Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Safe Haven

by Prettylittleliars

I’ll tell you. But it’s long. Tiring. Even boring at times. But I promise you you’ll be entertained, sickened, and there’s a possibility you might just cry too. Well that would depend on yo...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-09-27 - Updated: 2012-09-28 - 402 words

I have a question for you.

Now you have to listen carefully because I wont be asking it a second time.

If you where diagnosed with the big C would you do anything, everything you possibly could to stay alive? To keep your heart beating just one more minute longer?


Would you let the darkness take you? Eat you alive and take you from your safe haven? From everything you know?

Well I’ll tell you what I decided shall I?

I went for the first option. I wasn’t ready to die. Little did I know the choice I made wouldn’t make any difference at all.

My faith had already been decided for me. I may have had a few years of life left in me, before it was taken. But either way I was going to die. I did die. I am dead.

Would you like to know why? How? Where? When? What by?

I’ll tell you. But it’s long. Tiring. Even boring at times. But I promise you you’ll be entertained, sickened, and there’s a possibility you might just cry too. Well that would depend on yourself and how in touch you are with your emotions.

Hey for all I know you may laugh and think this is all stupid. But it’s my life and I intent to share it.

My name you ask?

Frank Iero.

Not that it matter’s much. That’s not the name I’ll be addressing myself as.

Me, myself and I don’t go by that name anymore. Well unless I’m around anyone other then Diabouls.

Who’s that you ask?

He’s my life after death.

None other then Gerard Way.

But enough about that.

I’m going to let you think about that question I asked.

Think about it. And I’ll ask you again once I’ve told you my story.

A/N: I have no idea what you guys are going to think about this. I know its not very intresting or long. But it's a start and i'm proud because this is the first time i've put an idea down. Please let me know if you'll read the story and if this chapter thingy got you intrested in the story itself. pleaseeee your comments are really important to me, good or bad. positive of negitive. Love you all. night x
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