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Harry Potter: The Dark Hope

by Dark-Avatar

The one to give hope to the light has been betrayed... Now the darkness will give him hope.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2012-06-25 - Updated: 2012-06-25 - 1075 words

~Harry Potter~
Dark Hope
The Dark Ages- Early 5th Century:

The war between the light and dark had started when the Thirteen Greater Demons of Hell managed to open a gate between their world and earth. Since that time the army of darkness had grown and included, not just Lesser Demons that were the minions of the Greater Demons, but Vampires, Werewolves, Inferi, Trolls, Giants, Banshees, Mummies, and some of the darker species of Dragons as well. Even some of the humans had joined with the army of darkness after they were tempted by the offer of immortality for their services. The sacred grounds surrounding the most sacred temple in existence remained unchanged and unaffected by the chaos that existed beyond its magical boarders. This was the last of the sacred grounds that the Leaders of the Light had been able to protect, having lost the others to the relentlessly advancing Army of Darkness.

Stonehenge Temple was hosting a gathering between three races that had never united unless it was a world ending crisis. The last time these three races gathered, it was to determine the fate of Middle Earth and led to a single individual from a fourth race destroying a single ring that seemed to hold a vast, untamable power.

The ruler of the dwarfs; Krone, was arguing with the Warrior Queen from a human kingdom where the women were the dominant members of society while the men continued to keep the population from declining. Queen Mortica was furious, these Male Dwarfs thought her warriors inferior to his forces when her women proved again and again that they could hold their own in any fight.

The king of the Elves was arguing with another human king about their forces leaving their boarders unguarded. This led into arguments about protecting the people more than the land. These rulers were so rallied up about their own arguments that they didn’t notice that just outside the barrier around the temple a lone figure, shrouded in shadows that formed a cloak that concealed every feature that would make it recognizable to anyone. As the shadow stood there his eyes started to glow an even darker shade of black than the shadows shrouding him as his senses heightened to the point where he could hear every argument and see everyone arguing inside the temple.

“ENOUGH!” the oldest king of the humans shouted, using his magic to put some muscle behind the word, so much force in fact that the shadow standing just beyond the barrier actually twitched at the power behind it. “Everyone, please take a seat,” everyone obeyed without a second thought.

“We are all here because we have a common enemy, the demons of darkness are growing stronger every day, and more of our kingdoms fall to the army of darkness. To make matters worse, a new enemy has risen from the darkness. Beings of demon blood but are human in appearance; they are the greater demons’ spies and assassins. They have already attacked several of the southern kingdoms and none survived.”

“If none survive, then how do you know about them?” the youngest elf king asked.

“There were people that had been at the kingdoms that were attacked and had made it to neighboring kingdoms but they died after telling the guards who attacked the kingdom they came from,” the elder, human king answered. “We need to come to some kind of agreement and combine our forces if we are to have any hope of fighting back.”

“This is one thing we all agree on,” the elder king of the dwarfs said in his low, loud voice.

The rest of the meeting consisted of agreements being made between each ruler that would prove to be beneficial to their kingdoms and would give them a fighting chance against the army of darkness. Outside, just beyond the boundary, the shadow that had been observing the entire meeting began to move back into the darkness surrounding the sacred grounds of Stonehenge Temple.

Hundreds of years later…

“Harry Potter, you have been brought in front of The Counsel of Magical Law to pass judgment upon you for the murder of one Cedric Diggory. We have reviewed your case and have decided that your sentence is to be a term in Azkaban Prison, lasting no longer than ten years.”

“Throw him into cell number one…a fitting place for such a person.”

“How long have I been down here? Will anyone try to look for me? Will they find me if they do?”

“They say that talking to yourself is a sign of insanity.”

Harry Potter’s body shot up from its place on the cold, rough stone floor of the cave that he had been thrown into at the start of his time in the hellhole that was Azkaban Prison. “Who’s there!? Show yourself!” he shouted into the darkness.

“I would if I could, but unlike you, I can’t roam this place with ease.”

“Where are you?” Harry asked. Brushing his wild hair out of his face so he could see better, his eyes had grown use to the dark to the point of being able to see in it like some nocturnal animal.

“Follow your instincts mortal, for they will guide you,” came the voice, this time it sounded amused about something.

Harry got to his feet and started to walk deeper into the cave. When he had been thrown in to this place he had walked for what felt like forever until he reached an area that seemed to be some kind of antechamber, and a tunnel that continued on. Harry would have continued if it weren’t for the fact that the tunnel seemed to be so dark that his attuned eyes couldn’t see anything. He had decided to make this area his ‘home’ for the time being since it was the only area big enough to rest in ‘comfortably.’ He had been in this chamber ever since, until the voice told him to do what he had been contemplating every time he had looked at the entrance to the dark tunnel that seemed to ooze dread and foreboding. Steeling his resolve he stood a little straighter and made his way into the tunnel, completely unaware of the darkness parting around him and moving back into place.

AN: The Standard Disclaimer, of anything belonging to the original creator of Harry Potter.
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