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Never gonna let you fall "I lost my fear of falling"

by FrerardSex

Gerard's a misfit in collage and Frankie is a popular kid. What will happen when Frank falls for Gerard will he accept Frank or ditch him. Frerard

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2012-01-17 - Updated: 2012-01-18 - 127 words

Gerard's pov

"GET OFF ME!"I screamed trying to run away from the jock. He looked me in the face. Well I don't like you either I thought to myself as I punched him in the face and left the gym. I just had to go back to get my jacket didn't I. I started to run without even noticing this weird dude right in front of me so of course I ran smack into him. He looked a bit mad.“DUUUUDDDDEEE!”He yelled at me and his cheaks turned red. Everyone laughed.“Stop yelling I'm right here in front of you.”I said a bit nervous for what might happen.

Grrrrr……I felt like saying cuz that boy took my books.

I'll continue later

…love meowman
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