Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu-Gi-Oh!


by Azazel

Seto is sent home from work for a vacation and Joey is called in to entertain him. Better summary in the story.

Category: Yu-Gi-Oh! - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Joey Wheeler, Mokuba Kaiba, Seto Kaiba - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-05-16 - Updated: 2006-05-16 - 5676 words - Complete

Vacation- by Azazel
Pairing: KaibaXJoey
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: PWP, smut, gratuitous use of naughty language, twisted attempts at humor, some OOCness, etc
Disclaimer: no I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! If I did there would be a lot of sex and it wouldn't be between a guy and a girl. Well maybe in a threesome but other than that it would be mostly Joey and Seto going at it like bunnies with a little Seto/Alastor action on the side ^_^. Oh yea, and Tea' would have been shot by now (stupid friendship nazi).
Summary: Seto works too hard and his doctor forces him to take a vacation. When he gets home he quickly becomes bored so Mokuba calls Joey in to help entertain him and smut ensues.
A/N: I am normally a very angsty writer but I really tried to make this sort of fluffy. Hopefully it didn't come out too over the top sappy.
A/N2: okay people I am officially begging now. #gets down on knees and puts hands together in a pleading manner# please review this fic! I need to know what you all thought, even if you thought it sucked big time, I need to know! Please?

"No! I will not back down about this! I control this company and if you don't like it then you know where the door is!" The crunch of the phone as it was slammed back in its cradle echoed around the office. Just as Seto was about to call his assistant and have the insolent mailroom worker fired his little brother, Mokuba, walked into his office beaming brightly.

"What was that all about, Seto?"

"Hn. Nothing. Just some pee-on who thinks he knows how to run my company better than I do. As if."

"Oh. I thought it might actually be important. Seto, you do remember that you have your doctor's appointment today, don't you?"

"Hai. I remember. In fact I was just about to call and cancel."

"Why? And don't you dare tell me that you have a meeting to go to. I know your whole schedule so you can't fool me. You're going. End of story."

"Mokuba, I can't today. Besides, I feel fine. If something was wrong I would know about it."

"Seto, don't make me drag you down to the doctors office. You know I will." Stomping his foot for emphasis Mokuba turns "the look" on his older brother who, fearing for his dignity, concedes.

"Wagata, wagata. I'll go."(1)

"Good. I'm going with you just so I know that you can't lie to me about your test results." With that cheerily ominous statement Mokuba bounds from the room to call a car for the drive over to Dr. Po's office (2). Thirty seconds later he is back, pulling on his brother's arm to make him move faster.

An hour and a half later both Kaiba brothers exit the doctors office with matching sour expressions. The older holding two small pieces of paper, the younger scowling at the world, in particular his older brother.

"See Seto? I told you that you were working too hard. Hypertension at your age? Good lord! I hope you learned your lesson! And you're not doing any work while you're at home either, do you hear me? N-O-N-E, none. It's for your own good. All that work was gonna kill you. Did you see that EKG readout? It's a wonder you haven't already had a heart attack!"

"Two weeks? Who does that quack think she is anyway? I'm going to get a second opinion and when I do I'm gonna bury her."

"No, Seto, you're not gonna get a second anything. And you are going to do the two weeks vacation because I'm not gonna bury you any time soon. This isn't optional. You'll do the two weeks, period. And I if I hear another word I'll make sure it's a month. Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

"Yes, mother."

"Don't you 'yes, mother' me Seto Kaiba. It's your own fault you're in this position in the first place. If you had listened to me you wouldn't have to do this but no! Mr. I-Don't-Need-No-Stinking-Doctor-Telling-Me-What-To-Do has to be all control freak and nearly kill himself before...."

Not about to hear the same lecture for the third time in less than an hour Seto tunes out the rant and concentrates on what he is going to do for two weeks without work. Of course he could always keep track of Kaiba Corp. via satellite and remote links but it just wouldn't be the same as being there. The doctor had suggested he take the time to go on vacation and rest but he knew he would not be able to handle two weeks away from not only his work but his home as well. He guessed that he was just going to have to tough it out and wait until he could go back to work and rail on someone. Preferably the idiot who scheduled the doctors appointment.

"Seto! Are you listening to me?"

"Hai, hai. Wait a minute! I just realized something! Just who the hell are they getting to take my place while I'm out? It better not be one of those morons from the board!"

"It's not. I'm gonna take your place. Don't look at me like that! You know I can do the job. Hell, I've been working with you since you took over the company so I know what I'm doing. It's not like this will be my first test either, I mean I was Battle City Commissioner after all. You could show a little faith in me you know."

"I do have faith in you. I just didn't want some idiot running my company. I trust you not to screw things up."

"Gee, thanks for that resounding vote of confidence."

Two and a half days later there is a call to Kaiba Corp. Headquarters.

"Mokuba, sir?"


"It's Mr. Kaiba again. Would you like for me to put him through?"

With a weary groan and a hefty eye roll Mokuba tells his brother's secretary to allow the call.

"What is it this time, Seto? Rampant weasels have taken over the penthouse? Or did the delivery guy bring you a pickle instead of chips again?" (3)

"I'm bored."

"Oh, for the love of all that is unholy Seto! You're a big boy, find something to do. Read a book, watch a movie, email everyone in Japan I don't care just don't call me unless it's important! This is the fourth time in an hour!"

"I did that already."


"I already read every book in the library, restructured my dueling deck three times, beat every game in the house including your Sponge Bob game, emailed almost everyone in Tokyo and now I am bored. We don't have any good movies to watch."

"Okay, give me an hour and I'll find something for you to do, alright?"


"And Seto, if I find out you've been watching CNN again to keep track of the stock I will make sure you don't see the inside of your office for at least another three weeks. Same goes for the remote access to your office. You forget I was here when you set up your system and I know how it works just as well as you do. Try that again and you will be caught. I changed the password already so yours won't work anymore."

It was just a good thing that he had not called on the vid-phone otherwise, Mokuba might have seen the one-finger salute that he was being rewarded with just then.

"Fine. One hour. Then I find a more productive way to entertain myself."

"I swear Seto if I come home and find out that you've been working on something-"

Growling at the dial tone sounding from the phone Mokuba slams it back into the cradle. He now had the extremely difficult task of finding something to entertain his brother for more than an hour at a time. Something or, it occurred to him, someone. Now who would Seto find amusing? Who else but Yugi. Placing a call to the game shop where Yugi lives Mokuba gets an old man with the same spiky hairdo as Yugi, only white.

"Hello, is Yugi at home?"

"Yugi? No he's out for the afternoon. Who, may I ask, is calling and I can tell him you called?"

"Oh, there's no need. I can talk to him later. Thank you anyway."

Well damn. Scratch that idea. Who else would Seto not mind seeing? Tea'? Definitely not. Serenity? No. More damn. Who else is there? Ah-ha! Of course! Why didn't he think of him earlier? Punching the call button Mokuba asks Bridgett to find the number to the Wheeler residence. He then sits and waits with crossed fingers.

"Yo, whadda ya want?"


"Yea. Mokuba? Is everything a'right? Did those corporate goons steal your broder again?"

"No, Joey, everything is fine but this about my brother. Seto's been confined to the house for two weeks and he could really use some company. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind swinging by my house for a bit?"

"Confined? What for? He ain't sick is he? 'Cause ya know, I don' wan' ta catch nothin'."

"Oh, no, nothing like that. He went to the doctor a couple of days ago and she ordered him to take a vacation. He's been working too hard and it's effecting his heart so she wanted him to slow down."

"Oh. Well then a'right. I guess I can stop by but I don' think he's gonna be too happy ta see me." (A/N: from this point on I think I am going to just have Joey speak normally. It's too hard and I'm too lazy to keep typing half words and modified words. Gomen.)

"I wouldn't worry too much about that, Joey. And thanks a lot, you have no idea what this means to me. I owe you big time."

"No sweat, Mokuba."

After hanging up the phone Mokuba did a little dance of joy. Hopefully Joey could keep Seto busy for at least the rest of the afternoon.

Back at the penthouse Seto is awaiting Mokuba's planned entertainment impatiently. About a half hour after calling his office he is rewarded with a buzz from the com system.

"What is it?"

"And hello to you, too, Sunshine."

"Wheeler? If this is some kind joke Mokuba is trying to pull, I don't think it's funny."

"Just shut up and open the door, Kaiba. I have orders."


"Kaiba, I ain't kiddin' here. Open the door!"

"...fine." Pressing the button to pop the lock on the door Seto groans and asks himself just what the hell he is thinking to let that nobody into his house. "I must seriously be bored."

Bounding into elevator Joey thinks to himself, "What am I doing here? He can hardly stand me and I'm going to just spend time with him like we're friends. I must be out of my mind. We're gonna end up killing each other, I know it."

Before he can continue that train of thought, however, the elevator arrives at its destination. The top three floors of the high rise belong to Seto and Mokuba Kaiba. Bracing himself at the door Joey knocks and waits. And waits. And waits. Finally, the door cracks open to reveal a single sapphire-blue eye.

"Of all the insane ideas Mokuba could have had he chose to pick you, sometimes I really just don't understand him at all."

"Yea, yea your brother's real confusin' and what, so are you. Now let me in."

"I am not nearly as confusing as my brother. And why should I let you in, puppy?"

"Argh! Here we go again with the 'puppy' stuff, eh? You know I don't have to be here; I'm just doing this as a favor to Mokuba. He said you could use some company before you drive him and everyone else totally bonkers. I'm here to keep him from needing to come home and kill you before your heart does."

"How generous of you, coming here to entertain the invalid."

"Gods, man, whyda ya have to be such an asshole all the time? I came here to cheer you up and all I get is grief."

"Well, what were you expecting, milk and cookies? Or perhaps you thought I would be so overjoyed that I'd take back everything I've ever said about you? Well, whatever it was you won't get it so if you have someplace else to be then I suggest you go."

"No. I can't just go, I made a promise and I plan to keep it. So why don't you do us both a favor and let me in?"

"...fine." Cracking the door open just far enough to let Joey in, Seto backs into the room slowly. Joey frowns slightly and peeks into the room before entering and shutting the door behind himself. Automatically Joey assumes he is in the living room. It is huge, floor to ceiling windows take up one wall while the others are painted a very light, almost white, blue. In the center of the room is a set of butter-soft black leather furniture comprised of a large couch, two straight back chairs and a love seat all surrounding an ornately carved dark mahogany round table facing a brick fireplace. But the thing that really interests him is standing about five feet from him barefoot, wearing nothing but a pair of black cotton pajama bottoms and a white tank top.

"Nice place you got here."

"Yes, well, money will do that. Now, since you're here, what are you going to do? Do you plan to entertain me with your latest tricks?"

"Watch it pal. Just because you can't go to work doesn't mean I won't just kick your ass right here."

"I doubt that."

"Wanna bet?"

"You're on. Follow me." Leading the way deeper into the penthouse, Seto reaches his destination, his personal gym. "Well Wheeler, we already know you're a second-rate duelist so let's find out what else you can't beat me at, shall we?"

"Oh, just you wait, Kaiba. You're about to get the beating of a lifetime, so brace yourself." Joey kicks off his shoes and squares himself on the mat. Seto smirks and slowly sets himself up as well. They circle quietly for a few moments, but they are both too determined to win for that to last very long. With a primal cry Joey lunges, grabbing for Seto's legs in an attempt to knock him off balance. Seto dodges quickly and the grab misses its mark. Without missing a beat, Seto grabs hold of Joey's waist and, using his momentum, throws him across the mat to land on his stomach. After a moment of recovery Joey is up and circling once more.

"You know, you really are a bastard. Why is that?"

"I'm a bastard because I have to be. It wasn't a choice. If I wasn't an asshole I wouldn't have my company." Joey launches another fruitless attack and is once again thrown across the room, this time landing on his back.

"Well, alright, I guess I can give you that one after dealing with the Big Five. But why are you a bastard with us?"

"Who's us?" Calmly and with extreme efficiency Seto blocks another attack meant to pin his arms, this time by grabbing hold of Joey's wrist and yanking him into a full nelson hold (4). For a moment Joey struggles against the hold but soon goes still. He then tries his last resort and licks the inside of Seto's arm. Seto is startled and relaxes the hold enough for Joey to buckle his knees and drop out of it completely. Once out of the hold Joey kicks out at Seto's unguarded ankles sweeping them out from under Seto landing him on his back.

"Us is Yugi, me, Tea', Tristan, all of us. Why are you an ass with us? What did we ever do to you?"

After staring at the ceiling for a moment in disbelief, Seto regains his feet and executes a roundhouse kick at Joey's midsection. The kick barely misses, catching only the edge of Joey's shirt.

"I can't stand Yugi because he has the title that is rightfully mine. Tea' is an airhead and a friendship nazi. Tristan I don't really have anything against except that he hangs out with the other two. You I don't like because..." Seto throws himself at Joey in hopes to tackle him. It works and they land with a thud and whoosh of air. "You I don't like because you're too loud, too boisterous, too lucky, too emotional and you just don't know when to stop."

Rolling his eyes and trying to shove Seto off of his chest Joey sneers. "Oh, is that all? You know, you're no picnic to deal with."

"So I've heard and so you've already mentioned. Can we move on now?"

"You really are nothing but a selfish prick."

"Hn." #smirk# (5)

"Will you get off?! You're heavy you know!"

"Getting off sounds like a wonderful idea. The best one I've heard all day in fact." #wider smirk#


"I think you heard me." Without further preamble Seto leans down and softly brushes his lips against Joey's. After a moment of panic Joey grabs hold of the tank top Seto is wearing but instead of pushing him away, as was planned, his hands pull him closer. As Joey's mind is pondering his body's rebellion, said rebellion continues by way of kissing Seto back in earnest, taking his lower lip between his teeth and pulling gently (6). Seto pries Joey's hands from the front of his shirt and places them over his shoulders. Wedging his knee between Joey's thighs, Seto settles himself between his legs and presses his hips forward into Joey's eliciting a startled whimper.

"What say we take this somewhere else?"

"I don't think I can walk."

"You don't need to." Putting one arm around Joey's shoulders and the other around his hips, Seto sits back on his heels, pulling Joey with him. Joey wraps his legs around Seto's waist and holds on as he stands and walks from the gym to the staircase leading up to the second floor. Every few steps Seto stops to press Joey against the wall and ravish him.

When they reach the landing of the second floor Seto turns to the left and heads toward his bedroom. At the door to his bedroom Seto once again presses Joey against it but this time he slides his hands down Joey's back to squeeze his ass while he sucks on his tongue. Digging his heels into Seto's lower back Joey searches for the doorknob with one hand and buries the other in Seto's hair. Lighting on his goal Joey turns the knob slowly. Just as the door swings open Seto pulls them both away from it to keep from falling. Keeping his hands on Joey's ass he walks through the room to the California-King-sized bed and flops down on it resting on is elbows, slightly above Joey, staring down at him through half-lidded eyes.

"Kaiba, why are you doing this?"

"Because I can and I want to. And call me Seto" To silence any more questions Seto takes this opportunity to again invade Joey's mouth. Seto then slips his hands under the hem of Joey's shirt and begins the task of removing it without having to remove his mouth from its current fixation. Joey has no idea how he should react to the declaration made by Seto so he decides to just go with the flow and see where it leads. Following Seto's lead he snakes his hands under the back of the drawstring pants, finding nothing but skin, and pulls Seto's hips forward into his.

Breaking the kiss Seto groans into Joey's mouth, "Wheeler, you're still wearing too many clothes. I can tell you've got nothing to be ashamed of so let's fix that problem." Then without asking permission, which would at this stage be a bit of a moot point, Seto begins divesting Joey of his clothing starting with his socks. He moves on to Joey's jeans slipping the button and pulling the zipper with his teeth. Joey panics again a bit when he realizes that today of all days he went commando. Seto of course discovers this first hand as he is about three centimeters away from Joey's now thoroughly exposed crotch.

"Well, well what do we have here? Seems like my puppy was looking to get some action today." Before the insult has time to process in Joey's brain Seto licks the tip of his cock then sucks it gently. Joey goes from tense to boneless in nothing flat, the only thing he has the energy to do is bury his hands in Seto's hair again and gasp out "K'so!" Giving one final lick to the slit, Seto leaves his prize and moves to completely remove the offending pants going inch by agonizing inch, raining tiny kisses and bites along every patch of skin he can reach. Yanking the jeans off when they reach Joey's ankles, Seto flings them across the room to land somewhere near the door. Next goes the shirt since he was interrupted during the first attempt to remove it. Joey can do pretty much nothing as his stomach and chest go through the same assault that his legs and cock went through.

Suddenly all sensation stops and the weight pressing Joey down is gone. He instantly thinks that Seto is about to say that this was all a mistake and tell him to leave, but when he looks around he finds Seto digging through the top drawer of his dresser.

"What are you doing?"

"You'll see. Just wait a minute."

Joey has nothing else to do so he waits and watches as Seto triumphantly finds whatever it is he was looking for. Before he can catch a glimpse of what that something is though, Joey is distracted by the fact that Seto is now removing his own clothing slowly, piece by piece. Even at the slow pace it does not take long for Seto to be just a bare as Joey. Seto licks his lips and climbs onto the bed, crawling on all fours up to Joey, still hiding his treasure from sight. Joey, however, is no longer concerned with what Seto has in his hand; he is focused on what is between his legs. Watching as the swaying of Seto's hips causes a drop of shiny fluid to drip from the slit of his thick cock, Joey can't help but reach out and gather the drop on his finger, bring it to his lips and suck the finger clean, moaning at the taste. Seto watches as Joey does all of this with nothing less than a lecherous smile and, while Joey has his eyes closed and is sucking on his finger, Seto hooks his elbows under Joey's knees then bends them to press against Joey's chest. Joey pulls his finger from his mouth but before he has a chance to speak his mouth is once again taken over by Seto's. Seto then grabs Joey's hands and places them behind his knees to free up his own hands for more interesting pursuits and says with a growl, "Keep them there."


"Both." To emphasize his point Seto grinds his hips against Joey, purposely brushing the length of his erection along Joey's entrance. Seto smirks even more at the breathless groan this causes. As he slides down Joey's body Seto thinks "Damn but he's responsive. I wonder if he would like...? Well, no time like the present to find out." Joey is lost in a haze of sensation and before he knows it something very slick and insistent is being pressed against his tight little pucker. At first he thinks that it is nothing more than a finger but when it slithers inside he realizes what the slick something really is.

"Oh God!" No one had ever done this to him before, any of this. He had known that he was into guys for a few years but had never acted on any of the attractions. Despite the fact that Seto had been a complete asshole to him, he had actually been Joey's first male crush and no matter what happened he still held a torch for him. That questing tongue once again cuts off his train of thought. He itches to touch Seto, to feel smooth skin and thick hair but he had been ordered to keep his hands where they were so he would keep them there. After a few more agonizing minutes of Seto's squirming tongue and wandering hands, Joey was more than ready to explode. As if sensing Joey's impending completion Seto pulls away.

"What...? Whassa matter?"

"Nothing. I just don't want you to cum yet." While Seto's mouth had been occupied his hands had been tearing open a tiny square package (7). Now that the wrapping was gone it was just a matter of slipping the slick membrane over his throbbing erection. With that done he slides back up Joey's body slowly, lingering to create a hickey on the inside of his right thigh, teeth marks clearly visible around a forming bruise. Holding his upper body steady with his left hand next to Joey's ear, Seto reaches down with his right to position himself at Joey's entrance. Leaning down Seto catches Joey's mouth and holds it while he shoves in completely to the hilt. Because his mouth is covered, Joey's scream is muffled but his blunt nails dig into the skin behind his knees drawing blood to run down his thighs. Seto pulls his lips away leaving Joey panting.

"Relax. It won't hurt as much if you relax." Seto remains still while Joey adjusts, only moving to rub the backs of his knuckles across Joey's cheek and to reach between their bodies and coax Joey's erection back to full attention. When Joey's anus stops convulsing around him Seto pulls out a tiny fraction and pushes back in slowly, watching for any adverse reaction. All he receives is a hitched breath and a slight tightening of the muscles around him. Emboldened by this, he pulls out further and pushes back in just a little faster. Joey's eyes flutter open at this and stare, glazed, at the ceiling over Seto's shoulder.

"Joey... Joey, look at me." Receiving no response, Seto runs his hands along Joey's arms and takes hold of his hands, pulling them free of their enforced position. Finding blood on the fingertips, he licks each one clean. This gets Joey's attention. He watches in rapt fascination as his hands are carefully cleaned and cared for. "I'm sorry. I know it hurts but it gets better. I promise. Just relax."


Watching the glazed eyes for any further signs of pain, Seto begins to establish a slow, steady pace. After a few tense thrusts Joey relaxes as the tip of Seto's cock nudges his prostate, causing ripples of pleasure radiate from his center outward.

"Do that again." Seto does what he is asked, pressing just the slightest bit harder. Joey moans and arches his spine in an attempt to get more of that amazing feeling. Seto is only too happy to oblige and begins to rock against Joey with more force, hitting his prostate nearly every stroke. In a matter of minutes Joey has his legs wrapped around Seto's waist and is urging him onward in a panting, breathless voice.

"Please... more. Want more... please." At this point he is not sure what "more" would be but he is sure that it would be good. Wrapping his legs around Seto's waist tighter he pulls his hips forward. "More."

Needing no further encouragement, Seto begins to fuck Joey for real, frantically pumping his hips in sharp, deep thrusts. Finally allowed the chance Joey brings his hands to Seto's hair, burying them in the soft slightly damp locks at the base of Seto's skull and pulling him down. Firmly planting his mouth against Seto's, Joey does his best to steal the breath from him. Without warning Seto snakes his right hand between them again and squeezes Joey's cock causing him to break the kiss with a cry. Joey, not about to let Seto take complete control, clamps his muscles around Seto just as he is pulling out. He then watches with satisfaction as Seto's eyes roll back and his breath hitches.

"You little sneak. You wanna play dirty, then we play dirty." Seto immediately begins making good on that statement. Not pausing his thrusts and keeping a loose hold on Joey's erection, Seto moves his mouth to Joey's ear, moaning into it right before running his tongue around the shell. Felling the shudder that runs through Joey, Seto chuckles lowly and nibbles on the lobe then moves to create another hickey right bellow Joey's ear.

Joey retaliates by running his hands down Seto's back to his ass and kneading, spreading the firm cheeks with his fingertips. He then runs the fingers of his left hand down Seto's crack, barely skimming the skin. This brings goosebumps to Seto's skin and a twitch to run through his body all the way to the hand he has wrapped around Joey's cock, which spasms. Smiling smugly Joey continues his exploration of Seto's backside, slowly easing his fingers closer to their goal. When they are just touching the edge of Seto's entrance he begins to run tiny circles around it, pressing a little bit harder each time until he has pushed his index finger inside up to the second knuckle. Watching the array of expressions pass over Seto's face he matches the rhythm he has set thrust for thrust. He knows when he has found Seto's sweet spot because this causes a horse cry and a violent shove of his hips.

As payback for this Seto swirls his thumb around the head of Joey's cock, smearing pre-cum. Leaning in close to Joey's ear again, Seto breathes into it, "Enough games. Let's finish this." Without waiting for a response he clutches Joey's cock once again and changes his pace to quick jabs against his prostate. Joey flexes his hands, pressing his imbedded finger against Seto's prostate, and cries out sharply as his cock splatters hot sticky fluid onto both his and Seto's stomach. Feeling Joey's muscles constrict around his erection Seto presses into him as far as he can, cumming hard. After the stars disappear from his vision he collapses onto Joey's chest listening as his heartbeat and breathing slow to normal. After a long pause Joey seizes the opportunity to break the silence.

"Wow. I never would have thought you would do something like that. I thought you hated me. You still might. I don't know."

"I don't hate you. I never did. I don't want you to leave. Stay, please?"

"Please? I didn't think I would ever hear you say that word, especially not to me. But before I say I'll stay I want to know one thing, why did you really do this? Was it just because you were bored?"

"I told you, I did this because I wanted to. There is no ulterior motive."

"So I'm just a quick fuck and then you'll be on your merry way? Is that how this is going to work?"

"Wheeler, I just asked you, politely, to stay. Does that sound like I want you gone?"

"Joey. My name is Joey. Seto" Smiling up at the hansom brunette, Joey wraps his arms around Seto's shoulders and pulls him down into a deep kiss.

Breaking the kiss Seto grunts and rolls away from Joey getting up from the bed and heading through ornate French doors into a smaller room. He comes back all cleaned up holding a warm, wet washcloth. Sitting on the edge of the bed he begins to gently wipe the cum off of Joey's stomach and thighs. When he comes to the puckered entrance he recently vacated Joey winces slightly.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No, not really, just a little sore."

"Sorry." To prove this Seto kisses each of Joey's thighs then slowly licks the tight ring of muscle, easing his tongue inside for just a moment. Leaning up on his elbows Seto kisses Joey's stomach just above his belly button. "Thank you for letting me do this."

"Heh, no problem."

Throwing the washcloth over the edge of the bed Seto curls up on Joey's side, pulling Joey close to his chest. Stroking his Joey's hair and back Seto drifts off to sleep leaving Joey awake. After a few minutes Joey pulls the huge comforter over them to ward off a sudden chill. Burying his face in Seto's chest Joey falls into a dreamless sleep, warm and securely held by the only person he would want to be holding.

Unbeknownst to the duo on the bed a certain younger brother is peeking through the bedroom door. Smiling like a fool Mokuba silently closes the door and makes his way to the kitchen to get snack before bedtime. Laughing to himself he thinks, 'When will those two learn?'


(1) I have been watching too much Outlaw Star.
(2) Cameo appearance by our friendly neighborhood Doctor/Rebel/Preventer from Gundam Wing.
(3) Little does Mokuba know what kind of pickle he is sending to Seto ^_^.
(4) I'm not good with these sorts of things so I think I'm right but don't know for sure but it's the one where your arms are pulled up and the person holding you locks their wrist behind your head. If I'm wrong gomen, someone correct me, onegai.
(5) And as we should all know, a smirking Seto is not a nice, nor a sane, Seto. O.o
(6) Remember, if there's no sex in your violence you're just not doing it right. ~_^
(7) He, he, he! Trojan Man! ;p

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