Categories > Original > Poetry

Story Of A Girl

by Cheyers

Just a poem I wrote when I was feeling pretty bad.

Category: Poetry - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-06-05 - Updated: 2006-06-05 - 132 words - Complete

Beautiful girl
Eyes glowing bright
She seems so happy
It's a wonderful sight
People don't see
The secrets she keeps
They don't know how close
Her past slowly creeps.

Something happened one night
That she cannot forget
She fought so hard
And now she regrets
He fucked up her life
She doesn't know why
She wants to forget
She want's to die.

Beautiful girl
Hates how she feels
She wants to be perfect
She wishes that this wasn't real
Hiding her thoughts
Deep within
She want's to move on
But where does she begin?

A long time ago
This girl was full of fear
But everythings different now
It's all perfectly clear
She's finally happy
And he's dried all her tears
She loves him so much
She now has nothing to fear.
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