Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Sisters Black

Chapter 44

by Oldwolf

Harry is captured by Voldemort, but manages to escape with some unexpected help. Now he just has to deal with the consequences.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama - Characters: Bellatrix, Harry, Narcissa - Warnings: [!!!] [R] [X] - Published: 2006-05-04 - Updated: 2006-05-04 - 3535 words

In the Headmaster's office, Harry finds Albus and Snape discussing the attack on Hermione.
"Ah, Harry," the ancient wizard says, "please join us."
Harry sits down and Snape says, "The Dark Lord wishes you to know that Dolohov acted completely on his own."
The young man nods, "I had guessed as much. As the school has yet to be assaulted by the Death Eaters, I was fairly sure Voldemort was still hoping for his corruption plan to work. Now Severus, I need you to carry a message to the Dark Lord. Tell him that I have seen the light, or in this case the Dark, and wish to join him."
Snape and Dumbledore exchange looks for a moment, before the latter says, "May I ask why Harry?"
"Actually Albus, I would prefer you didn't. It's not because I distrust either you or Snape, but because the fewer people who know what I'm planning means a much smaller chance of something slipping accidentally."
Both of the older men regard the messy haired teen for a minute before nodding.
Dumbledore says, "I take it that you would prefer to keep as much information to yourself as is possible, including whatever method you are planning on using to destroy Voldemort?"
"That is correct. Albus, in a situation like this, a single misspoken word could have disastrous results."
Both of the older mages nod their understanding and Snape says, "Very well then, when and where would you like to meet the Dark Lord for your induction?"
Harry growls at the greasy haired man, "First I want to make one thing perfectly clear to him, I will join him as an equal, but never as a servant!" He leans back as he smiles, "Or at least that's what I want you to tell him. I think just outside of Hogsmeade this weekend. This will provide me the cover to leave the school without raising the suspicions of the muggle loving old fool and still allow me to have a town nearby for an aspiring Dark Lord to begin his career with."
Dumbledore gets a far away look in his eyes for a moment, "I think I am beginning to see what you have planned my boy. Yes, this could work out perfectly."
Snape is completely lost, "Very well then, I will carry your message to Voldemort. I doubt he will object though. Will Saturday evening, approximately seven, suffice?"
Harry considers for a moment before nodding his head. The young man quickly reviews everything he needs to get done before he says, "That should work out. Now if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have a great deal of work to do before I take on the mantle of Dark Lord."
Harry stands up and walks from the office followed by Tonks; leaving behind him two very confused men.
Susan looks over to her master and swallows the lump forming in her throat. "Master," the witch says timidly, "I have a request."
Neville marks his place on the essay he's working on as he turns to the blonde witch, "Yes?"
"Master, there is a little fantasy I've wanted to try for a while now."
The wizard nods his head encouragingly as he smiles.
"If it is alright with you milord, I would prefer just to let it flow for the moment."
Neville suddenly looks at his Thrall intently, "This is something you don't think I'll approve of, isn't it?"
Susan looks down at her feet and nods meekly.
The young man shifts his eyes to his girlfriend who nods her head gently. Sighing, Neville says, "Very well Susan, what would you have me do?"
The witch in question looks up quickly at the unexpected question, "Well, err, lay down on the bed naked on your back."
Neville complies, curious as to what the young woman has in mind.
Susan quickly strips down to the buff and climbs on to the bed, kneeling between her master's legs.
Ginny watches as Susan quickly sucks and fondles the wizard to full erection.
The blonde witch takes a deep breath before she plunges downward, taking her master's full length into her mouth and down her throat.
Neville moans as he is deepthroated for the first time.
The redhead winces in memory of what it was like when Tom would force himself down her throat, so she is quite surprised when the witch doesn't immediately retreat to open her airway.
Susan is fighting every reflex she has as she slowly chokes. She knows her face is starting to change color as she wishes her master would have the decency to hold her head in place.
Fortunately for Susan, Neville's eyes are closed as he enjoys the rather unique sensations emanating from his crotch, or else he might have stopped the whole matter when Susan's face started to color.
The blonde witch slips two fingers into her quim as she starts to see specks of light in front of her eyes.
Unexpectedly, Neville suddenly comes down Susan's throat.
The witch barely has time to swallow before she pulls herself up and screams out her climax.
Ginny arches an eyebrow and make a mental note to speak to Susan in private about her choice in fantasies as she moves to Neville's side as the young man realizes what just happened.
That night, Harry locks himself in the study with explicit orders not to disturb him for anything short of a global crisis.
The White Tome in hand, Harry addresses himself to five hard rubber balls on the desk in front of him. Checking the book once more, Harry casts the required spells on the five balls, turning them into a potent delivery system for the modified Stunner found within the pages of the White Tome.
Wednesday morning, Hermione finishes emptying her stomach into the toilet for the third day in a row when she decides to go and see Madam Pomfrey.
Narcissa follows her mistress to the hospital wing curious as to what might have befallen the younger witch. Her master and his wife had only been intimate once, with a great many protections in place, so Narcissa easily dismisses thoughts of pregnancy from her mind.
The school matron sits Hermione on one of the examination beds and begins a large battery of tests. After only a few minutes, the matron has word sent that Hermione will be missing all of her morning classes.
Hermione for her part starts out worried and as Madam Pomfrey starts to ask her questions about if, when, and with whom she had had sex in the past week, her concern quickly skyrockets.
The grey haired witch re-runs the test for the fourth time before she says, "Are you absolutely certain that proper precautions were taken when you slept with Mr. Potter?"
Exasperated, Hermione says, "Completely certain, why?"
Sighing, the matron says, "Because my dear, you are either cursed or blessed by some higher power then. Every test I have run has come back with the same results, congratulations my dear, you are pregnant."
Hermione is absolutely gob smacked and Narcissa quickly takes control of the situation. She quickly takes Hermione back to the suite and sends Dobby to retrieve Tonks and their master.
Harry had been so distracted all morning that he was quite grateful when Tonks pulled him out of class.
The pair walks to Harry's suite in complete silence.
When the pair enter the common room, Hermione instantly has Harry bound up in a rib breaking hug and his lips sealed with hers.
Hermione finally has to break the kiss due to lack of air Harry shakes his head to clear the ringing before saying, "Hermione, what's so urgent?"
Narcissa speaks up, "Master, you may want to sit down for this."
Once all four are seated, the blonde Thrall says, "Mistress, in a situation like this, it might be best if he hears directly from you."
Hermione swallows, unsure of how her de facto husband is going to take the news, "Well, Harry, you know how I've been feeling under the weather the last couple of days?"
"Yeah, you told me you were going to see Madam Pomfrey."
"Well, I just came from there and she found out why I've been sick lately."
"Good, what's wrong?"
Hermione looks down at her feet, "There's nothing wrong, per say, but; oh blast, I'm pregnant."
Harry just looks at his wife for a second, before he forces open the link between them and can immediately sense the truthfulness in her statement, as well as her nervousness. "Hermione, I will never abandon you. You've granted me one of my fondest wishes, a few years early, yes, but that doesn't mean I love you any less."
Harry moves over to the loveseat and spends the rest of the morning cuddling with his wife; hoping against hope that she will cooperate come Saturday night.
Saturday dawns bright and clear and before ten, Harry and his friends have all gathered in the study.
Harry has a map of Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the surrounding area lain out on a table. He says, "Neville, you, Ginny, and Susan are to be in the Three Broomsticks by five at the latest. Ron, I want you, Luna and Millie in Honeydukes at about the same time. We don't know where the Dementors are going to be, or where Tommy's going to have the rest of his Death Nibblers. Beware of them, as well as any giants that old Moldy might have recruited, or any other Dark creatures such as that. Bella, Cissa, Cho, Pansy, you're with me. We'll meet Tom, when I signal you to, you lot are to throw the Stun balls. At the same time, I'm going to use the spell and finish this insanity once and for all!"
Hermione says, "And what about me Harry?"
Sighing, the young man says, "I would prefer it Mione if you would stay here at the castle."
Scowling, the witch says, "No way Harry. Where you go, I go, end of discussion!"
"Please, Hermione," Harry says, "think of the twins. Can you honestly put them in danger?"
"Harry, I love you, but think for a second. Because of my oath, if you die, then I will be following you shortly and they will be accompanying me. So, you see, the best chance I have to protect them is at your side."
Harry sighs, mentally noting that sometimes it stinks to be right. "Very well then, if I can't talk you out of coming along, then I want you with me. Just remember, if I say duck, you duck, no argument!"
Hermione nods meekly, not knowing what her husband has planned for her.
At five o'clock that evening, Harry is sitting in Dumbledore's office, sharing a cup of tea with the old man.
Albus says, "This my boy, is perhaps the hardest part of being a leader."
"What do you mean?"
"You have trained your friends as best you can, and now, you have committed them to battle. From here on in, there is nothing you can do to affect whether they live or die. All you can do is trust in them, in their training, and in yourself to finish the fight tonight."
Harry nods glumly, as the old man had accurately guessed what was on his mind.
"What role do you have planned for myself this eve Lord Potter?"
"I need you and the rest of the teachers to stay here at the school and make sure the Death Eaters don't try an end around. Remember, whatever I may think of Wormtail's character, or lack there of, he was a Marauder and knows about the secret passages within the school, including the one from the Shrieking Shack to under the Whomping Willow. This is the hardest part about organizing a defense, having to guess at all the moves an enemy might make whereas in attacking, you need only worry about the move you are making."
"Not quite correct my boy. A proper offense always considers the potential deployment of enemy troops. If you do not plan for that, you could find yourself outnumbered and your retreat alley cut off unexpectedly."
Harry silently raises his teacup, acknowledging the point.
The two men sit in companionable silence until the door opens, allowing Hermione, Tonks, and the rest of Harry's Thrall entrance. Tonks says, "Master, it is time."
Harry nods and stands up, "Albus, I hope most of my plans for this night are not needed. I will talk to you later."
With that, the young man and his ladies walk from the office.
The school is in lockdown, no one except professors are in the halls this night.
On the road to Hogsmeade, just past the Anti-Portkey wards surrounding the school, Harry stops the group and takes Hermione's hand in his. "My love, are you absolutely certain that I cannot convince you to stay at the school tonight?"
"Absolutely not Harry!"
Before Hermione can start her rant, Harry sighs and says, "I hope you can forgive me for this then."
Hermione is confused for a moment and thus has no chance to counter the move Harry has had planned for a while now.
Harry releases Hermione's hand and steps back before saying, "Draconum/ Sanctum!/"
Hermione can feel a flash of magic from her engagement ring as the specialized Fidelius charm drop and the Portkey spell activates.
The extremely irate witch lands in a barren room with only a bed, a table, and a single chair in it. She tries to Apparate, but finds herself unable to. After a moment, she notices a letter sitting on the table. Angrily, she opens the letter and starts reading.
Hermione my love,
I truly hope the scheming I have done involving this room and this letter is for no reason. If, however, you are in fact reading this letter then my worst fears have come to pass.
My love, I know you will want to participate in the final battle, however, I cannot allow this to happen. If you are there, then I will be too worried about your safety and protecting you that I will not be able to focus properly on defeating Voldemort.
As you have undoubtedly already discovered, there are Anti-Apparation and Anti-Portkey wards around this room to prevent you from returning and messing up my plans.
Dobby will attend your needs while you are here Hermione; however, he has sworn to me that he will not help to release you, so asking him would only cause him undue stress. The wards protecting this room will drop the instant that Voldemort is dead, but not before.
I know now that I am a coward my love. If Tonks, or Cissa, or even Pansy were to die in this coming battle, I will grieve, but if I were to loose you my love, I would be undone, I would simply have no reason to continue on.
I hope one day that you will be able to forgive me Hermione, and perhaps one day, you will even consent to becoming my wife.
Humbly yours,
Harry James Potter
Hermione gently wipes a lone teardrop from her face. That Harry had known her well enough to know she would not be content to sit back and wait does not surprise the young witch. She smiles gently as she sits down, and re-reads the letter, perversely proud of her lover for keeping this from her and his Thralls as well as his thoroughness in ensuring she is unable to escape. Finally convinced that she is going no where, Hermione orders a cup of tea and wishes her husband luck mentally.
Harry watches Hermione disappear with a heavy heart and he drops the mental shields he had erected around the information to keep it away from prying minds. He says, "Come along ladies, we have work to do this night."
The group continues towards the hill overlooking Hogsmeade in silence, the Thralls amazed that their master could have set up something so complex without them being aware of the matter at all.
Finally, they reach the appointed spot and find Voldemort waiting for them.
"So, Potter," the Dark Lord wheezes, "you are finally ready to join the real winning team? Kneel before me and take the mark of my servants."
Harry scowls as he walks forward. When he's less then five feet from the evil bastard, he stops and says, "Now let's get one thing straight, I am not going to be one of your toadies. In fact, I've changed my mind about joining your side." Mentally, he sends his Thralls the command, "NOW!"
Voldemort looks confused for a second as Harry shakes his wrist, causing his wand to drop into his hand.
The Thralls all draw out the balls their master hand given them and toss the projectiles into the mass of Death Eaters as their master casts the fateful spell.
Harry brings his wand into alignment and completes the needed movements as he speaks the ancient incantation, "/Attero obscurum!/"
As the white bolt leaps from his wand, Harry's mind goes back to the entry in the White Tome.
Attero obscurum: The Destroyer of Darkness spell.
Unimaginably powerful, the Attero obscurum will only work against a truly evil person or rare Dark creature. There is no ward against this spell. If it connects there is no defense, not even the splitting of one's very soul will prevent the destruction of the target.
The main drawback of this spell is the pure power required to cast it properly. A single mage who casts this spell does so at the cost of his own life, and even then there is no real guarantee that the spell will work properly. Three mages, all focusing their power through a single caster will be able to cast the spell successfully, though all three will forfeit their lives. Adding a fourth mage drastically increases the chances of survival, though odds are still in favor of at least one dieing. It takes the combined power of more than five mages to successfully carry-out this spell and ensure the survival of all.
Voldemort doesn't have time to move before the spell connects. As he screams in pain as his body is destroyed, the balls thrown by the Thrall's strike their targets, bathing the entire area in red light.
All of the Thralls stagger from the raw amount of power their master just siphoned off of them
All but a few Death Eaters who were on the edge of the gathering are Stunned by the spelled balls, and they are easily subdued by the Thralls.
Hermione wobbles suddenly as she feels her magic being drained away; a moment later, she can sense the wards dropping around the room. Recalling the location where Harry's ambush was planned, she quickly Apparates to the scene.
Tonks goes about securing the Death Eaters and re-stunning those that look to be coming around.
Narcissa conjures a stretcher and levitates one unconscious Harry Potter on to it.
Harry stirs for a moment as Hermione grabs his hand and stays awake only long enough for her to say to him, "I forgive you Harry, and I accept."
After all of the Death Eaters are secured and Portkeyed to the Ministry of Magic, the group begins the trek back to Hogwarts, still concerned as Wormtail had not been found.
In the morning, Harry awakens in the Hospital wing, surrounded by his Thralls and the Headmaster sitting by his bed, "Good morning Mr. Potter."
"Good morning Albus, I take it everything worked out?"
"Indeed it did. Voldemort is no more. You were right to be concerned about the school; Wormtail did indeed lead a small band of Death Eater recruits into the school. However, once they were sufficiently in the school, a most amazing thing happened, as a professor approached the group, rather than attack the person, Peter turned his wand on the five recruits and stunned them all before they could respond. He then surrendered his wand to the person. Last night, after you had left my office I summoned the Order to help defend the school; the person to whom Peter surrendered was none other than Remus Lupin. Peter was subsequently Stunned and he, along with the others, were restrained. When Madam Bones this morning came to speak with you I immediately turned the prisoners over to her. Peter was revived, and then, without any promises of protection, he confessed to all of his crimes. Betraying your parents, framing Sirius, killing Cedric, the whole list; mind this is without Veritaserum, or anything else to prompt his cooperation. Perhaps in the end, Peter was a Gryffindor after all. After he was done confessing, Wormtail asked about his sentence. Madam Bones has decided that as you are the principal injured party, to leave his fate in your hands."
Harry sighs, "I guess this wraps up everything neatly then."
"At least as far as evil wizards are concerned. Now I believe there is a certain pregnant witch who wishes to speak to you."
A/N: It's been fun folks. Feel free to check out my other works. Enjoy.
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