Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Take My Hand

by Batmansocks

BL/ind. Killjoys. Death. Frerard;) I have this story posted on and both withb different names, just to save confusion:)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2012-05-31 - Updated: 2012-05-31 - 1346 words

Chapter 1- So Long, Goodbye

Franks P.O.V
Saying goodbye to my mom and dad wasn’t all that bad. I don’t know how long I’m gonna be gone for and I have NO idea what this is gonna be like all I know is that my shit, is scared right out of me. This is my first time going, sure the training isn’t that bad and the people aren’t COMPLETE assholes but according to the family tradition, I have no other choice. My dad was a soldier, his two brothers were soldiers and my grand father was a soldier and so on… So that is why I have to go on my very first mission in the army. If you ask me, there is no way I would have agreed to this at 17 but alas I have no choice.
So as I gathered the last of my necessary shit for the trip, I bid good bye to my dogs as my parents and I set off for the boat. Yeah I know, how cliché a boat? I feel like I’m from the 40’s or some shit. I’m really gonna miss the shitty yet beautiful streets of my hometown of New Jersey. The only positive thing I got from this was that I got to choose which army I joined; therefore I chose not to join the American army, no. This is an army set out to kill none other than the BL/ind. I wanted my revenge on those bastards, so if it’s the last thing I do, I will avenge my sister.
It was three years ago, she was only thirteen, and frankly one of the only important thing in my life and they took it. I lived for her. I was pulled out of my thoughts by my mother.
“Frank honey, no smoking in the car. You know the rules.” I hadn’t even realised reaching for the packet absentmindedly,
“I’m not going to be living by them much longer anyways. I’m nervous as fuck, I’ve already lit it, let me finish.”
She just sighed and nodded, my mom seemed to treat me seemingly better since the murder of my little sister, I supposed she just forced herself to appreciate her remaining child, or just a real good actress in front of my dad. My dad and I had been close, until after the birth of my sister and I reached teenage stage, I didn’t want to join football teams, I didn’t have posters of naked chicks on my wall, I never got a girlfriend, listened to rock music, got my lip piercing and tattoos, not his idea of a son. I don’t see his problem my dad loves playing drums and doesn’t usually watch football, so maybe he just wants a ‘normal’ son, sorry to fucking disappoint you ‘dad’ I thought as I looked at the numerous scars running up each arm, across each wrist, some old, faded and a pinkish colour, some new, bright red and forming a scab.
I seen the sign pointing towards the docks and my nerves bean to build up again, I was trembling, I could feel sweat build up on my fore head. I took a long drag of the cigarette, closing my eyes as I slowly exhaled, I all of a sudden felt a lot more relaxed. As I thought more about it, maybe this was good, maybe my dad will see me more than just his faggot son, or maybe I could die and he’ll regret everything, win-win situation really. With that we neared where my boat will leave, a look at my mom said it all, her eyes full of regret, and sorrow and I could tell how low she thought of herself. All those times she’d called me a disappointment, a freak, and a faggot, she was sorry. So as the car came to halt I quickly pulled the sleeves of my hoodie down as to make sure they didn’t see my evidence of how I cope with everyday life.
“We’re here kiddo.” my dad was the first to speak. I hadn’t had a proper conversation with that man since I was 15, when he hit me and told me I was nothing but a worthless, emo faggot. Why he said it, I’ll never know. So I reluctantly got out and retrieved my bags. Bidding goodbye to my tear-filled mother I turned my back and started my journey…

Gerard’s P.O.V.
Saying goodbye to my family was hell. Thank god I was here and ready to board my boat. My mom had packed me food, family photographs, a blanket, Oh lets face it, that woman packed my bags. I was gonna miss my family like hell. I never realised how much I loved them until an hour ago when they left me off. I asked them to leave me off now; I couldn’t stand to look at my younger brother’s face. Mikey? Oh Mikey. I loved that kid, he is the most important thing in my life right now, I remember the day I told him I was leaving for the army and he begged me not to go, crying through the entire conversation.
I had decided to join just to see how it felt to actually be saving someone’s life, it’s what I’ve always wanted to do and now was my chance! I gotta admit though I was really nervous, I mean, what would happen? Would I die? Would I come back a hero? I needed a cigarette; I was the only one here so thankfully more thinking time. As I placed the wonderful cancer stick between my lips I realised I forgot my lighter.
I mumbled out loud. I looked over and seen a guy smoking, he had two large bags, I kinda recognised him, was he from this army too? Maybe I should socialise? Ah well, worth a shot, besides, I am dying for a smoke. Wait. What if he says no, or laughs?
‘Oh shut up Gerard and stop being such a pussy diva fag.’
Great, here comes THAT voice again, the one belonging to none other than my father and step brother. I mentally face palmed myself reminding myself that my lungs were crying out for those beautiful disgusting chemicals, and here. We. Go…

Franks POV
Now that they were finally gone I could at last have a cigarette in peace. Or so I thought. Just as I exhaled and relaxed my back against the wall closing my eyes and sighing, something tapped my shoulder, eugh! I turned ready to be the ignorant little fuck that I am, but when I turned I couldn’t help but push all that away.
“Uhm… Hi…S-sorry but could I borrow a lighter please? I forgot mine… get that? I’m going away for god knows how long to forget the most important necessity” he babbled.
“Yeah here.” I replied shortly.
“Thanks, names Gerard”
“Frank” we shook hands, I noticed he was shaking slightly.
“So Frank, heading anywhere ‘important’?”
“Uhm… I’m in the army, you?”
“Wow. Me too” he seemed really amused. That’s where I recognised him from, I thought I’d seen those eyes around somewhere, wait, what? I quickly tried to forget my moment of fantasizing.
“Ermm… hello” He said waving a hand in front of my face, ah crap! Had he noticed me staring?
“Yeah, sorry, did you say something?” I asked shakily
“Yeah, um, I wondered if y’know you like it, the army I mean”
“S’okay, I mean I haven’t really bothered with anyone, so kinda quiet I guess, you?”
“I haven’t bothered with anyone either, but-“ he was cut off by three other men walking towards us, asking to borrow my lighter and attempting to make conversation by asking if we were ready to kill these assholes. Hell yeah I was!
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