Categories > TV > Angel

Spike's Bad Day

by Toecheeselimited

Ahh well spike gets drunk..nadadanadandada...and kills a bunch people rapes a sheep end off

Category: Angel - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Spike - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2011-09-16 - Updated: 2011-09-16 - 172 words

Killjoy_jinx- this guy needs help.
toeCheeseLimited-I Know least its a vamp raping a sheep and not the front man of MCR kiddnapin people ...and the asylum said i was crazy :L
killjoy_jinx- i hate sharing a cell in that place with you.

BANG!! And Yet again! in a bar fight Spike fly's through a window
"Ahh Come On she's wearing a short skirt she gaintin for it"
"WHAT!!" said some randomer in the pub
"yer mother thats what hahahah" spike say's then downing his last qaurter of brandy
"whata night lads" he says wierdly enough to himself although after being brought back from the dead his mind was filled with..In his english attitude..A bunch a sheep shaggin arse holes but always at some random occasion while talking to illyria had an image of him shaggin the sheep..maby he imagend illyria as the sheep.

So of into the night he went smashin his bottle off the wall and back to the ruins of wolfram and hart
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