Categories > Celebrities > Slipknot > Heartache every moment

A Reflection of Heaven

by SyndromeStar


Category: Slipknot - Rating: NC-17 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-02-25 - Updated: 2012-02-25 - 4096 words - Complete

Chapter 16 - 'A Reflection of Heaven'

A nurse bringing dinner woke him up around 6pm. The short nap had done him good, and he felt refreshed. Joey was still asleep, curled up on his other side. Mick took the dinner tray and thanked the nurse, but after she left, he slid it onto the table by the bed and headed for his food stash. Rummaging through, he settled on a sandwich and doughnuts.

He reclaimed his plastic chair next to Joey's bed, and ate his way through his 'dinner'. He was working on the last mouthful of his sandwich when Joey started to rouse. Guessing the drummer had probably smelt the food, Mick chuckled. He stood up and sat on the bed, placing a hand on either side of Joey so he leant over him.

"Hey you," he said, smiling.

Joey blinked sleepily and returned the smile. He squirmed on the bed, trying to stretch, but finding himself restricted by the electrodes on his chest.

Mick hushed him and bent down to kiss his cheek.

"Did you smell the food?" he smirked.

"Food? Who's got food? But I'm not hungry," Joey said, almost disappointed. He wouldn't mind enjoying something to eat for a change. His feeding tube took care of that for him, unfortunately.

"Yeah, well, they might yank that thing out later, if you're lucky," Mick said playfully. Joey couldn't think of anything to say, so poked his tongue out in retaliation.

He had a sudden thought. "They won't actually do that, will they?" he asked Mick, slightly panicked.

The guitartist looked confused. "Do what?"

"Yank it out!" Joey exclaimed.

"Well, Joey, they have to get it out somehow, you know!" Mick said, amused.

"But I don't want it to hurt," Joey said, almost in a whisper.

Mick turned serious. He leaned closer to Joey. "You honestly think I'd let them hurt you?" He punctuated his sentence with a sweet, lingering kiss on Joey's forehead. He tucked Joey's hair back behind his ear. "Don't worry, sweetheart. It'll be fine, I promise," he whispered.

Joey nodded. He felt so safe with Mick, and knew he shouldn't have doubted something like that.

"Do you think they'll take this off too?" Joey questioned, pointing to the cardiac monitor.

"I don't know, baby. Hopefully. I don't think you need it anymore. Maybe they'll come around tonight and we can see."

No sooner had those words escaped from Mick's mouth than the doctor did indeed knock on the door and poke his head in.

Mick and Joey started laughing, much to the doctor's confusion.

"Sorry," Mick apologised. "I was just saying that maybe you'd come round again tonight when you knocked on the door," he explained.

The doctor smiled. "If there's one thing you can expect around here, it's for us to continuely pester you."

Joey grinned.

"You look a lot better," the doctor remarked. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. Not as tired as before. My stomach feels better," Joey replied.

The doctor nodded. "Excellent. I'm glad to hear that. I'd like to try removing the feeding tube. I'm sure it's not the most comfortable thing in the world."

Joey shook his head. "It sucks." Everyone laughed.

"Okayyyy..." the doctor mused. "Can you sit up for me?"

Mick helped Joey sit up. He was slightly dizzy for a bit, but the sensation faded quickly.

"That's usual," the doctor said. "You haven't sat up in a while, so your head needs to readjust." He carefully removed the tape holding the feeding tube in place. "Now, can you take a deep breath for me?"

Joey obliged. He saw the doctor start to pull, and felt the tube rise in his throat. He shut his eyes tight, and Mick gripped his hand. Joey squeezed hard as he flinched, trying not to gag. The tube seemed to be neverending, and Joey just wanted it to be over. It felt awful.

Suddenly it was out, and Joey let out his breath shakily.

"Here." The doctor held out a tissue, and Joey took it to wipe his nose. Despite the uncomfortable experience, he was glad it was out.

Mick squeezed his hand in a silent question. Joey looked at him, and saw the worry in his eyes. The drummer gave him a small smile, and squeezed back. Oblivious with his back to them, the doctor didn't notice when Mick kissed Joey quickly. It didn't make up for having a tube jerked out of his stomach, but Mick hoped it would help.

The doctor played around with the cardiac monitor, and soon the blinking lights died. "I don't think you need this any longer," the doctor said. He removed the electrodes from Joey's chest. It wasn't painful considering the total lack of hair. He was finally tube and electrode-free.

"You should be more comfortable tonight," the doctor said, writing something in Joey's chart. "You'll be staying with him?" He directed his question at Mick, who nodded. "Good, good. Any problems, press the buzzer. Someone will be in to see you in the morning."

He stuck the chart back at the end of Joey's bed, nodded his head, and was gone.

"Yay!!" Joey cried.

Mick laughed. "What's up with you?"

"No more feeding tube! Where's the food?" He didn't mess around, this boy.

Mick grinned. "I ate it all. None left. There is, however," - he pointed to the tray - "a delectable hospital meal, sitting just over there, waiting for you. I believe it's rice and vegetables tonight."

Joey pouted. "Liar."

"Nah ah. All gone. We had a party while you were asleep."

"With beer?"

"Yes Joey, with beer. Coors light and Heinekin."

Mick dodged Joey's punch, laughing. "Ok, ok. I'll get you something to eat. What do you want? We got doughnuts, crisps, poptarts, crackers, cookies and Twinkies. Oh and some sandwiches. Which we should probably eat before they go off." He grabbed a veritible selection of goodies and dumped them on the bed. Joey dived for a pack of crisps.

"Hey, what happened to eating the sandwiches?"

"You eat 'em!" Joey's reply was muffled, his mouth stuffed with crisps.

Mick chuckled and kissed Joey on the top of his head. "You're so typical sometimes."

Joey just kept on eating.

After a while, Mick started to put the food back. "What're you doing?" Joey asked, indignant.

"Making sure you don't get sick again, that's what! You don't need to try everything, you know," Mick scolded gently. Joey shrugged. Fair point. He was starting to feel full, anyway. He put the crisps back on the table.

"You ok?" Mick asked, when he noticed. God, he hoped he hadn't upset Joey. He put away the handful of food he had and sat down on the bed, wrapping an arm around him. "I'm sorry."

Joey shook his head. "It's ok, it's nothing you said. I'm just not as hungry as I thought." He laid his head on Mick's shoulders and sighed. "I'm tired again." He snuggled into the guitarist, loving his size.

Mick could feel Joey falling asleep in his arms. Just a minute ago he had been bubbly, and now he was barely holding his eyes open. He guessed Joey's body sometimes needed a while to catch up to his mind. Gently, he eased Joey down until he was on the pillow. A few seconds later, he was fast asleep. Shaking his head, Mick kissed Joey's temple.

Clearing the bed of the rest of the food, Mick yawned. He glanced at his watch. 7.30pm! He'd never been to bed this early before. Figuring he had nothing better to do anyway, he made himself ready for sleep. Looking forward to a night in a comfortable(ish) bed, he switched the lights off. The one above Joey's bed was still on, and it illuminated the sleeping figure.

Mick stopped just to look at him, so perfect as he slept. He still couldn't believe Joey was his. Kissing him gently, Mick thanked his gods. There was nothing in the world he loved more than Joey, and nothing he wanted more.


Having gone to bed so early, Mick was wide awake by 4am. He whiled the time away sitting with Joey, and munching through the rest of the doughnuts. When the nurse turned up at first rounds, he was browsing the net, checking up on Joey's 'status'. Apparently, he was still dead.

"Better sleep this time?" the nurse asked.

"Definately! I was able to walk straight away this morning. Thanks again."

The nurse smiled. "No problem! Did he wake up?"

Mick shook his head. "Slept all the way through."

"Ok. He should be feeling a lot better today. I see the doctor took him off the monitor and removed the feeding tube, he should be appreciating that."

"Oh yes!" They laughed together.

The hospital breakfast that morning was French toast. It was soggy and overcooked, and Mick was glad for the doughnuts. He poked at it for a bit, watching it wobble, before discarding the tray. Hospital food was worse than plane food, he decided.

He sat back next to Joey, to wait for him to wake up. He didn't have to wait long, obviously the extra long sleep had worked his magic on him too. Joey's beautiful eyes stared up at him, still slightly puffy in the wake of his sleep.

"Good morning," Mick whispered in his ear.

Joey's smile captivated him. "Hey. You been here all night or something?"

"Nah, went out for the night. Got drunk, met a cute young boy... you know how it goes from there." He winked and grinned.

Joey rolled his eyes. "I bet he wasn't as cute as me."

Mick shook his head in agreement. "Or as good a fuck either," he said, and prevented Joey from replying by kissing him.

"Meanie!" Joey gasped as they ended their kiss.

"Why am I a meanie?" Mick asked, a smile playing on his face.

"Because you didn't let me say that you know I'm the best lay you've ever had." He grinned wickedly before Mick smothered him with kisses.

"Anyway, how are you feeling?" Mick asked him.

"Better," Joey said truthfully. He was starting to feel like himself. He was still a bit tired, but that awful, exhausted to the bones feeling had gone. His stomach was behaving itself for once, which Joey appreciated. All in all, things were looking up.

"You look better," Mick said, stroking his cheek. "You don't look like death anymore."

Joey closed his eyes and relaxed as Mick brushed over his skin. He sighed when the bigger man traced his lips with his finger, wishing he was on the bed next to him.

"What are you thinking about?" Mick whispered.

Joey swallowed. "You and me... together."

He heard Mick moan quietly, and shift on the bed so he was closer. Suddenly, lips were playing at his chest, and he shuddered. One hand stroked Mick's hair while the other rubbed Mick's shoulder. God, those lips felt so good.... he urged them lower, but Mick wasn't playing.

Wet heat surrounded one of his nipples, and Joey moaned. Mick's licking was driving him crazy, and he spread his legs.

"Mick.... " he spluttered out.

The guitarist looked up.

"I want you so badly." Joey's hips bucked upward as he said it. "Fuck me!"

Mick let out an animalistic growl. He stood up, unbuckling his jeans. He had been hard since the moment Joey had woken up.

Joey's hands drifted down to grasp his erection under the blanket, his arousal heightening as he watched Mick strip. The guitarist slid the bedcoverings down, exposing Joey. Undressing Joey in a hurry, he climbed on top of the smaller man, his cock in his hand. He couldn't believe he was about to fuck his lover in a hospital bed.

Joey's hands on his hips urged him forward. The tip of his cock touched Joey's mouth, and Mick felt his legs shake as the drummer darted out a tongue to lick the head. He tilted himself forward and watched as his cock slid into Joey's open mouth. Curses expelled from his mouth as Joey expertly sucked and licked, giving him the best blow job of his life.

He steadied himself on the wall, trying to keep his moans as quiet as possible.

His boyfriend's tongue on his cock was unlike anything. One of Joey's hands slid down to rub his balls, teasing him where he wanted it the most. Mick was so aroused he felt like exploding. He was getting desperate for release now, and thrust his hips forwards. Joey relaxed his throat and to Mick's absolute pleasure he slid as far into Joey's mouth as it was possible.

This was it. Looking at Joey deepthroating him, eyes closed, sent Mick over the brink. He held back a deep moan as he came hard, Joey sucking and swallowing. Fuck, he needed that so bad!

His erection refused to subside as he pulled out of Joey's mouth. The drummer was flushed and panting hard, his hips jerking under Mick.

"Fuck me baby, now!"

The desperation in Joey's voice went straight to Mick's cock. He nodded, gasping for breath. Lube. Lube? FUCK!

Then inspiration hit. He curled his hands under Joey's hips. "Get up sweetheart." Joey complied as Mick moved to give him room. "Hands and knees." Joey obediantly turned around so his ass was in front of Mick.

Spreading Joey's ass with his hands, Mick leaned forward. He licked Joey slowly, and felt him tremble and moan softly. He licked again, and Joey cried out. Concentrating on Joey's entrance, Mick teased and probed with his tongue. Joey relaxed and Mick felt his tongue slide in a little way. God, this was hot!

When Joey was wet enough, Mick started to circle his entrance with a finger. Joey pushed back with his hips when he felt the finger probing him, and his thrust was enough to ensure it buried itself inside him.

"More!" Joey moaned, and Mick slid another finger alongside the first. Joey started to rock his hips, fucking himself on Mick's fingers.

Mick started to jerk Joey off with his other hand, and almost immediately the small man started to writhe, his body desperate for Mick. Joey couldn't wait any longer. He knew he could take Mick.

"Mick?! Mick please...!" he breathed.

Mick heard him. He pulled out his fingers and spat on his hand, greasing his cock. A small hand reached back for him, and Mick guided it to his cock. Joey lined Mick up with him, and tilted his hips back. Slowly, Mick imbedded himself inside Joey. He watched as Joey took as much as he could, oblivious to Mick's size.

Joey moaned in sheer relief as he felt Mick inside him. The guitarist began to thrust, slowly at first, but as Joey moaned and cried he increased the pace. Joey clung to the head of the bed, biting his lip in an effort to prevent screaming out. Mick was pounding into him so hard he could barely breathe, and it took all his effort just to stay up. His cock was aching and leaking, and he gripped it with a hand. In time with Mick, he jerked himself off, precum seeping onto the sheets below.

His orgasm crept up on him surprisingly slowly, turning his body into a quivering mass of sweat, nerves and lust. He couldn't hold back the choking moans, and he felt Mick kiss his shoulder sweetly. Hot cum pooled on the bed. Mick only needed a few more thrusts before he followed Joey's lead, climaxing inside. Joey could feel the spurts, and he could hear Mick moaning. He tightened his muscles around Mick, noting with pleasure the softly uttered curses that followed.

Pulling out, Mick nibbled on Joey's shoulder. The smaller man giggled sleepily, and Mick pulled him up to wrap his arms around his waist.

"Feel better?"

"Goddddddd.... yes!"

Mick kissed him deeply, savouring the taste on his tongue.

"We're very naughty," he said quietly, as they broke apart.

Joey grinned. "That was the best part!"

Mick spanked Joey lightly on his ass, before reaching for the tissues. He cleaned the mess on the bed as best he could, and helped Joey sit down. He hopped off the bed to pick up the discarded clothes, finding them everywhere. Turning back around to chuck them on the bed, he stopped as he saw Joey on the bed. The blood started rushing from his brain back to his cock as he watched the drummer. His legs were spread and he was rubbing himself with a finger, his alert penis straining above.

Mick's legs suddenly had problems supporting his weight. Dropping the clothes, his new erection led him to the bed. Sitting in front of Joey, he laid his hands on his legs, pushing them apart further.

"What are you doing?" he asked Joey, his voice husky with lust.

The smaller man looked up. His face was flushed red, lips parted. "I could feel you..."

Mick was confused, until Joey held up the finger had been masturbating with. It was white and sticky, and Mick realised it was his cum. "Jesus...... Don't stop." Joey obliged him.

Mick watched as Joey finger fucked himself, fascinated by the movement. More cum was leaking out with every thrust, and Mick had the sudden desire to taste it. "Stop."
Joey looked up.

"Lay down."

Joey did as he was told. Mick lifted his legs up until they were nearly pressing on his chest, and Joey grabbed them. Mick bent down until Joey couldn't see him anymore. Then, he felt him, that tongue violating him again.

"Ohhhhhhhhh....." he moaned, delirious with lust. His hips were bucking unconsciously in response to the delicious sensations spreading through him, and he could feel his legs trembling and shaking. Mick was doing unspeakable things to him.

The bed was shaking, noisy in the small space. Neither of them heard it. Joey was oblivious to everything except the feel of Mick's tongue, and the rushing of blood beating in his ears. A finger joined the tongue, and as it slid in, Joey couldn't hold in a cry of ecstasy. Instead of thrusting, Mick curled his finger and began to explore, his tongue now caressing the base of Joey's penis. He arched his back in bliss as Mick probed places inside him that Joey didn't know existed.

Suddenly Mick's finger brushed over something that made Joey's body spasm. A jolt of electric pleasure shot up his spine, and he gasped loudly. Mick rubbed the spot again, and Joey lost all control. His hands flew up to behind his head to press against the wall, and his legs convulsed without restraint. Whimpering irrepressibly, he felt emotions and feelings boil intensely inside him, to the point where he thought he would be torn in half if they couldn't be released.

Mick responded to Joey's elevated state of arousal by concentrating on the potent area that was making him shake. His other hand gripped Joey's erection, a finger rubbing over the head as his tongue continued to lick his balls. Joey felt it in the nerves that were threatening to explode, his skin sticky with sweat, his eyes rolling into his head, the rapid heartbeat in his ears. With a choked scream he came, biting down so hard on his lip he bled. His toes curled under so far his feet cramped, and he thought he might burst out of his skin.

Shaking, Joey rode out his orgasm, his muscles spasming under his skin. He became dimly aware that Mick was holding him, kissing his collarbone softly. He heard someone whimpering, and realised it was himself. Mick was hushing him now, soothing, and he gripped Mick's arm desperately.

"Baby, it's ok, shhhh......"

Mick's comforting weight was bearing down on him, forcing him still. His concerned face was the first thing Joey saw as he opened his eyes, and he reached up to touch him.

"You alright?" Mick whispered, still worried.

Joey couldn't find his voice. He nodded, swallowing hard. His muscles were still trembling slightly, but orgasmic pleasure still lingered in his veins, and he felt contented.

He was becoming more aware of the world around him, and he could feel Mick hard against him. As he regained control of his limbs, he pulled his legs up so they wrapped around Mick's waist. The guitarist's lips were caressing him again, this time playing at the edge of his mouth. Joey closed his eyes and let his hands stroke Mick's shoulders, succumbing to his dominant partner.

Shifting his hips slightly, Mick's cock pressed against Joey's entrance. With just a little pressure, he slid in, the earlier sex leaving him easy for Mick. Slowly he thrust into Joey, concentrating on giving him as much pleasure as he could. He moaned quietly, nipping at the damp skin at his lips.

Joey buried his head in the crook of Mick's neck, gasping lowly. Mick's lips were teasing circles on his shoulder now, setting his skin alight. Their hips rocked together in time unhurridly, Mick sliding in and out slowly. He kissed every part of Joey he could reach, letting him know through his touch and sense that he loved him more than anything.

Mick could feel his release building, and he braced himself above Joey, penetrating him slightly deeper. Joey gasped and scraped his fingernails down Mick's back as he felt him push harder. He watched as Mick came, uttering Joey's name over and over.

"God, baby...." he moaned, leaning down to kiss Joey tenderly.

Gripping one of Joey's legs, he pulled out, sliding his hand up to the drummer's arse and rubbing softly as he lay down beside him. Joey let Mick's arm fall around his shoulders before he snuggled close to the bigger man, kissing his chest.

"Joey...?" Mick asked sleepily.

"Yeah?" came the reply, just as sleepy.

"What'd you think would happen if someone walked in on us right now?"

Joey opened his eyes. He propped himself up on his elbow, so he was looking down at Mick.

"You're really romantic, anyone ever tell you that? First you fuck me on a hospital bed, now you're more worried about people walking in us than being together." With that, he stuck his tongue out.

Mick laughed. "God, you're gorgeous. But I still think we ought to get dressed."

Joey pouted, his fingers tracing the hard muscles on Mick's arms. Sleep was swamping him again, and he couldn't be bothered getting dressed. Flopping back down, he closed his eyes.

Mick was holding his face, but Joey couldn't open his eyes. He mumbled something at Mick; what, he wasn't quite sure. He thought he drifted off, but a warm, wet sensation on his face urged him awake. Mick was standing by his bed, and Joey realised it was a facecloth.

"Go back to sleep, sweetheart," Mick urged softly. He ran the cloth down the side of Joey's face tenderly, wiping away the sweat. Despite wanting to stay awake with Mick, Joey found his eyes closing again. He let himself fall under the black veil of sleep.

Mick bathed Joey carefully, and as best as he could while he was still on the bed. His hair would have to wait, not much Mick could do about it now. He tried not to wake Joey again, but judging by the tiredness on his face before, Mick didn't think it would be a recurring problem. Even while he dressed Joey again and made sure he was comfortable under the blankets, there were no signs of life except the steady rise and fall of his chest.

Sitting on the windowsill, Mick watched as Joey turned himself over in his sleep and curled up. He was tiny compared to the bed, but it wasn't so scary to Mick now that he was off the cardiac monitor and no longer had tubes sticking out of him. Resting his head against the window behind him, he closed his eyes. The morning had drifted past in a haze of lust, and though satiated, Mick could still feel Joey's skin sliding under his own. He saw in his mind's eye Joey on the bed, writhing underneath him, and smiled as he recalled the moans and touches. Sighing deeply, he settled further into his daydream.  Stroking his skin... kissing him softly.... taking him in his hands...



Slipknot at the door.

How typical, Mick thought. I reach the good part.... He chuckled, and got up to open the door.
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