Categories > Books > Harry Potter

Mirror Mask

by Ariss_Tenoh

Harry is afraid to look. What he sees may be a reflection of himself. [HP/LV]

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Erotica, Horror - Characters: Harry, Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [R] [Y] - Published: 2006-05-15 - Updated: 2006-05-15 - 344 words - Complete

Disclaimer: The author is in no way associated with J.K. Rowling and no copyright infringement is intended. This work is an amateur fan effort and no profit is being made.

Author's Note: Inspired by a certain scene during the Gof movie and written because a friend asked for it.

Mirror Mask
By Ariss Tenoh

Fear. It slithers like a venomous snake around his insides to loop around his neck and enter his body again through the back of his heart.

Harry's mind is a little dazed, a lot pained, and more than a little death weighs on it.

Bound to a grave, bound to stone, bound by magic to his enemy, and now bound to a bed in Riddle's decrepit house.

Harry closes his eyes, he tries really hard not to look at the man who was slowly taking Harry's clothes off.

Harry closes his eyes, he tries not to look at the man kneeling between his spread legs.

Harry closes his eyes, he tries really hard to ignore the mouth on his cock.

Harry closes his eyes, he tries really hard not to cry when he comes but he fails.

Harry opens his eyes, and he thinks he doesn't need to try anything anymore.

The face that looks back at him now is....

"You... look like me," is the whisper of a little boy, long lost.

The Dark Lord, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Voldemort; the names may vary but the face staring back at him licking semen off its lips and smiling is more familiar than his exotic titles.

Tom Riddle smiles, he's older than the one in the diary but Harry still remembers. The smile is gentle, patronizing, and certainly full of pity. It freezes Harry like a Basilisk's eyes.

Poor little Harry, Harry can almost hear the thought in Tom's head, who didn't know about resurrection spells and bodily fluids.

Tom kneels on the bed, looming over Harry. He leans to whisper in Harry's ear, his breath feels like the fleeting touch of a snake's tongue....

"In a way, I am you."

~ End ~
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