Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha

It's All About Us.

by AmethystRose

Summary: After five years of hunting, the jewel is broken once more. The group is sent into an all-new search for the shattered fragments. Naraku dead; They pray that they can manage to gather them...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Drama - Characters: Inuyasha,Kagome,Kikyo,Miroku,Sango - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2012-12-30 - Updated: 2012-12-31 - 276 words

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or YuuYuu Hakusho, nor shall I ever own them. They both belong to their respective owners. I only write for the fun of it, I make no money off of this whatsoever.
It was bloody; the field marred with burnt, and slightly already decomposing bodies laying all around. The smell permitted the air, making it difficult to breath- rotting skin and the metallic hint of blood- it was enough to make the most... tolerable to this type of scene gag and retch before fleeing to a happier area.

It was something they shouldn't have victorious of with no losses. They shouldn't of still had their lives, there should have been some death on their side, but yet, there was not. They stood together, horror present on their face, when they watched in agony as the jewel that they had risked almost everything to hunt for began to crack.

In a bright light that forced them to close their eyes, a loud noise echoed through the distance. Eyes opened to their worst nightmare; All of the Shikon no Tama fragments going off in every possible direction, except for one that fell to land innocently on the ground.

There was a shout of "NO!" from a silver haired male in the group, but the jewel didn't listen or hesitate to keep breaking into smaller and smaller bits. It seemed that the five years put into searching for the shattered fragments were, utterly and completely, wasted.

As the light died down, the group could look forward into the sky with out complications once more, one question settling on all of their minds.

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