells who had what was deemed a morally unacceptable price. Spells that required human sacrifices or lethal levels of blood or worse souls were in that category. Killing was not necessarily an evil act killing without reason and wastefully was. Malignant spells could be done legally and a small percentage used death row criminals if such required a human sacrifice.
Spells that were deemed malignant were often attempted to find ways to substitute the cost of the spell. Magic was not despite mundane belief free. The energy came from somewhere and most casters burned a rather large amount of calories and if their own magic had not been able to draw from the ambient energies most would consume more food than an eighteenth century lumberjack. These topics and others had been brought up at the Family Dinner. The loudest and most fervent of these debates was when the definition of Dark Magic had been asked about. Horus had denounced any ministry defined definition as most tended to lob any spell that the ministry could not track, reverse or control.
The following debate about the nature of magic was enlightening, but rather technical and had lost most of the people there in the discussion. Despite everyone there being familiar with magic the theoretical explanations and the math were not something they were all well versed on.
Sirius had tuned it out a while ago and was sipping on his wine which he had strengthened a bit. That allowed him to ignore the mathematical parts and focus on the ethical ambiguities. The arguments about morality and lethal spells had been interesting. He had been an Auror like James but during the war effort more emphasis had been on brute strength and dueling skills than the theoretical explanations or morality. They were left to enforce ministry regulations with force when necessary. He understood magic as much as a cop understood the metallurgy of his gun. He knew enough to use it and to keep it in good shape, but not enough to make one from scratch.
Tonks was in a similar state despite being an Auror in supposed peaceful times when they were more an investigative and statute enforcement. As she would tell it they were more akin to plain clothes man police instead of the Detectives compared to Officers they had been. That did not mean that Aurors had less dueling skill than before just that other skills were as important since there was less need for the Aurors as military as during the last Dark Lords rise.
Bella was involved in the conversation bringing up the view of someone who had theoretical and practical experience with the so called Dark Arts. She was rather more involved with the ethical considerations of use as Horus tended to bring up the easy application of the so called Light Arts to cause lethal or crippling damage. The debate ranged along the basis of magic the difference between will and intent based magic. They diverged when they debated any mind altering spells, potions and drugs. The cheering charm as being a mind altering charm and thus in the same category as the Imperious and similar potions in regards to ethics was a major point in the debate.
Narcissa was more interested in the legality and reason why spells became banned and others denied acknowledgment. The lack of new spells in the current century had brought about a debate about the stifling regulations for new ideas. She had heard a lot of things over the years and there were some things that had seemed inconsistent and she had always wanted to find an answer to that.
Andromeda followed the debates with interest as it helped her see the changes from the wives her sisters had become. That it also allowed her to get a better view on their man was of more interest as one tended to loose oneself when they were passionately discussing something. The first concern that she had was that he was so young, but by the laws and the old ways there was nothing that she could do.
That did not mean that Andromeda Tonks nee Black was helpless. She did see what could attract her sisters' attentions physically. He did not look his age and was in far better physical shape than most pureblood or even muggle athletes were. He moved with a grace that seemed to be more likely seen in professional or high level government dueling specialists. She had wondered what all had come from his and what from Seras's influence. Her little girl was no longer tripping all over the place being unnaturally clumsy. At times she had wondered about that in addition to her being in the Aurors and that was not very safe all things considered. A female Auror if captured did not have the best of luck.
So it would come as little shock that she worried about her daughter. The Death Eaters had been known to rape and torture victims and she knew that they would be worse with a captured Auror. That did not mean that she was against her daughter doing the right thing even if it was not the easy thing. She had been trying to keep the traditions at least the knowledge of them alive. That was mostly do to the fact that she believed that Sirius would have taken over sooner and never suspected that he would end in Azkaban. It was a good thing that Sirius had yet to reveal that Dumbledore had pretty much known he was innocent and left him to rot so he would have control of Harry Potter.
It didn't help that Sirius was dozing upright at the more technical aspects of the discourse. That the math involved was definitely beyond NEWT level Arithmancy and he had not taken that at school didn't help matters any. So he sat there as the women and his godson discussed things that by rights his godson was too young to have learned about. He finally snapped out of it when they got into a debate in regards to the proper way to use cutting and severing charms. Disable verses kill shots. He was momentarily shocked by the methodical and brutal methods his godson favored.
He could not believe at first that his godson who seems so nice even if a bit standoffish at times would coldly discuss using severing charms and the like to slit people's throats if you went for kill shots or severing hands or fingers being the better for disablement. Seeing Bella animatedly discussing using severing charms on legs to prevent running away after they lost their wand was not something he could have done cold stone sober. Luckily he had not been entirely sober at the time.
Sirius was grateful that he had spiked his wine to get over the boredom of the bookworm debates. It would now allow him a way to ease the sick feeling he was getting when they got into which way was the best to bisect enemies. Bella had favored horizontal slashes while Horus, he had to think of him like that in moments like this and not as his little godson that he had held as an infant or he would be more than a little pale, had favored vertical slashes but that was on lone opponents so that all the vitals were dealt with less chance while a horizontal slash with maybe some vertical change when dealing with groups. They both agreed that neck and head wounds were better for definitive and timely take downs.
Sirius was amazed at how they talked about the wounds with nothing but clinical precision while they tended to gloss over the killings themselves. He at least noticed that Andy seemed a bit put off at their discussion. When they had dragged Tonks in to get the opinion of an Auror he thought that she would be a beacon of reason in the slaughter. He looked almost as queasy as Andy had when her daughter started describing her views on incapacitation of dangerous individuals.
Neither of them could believe that Tonks was favoring reductor charms to take down criminals. The only disagreement that the two had was that severing charms required more precision. Horus had countered that reductors were more likely to have collateral damage if they dodged and were slightly slower than severing charms. Sirius and Andy had both taken a carefully concealed look of sickness when Nymphadora had stated her other reason against severing charms was that she did not like picking up bits that the reductors tended to leave pieces too small to worry about.
The two supposed sane members of the Black family had shared a look after that. What had happened to the sweet shy little Nymphadora? Now they had one that would act similar to a hardened and cynical hit wizard in combat. Sirius was fairly certain that this was just a bad dream brought on by a flashback to when his parents debated the best charms to inflict pain on muggles. The only thing that disproved this to him was that they seemed to not dwell on the pain of a curse, but more on the disabling ability of a spell.
While that was a comfort, Sirius was blissfully unaware that all four of them were rather indifferent to torture being used, but that they believed that it had no purpose during combat but rather after the fighting was over. He would have gone twitchy if he had heard that little Nymphadora was able to give a detailed account of the best ways to use curses and muggle tools to maximize the pain that a victim felt. He would have been more disconcerted when Bella would have added suggestions. He would have fainted if he heard his godson give a methodical description of the best healing spells that would prolong the suffering without relieving pain or allowing the pain to let the victim go into shock.
He was spared such a discussion that the group had previously lightly touched on when he tried to bring things back to track. That was without blatantly starting to talk about why they were there. It was not just a family, but more like a Family. Wizarding Pureblood Families were common. They had acted as a cross between nobility and criminal organizations since long before the Ministries and the modern systems had formed.
Despite it being family all of that was just small talk that went off track. It was not the main reason for the family meeting and polite people at least tended to talk about other things when they had time. It was tradition that one did not get to business or some said brass tacks right away unless it was an emergency. Protocol said the niceties had to be observed. The Black family just tended to use subject change to help lull their counterparts before they struck. Not that that would work mind you, but it was tradition and an ingrained family practice all things said and done.
So Sirius had decided to use the one topic that never or at least almost never failed to involve people. He chose Quidditch. This was not a bad choice as his godson did play the sport and that most people were somewhat fanatical about there team in a manner eerily reminiscent of football or as anyone in America would call it soccer. Wizards have magic and not a lot of other forms of entertainment. They have lousy music, horrible stories and rather pathetic excuses for journalists telling people the news.
Horus had grown up in a much different world than the others. He liked his music and vids just fine. He liked seeing mundys battle with giant robots. He liked his dueling and his sport. He still thought that Quidditch was about as similar to his sport as American football was to rugby. That was mostly due to the complete wussy nature of Quidditch. Bludgers broke bones that much he would acknowledge, but the beaters just did not have the same brutality he was used to. He was used to his board and not a broom. He liked the fact that he was less likely to get knocked off his board than a broom.
Seeker position were similar yet he still felt like a pussy when he caught the snitch instead of having to hold on as the snitch tried to get free as he rushed it to the goal and fling it in as hard as possible. Sure the equivalent of a keeper and everyone else would be trying to stop him, but that made it more fun. He liked his sport as it was one of the few links to life before the Demon Wars. It would seem odd that a sport would survive when almost all civilization was destroyed. It must have been that it was good combat training. It was one of the few links to life before things had started going to hell in a hand basket. It was also one of the few things that even the most xenophobic explorers had in common. Humanity had been left to rot by their allies, but at least Grav-Ball had survived. Civilization rose and fell. Humanity had intergalactic communication and the sport remained as popular as ever.
Horus was a firm believer that a drunk wizard saw a game once and then proceeded to water it down until the pansy whiny wizards could accept it. They had protective gear and cushioning charms or all things. What next bludgers with stunning charms on them? It was just one of those things as likely to coexist as people taking scotch on the rocks can understand a purist. Quidditch to Grav-Ball was like water-balloon tag was to paintball. Horus enjoyed the game but it was just not the same. The number of penalties and rules was a minor concern. So how well could a conversation go when Sirius Black brings up Quidditch? He needed work on his transitions though as it came at a rather poor time.
"So what was your favorite Quidditch team?" Sirius asked. "You never really said much about the sport before."
"That is a difficult one," Horus said. "Do you mean English team or in the world?"
"Let's just deal with the local teams," Sirius said. "You obviously are not a Cannons fan."
"You mean the team Ronny went on about who has the motto of just trying," Horus said with a bark of laughter. "I am rather disposed to the Harpies, but I have my reasons for that."
"That they are all attractive girls," Sirius hedged. "That would be a reasonable reason as well as they do rather well in the league."
"Actually that is beside the point," Horus said with a smirk. "I feel rather disposed to them since I own the team."
"So you have your own Quidditch team and they are all hotties," Sirius said. "It must be nice being able to see them practice and all."
"You mean being able to see them any time and walk about their training as if I own the place because I do," Horus said with a mischievous look in his eyes. "Yeah I plan on doing that too. Think about what I said. I own the Harpies."
Normally Sirius was fairly quick on the uptake at least in regards to pranks and verbal banter. Still the concept of someone owning the Harpies well he had heard jokes about wishing someone owned those hotties. He figured that the kid could see them or something, but the concept of owning people seemed outdated even to a Pureblood raised like he was. Own a house elf sure; own a witch something that was mostly dreamed about outside some of the more restrictive marriage arrangements.
'He can not be hinting that he owns the team. Can he?' Sirius thought. 'I mean I wondered why the team was now and always been solely ladies, but he is almost hinting that they are a harem or something. I would have read something like that in PlayWizard. I can see the article... Dear PlayWizard, I would never have believed it could happen, but I found I had a Quidditch team of hotties that had to do whatever I wanted... Yeah like that could happen. If James had a harem he would have told me... Unless he didn't know which is not something a Marauder would fail to discover. Besides he never would have chased after the girls at school as much if he had a harem, but then again Horus has what seems to be a harem and he chases after or more accurately is chased by girls.'
"Well that has to be a rather strange position to find oneself in," Sirius finally said. "The question is what your current harem thinks about this."
"We don't mind," Bella said.
"As long as he takes some time with us it isn't so bad," Cissa continued.
"Not like any normal witch could survive being with him if he was monogamous," Bella added.
"The rest are barely recovered from the last time he went wild," Cissa added.
"Not that he didn't spend time with us when he was like that," Bella said.
"I am the only one that didn't get as much time then," Nymphadora said. "Not that I wasn't occupied at the time. I saw what the girls were like afterwards."
"I had hoped that this year went better than last," Horus said. "I thought I had planned it better anyways."
"What do you mean this year?" Sirius asked. "What happened?"
"Despite what some would say I am not depressed at Halloween like I should be," Horus said. "Despite my parents dying on that day and the long legacy of disasters that happen on that particular holiday; I have my own problems on that day. You know that while Remus does not have to change with the moon that it is harder to not change on those days. Well the same is similar with Fall Equinox. The downside is that I get rather randy on those days and nights."
"He means that he is like a dog catching a bitch in heat," Bella chipped in. "We were barely able to handle his daytime affection for one day."
"More accurately we spent the rest of the morning reclining behind our desk until lunch and even then it was almost impossible to move," Cissa said. "I don't know how your girls handled it last year."
"Teenage stamina and having them experimented with flexibility and having worked through most of the Kama Sutra," Horus admitted. "It was a good thing that there were enough positions that prevented me from accidentally bruising too many bones. Sure I get a relatively high libido on those days, but the problem is trying not to cause too much damage in the enthusiasm."
"I thought you left four full Veela, a half Veela and a nymphomaniac exhausted and that was after your time with Bella and Cissa?" Tonks asked. "Still might be fun when you are that attentive."
"Restorative potions," Horus said. "You would need to stock up on those."
"Well Nymphadora dear," Andy said. "You managed to avoid talking about this the last time we were together but how did this start?"
"Well with Horus here," Nym said. "Me and Sirius picked him up at the Airport. Turns out that there was a veritable line of women who wanted to shag him and we were dragged along as observers. Not that it stayed that way for long. Turns out none of the women were too picky what went where as long as they were having fun. As for becoming serious with Seras that is a bit more complicated."
"Start at the beginning of that," Andy said. "You never were interested in more than or even trying to do any experimenting with girls."
"Mostly Seras had decided that I was delicious and she wasn't going to let me get away," Nym said. "Thinking back it was almost stalkerish. She did a really slow seduction though. We would run into each other and she would tease me. You know slight touch here a slight caress there. Son enough she was giving me light pecks on the cheek. One day she kissed me on the lips in a bathroom and the next thing I know I am naked and she is trailing kisses down from head to toe. I woke up with her licking and nibbling at me and I was thrashing around."
"That is how she got you into bed," Andy said. "How did it become more than just sex?"
"We talked went to lunch and the like," Nym said. "We got into law enforcement for the same reasons. More and more of our talks were pillow talking and we both opened up. It didn't hurt that she is a great kisser and her hands. Well if I was unable to spend time with Horus suddenly things just fell together. The best thing is that she is not overly possessive although that could be that we both like playing with others as well and most definitely lover boy here. Mom seriously he is just so good. I do care for Seras and our relationship is a bit strange, but it works for us."
"It's not like either of them are being lied to," Horus said. "The closest I ever did to cheating was with Cissa and I just don't think a gay husband is not extenuating circumstances."
"Yeah my life sucked," Cissa said. "How mom and auntie ever got either of us into those horrible marriages I will never know. I am rather glad that Horus came along. If it hadn't been for him I would be miserable and Draco would have been the perfect copy of Lucius."
"He got me out of the mess I had been in," Bella said. "Rotting in Azkaban was hell stupid Lestrange."
"Still Mom lucked out with dad," Nym said. "If I have to share the people I love so be it. At least I know that they care for me."
"True enough," Horus said. "I care for all my girls each in a slightly different way. Besides Nym I know both I and Seras care for you. Still as long as I have to finish up these required tests I had to go to school. Not like I don't know more or better things. It was either that or let Dumbles at my money more than he had and it would have been legal."
"How about we turn to lighter things," Sirius cut in. "I am a guy and unlike my godson I really don't want to have to listen to girl talk."
"Shush Sirius," Horus said. "Don't you know not to listen to the talk when they are not talking to you and just act like a cuddle toy while they talk? That is far better than your method of running away."
"Thus speaks the man who willingly goes shopping with girls," Sirius shot back.
"I might as well go with it is more dignified than being dragged along," Horus said. "Mostly I get by because I grew up with more female than male role models. Like my aunties would let me get away without knowing how to tell them my opinions on their clothes. Nowadays I get by with knowing that they will most likely model some skimpy clothing that I can deal with knowing that I will get to see them in them and get to take them of the girls."
"That would help instead of being teased," Sirius said.
"Remember that Nym and most of the others are not just looking at how good they look, but how good the others look," Horus said. "Have they not told you how often I find them snuggling together?"
"As much as guys dream of twins and many girls together," Sirius said. "There is the matter of actually surviving."
"One day at a time," Horus said. "One day at a time. Well that and remembering that every girl is different and thinking about their needs helps. We should retire to the living room since I have a feeling that the story will be rather long."
"Might as well," they said and proceeded to the living room.
Horus was sitting on the couch with Tonks in his lap and Bella and Cissa cuddled next to him. He was spending time running his hands comfortingly along Nym and she was relaxing a bit.
"Well mom I take it you want to know more and the boys don't mind sitting while talking," Nym said. "Sirius will probably zone out."
"Just as long as you finally tell us what happened with Pru," Bella said. "Even if you had told us we were unlikely to remember when we were recovering."
"Fine Bel," Horus said. "As much as I thought you would remember I guess the two of you were rather out of it."
"Out of it," Cissa said in a scoffing tone. "We were so out of it someone taking shions would have been more coherent. Still it was fun getting there. Don't worry Andy when we get some time we will stop in and chat. I don't think Sirius wants to hear about the games the three of us play."
Short Lemon Scene
"Well mom," Nym said. "You wanted me to tell you more huh. Well Seras kissed me. She snogged me and teased my breasts until I felt that I was going to cram. Then she teased my pussy while she kept kissing me. I came hard and the next thing I knew I was naked on my bed. I looked at her and she was licking her fingers from my cream. The way she looks when she licks her lips should be illegal. I got wet just seeing that normally and here I was spread out on bed with her kneeling between my legs smiling down on me."
"What happened next?" Cissa asked. "Did she kiss you so good that you writhed against her?"
"Yep," Nym said saucily. "Seras leaned down and kissed me until I was breathless and had left a trail of cream against her. So here I am lying back panting after that kiss to see her smirk at me before she whispered in my ear to relax."
"How could you relax in a situation like that?" Bella asked. "When I am in situations like that I have a hard time not grabbing the kisser and kissing for all my worth. That is while I try to keep my hands involved."
"As much as I wanted to I was still panting from the cum from that kiss," Nym said. "So Seras had me there and she started trailing kisses down my neck. To keep me distracted she was caressing my tummy coming close but avoiding Anything that would send me over too soon. When she started nuzzling me I tried to rub myself against her hand and I managed to get my pussy to rub against her arm when I went stiff."
"All that and she barely touched you," Bella said. "I take it she learned from you sir?"
"Really Bel," Horus said as he was slowly working his hands to tease the storyteller. "Just because one of my lovers can make a girl cream so easily just shows I have a way to bring natural talent out."
"Where was I?" Nym said in a squeak after a gasp due to Horus's hands. "Right I was panting again and Seras was rubbing my tummy as I came down. She worked her ways down from my throat stopping at my tits to suckle on them. She had me moaning quickly. I could not believe that I got my arms to grasp her head as she nuzzled and teased my tits until my arms fell down when I arched up."
"Could you lot do Anything about teaching my husband to be like that?" Andy asked in a teasing tone. "I love the man, but there are some things that normally girls do better."
"Mom Horus does it better," Nym said. "The only thing that would help would be if he could soften his lips. Then again he is better than me at shifting so he could possibly..."
"I have no reason to do that," Horus said simply. "You are getting distracted from the subject at hand and if anyone is going to distract it will be me."
"What are you dooooiiiinnnng," Nym squeaked out as his hands found what they were searching for. "That was not fair. How can I do Anything in front of mum? Then here you are playing my body like a fiddle."
"If you think your mum minds, why don't you ask her?" Horus asked. "So Andy, mind if I keep Nym in the right mindset while she talks?"
"No," Andy said with a bit of strain. "Nymphadora get back to the story. Just because you're relaxing there is no reason to ignore your listeners."
"Mom, if you want to try to focus when he is doing this, be my guest," Nym said hotly. "Now since you want me to continue I will. She teased me after she let my breasts go. She trailed kisses down past my legs before heading back up. She slowly circled and teased me as she came slowly closer to my pussy. When she started eating my pussy I snapped up and she wrapped her arms around my legs as she did her best to make me cum out of my mind. I blacked out a few times as she was eating me. She had worked a few fingers inside me and was sucking my clit like a baby. When I came to after that, she was kissing me tenderly and then she kissed her way up and tenderly kissed me every where. After that there was really no way that I was going to go after the untrained boys and the only man I know that is that good is Horus and he was going to be trapped at Hogwarts for nine months out of the year."
"That makes perfect sense to me," Cissa said. "I was spending a lot of time last year visiting Hogsmeade. So that comes as no surprise. Bella you feel the same way I can tell. So Nym is perfectly normal, Andy. Now Horus lover dear tell us what happened when you spent lunch with Prue. It is not everyday that you bang a Charmed One."
"It could have been, but they mostly live in Frisco," Horus said. "So there I was just gotten out of a threesome with Kaori and her intern who had a crush on her and I stop at Prue's job. I gave her a kiss hello and when I reached under her skirt she was wearing stockings and no panties and she was dripping wet. I sat her down on her desk and ate her out until she was not just wet but on edge. I flipped her over, flipped her skirt up, gave her ass a good feel and slid into her. I was holding onto her tits as I screwed her. She turned her head and we kissed. God she was so hot that her kiss was searing and when she moaned into my mouth when she came it was so good."
"We know you," Bella said. "There was no way that you would have had a quickie if you had time. Considering how you mentioned it you did more than a quick shag."
"Yeah I did more than a quick shag," Horus said. "I tugged her shirt off and she gave me a nice tit fuck before trying to inhale me. Prue could pull milk from a dried tit and she did the same to me. After she had licked me clean and made sure we both had time for more, I gave her a quick shag until she creamed on me. Then with being lubed from that I slid into her ass. You could not believe how she goes off when getting buggered. She was working her muscles over me just so and soon enough she coaxed me real deep. After a bit of clean up I left after one smoking kiss and she sat down in her chair with a smirk and she most definitely squirmed a bit for the rest of the day."
"That was hot," Bella said rubbing against him. "Now Andy if you don't mind the four of us are going to bed."
End Lemon Scene
So ended a family meal that had been entertaining and a bit disconcerting for Sirius. Andy was happy that her daughter was happy although she was a bit worried what would happen if things went sour compared to a normal relationship.
She was comforted by how they interacted through each other. The conversation had been arousing and she had skipped off to get her itch scratched by her husband. Poor man was going to be groggy in the morning.
As for Horus, Bella, Cissa and Nym well they made sure that Sirius was grateful that they had silencing charms on the rooms. Well Sirius was wishing he did not know that the bird he was dating was unavailable that night.
Hellsing Manor was a military fortress. The Headquarters of the Royal Protestant Knights was not what one would consider a place of ceremonial matters as they were more practical. Hunting rogue Mideons, FREAK Chip vampires and other supernatural threats to England and the Crown did not leave much for pomp and circumstance. They did follow protocols and the like, but more was focused on results than procedure for procedures sake. They used blessed silver bullets formed from crosses from a church. They were unlike the biased xenophobic Iscariot actually able to tolerate supernaturals that were not threats. They had mostly formed do to the capture and conscription of the Hellsing Weapon Alucard.
Hellsing were soldiers that fought things that made even the most hardened of soldiers queasy not that they would ever admit that fact. They were run by Sir Integra Fairbook Windgates Hellsing who is considered by most to be the Ice Maiden. Her uncle tried to kill her in a coup attempt which resulted in the release of Hellsings weapon and subsequent binding to the young Hellsing Heir. She was aided by Walter Dornez who was given the nomen Angel of Death for how he dispatched ghouls and other supernatural threats by strangulation and decapitation by monofilament wire.
The latest major recruit was one Seras Victoria who upon the failure of her mission in Cheddar was turned into a Mideon by Hellsings weapon. The alternate was to allow her to die. Unlike most she did not go mad with power or blood lust. The main source of the FREAK chips was found but not until after the majority of Hellsings normal troops were lost in the battle with the Nosferatu Incognito which destroyed several blocks in London. It was during the rebuilding and recruitment drive after that mess that the Hellsing organization came across a young hunter by the name of Horatius Horus Stone. His interaction with the troops and Officer Victoria resulted in a marked change in improvement of the organization. The running joke among the enlisted was who was a harsher drill instructor Alucard or Horus.
Before leaving at the completion of his contract he had the troops able to handle ghouls and low level Mideons or regenerators such as Father Anderson the dog of Iscariot whom Alucard had given the title of Judas Priest. With Hellsing on a much firmer foot the supernatural threats in the Isle were markedly reduced and with the routing of Das Millennium the source of FREAK chips was no more. The main thing that changed in the past few months was the fact that while Officer Victoria had a relationship with the hunter Horus she had not lost her humanity do to the change. Hellsing was a family even if they were a bunch of strange individuals. As long as the work remained well, Sir Integra had no interest in the soldier's personal lives. That was all well and good except that it took a while for new recruits to get over hitting on her. Unlike the US there was no explicit form of don't ask or tell as such Seras who had regained much of her humor before loved to leave the regular soldiers sputter when she turned them down. The fact that she had a boyfriend and a girlfriend normally threw them.
What this all boiled down to was the fact that the big three where having a discussion with Seras, her intended and one Auror Tonks about the effects such a strange change would have. Seras was doing well on the job but had most definitely loosened up from emulating Sir Integra's professionalism. Then again they were in a bizarre manner family with a common goal of protecting the ignorant masses from all the hidden dangers that stalked them.
With all that was it any wonder that the family acted a bit stressed at the meal this night. There was a slight tension in the air that normally signaled either a need for a good fight or a good shag. Despite all the other things that Sir Integra was she had a low opinion of Catholics and Protestants were rather strange in some of their notions in regards to sex and relationships.
"Ah Police Woman," Alucard said. "I hear that congratulations are in order."
"Yes things are going rather well now are they not?" Seras responded. "Sir Integra. Would you terribly mind if I scheduled time off for the honeymoon?"
"So I take it that you two are getting married," Integra said. "I thought that you were dating Auror Tonks."
"That is kind of complicated," Horus said. "Are you well versed in the concept of soul mates and I don't mean the modern romantic notion?"
"Soul mates are those that are for all intents and purposes a balanced other half that compliment each other perfectly," Integra said. "For the most part I always viewed it as some strange romantic notion as I do not recall ever hearing of one."
"It is relatively rare for normal people to meet their other half as the odds of both being born in the same time are relatively rare," Horus said. "It does happen and it will be more common with the larger population, greater travel and slightly longer life span. It is far more common in those beings that live considerably longer still most times it takes centuries if not longer to find ones other half. The complication is that certain metaphysical abilities function in a manner similar to multiple personality disorders where the ideal compliment is not one but several. It is this which has complicated certain matters. Normally one has one soul mate and I was aware of one person that had two soul mates do to a similar condition to my own."
"I take it that you are aware of the complication and that there is nothing that you can do about it?" Integra asked.
"Yes I am aware and there is nothing one can do about the complication," Horus said. "One could sooner ask the fish not to swim than do so. It is a complication of my bloodline and there is nothing I can do about it. Thankfully the particular wedding ceremony is old enough to handle the matter with out problem."
"How old is the ceremony?" Integra asked. "There is not much that remains of such matters for the most part. They were lost to the ravages of time."
"One of the less admitted aspects of the offshoot of humanity known as the mystic is that we have retained slightly more history than one would readily believe," Horus said. "Most view that as both a good thing and a bad thing as some things are better forgotten. Sadly the reason that most despise the Catholics more than you do is that they had an opinion of us worse than Satanists. Now tell someone who has like yourself battled the forces bent on the destruction of all human life for generations that they are evil that they must have conspired with devils and other infernal sources to have their abilities and you would get a rather unpleasant response. The main reason that a number of my kind seem almost anti-religious is do to a part of the hierarchy a couple of archangels deciding that humanity was not worse the resources similar to a lost cause like the US felt to Vietnam or the USSR had with Afghanistan. Then again this was a long time ago and some would say to forgive and forget but we have a long memory."
"How long ago was this?" Alucard asked as he had a sudden interest. "I had not heard of such a thing occurring."
"Long before what modern man believes as prehistory," Horus said. "The event occurred around seventy thousand BC, but do to the calendar changes and some unpleasantness the exact year was lost. You do have to understand that the history of before ten thousand years ago was not that pleasant and things were different then. Before you ask about why this was not part of the disclosure there was a good reason and that was that despite finding out that there was more out there certain things happened that we were not proud of. The phrase the path to hell is paved with good intentions applies."
"I take it you do not feel like discussing such matters now," Integra said. "Well there must be a reason and the wedding is a far more pleasant thing to discuss."
"That it is," Horus agreed. "But I know that you will want a full report eventually just make certain that no one else reads it. I will say that our hands are not clean from the matter, but than again no one is. My ancestors did what they had to the same as yours. If the middle management had not cut and run the following tragedies would not have occurred, but they were scared. The most I will say is that most legends have a basis in reality. Take all the legends of demons and imagine the strongest and most terrifying dreamed of by modern horror writers now take that into an unimaginable depth and carry it into the deep dark pits of forever and you have a minor idea of what happened. The middle manager types were aware if they were accessible to humanity than those entities could reach them and kill them. Now just think what you would do against something that sorry Al could permanently destroy Alucard with the same effort he could squish an ant. What would people be willing to do to survive in such a time? Now we really should return to more pleasant matters."
"So where is the wedding going to be?" Integra asked taking the subject change seriously. "As much as I would like it here the security of this facility should not be compromised."
"It would be nice to have it here," Horus said. "Unfortunately some of the guests would not be able to come. They are not really able to leave their residence enough to come here. Still it will be a rather remarkable event and quite memorable for the near future at least. As to where I was thinking of The Palace of Ice and Crystal, it would be the perfect place for a winter wedding. It does take a bit to get used to the constant snow and all, but other than that it is a relatively nice place."
"Why have we never heard of this place?" Walter decided to ask even if he was normally like furniture there without standing out.
"The Palace of Ice and Crystal is located elsewhere outside either secular or most religious authority," Horus said. "The place has staid out of the petty squabbles that have plagued the world these past few thousand years and they have no desire to as they put it interfere with the development of uncivilized barbarians who lack even the most basic understanding of elegance in function. The people there do not have a high opinion of what modern man has accomplished. The height of civilization seems uncivilized to them as they recall quite clearly how far we have fallen. They remember quite clearly what the world was like before the demons came. They rather find the Watchers Council origin tale quite humorous since it was so inaccurate. The place is referred in myth and legend similarly to Avalon, but it is perpetual Winter and Night there as a counterpart to what is referred to as the Summerland."
"I always thought those were euphemism for other people's ideas of heaven," Integra said. "You talk as if they are real places that one can visit."
"They are both actually," Horus said. "The thing you have to remember is that Christianity and even Judaism is a relatively new religion. People have acknowledged the Creator of All Things, but most didn't use the word god to refer to the One. Despite popular belief and most might consider Heresy the afterlife is a rather complicated affair. There is a Heaven and there is a Hell, but beyond that there are similar places. With the myriad of demon dimensions being mistaken for the actual Hell that is understandable. Most of the so called Pagan Gods are more like upper level managers and their followers for the most part go to whichever reward and punishments their particular faith holds. Just because someone worships a particular god or more accurately is under the banner of said being does not mean that they deny the authority of the Creator or as most refer instead to as the Great Maker. Calling the Maker god just does not seem to most to be all encompassing enough as most gods have a limited domain of influence. However the Winterland is not some sort of punishment as it is more geared to those who found there heaven in elegant ice with the fear of a fiery hell. A similar opposite of those in northern climates where hell is described as unimaginable cold. The reason the Christian Hell is considered fiery is that desert dwellers would vied inescapable heat as worse than the cold. Most of them would view the cool as welcome escape from the sweltering heat of the desert."
"Most of that would seem to most as heresy, but you act like you have been there," Integra said. "Is there a reason for that?"
"Actually there is," Horus admitted. "Part of my duties was helping restless spirits find their peace. That part sometimes required me to walk the paths to ensure they made it to their destination. That allowed me to get rather familiar with the various parts of the afterlife. The main problem I learned was that those of my kind do not get as peaceful of a rest. They will either be reborn or have to fulfill their duties in the afterlife. A part of the sacrifice I suppose."
"Sacrifice?" Seras asked questioningly. "You never mentioned this before."
"The sacrifice is considered the cost of our powers," Horus began. "With the middle level managers in charge of the fight against the demonic forces having withdrawn most support, the people at least some of them accepted death. Some of the people would not accept and decided to fight back even as land, sea and sky were swarming with demons devouring all before them as locusts. The more powerful of the horde required combined attacks of priests, warriors and mages. Do to the fundamental incompatibilities of the energies used it was impossible at the time for someone to use the particular combined frequency needed to destroy the enemy. The reason was that the separate energies canceled each other out and only two types could be used by a person. The problem was finding a way to prevent signal cancellation as it were. You must understand that the population at the time was even larger than now and to suddenly go to less than a million people on the planet in less than a few days was quite a shock. Suffice it to say that they found a way and my kind was the result. The process has been lost even though attempts to recreate it have had some similar results. The greatest tragedy was that the first group went through the final parts of the process to late and that unlike myself burned out by their own abilities. The consolation we still tell ourselves is that they took large parts of the horde with them."
"How come your kind survived while the first did not?" Integra asked in interest. "One would not think that a large enough of an age gap would result in such a failure."
"Five they were five years older than the window turned out to be," Horus said. "The final process had to be applied before ten years of age or the process was likely to burn out or more accurately suffer a metaphysical meltdown with an effect similar to a nuclear meltdown. Our ancestors sacrificed their chance to be normal so that others could live. The ritual needed was set to certain celestial alignments and the second batch would be far too late if they did not balance the equations differently. Dying for ones children to live a better life is one thing, but knowing that you were dying so that your children would be little more than living weapons so that other parents children would someday live normal lives seems rather cruel. To get around the celestial alignment and not have to try to survive for centuries they chose to die so that their nieces and nephews would have a chance. That is the main reason that most look down on those that call us unnatural or monsters. We know that we are burdened with a duty and all they can see in their jealousy is what we power we have to accomplish our tasks. If you ever have to deal with my kind remember that, We never asked for this and that we like yourself never had a normal childhood. The only way that would happen was if every demon and collaborator was gone. The imperatives we have been born with are no less immutable than those you were born with. Search and destroy. The same orders only we were born knowing them."
"I would then wonder why you have not been compelled to kill either Seras or Alucard even more so wanting to marry Officer Victoria," Integra interjected. "With what you said that does not make sense."
"Nosferatu and Mideon are not by their nature evil in the manner that they are not by instinct compelled to destroy or enslave all humanity," Horus said. "Unlike the blood demons and the like, they have a choice more so than others. Seras chooses to use her skills and abilities to protect humanity and that is the difference. The kind that Alucard would call weak demon trash are like cockroaches in that even when you think they are completely wiped out they pop up again. The FREAK chipped vampires kill without reason and leave ghouls in their wake that is a difference again. However, if I was presented by one of the demon breed it would be almost impossible for me not to immediately terminate it. Their presence is obvious and they are as easy to detect as if rotten decayed meat suddenly was in front of us. The imperative with them was immediate termination as the demons used them to infiltrate and sow discord among those fighting at the time. The complete loathing that is instinctive of the demon breed is almost impossible to explain in words. Alucard would come the closest to understand the revulsion, but that is more gained by experience while mine is more like your disgust at Das Millennium taken into the deepest instinctive level of the mind."
"So what kind of guests will be there and is there a worry about security?" Walter asked as he knew they would be attending, but he needed to know how much of a security risk there would be.
"Hmm... That is a rather difficult question to answer," Horus began. "The main problem is that many of the people showing up are rather famous or infamous depending on the point of view. Quite similar to how some of them feel about Alucard here though some are a bit more notorious."
"Who there would be more notorious than me?" Alucard asked in amusement. "Any of them old friends I may know?"
"Quite possibly actually," Horus said. "Well the more famous people would be some of my aunties actually. Auntie Bast and Inari will be there. A few of the Lords will be there at a guess this will be one of the largest gatherings since the end of the Mystic War besides the memorial at the end of the Season of Sorrow. Most of those there will be on their best behavior as they can be all things considered. The heads of most Organizations will be there. I don't plan on Iscariot or the Watchers Council showing up. The guests would most likely toss them out do to the rather low opinion of those groups that is common."
Sir Integra along with Walter did a rather good job of covering up the shock of who would be there. Alucard was just smirking as usual and Tonks and Seras were distracted by a bit of girl talk. For the most part the rest of the meal went on as is normal. Well as normal as two Nosferatu, a Hellsing and an Auror can be.
Although Sir Integra did ask how they were planning to handle being at Hogwarts and if they had any ideas on how to look for potential recruits. She was disappointed when Horus brought up that most would be those that were already planning on being under Horus's command. Still he had turned most of them from being the magical equivalent of couch potatoes to toned and physically able athletes. That had done nothing to help the slight annoyance that she felt that a good pool of prospective help had been mostly already culled.
It was not until Horus had mentioned rotating an internship with Hellsing could improve their skills and help to improve inter organizational cooperation that Sir Integra had let the subtle glower fade. It was better to do cross training than to get some wet kids that were so green that they would be no better than fodder. Although she avoided mentioning she had been hoping that more of Britain's magical population would become active in actually protecting the idle and not being nuisances that called after they let the situation go completely FUBAR because the Ministry REMFs would not call anything in since they believed that they could handle it. The last thing they needed would have been FREAK chipped wizards and witches. She did not believe that the chip would have been short circuited by the magical interference that wizard and witches generated. For all she knew the chips could have been shielded.
There was a reason that Hellsing ad issues with Iscariot, the Watchers Council and the Ministries of Magic. The main reason was that none of them seemed to believe that they needed help and that they had a given supreme mandate for their actions. Horus at least mentioned that the current Minister was spineless enough to keep from doing Anything too stupid if he had advisors yet dumb enough to be easily subverted.
Someday there would be inter-organizational cooperation. Sir Integra just hoped that it would not be because the world had gone to hell in a hand basket. As they left, Sir Integra wondered about the giddy feeling she was getting from Alucard. That was until she realized he would be able to terrorize people again. He was the No-Life-King and was one of the most fearsome beings on the planet and he acted at times like he was either a kid or in a second childhood. Neither was good for her mood or the stress from all the forms she would have to fill out after one of his adventures.
'Hopefully this time there isn't to many property damage claims,' she thought. 'Well if there is they can just use their magic to fix it.'
The Great Hall was rather crowded. The wondered why they had been informed that everyone was to be at dinner that night. Most thought that it would have to be about an announcement. Some wondered if more about the crimes of Albus Dumbledore had come to light. Most of the Gryffindors wondered if McGonagall was going to announce a substitute until a replacement Transfiguration teacher showed. They could see that while she was able to both teach her course as well as deal with the administrative burden that she could not do so forever.
"Good evening students," McGonagall announced. "As most of you wish to get to the food my announcement will be brief. Until the post of Transfiguration Professor can be filled there will be a substitute on loan from the Aurors. Please welcome back Auror Tonks. She will be dealing with the younger years and looking to see if any students have the gift of Metamorphmagus which she will then tutor any students in."
The students clapped rather loudly. They could tell that while McGonagall was stern but fair; she was not going to overwork herself. She was their teacher and despite how serious she was she did care for her students and not just her house.
"There is more," she continued. "You are wondering who the additional faces are. They are two specialists on loan from Hellsing to help those in specific topics in Defense Against The Dark Arts. Officer Victoria will be lecturing the younger years and Mr. Alucard will be dealing with OWL year and above."
"Hello," Seras said giving a sheepish grin just hiding her fangs. "I am sure that class will be enjoyable. Don't mind Alucard if he seems a bit strange. He just deals with things differently."
"Watcher," Tonks said. "Call me Tonks or Professor Tonks. Only my close friends call me by my first name which I will not tell you. If you are not them you will be a volunteer in class. I am sure to make it quite interesting if you choose to ignore my warning."
Alucard just sort of cackled and Umbridge shivered along with the rest of the school. Horus smirked and lifted his goblet to Alucard. He gave a head nod to Seras and Tonks. Things were looking up. Now if he could find a way form Nabiki and Kasumi to be here things would be perfect.
Katie looked at him and whispered, "You act like you know them?"
"I do," Horus said. "I have worked with Seras and as for Tonks well we met through my godfather. It is good that she is around I worry about those two when they are out of sight. They seem to attract trouble like bees to honey."
"What about the other one?" Parvati asked. "We know that you have talked about Seras before and some of us have met her, but there is just something about him..."
"You mean Al," Horus said. "Think back to class and what Nev yelled out when I talked about where I interned."
Her eyes bulged before she said slowly in a strange voice, "He looks nothing like I thought he would. You were right about the books being a disservice. He does have an interesting style yet it looks good on him."
"Yeah, he is an interesting friend though I would advise not being around when we spar the surroundings tend to take a beating," Horus said in a wistfully reminiscing voice. "Still it is nice that Seras and Nym are not going to have to be apart. They just click ya know? Still Seras is one of those that has an interesting sense of humor. She did mention that things were getting boring without me around and that Sir Integra was relieved to only have to deal with Al's high jinxes."
"Well at least class will be interesting," Hermione said. "What despite everything else I still am a bit of a bookworm. Just because I am reading does not mean it is just facts. Still real experience would be nice. The closest we had was Lockhart and he was a mind raping memory stealing fraud. Still would be a good class."
"Would be an improvement on the fake Moody," Horus said. "Still he did a good job explaining Death Eaters and their innate idiocy, but then he was one so that did not require much thought."
"Remus was a good teacher," Lavender said. "If he didn't have that monthly problem and most parents are paranoid about it then he probably would have been teaching. Still more proof to the curse on the job."
"I heard it was because Dumbledore refused to hire Riddle as a teacher," Neville interjected. "Still class will be interesting, don't you think?"
"Ten to one Integra is going to use this as an alternative in recruitment," Horus said. "Some one to clean up the messes that seem to happen when the Aurors are over their heads and the situation has gone completely to rot. Still the best candidates would be those that made it into the second level of the DA, those have enough skill not to get killed and the brains not to show off. More people die acting dramatic when in situations than because a creature is dangerous. Most just want to be left alone and here a guy comes up and annoys them. What do you think the school motto is really about? A sleeping dragon is relatively harmless unless you bother them."
"Well it would be less boring than the Aurors have been," Katie said. "They were starting to become little more than magical meter maids in purpose."
"True," Horus said. "That was mostly do to criminal elements becoming non violent again without the typical wanna be conquerors they focused on profit. Those types are less likely to cause problems and would go legit if there was not markets for certain ministry over regulated items."
"One thing everyone will agree on is that DADA is going to be interesting for a while," Hermione said. "Luna is so going to pester him for an interview."
"Why not an unbiased interview would be worth millions," Horus said. "Now dinner is almost over and we have some things to do tonight."
The group had a feral grin. Tonight they were going to get some long deserved revenge. They would have started if they hadn't been required to go to the meal. It had allowed them to better formulate their vengeance.
They were in a shadowed room. In the room hung the unconscious form of a woman who had been the source of many a man and woman's unhappiness. She had done things that made even the more vicious member of the group disgusted. They were planning there revenge and they had the law on their side in this matter.
"So how do you think things will go?" a woman's voice asked.
"I think she will get what she is deserving," a male voice said. "the question is can all of you go through with your parts?"
"We may have lived with her," a different guy's voice said, "But that does not mean that we liked it."
"I most assuredly will make this an experience to remember," a girl's voice said heatedly. "By the time we are done the misery we experienced along with the pain, suffering and humiliations will be repaid with interest."
"I understand that," the first mans voice said. "I still cannot believe that Arthur went through that. Still you will be a participant won't you?"
"Most definitely," Arthur said. "While most would view this as wrong it is only fair, Horus. She tried to do things that I never imagined that she would. I should have listened to my friends about her."
"You were young and in love. Love blinds you to faults. We best get ready. She will be waking up soon," Horus said. "Best be in position. I think the surprise will be one we will all enjoy."
"Most definitely," the other voices said.
"You just want to see how good the punishment is," Horus said. "Arthur is the only one of us to have savored our reward for her punishment."
"It is quite enjoyable," Arthur said. "Do you really think that she might have forgotten?"
"More like her mind will try to make her forget," Horus said. "It was a rather shocking fall form grace was it not?"
"To those that only knew the mask it was," a cold girl's voice said.
"She will get what is coming to her Luna," Horus said. "I rather think that your suggestion would be good for a finale though. We will see how we are doing when we reach that point."
Lemon Scene with some disturbing behavior
Molly Prewitt woke to a groggy sensation. Her head felt like she had taken a few bludgers to the head or gotten herself totally smashed. The next thing she noticed was that it seemed rather drafty and her wrists seemed to chaff. She looked down and her eyes bulged at what she saw. She was practically naked and her body looked as if it was a teenagers again. For a moment she wanted to thank whoever had done that as it gave her another chance to actually snag some weak willed rich boy who could support her in the manner of her preference and hopefully service her as she deserved.
"You must be wondering what is happening," a voice from the shadows said. "So I might as well listen to what questions you have so that I may answer them to the best of my knowledge."
"Where am I who are you and how did this happen?" Molly rattled off her questions rapidly. "More importantly what right do you have to keep me here?"
"Ah so your memory is a bit fuzzy about that then," the voice said with a dark malevolent chuckle. "Well long story short you went to trial and things really didn't go very well for you."
"Why can't I remember?" Molly asked in a confused voice. "Besides I have done nothing wrong."
"That is not what the judge said," the voice said with an almost audible smirk. "Anyways it was a relatively private trial held in courtroom ten. I must say that everyone was shocked by what you confessed under Verisiterum. You should have seen the look on Arthur Weasley's face; it was priceless. Why he almost lost it on the spot. The bailiff did let a few curses through as he was rather shocked at your confession. One of the things that happened that is most relevant to your situation was that you were divorced, but unfortunately for you it was not until after the sentencing. It let the judge have a bit more leeway in your punishment."
"What punishment?" Molly asked fiercely. "I have done nothing wrong and I do not believe that there was any such trial. Besides Arthur would never divorce me he loves me far too much."
"Finding out that he was a poor substitution after your gold digging plots backfired must have something to do with it," the voice said with scorn. "Then again the Longbottoms did give testimony so thing went rather bad for you. Anyways you did ask about your punishment so I might as well tell you. Do to the families that you had wronged things went according to the old laws. It would not have been as bad if you hadn't tricked Arthur and had not been a Weasley at the time. Turns out one of the families you wronged had an oath of fealty that the Weasleys had sworn and as you were one it made things far less pleasant for you."
"What oath of fealty?" Molly asked. "I don't recall the Weasley family having sworn one and I know the Prewitts had not either."
"Wrong on both accounts actually," the voice said in a sneer. "You actually got the worst of it because of the Prewitt Oath. Turns out your family received a name from one of your victims so the Prewitt Family is no more. All of there things that you would have inherited have been stripped from you. Funny thing is that Arthur agreed to divorce you according to the old laws and turned you over to the victims to do as they will."
"No you must be lying!" Molly shouted heatedly. "My family has no such roots and Arthur is far too weak and controlled to do something like that!"
"Really don't know him very well did you," the voice said in an amused tone. "He was rather grateful actually as he had been tempted to do something about you, but did not wish to inconvenience the kids. Now as for your punishment you should notice that you seem to have been regressed to what you looked like at Hogwarts. That is not a reward but part of the punishment. No one would really be interested in fucking an ugly cow like you turned out so you were returned to an age when you were actually somewhat attractive. The other part of your punishment is that certain modifications to your body exist. Most would consider them a good thing or at least a lover would. Your body will retain the same firmness and tightness that you currently have."
"That doesn't sound so bad all things considered," Molly said. "Still the age regression is nice and I get the whole sex thing, but how would that be a punishment?"
"Ah that is rather interesting," the voice said in a dark tone full of sinister humor. "You seem to missed the tightness issue. Basically no matter how used you become your body will be restored to be used again. You must have blocked things out since they were so painful. Any ways Arthur rather enjoyed his part in the ceremony. He has been rather annoyed that you never would let him bugger you so he was a bit overeager."
"Still does not sound like him," she said ignoring that Anything he said could be real. "How do I know this is not an illusion?"
"Does it feel like an illusion?" the voice asked her sending a cold shiver up her spine. "You can feel the air on your skin. You can feel the change to your body. You must be wondering why the pain is missing. You heal quick enough where any attention will not kill you. That however does nothing for the pain."
"How are you doing this?" she asked with resignment. "Besides how do I know that my children will not save me?"
"The same children who are waiting for a chance to even the score?" the voice said in a questioning tone full of disbelief. "Besides Arthur and some of your other victims want a shot at you. Alice in particular is looking forward to using you to ease some tensions. As for how I am doing this a simple enchantment on that collar does most of the spell work. Not that you could remove it. It is there for life and your victims plan on making sure that is a long and fulfilling life as you attempt to redress your crimes."
"What judge would agree with this?" Molly asked. "Whatever farce of a trial you had has no way of being binding."
"Far from it there was everything legal that needed to be dealt with," the voice taunted her. "Everyone that knew you has washed their hands of you. Hell your husbands only interest is when he can have you make up for your like of wifely duties. Then again there are others with more reasons for redress and recompense. I believe you know Luna Lovegood. She is ever so happy to help you play nice with others. I have to admit that she has become quite the sadist, not that your son minds much. Oh you were planning on having the little dear help scratch your itch and train your son on how to control whatever wife he ended up with. Sorry but it was a complete failure."
"How?" Molly asked in absolute shock. "She never..."
"Showed any signs about being more than the submissive slave you trained?" the voice finished the question. "Well it is quite simple really, your training helped develop half of her personality. She is a switch you see. Quite similar to a few of the girls your son met. Seems Ronald or as he is called now Ronny is far more submissive than even you thought your husband was. Why little Luna had him crawling on his hands and knees begging to be used. Does that not make you proud? Well at least one of your influenced ended up as you hoped. sadly for you none were your children. Why Ginny and Ronny both enjoy playing with their mistress and she is so looking forward to proving to you that she is better than you ever where."
"This can not be happening," Molly said before muttering. "How could all my plans fall apart? They were fool proof. This is all Potters fault. If he had been raised by those Dursleys he would have been a proper weak willed male that Ginny could control and through her I could control."
"Why it sounds that like Dumbledork you have fallen under the Potter boy once again," the voice said in a teasing tone. "Didn't you fail at grabbing either Potter or Longbottoms fortunes and your daughter did the same? How humorous that turned out to be. Al the kids that know about your fall from grace plan on expressing how much a pain in the ass your manipulations were by becoming pains in your ass only not figuratively but literally. Why little Gin-Gin is planning on helping her brothers use your revitalized body to ease the stress you created. Gin-Gin is rather insistent that since you called her a slut that you should be treated like one since unlike before your time as a gold digging whore you will not be getting anything from this. Well that is not exactly true as the spells will help recondition you to your new role in life. Just think soon you will welcome being whipped and buggered until you bleed. To think all this would have been far less unpleasant than it will be if you hadn't called your daughter a slut because she didn't catch the man that was shagging her mindless."
"You bastard!" Molly shouted. "When I get out of this you will pay. Ginny will catch a nice fool whose money I can control and the boys will buckle down and bring money and fame to the family."
"Hmm," the voice said. "I don't think that will happen. Allow me to introduce the first of your victims. Each one will be a bit more experienced in making you willingly apologize."
"Hello Molly." a girl's voice came from the side as she stepped out of the shadow wearing nothing but a black silk choker. "We are going to have ever so much fun."
"Ginny dear," Molly started. "If you get me out of this everything will be forgiven. I will even help you nab the boy you really want."
"Why ever would I do that mother dearest?" Ginny sing songed her replied question. "I have so many things to show you. Why some of it will be positively pleasant. I want to hear you sing Molly love. I want to make your screams a symphony for your victims. I want to savor the way you will shiver and squirm under my touch. I want you to beg for our forgiveness as we use you. I want you to finally pass out smiling knowing that you have pleased us and made a small dent in the debt you owe us."
"Now Ginny you don't want to do that," Molly began only to suddenly cry out as the pain blossomed from the strike.
"Do you like it Molly?" Ginny asked with a wicked smile on her face. "Do you like the feel of my crop as I mark your flesh?"
Molly's only reply was a scream as Ginny brought her increased strength to bear. She brought the crop down again and again even drawing blood. The wounds sealed up enough not to bleed, but not enough to heal or ease the pain. Ginny was glazed eyed as she worked her frustrations out on the bitch she had so loved. Molly would pay for what she had done not just to her but to her mistress. Ginny acted like a woman possessed as she brought the crop down all around her body not paying attention as the rags that had hung limply from her body were torn off under her strokes.
It had not taken long for Molly to start sobbing and begging. That did not mean that Ginny had let up far from it actually. The venting woman had made sure to work as much of Molly over as possible. The woman was red and sore all along her back and ass. Her front was similarly reddened with emphasis placed on her revitalized and now firmed breasts along with the area around her pussy and asshole almost being red raw from the number of swings that Ginny had used. Ginny had not neglected the arms or legs and the aforementioned appendages had a cross work pattern of red stripes along the lengths. Ginny had also remembered to pay attention to the feet knowing that any weight in the present condition would be extremely painful.
"Well that is enough for a warm up with the crop Molly-slut," Ginny sneered as she reached inside and felt her toy up. "Now I get to try out this lovely whip my Master and Mistress gave me to use on you. I wonder how much you will cream and scream when this whip strikes one of your present marks. The others will be positively giddy when they find out how much of a pain slut you have become."
With that the room descended into silence before the crack of the whip brought the shivering and shuddering woman back to her senses as she screamed again. Ginny had a wicked and decidedly feral smirk as she brought the whip down on her mother's back savoring and shivering with every crack. She was licking her lips as she saw the bruises form and the cuts start to bleed before sealing just enough to stem blood flow. Ginny was decidedly wet and she noticed that the plaything was not just sweaty and bloody, but that her thighs were decidedly less bloody as she could see liquid washing off the blood in a slow trickle.
Ginny ran the blood tinged whip through her folds until it was glistening before offering the whip to Molly and saying, "Kiss the whip that has punished you as you deserve. Show your thanks for being put in your place."
Molly cried before kissing the whip. Ginny did not let it go with a single kiss and had her trail kisses all along the whip. She watched as Molly liked her dry lips and tasted her blood and juices mingling with her daughters. Ginny just sneered before ramming the handle of the whip into her mother's pussy. She looked into her wide eyes as she worked it inside her with one hand before grabbing a breast and twisting it cruelly.
"If you surrender to your fate you will come to enjoy it," Ginny said. "I know I have and you are far more like me than the person you pretended to be. Do you think I didn't see you cream yourself as my whip kissed your skin? Do you think I can't feel your pussy clamping onto this handle as I fuck you with it? Do you think I can't see your tits standing out begging to be touched to be used? Still to stubborn to admit it huh? Well we will see about that. By the time today is over you will beg not just for me to use you, but for every victim to use you as they desire."
Molly was shacking her head in denial that was quickly refuted by the moan she made under Ginny's handling. She shuddered and spasmed around the invading object while she arched her tits into the hand groping and teasing her tit. She shuddered hard and arched forward when Ginny bit down on her neglected nipple.
The handle continued to stroke her slumped body for a time before she heard Ginny whisper in her ear, "See what happens when you cooperate. Now relax as I am sure you will enjoy this."
Ginny was behind Molly's back and had licked the blood off before she spooned against the hanging woman. She started moving the handle inside her again as she rubbed herself against the woman's ass. Her spare hand fondled her while she leaned forward enough to tease and elicit several moans as her mouth worked over the woman's untouched neck.
"This is going to be some serious fun," Ginny purred into Molly's ear. "Just try to stay relaxed and this won't hurt... Much."
With that said Ginny preceded to take some frustration out on Molly's ass. The trainer had barely been lubed in the wetness from the whip when she had slid into the woman she had once called mother. All she could think about was how tight her as felt. Well that and that her siblings should take a crack at the ass she was in. Not once during this had she let up with her hands and Ginny savored every moment that she caused the woman to respond. The only thing better than playing with the toy was how good the toy was making her feel. Far too soon for her tastes she felt herself get light headed. Ginny was soon slumped buried inside of Molly feeling the way the whip rubbed against her as she wiggled.
"Well toy that was fun, but one good lesson that you taught was to always share my toys," Ginny said as she slid out. "The others might be rougher with you but I will definitely enjoy watching. Your up next!"
"Hello Molly," the twins said. "We have heard that you have been a very bad girl and despite what you think Ginny did was not the sum of your punishment. We thought we would tell you that all those jokes you thought were useless are turning out to be rather profitable. We will be able to buy in and soon out both Gambol and Japes and Zonko's. How is that for useless trouble?"
The twins were while less sadistic in their playing were having a far more deep seated desire to make this woman pay for demeaning them and their life's work. The two twins were close enough that besides finishing each others sentences were able to communicate without words far too easy for Molly's peace of mind.
Without words the twins slid into the woman that had raised them. Gred felt her scream send shivers up his cock when Forge broke her hymen. It was not that it would not be restored, but that the pain resulted in greater pleasure for the boys. The two knew that they would be in no shape to spend time with their girlfriends, but it would be worth it. The two kept up pounding into the suspended woman as the worked themselves closer. Soon enough the two spilled themselves into the woman.
Gred pulled out of her mouth and went to where his brother had been. He slid in before Molly had regained her hymen and soon enough was stroking into her. Forge on the other hand alternated skull fucking and tit fucking the woman. The two were young, but they had been with their girlfriends the previous night so there was no way teenager or not that they would be able to go until all their frustrations were gone.
They switched and this time Forge sunk into her ass while Gred took his turn at her once more firm tits. Gred saw that his brother would be not recovering for a while so he did not let himself shoot. He just let her keep him aroused as he fucked her tits butting against her mouth. Gred stopped often enough for Molly to wet his dick so he didn't chafe himself as he fucked her tits. He was lucky that he was getting licked when his brother gave a go before slumping onto her. Gred almost lost it with how loud she had shrieked when she came.
Gred was still up but he was no longer on edge so he pulled his brother off of Molly and let him rest on the side while he slid into her. Well he actually set it up so that Molly would like his brother clean first. His father was right that she was extremely tight in the ass. He didn't know how his brother had managed to get into her as he had a hard time and that was with her ass having been creamed.
Gred had been close too many times before and soon enough he shuddered as he shot into Molly's ass. He managed to walk wobbly to her mouth where he shuddered a bit as she licked him clean. He was lucky that his brother was aware enough so that the two staggered back to the shadows where they could enjoy the rest of the show.
"Hello Molly," Luna said. "I believe you know my pet Ronny. We re going to have such fun."
Molly was unable to speak or resist as the two set to task. Luna took Molly's ass while Ronny enjoyed the blow job that she gave. Luna did however give a rather strong spanking to the ass that she was screwing. They switched after giving their receptacles a good squirt and Luna rubbed some into the tenderized ass. Luna took time to have Molly both deep throat the trainer and lick her off. She made special effort to use both Molly's head and tits as hand holds in her thrusting. Luna had calmed down by stroking a few minutes between Molly's ample breasts. Soon enough she had cum inside Molly's mouth, she reached down and played with her tits as she felt Molly swallowing. Luna smiled as she looked over and saw that Ronny was still pounding away at Molly's ass.
'What to do? What to do?' she thought as she had Molly licking her clean. 'Do I pound Ronny into Molly or be sandwiched between them? Then there is always sandwiching the new slave. Decisions, decisions whatever will I do?'
Luna just smirked as she pulled Molly's head from where it was licking her clean. She slid under and positioned herself under Molly's pussy. She thrust up and shuddered feeling her teat into her. Luna could feel Ronny thrusting inside Molly and rubbing against her and it was good. So the two were making a Molly Sandwich and they were enjoying themselves especially the rubbing against each other inside her and the way that Molly was shuddering and convulsing around them.
Ronny shuddered inside Molly and Luna pulled him out and directed Molly to clean him up. She slid to take his place while he was cleaned up. Soon enough she felt Ronny was clean enough, but not wet enough for her uses so she had him screw Molly's pussy until it was lubed enough. She pulled him out right before Molly could come and had Ronny slid into her. Soon Luna was writhing being a Luna sandwich and not caring that Molly was cuming because it felt good as she screwed the girl's ass. When Ronny came inside her she came hard inside Molly and the two collapsed on the girl which pulled on her restraints which had the unintended effect of having her black out. The two were panting but managed to crawl in front of Molly and she sleepily cleaned them off before they slunk into the shadows.
The next voice snapped Molly out of her daze and addled state when she heard, "Hello Molly," from the girl she had almost screwed over by stealing her man.
"Alice," Molly said in shock. "I thought you and Frank were still out of it..."
"Our benefactor fixed that," Alice said. "I was rather shocked to hear that you had sunk even lower. Still watching things have been quite... arousing. So I feel you should help sate what you caused."
Alice while being older than Luna and thus more experienced was not as creative. So she enjoyed Molly like she use to having the girl lap at her Pussy while her pet reamed Molly's ass. The only thing she normally did otherwise was have Molly lick Frank clean before fucking her while Molly lapped at them. Frank was not allowed to fuck Molly's pussy since the slut tended to take potions to ensure if she got a cock inside her that she could trap the guy with a kid. All this would have preceded normally if Luna had not chucked a trainer at Alice who recalling what it did decided to use it.
For the first time Molly had something inside her pussy when Alice was involved. That it was Alice was understandable as there was no way that Molly could trap either of them. Alice did take a sadistic glee in once again tearing Molly's hymen. If it hurt the bitch it was worth it in her opinion. Besides it gave Molly time to get Frank up again and she saw the way Frank stiffened when she tear into Molly. Her shriek must have felt really good around his cock. Once Frank was up and clean she had him slide into her and she like Luna writhed between pounding into Molly and being pounded into by her pet stud. Alice had a Mona Lisa smile as Frank carried her back to the shadows after she had collapsed shooting into Molly.
"Well it is almost over for today," the voice said. "I take it that you still have no idea who their benefactor is?"
"No," Molly rasped out.
"Well I might as well shed some light on that," he said as he stepped out into the light. "Hello Molly we are going to have some fun and then well you will have to see."
Horus had not been inactive while Molly was being used. He had however contented himself to blow jobs at most as he really wanted to be on edge when he pounded into Molly. Horus was for once not concerned about the person he was fucking orgasming. He gripped her ass as he slid into her pussy and smirked when she screamed as he entered her restored and retightened pussy. He did not slow down and she was swinging and bobbing from his thrusts. The watchers could be heard having some fun. The girls were not letting the guys become exhausted as they wanted to watch the finally. Horus was having fun as he felt the speed and motion get Molly off milking him as he watched the others at play.
Horus could see that Alice, Ginny and Luna were keeping the boys busy. Alice was ridding frank as she alternated stroking and sucking the twins. Ginny and Luna were playing with Ronny and each other. Horus paused grinding as deep as possible into Molly when he came. Her scream caused the observers to pay attention as they looked at the glass eyes look before she slumped forward.
Horus slipped out of her pussy and had an evil look as he sunk quickly into the restored ass of Molly. Having the enchantments restore her to peak physical performance meant they did not have to waste healing magic and time waiting for her to recover. Molly snapped eyes wide when he sunk into her. Horus kept the same rhythm pounding into her ass as he had her pussy the only real difference was that he reached and used her tits as grips.
He thrust forward while pulling her against him with such force that the restraints snapped back into place loudly. He squeezed her ass cheeks together as he pulled out. He walked in front of her and had her clean him off and slicked him up. He gave her tits a quick fuck before seeing if she could take him completely into her throat.
"Well Molly that was fun, but I feel like just watching your finally for a bit," Horus said as he walked into the shadows.
The other guys came out and began fucking her. Her sons were filling her holes while Frank thrust between her tits. She couldn't see as they fucked her and she didn't notice when the others rotated in until she felt her hands being wrapped around two dicks. The last thing Molly saw before collapsing for the day filled and covered in cum was Ginny ridding Horus's cock while Luna and Alice helped them.
End Lemon Scene
Molly Prewitt had that coming and a lot more for her behavior over the years. The funny thing that the Weasley's who were aware of what happened was that they didn't feel anything about the woman anymore. She had used them and now they were returning the favor. For the rest of her life she would be little more than a play thing that her former victims would often enough indulge in.
That day a good number of people would be able to put the problems that she had created away. Whenever they felt the issue return they could always borrow the play toy to get their frustrations out. The ironic thing was that the punishment actually made her far easier to live with. In the end she realized that she deserved it and actually came to enjoy her life more so than when she had been a manipulative bitch.
Arthur would often enough stop by for what other prisons would call conjugal visits. He had a good many years of frustration to work through but he always went away from his visits with a bounce in his step and a smile on his face.
Luna had learned from that day that as long as her pets enjoyed something then she was nothing like Molly. She could still do things they disliked but saved that for punishments. Punishments were to teach something and if you enjoyed it how could it be a punishment.
Nerima was a strange place. To anyone with a high enough chi sense they had avoided the Kuno mansion do to the sickly tainted feel that had been there. Nowadays it was avoided for other reasons. The Tendo Dojo still had challengers of bizarre martial arts schools show up but that was considered normal. There was the occasional youma foolish enough to wander outside Juban and was quickly dealt with. Youma tended to tell stories about Nerima about the dangers there. One of the more popular was that as it was a Mecca for martial artists of all kinds no one could be dismissed as an easy victim this was proven when a very kind grandmotherly lady rearranged a youma into a nice piece of origami that was then left as a wind chime for her little granddaughter who had decorated it. The former silly attacks of the Senshi were considered a more dignified end than that.
Other supernatural entities that had visited tended to return for rematches with one Saotome Ranma. It was inevitable that the ghost cat would return. It made the innate stupidity of following back to the mansion and gained the attention of the Lady of Cats. Some people believe that if the night is quiet in Nerima you can still hear the screams of the ghost cat. Really attempting to attack one of her nephews mates in one of her shrines had to be the most foolish thing that boy could have done.
Other supernatural beings tended to notice the rather powerful wards that protected the place. That the wards had started to bleed into the different dreamscape and mindscape even influencing the astral and symbolic impressions around the house was inevitable. The house was slowly on its way to being a demesne for a Master Sorcerer. The fact that while a Journeyman had a sub-dimensional pocket apartment this was nothing compared to the nature of there home when they became masters. Masters tended to live in their homes and traveled far less than when they were younger. A reason for this was the nature of their magic influenced their surroundings more. While he had not spent a large amount of time in the mansion he had a link between his residences which allowed the bleed out of the build up from Halloween and his visit to begin the slow and meticulous process of moving his home from a singular dimension to a coplanar matter.
This really was not to strange for Nerima, but the sight of the odd normally invisible spirits stopping in to visit and help would take time for non natives to get used to. Kasumi despite going to school for medical studies still enjoyed cooking and that she had company when she did so was nice. Fox, cat and snake spirits were the more common visitors to the house. There was gossip of course and they visited their mother often. Kasumi had often had to relax with just herself and her dreams when she had been taking care of her family. She was wondering when she could be introduced to the kids. She liked having Hotaru and Gabriel over when they could.
'They were such energetic kits,' she had thought as she did her morning katas. 'Akane was always a disappointment with how much she had to be the center of things. I am amazed that no one really noticed that I still practiced. It was a shock to find out that Ranma-kun knew that I was still practicing. Then again he was good at reading people at least in regards to fighting ability. Things have become better since he came and more so when Ho-kun came. If Horus had not come along, would things have ever really changed? They both brought a bit of excitement and adventure into what had been a boring life.'
Despite what most thought Kasumi had never been helpless. She may have been the most kind and gentle and considerate girl in the known world, but she was able to defend herself at least from Nerima type situations. The Watchers had been unexpected and they had guns which not many had taken into account as they were illegal and even the various organized crime elements had avoided using them. The nice apology had been pleasant, but lacked sincerity although they did mean what they said when they said they would not bother her. A part of her never wanted to know what happened to he kidnappers. That was if Nabiki's smirk about the matter was any indication. She turned her thoughts to her sister. The boys at school had never been mature enough for her or her sister. So her sister had never had the chance to be happy. Soun had abandoned them and she had to take care of the house taking her mothers place while her sister was forced to find ways to pay for the upkeep of the house.
Nabiki was happy with her life more so than she had been since her mother had died. That her mother had been resurrected and brought her father out of his stupor of the past decade was good. That she did not have to worry about finances helped considerably. The fact that she did like business and that with the new connections she had gained she did not have the same fear of the glass ceiling or becoming a trophy wife. She only wished that her sister was not as stupid in her behavior. Sure her mother was putting her foot down in regards to her little sisters temper, but she still tended to jump to conclusions and mallet people. She just wished that her sister's jealousy would stop ruining her life. Her sister had believed that she was the best at whatever she chose to do without effort and that rankled more than she had ever let on.
She turned her thoughts to her littlest sister. Akane was in need of help Nabiki had told her so and she was at times sad that she had to carry the guilt for not putting her foot down, but it had been against her nature to do so. If only her father had kept her in line, but he had allowed her to become a spoiled brat. It had been shocking when she realized that Akane had broken her promises so easily. She had let a little bit of honor be tarnished to preserve the wa of the house while her life was sacrificed for giri. Her life was put on hold for duty and she had wondered if she would ever get it back.
Kasumi would not have had these worries if Horus had been able to explain the metaphysical ramifications of mating. The problem had been trying to take something that he understood and tried to translate concepts that did not exist into Japanese. Some things were as effective as explaining sight to the blind. Mating while not having the dependency reciprocation of an Avatar link did while not being anywhere as painful effect the mate. It was more common among Zoanthropes to mate than the other mystic races. Vampires tended to avoid it as they put more time into their progeny than looking for a permanent mate.
The simplest yet most visible effect was that it shared the longer life span with the mate. In this case as long as the mate lived death by old age was inconceivable. While one would normally worry about disease and the like next the improved immune system was shared. That was the reason that stories of a mate never included one dying of old age. The draw back was that the number to survive the death of a mate after the killer was dealt with was few and far between. The most famous was Oroborus, but everyone knows that he was not the same for millennium afterwards. He had became Azrael and a nice little tribe that witnessed his rage eventually decided that nothing human could cause that much destruction and became as they were monotheistic their angel of death.
As she was not aware of these things there was no apprehension when Horus materialized behind her and gave her a hug. He had missed her that was true. He had enough matters to keep himself occupied with at the moment. The wedding plans would need to be discussed and the like. That was not what would happen in this instance as he was able to just hold her for a moment assuring himself that things were alright. He could not shake the feeling that things were not going to go as planned. Something would go wrong, but if just for a moment he wanted to be with his loved ones. He had lived through explaining things to the Blacks and Hellsing all he had to do was survive the Nerima incident. The age old question was; how could he invite the NWC without a disaster forming?
That was not what was on his mind as he continued to hug and slowly kiss his way from Kasumi's neck to her ear where he whispered, "It is good to be home Kas-chan. I have missed you."
"Ho-kun," Kasumi purred. "It's good of you to stop in. I wish that I had not been busy the last time you did. It sounds like there was plenty of fun to go around."
"Yeah sorry about that," Horus said sheepishly. "They did mention that you had a test that day so I didn't want to bother you while you were studying. I'll make up for it on the honeymoon though."
"Just remember that we miss you and that you should visit more often," Kasumi said as she gave him a rather involved hug.
"I will it is just that business and other obligations never let us merely do as we wish," Horus said after releasing the hug. "Still I heard you have been doing great in school. It looks like life is going great."
"You care for us and that is enough," Kasumi said. "Nabiki is sadly out for several hours. So how do you plan to spend the time?"
"Making slow love to you to say I am sorry that work keeps me busy," Horus said. "I'll leave the wedding plans on the table. I still have to drop a few of the invitations off."
"Well you have some time to practice for your husbandly duties," Kasumi said.
"I will never think of such pleasant things as a chore Kas-chan," Horus said. "Now let me make things up to you."
So Horus spent the next several hours proving to his beloved that he did love her and that he was serious. He gave a nod as he saw Kimiko going over the plans. He sighed seeing Nabiki sleeping there and he carried her to bed and tucked her in with Kasumi. He gave the girls a quick kiss before he left as much as he wished to stay he had one task more to accomplish before he could sleep.
Horus was on his way between Japan and England. He had a place he didn't want to stop at but he had to. He faded into a clouds shadow with a sigh. He knew that this would be complicated but he had to tell them. His family needed to come and there was not a meeting this night.
"Hello aunties," Horus said as he materialized. "I need to tell you something. I found my mates and I was wondering if you could help the planning. Kimiko and Trish are working on the plans so please help."
"Really nephew," Inari said. "Popping in like that and asking like that was just not proper."
"I am sorry, but there are far too many things I have to do before morning," Horus said. "I have to inform someone that they are getting what they wanted for the holidays. Well that and get some sleep."
"We understand that dear," Bast said. "Still you have been a bit distant lately."
"Sorry but you know how work can get," Horus said. "If it helps I have been teaching and that takes a good deal of my time. Add to that preventing a disaster that would lead to a magical war if I don't keep an eye on it and having to track down some lost souls for Koenma it has been busy. Add that dad raised the priority on that and I don't have enough time on my hands."
"We understand dear," Inari said. "Now give your aunties a hug."
"Missed you to aunties," Horus said as he hugged the two glomping women. "I will try to visit more, but like you I have been busy. Say auntie how has Naruto been? I have not been able to stop in and visit lately."
"He is doing well kiddo," Inari said. "He will achieve his dream and he is much happier now that he has true loves and not a crush on that pink haired loud mouthed girl."
"Well that is good," Horus said. "I have the feeling that I will see him as part of my Quest and yet that it is not him. I just hope I don't get a multidimensional quest as those always lead to trouble."
"Yes they do especially if it is a non divergent reality," Bast said. "Some of the other realities are positively shocking."
"Um auntie who is that?" Horus asked seeing the collapsed cat-boy on the ground. "He looks like he went a few weeks too long without water or food when you are in heat."
"Oh that is the Ghost Cat," Inari said. "He was giving the district a bit of a problem until he got here. He did seem rather overeager when he got here."
"Well it looks like he is coping well enough," Horus said. "At least he is out of trouble now."
"Kill me," the Ghost Cat whimpered looking more like an emaciated husk than should be possible. "For the love of all that is sacred kill me."
"Um? Auntie have you been using the cat for some relief?" Horus asked. "Because I think you should maybe get a few others so you don't accidentally kill him."
"Don't worry about him nephew," Bast said. "You were talking about your upcoming quest. I take it that something feels off?"
"Well at most I have the feeling that I am helping myself help me if that makes sense," Horus said. "Still as long as I don't visit a fictional universe I should be fine. Those get interesting when what you think you know is not accurate for their."
"Yes there are a few like that," Inari said. "Still as long as it annoys the Puppeteers all is good. They seem to be up to something again."
"Well them and the Watchers Council or Iscariot are always fun to give headaches too," Horus said. "I still cannot believe that they went after someone under my protection and to make matters worse it was one of my mates."
"They did what," Bast snarled. "How dare they? It is bad enough that they are incompetent and loose more of their charges do to that then demons, but that they would interfere in our matters. It is reprehensible."
"I get the feeling that they won't anymore auntie," Horus said. "Those involved were made an example of. You would be proud and I have to say that the Council members that know what happened have not gotten a good night sleep since."
"That is perfect," Inari said lifting him into a full body hug. "Show those meddlers what for."
"Auntie I have the feeling that I might have set something in action that I don't remember in regards to those meddlers," Horus said. "I remember waking up from a dream which I cannot remember and then Set-chan was there. The Temporal Enforcers may have been involved, but that means that I got involved in another Temporal SNAFU."
"Well even if you did you know that they don't get involved unless there is a reason," Bast said. "Now tell me about the girls that have found their way into my nephew's heart."
"Well there is Seras, Nabiki and Kasumi," Horus began. "The strange thing is that I feel the mate bond forming with all three of them. Although each bond feels slightly different as if each is to a different part of my nature..."
"Well that can happen some times," Inari said. "Look at your dad with his two mates. I do wonder how long until they come back. I would have thought they would before now, but they obviously have something to accomplish still before they return."
"As much as I realize that," Horus began. "Dad misses them. He has not just been the same since. He may be coping and he knows that they will return it is just strange that it is taking so long to do so."
"Enough with the sad talk," Bast said. "Now get back to telling us about the women in your lives. I get the feeling you are leaving a lot out."
"Well my love life has gotten a good deal more complicated," Horus began to say. "It all really started when I was in London on patrol..."
Horus talked for what had to be hours as he brought his aunties up to date on what had been happening. They were happy that he was happy. More so they were glad that he had helped so many people out without causing overt problems. They missed being able to freely walk with the masses of humanity, but they had their domains to oversee. One thing all three of them understood was duty even if at times they wished they could skip a meeting of two to have fun.
One of these days they would have to get together and have an outing like when he was younger. Most people would wonder how they knew him if they had not met him until the future and the main reason was that dying had left them as aspects in the Netherworld and that time is not as linear there as in normal space. The aspect thing allowed them to actually be in a manner similar to clones in the same place at the same time yet their power was not really split like it would be in clones. Only certain actions that required the whole concentration of themselves were limited.
Far too soon for the honorary mothers they had to let their little boy go. He had things to accomplish and they had a wedding to plan. They were grateful that he had shrines where they needed to go or they would not have been able to directly interact. Still Kimiko would be shocked when she met the in-laws. Still as a Nerima native she would be more likely to go with the flow.
Katie Bell was doing a late night patrol. She was in one of the more shadow filled corridors. She was a bit distracted by things and as such was soon startled by what happened next. She had been wondering a bit about the guy who seemed to attract more girls than seemed possible. Her eyes went wide when she felt a breath of air brush across her neck.
"Hello Katie," Horus purred into her ear.
She spun around looking for him with a rapidly beating heart with wide eyes before she whispered rather harshly almost hissing, "Don't do that!"
"Why ever not?" came the questioning reply into her ear that she almost felt the breath there, but she knew he was not there and yet he was.
She shivered as she felt a trailing touch before she said, "Why do you do things like this?"
"Because it is fun," Horus replied. "You need to learn to live a little, Katie. I do have good news for you."
"What going to take me up against this wall?" Katie asked as she leaned against the wall and ran her hand down from her face to cup herself as she trailed her fingers caressingly. "That would be ever so much fun. Would be nicer if you would stop playing ghost..."
"Could a ghost do this?" Horus asked before Katie let out a moan as she felt a few phantom hands teasing her to completion. "Or better this or this?"
"Damn it Horus your not playing fair," Katie whined as she slumped against the wall.
"Why would I play fair when I can play naughty," Horus said. "It is ever so much fun. So did you want to find out about the news?"
"Might as well," Katie said with a sigh. "You are being rather playful today. So it must be good news. Still feeling a girl up like that until she creams without a bit of play is not like you. I expected you to have me against the wall churning as you have your wicked way with me ravishing me until I am practically purring."
"And here I was thinking you wanted to know when we are going to meet and greet the Harpies," Horus said in a sad voice. "Still you probably want me to ravish you while I tell you correct?"
"Most assuredly," Katie purred back. "Now get over here and ravish your favorite chaser."
"Well as I have not seen any of my other chasers do as well you must be my favorite," Horus said as he materialized behind her. "Now tell me exactly what you want to do my lovely Katie."
"Against the wall now," Katie said pulling him into a kiss and her against the wall.
They were still there with Horus kissing her as she leaned against the wall when they heard a voice make a clearing sound. The two were too involved to pay attention and she just sighed watching them. Tonks just held her head in her hand for a moment before shaking her head and walked to the wall across from them and leaned against it.
So she looked as Katie had her head back as Horus was necking with her. She licked her lips when she heard the moan come from Katie's mouth. They were still dressed but their hands were involved. She momentarily wondered why neither of them noticed her before realizing that she was not a danger and that she was more likely to join in than interrupt. Katie had just shuddered and hissed out something that sounded like yes when Tonks decided to interfere again.
"Well, well, well what do we have here," Tonks said looking them over with a bit of hunger in her eyes. "Horus why must you always take all the hotties away. You really should remember to share."
"Really Nym," Horus said. Sneaking up like that. How could you? What bad habits has Seras shown you? Why I remember when you would have snuck in and I would I have looked down and you would have been checking if Katie was ready to play. For shame just watching."
"Well you two were involved and watching you is always hot add to that how you could be dropped off in the middle of a desert and by the time you were surrounded by hotties," Nym said. "Besides I was just on my way to Seras since my patrol is almost over. Care to join us?"
"I most assuredly do not mind," Horus said. "What about you Katie? Want to meet a few friends that you have not hand the chance to meet before."
"Really should have guessed that they were close friends," Katie said with a laugh. "I don't mind as long as I get a turn Professor."
"Well then ladies let's be off," Horus said. "The night is young and we have far more pleasant things to do than lurk in hallways."
"Like see if you can stain the wall with some exercise," Nym said. "Call me Nym Katie. Professor is far too formal for how close we are going to be. Although that might be fun later."
"Yes Professor Nym," Katie said in a fake innocent school girl inquiring voice. "Are we going to get some special lessons?"
"Most assuredly you two could do with some hands on lessons," Nym said.
"All games aside," Horus said. "If you two don't stop flirting, I won't be held responsible if you are sore because the wall is not very comfortable."
The two gave him a look that said that they both would not mind and that they liked teasing. Katie leaned in and gave him a good searing kiss.
When she let him go she said, "As much as I do want to try something that adventurous when were we visiting the Harpies?"
"Saturday," Horus said. "I am sure that Nym here would not mind coming along with us."
"True I would not mind," Nym said. "Still we have better things to do. We just need to remember to take several restorative potions so that we can properly enjoy tomorrow."
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