Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer

The Fishbowl Part 5 - In The Still of the Night

by red_jacobson

Dream Visitors - Story is no worse than PG-13, but marked as NC-17 to go with the rest of the series

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Cordelia - Published: 2012-03-21 - Updated: 2012-03-21 - 712 words - Complete

Title: In the Still of the Night
Pairing: Xander/Cordy/Faith
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Do I Really Need to Say this? I don't own any of the characters in this story. They belong to the crackheads at Mutant Enemy. I would have treated all of them a lot better.
AUTHORS NOTE: This is a fantasy version of a D/S relationiship, in reality they take a lot more work to be successful.

A few hours after the end of ‘The Offer’

The three of them slept poorly that night. Each was disturbed by dreams that felt too real
to be just dreams.

Cordelia opened her eyes. Looking around the room, she saw at once that she wasn’t at
home. The clutter and tattered furniture looked familiar, but she wasn’t sure from where.
It wasn’t until she saw the man leaning against the doorway from the kitchen, a bottle in
his hand, did she realize where she was.

“Doyle!” She cried, running to embrace him.

“Hello, Princess, it’s been a while.”

“What’s going on, Doyle? Am I dreaming? This can’t be real! You’re, well, you’re

“True, but, I still have a job to do. The Powers have a message for each of you, and I
volunteered to be your messenger.”

“You’re still working for the Powers?” She asked, incredulous, “I thought Angel was a
tough boss, but even he wouldn’t make you work if you were dead.”

“Anyway, we’re getting away from the point, and I don’t have a lot of time. The Powers
haven’t told me much, but, I do know that all three of you have a major role to play in the
future, and it depends on a bond between you. You and Xander have built that bond
between you, but, the path you’re on now could tear it apart, and hurt Faith badly. The
three of you can be great together, but, remember, you need to build a relationship
together before trying a new way of life. Playing is one thing, but a new lifestyle takes a
lot of work, and, can put pressure you wouldn’t believe on a relationship. I still care
about you and Faith, Cordy, and I don’t want you to hurt each other.

“Doyle, I’m glad you still have feelings for the two of us, but why do the Powers give a
damn? They never seemed to before! We’re just cannon fodder, pawns to be moved
around a chessboard for whatever their ‘Great Design’ is! They let you die, for the Gods

“Princess, I understand how you feel, but after I died I learned a few things. First of all, I
chose to make my sacrifice. It was the only way I could gain any sort of redemption for
what I had done—turning my back on my people and letting the Scourge have them. The
Powers weren’t thrilled with me over that, I’ll tell you. You were never supposed to get
the visions; your body couldn’t handle them, as you found out. By the way, Skip says
hello, and he’s glad you made the choice you did. Anyway, the Powers give more of a
damn than you think, but, there are limits to how much they can act on this plane, their
opposite numbers see to that. None of you are ‘cannon fodder’ as you so nicely put it,
but, like it or not, there’s a war going on, and the Powers and the Wolfram and Hart
Senior Partners are only one aspect of it.”

“Okay, but, what do Xan, Faith and I have to do with this?”

“All I know is that Angel’s going to need you all at his back with what he has to face
before he can earn his reward. And, my time is up, remember what I said, you three will
be great together, if you don’t rush into more than you can handle. Goodbye Princess.”
With those final words echoing in her head, Cordelia jerked awake, and, turning, saw that
Faith and Xander were both awake, looking at each other. Almost in unison they all said,

“We have to talk.”

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