Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco


by Watermelon_Smiles

Just a small touch, a finger tracing the bare skin at the back of her knee. That was all it took.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-01-22 - Updated: 2012-02-19 - 981 words

Heather sighed contently and stepped out of the shower, her flip-flops slapping the damp floor with a resounding echo. She scrubbed her short hair until it was mostly dry, then brushed it and began searching for her clothes. She was staying in a hotel, along with the boys from Panic! At The Disco (she was a friend of theirs) and her three friends, Sierra, Bridgette and Leticia. The hotel they were staying at was beautiful, and seeing as the owner's children were very big fans of the band, each member of Panic!, plus Heather, Sierra, Bridgette and Leticia, were given a free room. Despite the fact that the hotel was the nicest place most of the group had ever stayed at, it was not nice enough to have private bathrooms in each room. Heather's room was closest to the bathrooms, and therefore closest to the showers. Heather relished this fact, and quite often took advantage of it by way of midnight showers.

Despite having changed quite a bit since her run-in with razor sharp karma, Heather was hated by the boys, other than Brendon, for some reason. Heather was very glad to be able to take showers whilst they all slept to avoid the many pranks the other girls would undoubtedly play on her if they showered at the same time. In a joking friendly way, of course.

Currently, however, Heather was under the impression that one of the girls had found out about her secret shower idea, as Heather's clothes were missing. She bit her lip and adjusted her towel, which was currently slipping off and revealing the few parts of her body she liked to keep hidden. Where were her clothes?

"Looking for these?" Heather turned to find a familiar pale face, his eyes blazing in intensity. It was obvious Brendon had awoken during the night and needed to relieve himself. He was shirtless, Heather noticed, and the steam from her shower had already begun to form glistening beads on his muscular chest. She blushed, hoping it would appear the steam had caused her color, and took a step closer.

"Give them back!" Heather had hoped to sound intimidating, but had conveyed, at most, flustered and annoyed. It would probably have been better if she hadn't been staring at his steam-dampened boxers.

Brendon pretended to consider for a moment, then tossed her pajamas on the counter top behind him. Heather huffed a great sigh and made to grab her clothes.

Then he touched her.

Just a small touch, a finger tracing the bare skin at the back of Heather's knee. She yelped and froze, one hand white knuckling her towel and the other resting on the counter. Pleased with her reaction, Brendon let his finger slip under the edge of the towel and let his entire hand rest just under her ass. The slight tinge in her cheeks quickly traveled the length of her body.
"You know how to make me stop, don't you?" He let his chin rest on her shoulder. "Just say 'stop', and I always will."

Heather was still in shock, and the blood hadn't circulated to her brain to tell her why it was wrong to stop something that caused her so much pleasure. She let her eyes flutter shut and moaned. He let his thumb massage her hip and pressed his lips against her neck, deeply breathing in her scent.

Heather's heart thumped against the grooves of his mouth as he kissed, sucked, and nipped at the tender exposed flesh. Brendon smirked into her skin and let his tongue glide down to her collarbone, then he bit down. Hard.

Heather seemed to wake up a bit at that, and yelled "Stop!" When she opened her eyes, he was gone. Heather's chest heaved and her knees knocked together. She simply couldn't get enough air into her lungs, nor could she find the strength to move. She could only cling to her towel and wonder what the fuck had just happened, and why.

"Heather is not as easy to manipulate as the other girls I've fucked," Brendon drawled. He was sitting in his hotel room, thinking out loud to himself. "With the rest of them, it's all about flattery, but Heather's used those tactics before." He smirked. "So I decided I had to step it up a notch with her."

Outside of the hotel room, Brendon hummed while he walked to his room. Why shouldn't he? He had Heather eating out of the palm of his hand! It didn't hurt that Heather was pretty cute...

"Brendon," he looked up into the face of none other than Sierra, the only woman in the group to reject him so far. "I know what you're doing, and I'm not going to let you do it."

He raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow. "I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about, sister." Sister was Brendon’s nickname for Sierra. After all, they sort of sounded alike.

Sierra's upper lip curled and left her with a rather unattractive frown. "Don't you 'sister' me, Mister. I know you're trying to win over Heather, and I won't let you do it! She's my friend, and I won't let you control her like you did with Bridgette and Leticia."

Brendon squared his shoulders and looked down on the purple-haired girl, his smirk melting from his face. "Really? Because it looks to me like you're jealous that I've got Heather." Sierra turned away slightly and froze, looking just to the corner of Brendon's eyes before answering.

"That's silly, I have Jon." Sierra was obsessed with Jon, and had made it her life mission to date him.

"Silly indeed." And with that, he returned to his room, leaving Sierra still frozen, deep in thought.

So, what did y'all think? Should I continue? If I get enough reviews and/or rates, I will add more.
xox Van
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