Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cigarettes and sass

Cigarettes and sass

by XxlovefrankieroxX

Frank is one of America's most popular gay porn stars. Gerard is a budding cartoonist and a hopeless fan of the stranger he watches on screen. Unable to help himself Gerard soon makes it his missio...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-06-04 - Updated: 2012-06-04 - 6025 words

Hello there!
So, welcome to my new little ficlet of camp debauchery. I can’t even say how excited I am for this story and I really hope you guys love it. I just have to say that this story is entirely dedicated to my friend Andrea, who not only supplied me with this ridiculously fun idea, but has also been a great help to me in good and bad times alike and is proving to be even more wonderful by agreeing to beta this story.
That said, if there are any mistakes in the grammar you can now blame her ;)
This first chapter is just to set the scene, but hopefully it’ll be just enough to get your attention and have you come back for more ;)

“Man I gotta say, you are looking especially fine today.” Gerard looked up and blushed deeply, a small smile tugging at his lips as he came face to face with his colleague Brian Haner. “Is that shirt new?”

“No. And you know it isn’t.” Gerard pointed out quietly, going back to his drawing as Brian leant his elbows on his desk and grinned cheekily at him. Gerard tried to ignore him but it was difficult, and though he bit his tongue hard he couldn’t stop himself from smiling.

“Brian you’re in my light.”

“Sorry man.” Brian obediently moved out of the way so that his shadow wasn’t resting over Gerard’s storyboard and came to stand beside his chair instead. “This is looking really good.” He complimented, his hand coming down to touch Gerard’s shoulder and squeeze gently.


“So...” Brian walked his fingers over Gerard’s shoulder before toying with the collar of his black shirt, stroking the tip of his finger along the expanse of Gerard’s skin that was on show. “What’s got you all suited and booted huh?”

“I’m going out with my grandmother after work.” Gerard replied softly, his tone somewhat distracted as he worked on his storyboard. “I haven’t seen her in a while so I’m treating her to dinner.”

“Cute.” Brian scoffed, sighing and turning to perch his butt on the edge of the desk. He gazed intently at Gerard as his artists hands sketched relentlessly over the page. He was such a hard worker, The Breakfast Monkey was the current project taking up all his time. Sometimes Brian wished he could be as motivated as Gerard... but mostly he just got irritated that the older man still wasn’t noticing him.

“You had your lunch yet?” Brian sighed, already knowing the answer.

“Yeah I took it early so I could work on this all through the afternoon.”

Brian sighed and rolled his eyes, not surprised at all. Gerard always took his lunch early when he was working hard on something. Brian always tried to have lunch with him, but Gerard was somewhat of a recluse. Though he was pleasant enough, always friendly and polite, he just preferred his own company and often got awkward when he had to pay full attention to someone. Brian didn’t care though... The artist was gorgeous and everyone working for Cartoon Network wanted a piece of him, whether they were male, female, straight or otherwise. No one had managed to get Gerard’s attention yet, but Brian was determined.

“What about a cigarette break? When you due one of them?” Brian swung his legs softly as he gazed intently at the older man, Gerard seeming to think about it for a moment before he shrugged.

“I don’t think I’ll have one today.”

“Are you kidding?” Brian scoffed, frowning slightly. “What? Are you quitting now or something?” Brian didn’t mean to sound whiny and childish but this was just ridiculous. All he wanted was fifteen minutes with Gerard’s undivided attention. He just needed the guy to look at him and he knew he’d be able to get him hooked. Brian was gorgeous, he was playful, he was flirtatious... he had never failed to get who he wanted. And he wasn’t going to fail now... even though he had already wasted three whole weeks trying to get Gerard to notice him.

Brian had never taken this long to get his man.

“I’m thinking about cutting down.” Gerard shrugged casually in response to the question about the cigarettes. He kept his head down, concentrating on his drawing though he was fully aware Brian was staring at him. It was making him feel a little uncomfortable though he tried not to show it.

“Well... What about a coffee break then?” Brian persisted, determined to get Gerard out of his office and taking a break somehow. Gerard chuckled a little at the younger mans stubbornness and finally looked up to meet his gaze. Gerard’s eyes were gentle, his smile delicate as he laid down his pencil.

“I’m not thirsty. And you have plenty of work to do.” He pointed out softly, Brian smirking challengingly at him.

“How would you know?” He asked sweetly, leaning closer to Gerard but the older man didn’t seem to be affected by Brian’s attempts to look seductive.

“Because you always do. And if by some miracle you don’t, I do. So...” Brian looked at Gerard in slight surprise before frowning deeply at him and folding his arms in a huff.

“So you’re kicking me out?” He demanded, Gerard looking apologetically at him as he picked up his pencil again.

“I’m sorry Bri, it’s just that I’m really busy...”

Fine.” Brian sighed, swinging his legs round and hopping off the desk with a scowl. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow then.” He pouted, sauntering out of Gerard’s office, clearly miffed. Gerard winced when he slammed the door. He’d be sulking for the rest of the day no doubt but Gerard didn’t worry about it as he turned back to his storyboard and continued to work.


Gerard met his grandma outside their favourite Italian restaurant. Elena came to New York very rarely now, but when she had been younger she would often go to the city. She used to tell Gerard wonderful stories about it when he was a kid, and New York had always held a certain charm for him. It was part of the reason why he was so eager to work for Cartoon Network, the thought of spending every day in the city exciting him. Even now only part of the magic had been lost through the stresses of work.

Gerard approached the restaurant only a little bit late, but Elena was never late and so it was no surprise when he found her standing outside by the door, a light green shawl wrapped around her shoulders to match her summer dress. Gerard grinned as he spotted her, his heart skipping. He loved his grandmother dearly and he chuckled as she turned to scowl at him.

“What time do you call this young man?” Elena demanded as Gerard rushed over to hug her tight and kiss her powdered cheek. “I’ve been standing out here like an idiot for ten minutes.”

“I’m sorry grandma, you know you shouldn’t arrive so early.” Gerard smirked, standing back and letting Elena slap his arm lightly.

“Gerard, the only women who believe in being ‘fashionably late’ are women who hold no class whatsoever.” Elena said firmly, flinging the end of her shawl over her shoulder and strutting into the doorway of the restaurant as Gerard held back his laughter. This was why he adored his grandma. She had been brought up in hard times and had happily spent her life in comfortable working class, but she acted as though she were the cream of the crop.

“Table for two madam?” The waiter at the front of house smiled at Elena, recognising her from other times she had been along with Gerard and Elena positively beamed at him as she nodded.

“Yes please my dear, oh what a handsome young man.” Elena commented as she grabbed Gerard’s arm and dragged him across the restaurant with her. Gerard smiled and hooked his arm through Elena’s, rolling his eyes fondly as the waiter took them to a corner table and took their drinks order. Once Elena had watched him walk away she turned to Gerard with a smile and took his hand.

“It is good to see you Gerard,” She smiled genuinely, squeezing her grandson’s hand. “I feel like I never see you anymore.”

“I know, I’m just so busy with work.” Gerard sighed, lacing his fingers with Elena’s and telling her briefly about The Breakfast Monkey as they picked up their menus and gave them the customary glance before settling on their usual favourites.

“I present my story boards to the committee next week, if they like it then I might get my own cartoon soon.” Gerard tried to hide the excitement in his voice, not wanting to get his hopes up too high but he couldn’t deny that having his own cartoon would be a dream come true. As children he and Mikey often talked about cartoons they wished they could make, or comic books they would draw if only they could. Now that Gerard was older his dream was finally in his grasp.

“Gerard that’s wonderful news.” Elena smiled, pausing to give the waiter their order before turning back to grin at her grandson. “Do you feel confident about it?” She asked as she took a breadstick from the centre of the table, nibbling delicately on it.

“Kinda... I guess. I’ve been working really hard on it, other than Brian trying to distract me all the time it’s going well.” Gerard smiled, taking a breadstick for himself and blushing when he realised Elena was smirking at him.

“Brian? Who’s Brian?” She asked, her voice filled with amusement and Gerard sighed, frowning a little even though he couldn’t hide his smile.

“He’s just a guy at work. He joined a few months ago, amazing artist... just... not very focused.” Gerard bit the end off of his breadstick as he shrugged, Elena still smirking at him. “What?”

“Why’s he been trying to distract you?” Elena asked smoothly, her own breadstick forgotten. “Does he like you? Is he cute?”

“Grandma.” Gerard groaned, blushing deeply and giggling softly. “He’s my work mate, I’m not interested in him.”

“Oh I bet. But is he interested in you?” Elena knew that Gerard seemed to be incapable of finding a boyfriend, but she also knew it wasn’t because he didn’t get shown any interest. Gerard was such a handsome young thing; Elena couldn’t understand why he couldn’t find himself a partner. So many men liked him, even on the few occasions they went out together Elena would always see plenty of guys giving Gerard the eye.

“Well?” She pushed, Gerard’s cheeks flaming red as he shrugged.

“I... I dunno. Maybe... Probably. I think so.” Gerard sighed and groaned a little as he put down his half eaten breadstick and started to break it up with his nimble fingers. He knew that Brian was interested, but he knew he was probably only after him for sex. He couldn’t imagine Brian was the deep, romantic type. “I think he’s only looking for fun though grandma.”

“Well that’s alright.” Elena shrugged, putting down her own breadstick and smacking Gerard’s hands lightly as he snapped his own. “Don’t make a mess on the table.” She scolded, handing Gerard a napkin so he would clear up the crumbs he was making. “You don’t have to get into anything serious you know Gerard. If you like this Brian then maybe a bit of fun will be good for you just for now... Lord knows when I was your age I had plenty of fun.”

Gerard looked up with a horrified expression as Elena winked at him. He wasn’t sure whether to laugh or ‘eugh’ in disgust, he soon settled on a mixture of the two and shoved Elena lightly.

“Grandma! I thought you were classy.” He squeaked, laughing a little as Elena giggled.

“I am classy, but even I was young once Gerard.” Elena smirked, grinning as she picked up her breadstick and started eating it again. “You should ask Brian out or something, go out for drinks and see what happens. I do worry about you being cooped up all by yourself in that flat of yours.” Elena sighed, making Gerard blush and bow his head.

“I don’t get lonely grandma.” He promised softly, though that wasn’t strictly true. “Anyway, I’m not interested in Brian.” He added, shrugging casually. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Brian, or find him attractive, he just... he just wasn’t interested.

“Why not?” Elena asked, sighing and rolling her eyes. She was used to Gerard insisting he wasn’t interested whenever there was a potential boy on the horizon, but she had never managed to get a reason out of him. “Is he not your type?”

“Not really.” Gerard responded quickly, it not exactly a lie. Brian wasn’t his type... no one was. No one except... one person...

“Well, who is your type then?” Elena asked innocently, finishing her breadstick just in time for their food to arrive. She smiled sweetly at the waiter as he put down their plates and smirked as he gazed intently at Gerard before walking away again. “What about him? He’s handsome.” Elena giggled.

Gerard rolled his eyes fondly and picked up his cutlery, giving a polite glance in the waiters direction before shrugging and spearing some pasta onto his fork. The waiter was handsome. Young and blonde with sweet blue eyes, but he wasn’t Gerard’s type either.

“I don’t think so grandma.” He chuckled, eating the pasta and sighing in delight at the taste. He loved this place, and deep down he wished he could bring a boy here for a change and not just his grandma. But Gerard could only imagine sharing this with one man... and that man was entirely out of Gerard’s league.

“I worry about you sometimes.” Elena scoffed, her eyes still fixed on the blonde waiter. “I tell you if I was fifty years younger I’d snap him up in a second.” She said casually before tasting her own food. It was delicious, as always, but she was preoccupied with looking at Gerard with a steely stare.

“Come on, who’s your type?” She demanded, Gerard sighing and taking a sip of his Pepsi. He shrugged off Elena’s question, not sure how to answer it.

“I dunno... Punky I guess.” He offered quietly, Elena frowning.


“Yeah. You know... tattooed and pierced and stuff. But not intimidating, like kinda cute with it. Someone short, with nice eyes, and a playful smile. Someone... tanned. Maybe half Italian, with dyed black hair, but shaved at the sides. And energetic. Fun, ya know? Someone spontaneous maybe. Someone slim but a little bit toned, not too toned, just enough to see some muscle definition. But with a soft butt. Someone like that.”

Elena stared at Gerard for a long moment, her eyebrows raised. She took a while to take in everything Gerard had said, but once she had she burst out laughing, making Gerard blush deeply.

“Wow...” Elena laughed, putting down her fork so that she could lay her hand over her chest and take a deep breath, still giggling as she picked up her drink and took a sip. “That’s very specific Gerard.” She pointed out with a smirk once she had got over the worst of her laughing fit. “Who is it?”

“Who’s who?” Gerard asked innocently, hoping the dim lighting of the restaurant would hide his blushing cheeks.

“Who’s the boy you just described.” Elena smirked, gazing curiously at her grandson as she ate another mouthful of food. She waited for Gerard to answer, but the young man was too busy staring into his food as if he could see something interesting hidden inside the pasta.

Gerard?” Elena smirked, jabbing Gerard with her fork to make him look at her. “Tell me!” She laughed, starting to feel excited. Could Gerard actually be on the brink of getting himself a boyfriend?

“I wasn’t describing anyone.” Gerard squeaked, quickly shoving more pasta into his mouth in the hope it would make Elena drop the conversation but his grandma was stubborn.

“Oh sure, like I believe that.” Elena scoffed, kicking Gerard lightly under the table. “Come on, why won’t you tell me? I only want to know his name.” She said sulkily, Gerard shaking his head quickly, his cheeks puffed out with the amount of food he had shovelled into his mouth. Elena frowned at him, shaking her head in a disappointed fashion and Gerard struggled to chew the amount of food in his mouth, swallowing it down with some difficulty.

“Now really Gerard –”

“Grandma I wasn’t describing anybody. Can’t we just drop it? You always pick on me for being single.” Gerard whined, taking a sip of his own drink and waiting a moment for the wad of food to go down before continuing to eat his meal. Elena smirked at him and sighed, her eyes falling sad.

“I’m not picking on you Gerard, I’m just worried about you... You’re twenty six years old already and I can’t remember the last time you had a real boyfriend.” She mewled, Gerard’s cheeks flaming a deep red colour as he tried to remember himself. He was pretty sure he hadn’t been in a proper relationship since he was eighteen years old... he’d had a few flings... every man gets needs after all and he’d had his fair share of one night stands or even one week stands but... not a boyfriend.

“Have you thought about maybe looking for a girlfriend instead?” Elena asked casually, shrugging her shoulders as if it was no big deal but Gerard almost choked on his food.

“What!? A girlfriend? No! No, no, no. No Grandma I... Jesus, I don’t want a girlfriend.” He gasped, Elena laughing softly and reaching across the table to squeeze his hand. “Why would you even ask?

“Well I just want to make sure you’re not... Well, it’s been so long since you’ve had a boyfriend, I just wanted to make sure that...” Elena sighed, not wanting to insult Gerard but it seemed to her that no matter how handsome or lovely a boy seemed he was never his type and it had got her thinking...

“I just want you to know that if you’ve changed your mind or... if you think you prefer girls now, or even if you’re bisexual, you don’t have to feel embarrassed about it. You know if you told me I wouldn’t judge you for it.” Elena knew she was treading a thin line, but recently she had just been thinking so much about her grandson’s supposed never ending single status and had wondered to herself whether he was actually straight, and that the thought of trying to tell his family that just made him too embarrassed. After all, he had never exactly come out... He had just always been so sassy that the whole family just assumed he was gay, and that when he got his first boyfriend none of them had even been surprised.

Gerard was gay. That had always been just a fact, just a part of him. But what if he wasn’t gay? What if he was actually straight and was spending all this time just trying to live to his family’s expectations when he really wanted a girlfriend?

Gerard stared at Elena as if she was crazy. For a moment he was a little insulted, unable to believe she was suggesting that he didn’t even know his own mind enough to know whether he was gay or not. And then he started to wonder if Elena just wanted him to be straight and was trying to coax him away from his true sexuality... but Gerard knew his grandmother and he knew she wasn’t like that. He supposed anyone would start to wonder if their grandson had been single as long as Gerard had.

“Grandma... I am not straight or bi. I’m gay and pretty damn happy with that.” Gerard chuckled, shaking his head fondly. “Really, you need to stop worrying about me. When I find the right person I’ll know, but until then I... well, I’m happy as I am.” He smiled, Elena relaxing and smiling warmly as she reached across the table to squeeze Gerard’s hand.

“Alright.” She sighed, kissing Gerard’s palm. “As long as you’re sure...”


Gerard sighed and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt as he threw his keys onto the coffee table and shuffled into the kitchen.

Gerard’s flat was small, but cosy. It didn’t have much furniture or clutter, but he liked it that way. It had a lot of artwork on the walls, both his own and other artists, including an original sketch by Alan Moore, hand signed to Gerard himself. It was Gerard’s most prized possession and hung on the wall opposite the couch where everyone could see it.

Gerard gazed at it now as he carefully worked at undoing his black shirt. The coffee machine was on and humming warmly, filling up the silence as Gerard smiled at the sketch. Sometimes he felt lonely in the flat, wishing he had someone to share it with. But other times Gerard would gaze at all his drawings and his minimalist furniture and figure that maybe being alone was the better option. After all, he could do whatever he wanted in his flat and no one could complain about it.

Gerard sighed and slipped off his shirt as he walked back into the kitchen, tossing the shirt into the washing machine before grabbing a spoon and the sugar bowl. Once Gerard had sprinkled in exactly one and a half spoons of sugar into his coffee he held his cup beneath the cold tap and poured a small amount of water into the mug to cool down the coffee somewhat before he sauntered back through the flat to his bedroom.

It was getting into late evening by now and Gerard was feeling tired from his early start at work. He had got the train back into Jersey with Elena before the two got a taxi together. Elena had been dropped off first, thankfully not bringing up the boyfriend issue again despite the attractive taxi driver, and Gerard had got to his flat at last after what felt like forever. He had enjoyed his evening, but he was glad it was over now.

Gerard sank down at his computer desk with a yawn, undoing his belt buckle and slipping out of his jeans with a sigh of relief. Once he had typed in his password and his computer was loading up his boxers soon followed, joining his jeans on the floor as he stretched out and groaned in delight.

Another advantage of living alone... Gerard could be naked whenever he liked, and after long, tiring days there was nothing better than to get out of his clothes and feel the cool air on his bare skin.

Gerard sipped at his coffee as he waited for his computer to wake up, signing into his emails automatically. He was trying to hitch a deal with a publishing house for his comic, he didn’t care who published it... just as long as someone did. So every day Gerard checked his emails, eagerly hoping for a positive response but so far he hadn’t had much luck.

Today was no different. Gerard pouted in disappointed as his inbox came up with just the usual junk mail and an already opened message from Mikey he should have replied to days ago. Gerard made a mental note to do it in the morning before he clicked off his emails and opened up the internet.

It was a Friday night, and as such Gerard couldn’t go to sleep without doing something first. It was almost tradition now that every Friday he celebrated the start to the weekend with his favourite activity, and despite how tired he was he wasn’t about to let the night end just yet.

Gerard got up to turn out the main light and flick his bedside lamp on instead, pulling his headphones out of his iPod before returning to the computer. He slid back into the plush, leather seat and laid his feet on top of the printer beneath the desk. Once he was comfortable he plugged in his headphones and pushed the white buds into his ears before he typed the address of the usual site into the address bar.

Gerard’s teeth came down to clamp over his lower lip as the site loaded and large images of naked men covered the screen amidst links to different areas of the site. For just sixty dollars a year Gerard had full access to one of the most popular gay porn sites on the web. Photos, videos and gay prose were all here, thousands of each, ready and waiting for him to enjoy.

Gerard had browsed many porn sites, what man hadn’t? But this was his favourite since it had the biggest archive of videos from Gerard’s favourite porn star. Not to mention the first site to get said porn stars new releases and every now and then it even had blogs written by him and interviews of him. Gerard loved it, he just couldn’t get enough.

Frank Iero... God, just the site of the man’s name made Gerard’s skin tingle.

Gerard had watched plenty of other porn stars; he’d liked some of them too. Sometimes he spent hours looking at videos from all sorts of different people, but in the end he always came back to Frank. Perfect... Beautiful... Frank. Gerard had even got to the stage now where he honestly considered the fact he might be in love with the man. This porn star he didn’t even know. He was a total fan boy through and through and he couldn’t help it.

Gerard wasted no time in typing Frank’s name into the sites search bar and bringing up their different videos of him. He was too tired to go browsing for any other videos, and that night he wanted to watch no one but Frank. He was disappointed to find no new videos of him had been added yet so he scrolled down the screen until he found one of his old favourites and settled back to enjoy.

Tonight’s chosen temptation was a video Gerard had already seen many times, but never grew tired of. Sometimes he felt so attached to the young stranger on the screen that he just couldn’t enjoy the sight of other men fucking him and so instead chose to watch Frank go solo. Tonight was one of those nights and Gerard bit his lip softly as he full screened the video and turned the volume up on his headphones.

The video began with Frank lying on his front, naked on a bed. He had his head propped up on his hands and his legs in the air, crossed at the ankles. He was having a little pre-show interview with the man holding the camera and already his eyes were sparkling and his grin was wide. Frank’s grin was one of the things Gerard especially loved about the young man and he sighed adoringly.

“So, what’s your name?” The man off screen asked, Frank giggling softly and swinging his legs.


“And what are you gonna be doing for us today Frankie?”

“I’m gonna be playing with my cock.” Frank responded innocently, his eyes twinkling as he gazed at a spot just beyond the camera, his grin still fixed in place. Gerard loved how Frank never seemed to be faking his laughter or his smiles; it always seemed as though Frank was genuinely enjoying himself and already Gerard was feeling excited. He could recite the whole interview off by heart by now, so he skipped ahead a few minutes to save time.

Four minutes into the video Frank was now on his back, lounging up on one elbow while his free hand pawed at his cock through the tight white briefs he was wearing. He was no longer looking towards the camera, instead just smiling dreamily to himself as he tipped his head back and cupped his fingers around his stiffening length. Gerard’s own penis started to liven up at the sight of the white fabric tightening around Frank’s erection, the outline of his perfect cock making Gerard’s mouth water.

Gerard would do anything to get to touch that perfect piece of meat, Frank widening his legs to massage his erection for the camera.

Gerard slowly slid his own hand down to grasp his soft penis, rubbing his thumb in a circular motion on the underside of the shaft as he felt the blood gushing through it. Frank had now released his own erection and was slowly, seductively, working down his briefs.

Gerard’s eyes widened as he watched with deep concentration, staring as inch by inch, Frank nudged the waistline down, getting it about halfway down his shaft before his erection sprang free and Gerard’s cock twitched.

“Mm...” Frank’s soft hum of pleasure sounded loud through the headphones and Gerard’s hand gripped around his hardening cock in response. He bit down hard on his lip and stared intently at the screen, still just rubbing his thumb in a circular motion as he waited for Frank to take hold of his own throbbing penis.

Frank lay back on a mound of pillows and splayed his legs wide, the hand on his erection starting to slide up and down with a loose grip. Gerard licked his lips slowly and mirrored Frank’s actions with his own hand, bolts of pleasure shooting through his groin.

“Fuck...” Gerard whispered as he swiped his thumb across the head of his cock, digging against the slit and feeling the first stirrings in his balls. He knew he wouldn’t last long; he never did when he watched videos of Frank’s but it didn’t matter. Sometimes he tried to drag it out and savour it more, but tonight he was just eager to get off, already unable to resist speeding up his hand and rubbing faster against his erection.

Gerard’s free hand came up to take control of the computer mouse and skip the video along. He knew it so well by now it only took him one click to get to the exact place he wanted to be, the image changing to Frank arching his back and thrusting his hips slowly at the same time as he pumped his hand. His jerking was now faster, needier, as his other hand played with his shaven balls.

Gerard felt his breathing get heavier as he settled back in his chair and lost himself to the soft panting and moaning that was filtering through his headphones into his ears. Gerard couldn’t stop a moan escaping his own throat as his hips bucked up involuntarily, pleasuring tugging at his groan and tingling through his balls. His nipples had hardened and he moved his free hand to slowly brush a fingertip against one as he stared at Frank.

As he masturbated Gerard took in every tiny detail of the stranger on the screen. Gerard knew Frank’s body perfectly from all the photos and videos he had watched, he already knew every tattoo, every scar, every freckle. He could draw perfect pictures of Frank without reference but he still wanted more. He saw everything but he wanted more.

Frank had, in Gerard’s opinion, a perfect body. His tattoos moved with every breath he took, his muscles tensed and relaxed with each wave of pleasure. Beads of sweat rolled down from his temples and dripped from his jaw. His nails were bitten down but his hands looked soft. He had the perfect amount of muscle definition but a soft looking tummy and thighs that were far from skinny but deliciously firm. Due to his shortness Frank was slim rather than thin, a body shape rarely found in gay pornography. Most videos were either of twinks – skinny sometimes to the point of bony, all hard angles and spidery fingers; or bears – heavily muscled, hairy men, far too large and far too intimidating for someone as socially awkward as Gerard.

But Frank... oh Frank... He was short and he was slim, he was just the right amount of firm muscle and soft, cushiony flesh. He was a tapestry of artwork splayed across olive skin; he had the perfect smile and the perfect eyes. Gerard ached to see him in person... to actually hear him speak to him and not just moaning through headphones. The amount of times Gerard had dreamt of being touched by the man on screen was just ridiculous, and yet that hollow ache... that desperate need never went away.

“O – Oh...” Gerard groaned and squeezed his eyes shut for a second, pre cum starting to leak from his tip to get smeared down his length by his fingers. He was growing sticky and needy and he could feel pleasure bubbling and tugging at his groin, all the way through his stomach and down to his tightening balls. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold on and so he moved his hand away from his nipple back to the computer mouse, hurrying to skip the video along to the end at the point he knew Frank was just moments away from cumming.

“Oh... Oooh... Yeah, that feels so good...” Frank’s voice growled through the headphones, one hand pumping rapidly up and down his throbbing erection and the other rolling his balls in his palm. He groaned obscenities as his cock visibly twitched and the head pulsed. Gerard felt his own dick swell impossibly against his palm, his orgasm starting to bubble up through his testicles and just as Frank came onscreen Gerard too spilt his release over his fingers.

“A – Agh!” Gerard struggled not to throw his head back and keep his eyes on the screen, his legs and hips shaking as he came hard, watching Frank cum as his own seed spilt over his hand in thick ropes. Gerard watched intently right until the last moment when Frank flopped down against the mattress and panted softly.

Gerard slowly released his own softening penis and took a moment to regain his breath. On screen Frank was smirking at the camera as he slowly lifted his hand and licked his own cum away but Gerard was nowhere near as erotic as he stumbled from his chair and into his ensuite bathroom to wash his hands. When he returned to the computer he clicked straight off the still playing video and turned the desktop off, aching now only for his bed.

Gerard sighed as he lifted up the covers and slide into the double he rarely shared. It felt cold and unforgiving as he laid his naked body against the sheets and grabbed one of the pillows to hold. He stared at the empty space beside him and tried picture Frank lying there, gazing back at him. It was a wonderful thought but painful... Gerard knew it could only ever be a fantasy. How could he ever get a guy like Frank?
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