Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Well If You Carry On This Way

by Lici

Frerard. Dealing with the death of a family member is never easy.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2011-12-23 - Updated: 2011-12-23 - 139 words - Complete

The phone call came at about midnight. Me and Frank were laying on the coach, watching fuck-knows what on the telly.

Rick Atsley's Never Gonna Give You Up blared out of my crappy phone speakers, as Frank complained about being "Rick Roll'd".

Mikey's number popped up on the screen, and I picked it up to hear crying on the other end.

"Mikey?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

"It's Nana Rush..." He said, and I could tell what was coming next. "She collapsed earlier in the night, and she started to get really bad... her breathing stopped twice. We all thought she was going to make it but then... she took a turn for the worse."

I started to sob as my worst fears were confirmed.

"She's dead, Gerard. Our Nana is dead."

I collapsed into Frank's warm arms and sobbed.
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