Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > This Is What It Means To Fall

21- Dangerous Love

by kaydom

(Character death) Brendon knows what he has to do; Juliette doesn't understand.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-10-01 - Updated: 2012-10-01 - 1146 words

The tension in the car was thick enough to cut with a freakin’ knife. Then again a knife being near Brendon right now seemed like a really bad idea, seeing as how my skin was extremely sensitive to being cut open. I broke out in blood.

He had a beer in his cup-holder and every few seconds he took a large drink from the beverage. I could smell the alcohol in the air, and I hated it. “Brendon?” I finally got the courage to actually try to talk to him.

“Yeah?” The word fell out lazily and I was actually afraid I’d done something wrong. He didn’t drink before. What did I do?

The question sounded pathetic as it rolled off my tongue. “Did I do something wrong?” Every single lifetime movie I’d ever watched ran through my mind and I knew there was no way that this would end well.

“Like what?” Brendon turned down the radio and swerved slightly, before regaining control of the car.

“I don’t know… you seem upset with me.” I continued in the same pathetically weak voice. It was hard not to judge myself. I didn’t used to be like this. I used to be strong, I think. I couldn’t remember what it felt like to be strong anymore. Brendon had taken that from me, and yet I still wanted to be with him. I couldn’t imagine not being with him.

“I’m just tired.” Brendon sighed loudly, “Things need to change Juliette. You agree with me, don’t you baby?”

“Change?” I couldn’t keep the hope from my voice. “Yeah, I agree.”

Brendon smiled for just a second, “Kiss me.”

So I did.


Relief flooded my entire body as I opened my eyes and found I was no longer in the car. Brendon’s driving had scared me. I was surprised I was even able to fall asleep.

I stretched out in bed as I gazed around Brendon’s room. This room wasn’t nearly as frightening as the other rooms and I hoped to never have to see another BDSM club again. It made total sense for him to rent it out though… given his addiction to kidnapping and torturing women. Yeah, this couldn’t end well…

It wasn’t until I heard a crash near the open door that I sat up in bed. “Brendon?” Anne? I felt goose bumps quickly form upon my skin as I stepped out of bed. I didn’t want to know what was happening, but I needed to know. It had to be nothing… Brendon was drunk. He was probably running in to things… That would explain a crash.

I couldn’t hear my footsteps as I walked towards the door but then I heard a shriek and I think I was running. I was rushing. It was Anne. Anne screamed. Why did the door seem forever away? Then in a blur I was shoved back as someone ran in to me.

That someone was Anne. She’d been shoved. What?

Brendon came in behind her and quickly grabbed her away from me. Anne didn’t say anything, she didn’t get the chance. I watched in horror as Brendon pushed the hair away from her neck. It all happened so fast but it seemed so painfully slow.

Brendon took hold of Anne’s neck and twisted. It seemed unreal. It couldn’t be happening. This was a nightmare, right? It had to be a nightmare. It was a really bad nightmare.

There was a sickening snap and then Anne’s body fell to the floor.

I let out a cry that didn’t sound natural at all.

Brendon’s dark eyes found mine and I searched for anything in them, anything at all that would make me wake up. I wanted to wake up. This was surely a nightmare.

“You came back to me; you knew this would happen.” Brendon spoke softly, but his words carried quite an impact. “I never keep my girls for very long, and she became useless to me since you wouldn’t let me touch her.”

I didn’t say anything as I stumbled forward, falling to the ground beside Anne. She had to be alive. People didn’t just go. She was there just seconds ago. She couldn’t be gone. I reached for her but Brendon stopped me as he pulled me back up. “You had to know that in order for us to be together… she had to go baby.” I could still smell the alcohol.

I stiffened in his arms but he still held tight. “It was all for you Juliette.” No…

Please, this is just a nightmare.

I want to wake up.

“Go to bed. You still look exhausted.” Brendon mumbled.

I didn’t say anything so he led me back to bed. It wasn’t until he was walking away that I realized what he was going to do. “No, no don’t take her. Please don’t take her.”

I was numb and I might as well be dead.

What did he do? How could he do that? The scene played through my mind again and again, and all I could hear was the snap of her neck.

“She’s dead Juliette.” The words were void of emotion.

Was I the only sane one in the room?

This wasn’t right.

She couldn’t be dead.

She was just here.

“No, she can’t be… She can’t. She’s so young and… Brendon, please don’t take her from me.”

Brendon sighed heavily and disappeared.

I glanced at Anne’s body.

Anne’s body.

The thought made me sick.

I wanted to make her comfortable. I wanted to wake her up. I wanted to wake up. What was happening? This was wrong, so wrong.

Brendon reappeared with a glass of water and a bottle of… what, advil? I wasn’t sure. He sat next to me on the bed. “I thought that maybe if you saw her die it would be easier for you to accept.” His tone was nice; his words not so much.

Wake up!

“This will help.” He spilled out two pills and handed them to me.

Without even questioning him I took the pills and placed them on the tip of my tongue, quickly using the glass of water to drink the pills down.

I didn’t care what they were. This was just a nightmare after all. I had to wake up soon.

I had to wake up.

As I laid my head back I felt weak and tired. Sleep sounded so good. Soon enough I was drifting back to sleep and sleep was good, because when I woke up…

When I woke up things would be alright again. They had to be.

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