Categories > Original > Romance > I love you,Mcdonnell.

I love you,Mcdonnell.

by mysteriouskilljoy

Cherimon. ;D The two good flat mates alex and charlie are hiding a few secrets from their friends and family.

Category: Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2011-10-01 - Updated: 2011-10-02 - 347 words - Complete

CHAPTER 1: Just Friends.

"Wake up Alex." Charlie whispered into his flat mate,Alex's ear. He groaned and pulled the bed sheets over his head, but Charlie didn't like that. He then ripped the covers off of him and brushed his his wavy light brown hair across Alex's tired face.
"What the-" Alex spat,pushing Charlie's head away from him. Sitting up, the British man rubbed the tired from his eyes. Charlie smiled innocently, sitting at the foot of the bed staring back at him, with a playful look in his bright eyes. Alex stretched his arms and looked over at the clock on the bed side table.
"Its only seven o'clock Charlie. Let me sleep in longer, you know i'm not feeling well."
"B-but.." Charlie,looking a little hurt, stood up. " I made you breakfast...pancakes. your favorite. I even put in the little mini marshmallows..." He bit his lip, as if he was a child. Who dropped his icecream cone on the sidewalk. Alex couldn't resist that hurt look.
"Well....Alright. Because you put the mini marshmallows in." Alex flashed him a smile as he stretched and climbed out of bed with a yawn.

At the table, Alex scarfed down the pancakes, pretending that this was not something worth getting out of bed for, but smiling to himself because charlie had remembered the mini marshmallows. I should stop eating as fast i told Charlie i wasn't feeling well Alex thought,slowing down his chewing. He looked over at Charlie, who was drinking coffee and looked like he was spaced out. He's so angelic looking when he spaces out, i widened my eyes, shaking my head at that thought. No..i don't have feelings for one of my closest friends, that would be awkward. Charlie noticed Alex looking at him ,consumed with thought.
"What are you thinking,Alex?" Charlie questioned,tilting his head and smiling.
"Nothing...nothing important. Just useless stupid thoughts." Alex replied, breaking Charlies gaze. That's right, nothing at all.

Sorry if its not good! D: its my first fanfic ...hope you like it
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