Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Naruto's Wonderful Training Exercises

Foreign Seduction

by NaruHinaSakuFan1

Adpoted the story from Xorncon - Number 0 from fanfiction anyways it's a story full of oneshots so Naruto x every female in the show enjoy!

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres:  - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2013-04-25 - 5863 words

Chapter 7.

Foreign Seduction

"Crap, crap, crap, crap, OH CRAP!"

Naruto ducked as a wave of kunai flew over his head. He and Jiraiya had entered the Land of Lightning in an attempt that the latter could give the Raikage information regarding Akatsuki. Unfortunately, the shinobi of the Land of Lightning are extremely hostile towards outsiders, especially those wearing Konoha headbands. Jiraiya had managed to get the majority of the Kumo shinobi to follow him while Naruto made a break for it, but unfortunately a single, persistent, shinobi followed after him.

Yugito had her eyes focused in on the fleeing enemy wearing a bright orange shirt. The enemy was from Konoha, Kumo's rival for many years, and she wasn't going to let this boy get away with any information.

'What do I do, what do I do!'Naruto quickly made a group of shadow clones, but they all were killed just as quickly as they were formed. "DAMN IT!" Naruto moved faster, but Kumo's Jinchuriki was hot on his trail. "Okay, what would pervy sage do at a time like this!" While he was too busy thinking, Naruto slipped on a tree branch then plummeted to the ground.

Yugito shot down and landed across from Naruto who scrambled backwards. Yugito narrowed her eyes on the invader. 'He's kinda cute…'Naruto quickly shot to his feet and prepared himself for a fight.

'Okay…what would pervy sage do? Well it's a kunoichi so he'd probably try to seduce her.' Naruto quickly shook the thought out of his head. 'Okay, you're a Jinchuriki Naruto, try fighting your way out first!'

Naruto shot forward, screaming as he pulled his fist back. Yugito raised a questioning eyebrow then dodged Naruto's strike. The two Jinchuriki moved around the woods in a ballet of Naruto throwing blows and Yugito dodging them effortlessly. Eventually Naruto stopped to catch his breath while Yugito seemed unfazed by anything.

"O-okay, maybe we can talk this out ya think?"

"No," Yugito snapped before shooting forward and knocking out Naruto with one swift movement.

"Naruto…" The young blonde looked up at the Toad Sage curiously for a moment. "We're about to enter the Land of Lightning, one of Konoha's oldest and most dangerous enemies."


"They don't typically like outsiders poking their noses in their territory. The people of Kumogakure are very strong and passionate about their village. If you get captured, you have to stall them for as long as you can."

"Alright…" Naruto rubbed the back of his neck, "How do I stall em?"

"Just do whatever you can. And whatever you do don't let them know you're the Jinchuriki for Konoha." Naruto looked frustrated as he stared at the ground. Jiraiya smiled and patted his large hand on the boy's back, "Think of it as a training exercise! How to resist interrogation!"

"A training exercise eh," Naruto murmured with a smile on his face. "You got it Pervy Sage! I'll die before I give any info to the enemy!"

Naruto groaned as light flooded into his sight. He woke up, one eye closed and the other squinted as he looked around carefully. He was in a room with only one light coming from the ceiling, a table out in front of him, and a single, heavy metal door across the room from him. It didn't take long for him to soon realize that he was sitting in a chair with his arms tied behind his back. Naruto groaned once again, this time with disbelief. He was captured by Kumogakure. Great, now how could things get any worse? The front door opened with a heavy screech, and a man who was hands down the largest and bulkiest man Naruto had ever seen, stepped into the room. Naruto's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"Oh…crap…" The large man quickly stepped to the side and allowed three other figures to walk in. The man then stepped outside and closed the door. "Oh thank god…"

"You won't be thanking anyone in a minute," an angry voice called out. Naruto's head snapped up, seeing three kunoichi in front of him. One was the same blonde from before that knocked him out. The second was a busty blonde who had cold, uncaring eyes. The third figure was a young, dark skinned woman with red hair and anger filled eyes.

"Um…hi there," Naruto sheepishly said.

"Shut up," the dark skinned girl shouted. Naruto flinched and looked down immediately. "What're we gonna do with this kind? He's from Konoha and he tried to infiltrate our country."

"I didn't infiltrate," Naruto whined.

"SHUT UP!" Again, Naruto flinched and looked directly to the floor.

"There's a chance he could be a spy," the busty blonde stated. "He was with the legendary Jiraiya after all. And Jiraiya has been bouncing from country to country recently. He may have valuable information."

"The Raikage said that we're to get any information we could out of him," the blonde who pursued Naruto replied.

"How do you suggest we do that," the dark skinned one asked.

"Well, he's been traveling with Jiraiya after all Karui. So all we have to do is…well…" Karui gave a blank look at Yugito, while the other blonde, Samui, cracked a small smirk. The girls gathered around in a huddle then Yugito started whispering the plan to them. Naruto turned his head, trying to listen in on the conversation.

The girls turned to Naruto and walked forward. The Jinchuriki looked around nervously as the girls surrounded him. Karui sat down on Naruto's lap, putting her arms around the boy and then started to make out with him. Naruto's eyes widened with shock and horror, which was soon increased when he felt two soft objects surrounding his head. The boy looked up with his eyes, seeing Samui looking down at him with her massive breasts rubbing against the sides of his head. Terror struck through the boy's body. His thoughts started to race, hardly noticing Karui's tongue slipping into his mouth of the softness of Samui's breasts. Suddenly, everything stopped. Karui pulled her head back and Samui removed her breasts. The dark skinned kunoichi turned her head, looking at Yugito who nodded to her. Karui started swaying her hips, grinding against Naruto's hardened cock. The blonde boy groaned and closed his eyes, trying to control himself.

"Tell us what you know," Yugito ordered. "If you do then maybe we'll stop torturing you."

"You call this torture," Naruto asked with a cocky smirk. "I usually have to pay to get this much action. I didn't know Kumogakure girls did this type of stuff for free."

"What? Why you!" Naruto cringed, preparing for a solid punch to the head.

"Karui," Yugito snapped. The redhead kunoichi scowled, wanting desperately to smack the boy. Naruto had no idea what possessed him to say that, but it seemed that it struck a nerve with the women. Maybe there was a way out of this after all.

"Hey come on, if this is how you always get information then you three have to be sluts." Karui glared angrily at the smart-mouthed blonde. "Besides, I bet none of you could make me cum." Naruto blinked to himself in confusion. He definitely didn't know why he said THAT.

"Oh yeah smart mouth," Karui shouted, rising to her feet. The redhead quickly undid Naruto's zipper then yanked the boy's pants down. Naruto yelped with fright and blushed as his engorged member nearly smacked Karui in the face. "I'll make you go limp in no time you little smart mouthed bastard!"

"All by yourself," Naruto scoffed, "I doubt that."

"OH YEAH?" Karui wrapped her mouth around Naruto's cock then started sucking as hard as possible, her head jerking back and forth.

Naruto's hips bucked a bit at the sensation. The boy had to admit that Karui was much better than he could've ever dreamed…seeing as this was his first time doing anything like this. Naruto's head rolled back as he groaned through his teeth as Karui took in all of Naruto's cock. The blonde smirked, and cracked open a single eye.

"Damn, you must've had a lot of practice with this huh?" Karui's eyes flared with rage as she looked up at Naruto, and then she started sucking faster. Naruto let out a cross between a groan and a whine as he threw his head back. 'What the hell is wrong with me! Damn it Pervy Sage, you've rubbed off on me too much!'

Samui and Yugito were watching the scene, deciding to just let Karui let her anger out and prove herself to the boy. Yugito could sense that the boy had chakra built up in his rod, most likely to prevent himself from cumming. Yugito leaned towards Samui then whispered the revelation to the busty blonde. Samui shook her head, knowing that her fiery teammate was going to do something stupid and irrational once she realized the boy wasn't going to cum.

Karui screamed as she started to deepthroat Naruto, still getting no results. Naruto moaned and chuckled at the girl's vain attempts. Karui growled then removed her mouth and started stroking Naruto.

"What's the matter, giving up?"

Karui continued to stroke the boy's cock, slowly and with her eyes closed in concentration. The redhead's eyes snapped open as she jerked her hand downward, funneling through a surge of chakra that erupted Naruto's blocked semen. The blonde boy cried out with shock and pleasure as he released his cum all over Karui's face. The redhead closed one eye then put her mouth around the boy's cock to stop any more cum from drenching her face. Naruto hung his head low as he fired the last few small spurts. Karui pulled her head back and swallowed the last bit of cum with a cocky smirk on her face.

"Suck that smart mouth," Karui snapped.

"Hey," Naruto replied breathlessly. "I'm still hard. Looks like you're a bad at this after all." Karui's eyes burned once again with rage as she rose to her feet. In one swift movement, Karui threw her clothes off. Naruto smirked, but inwardly, he was nervous. 'If I make it through this I'll never smart off to a woman again…'

"Get ready for the ride of your life little boy," Karui snapped, lining herself up on Naruto's cock.

The redhead lowered herself quickly, getting a wet smack as Naruto's cock reached all the way to her womb. Naruto threw his head back and screamed while Karui clenched her jaw and groaned. Without much time to pause, Karui started bouncing up and down slowly on Naruto's shaft. The blonde looked down at his cock, then started thrusting his hips as much as he could. Karui winced slightly, but continued to bounce a bit faster. She would not show weakness to this arrogant brat. Naruto moaned, his voice sounding awfully shaky as Karui easily slid up and down on his rod.

'Holy crap, I can't believe I'm actually having sex,'Naruto thought to himself. Karui wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck, pressing her forehead against his shoulder as she moaned. Naruto moaned to the ceiling before he started panting heavily, "This feels so good…"

"Sh-shut up," Karui ordered before letting a brief cry of ecstasy escape her lips. The young Jinchuriki groaned, feeling Karui tightening up on him. Naruto moved his eyes to the young kunoichi bouncing up and down on his manhood. He was mostly talking to himself when he said that, but it seemed to arouse Karui a bit.

"Your pussy feels so good," Naruto breathed into Karui's ear. The kunoichi started trembling, gripping Naruto's shirt tightly. "S-so fucking tight!" Naruto could feel that Karui was reaching her breaking point. "Y-you're gonna make me cum damn it!" Karui very nearly ripped Naruto's shirt before she threw her head back and screamed in her climax.

She tightened around him, releasing her juices onto his manhood. Naruto threw his head back, moaning loudly as he reached his orgasm. His cock twitched as it started firing semen into Karui's womb. The young kunoichi's eyes popped open as she felt her insides fill up. Karui's hips trembled as they lowered themselves onto Naruto's member, causing him to spurt a few more times inside of her. The two young shinobi panted heavily, taking a second to catch their breath. Karui lifted her hips up, looking down at her pussy which was overflowing with Naruto's seed.

"You…son of a bitch…" Karui looked up at Naruto, her face showing that she was almost ready to pass out. Before the dark skinned kunoichi could fall back, Samui caught her and dragged her away from Naruto.

"Well that figures," Samui murmured as she put Karui in the corner. "Karui lost her cool and got fucked unconscious…"

"Remind me to tell Bee to teach her how to control that temper sometime," Yugito replied with a sly smirk on her face. "Still, the boy isn't to be taken lightly."

"Yeah right." Samui stepped next to Yugito and put her hands on her hips. "Who goes after him next?"

"I'll take care of this," Yugito offered as she started pulling down her pants. "I can always use that chakra to make him beg for mercy." Samui huffed, a slight trace of amusement in her tone as Yugito made her way towards Naruto.

By the time she stood in front of the boy, she was already completely naked. The young blonde boy looked up at Yugito with a blank stare. "Uh…hiya…"

Yugito looked down at Naruto's stiff member and smiled. Slowly, Kumo's Jinchuriki leaned forward, putting on hand on Naruto's thigh. The physical contact caused Naruto to shudder in excitement. Yugito leaned forward, a sly smile on her lips as she got closer and closer to Naruto's face. The young Konoha Genin started to shake until he heard a strange snapping noise. Naruto gasped before he pulled his arms forward, realizing that he was no longer bound.

"There, now we can do this on a little more level playing field," Yugito murmured. "My name is Yugito Nii. Just a little FYI so you know whose name to scream out in a few seconds."

"Well aren't you just humble as can be," Naruto replied.

Yugito smiled as she sat down in Naruto's lap, putting her arms around his neck. The younger blonde broke out in a nervous sweat as Yugito leaned forward, running one hand through Naruto's hair while using the other one to rub his cheek. Naruto was confused for a moment until he felt something wet sliding against his manhood. Naruto moaned, his head being thrown back as his whole body shuddered. Yugito smiled, rubbing her hips faster before capturing Naruto's lips in a kiss. The boy moaned in surprise before letting himself being overtaken by the older woman.

'This'll be over in no time,' Yugito smugly thought to herself. 'He won't be able to think straight with my juices rubbing against his cock. With the addition of the Two-Tails' chakra, this kid will be begging for it all to stop soon.'

Naruto opened his eyes, staring right into Yugito's. The female Jinchuriki inwardly wondered if the boy couldn't read minds. Naruto's hands grabbed Yugito's rear and his hips moved to realign himself. Yugito broke the kiss, looking down at their sexes in shock.

"It can't be…" Naruto quickly moved his hips back and slid his hardened member inside Yugito's pussy. The Kumo Jinchuriki cried out and threw her head back. 'I-impossible! He shouldn't be able to think straight let alone try and counter me!'

"So tight," Naruto groaned as he moved his hands to Yugito's hips.

"I won't cum just because you talk during sex boy," Yugito snapped, putting her hands on Naruto's shoulders. 'He's so deep inside me!' Yugito started bouncing up and down on Naruto's rod, her breasts bouncing in rhythm with her. Naruto moaned as his head rolled back before a smile grew across his face. 'What's he…' Before Yugito could finish, she was suddenly lifted up into the air and slammed onto her back on the table in front of Naruto. The older Jinchuriki gasped in shock before Naruto started pounding into her. Yugito cringed before she threw her head back and cried out. Naruto lifted up on Yugito's lower body and started thrusting down into her. 'F-fucking brat! How is he doing this?'

"Yugito-chan…your pussy feels so good!" Naruto grinned, a bit of drool running down the side of his chin. Yugito looked at the boy's face and was almost disgusted by his expression. However, a part of her couldn't help but feel excited too. "My hips just won't stop thrusting into you!"

Yugito screamed, looking back at Samui with a pleading expression. The big breasted blonde simply smirked. Yugito scowled back at her, swearing that she'd get her back for this somehow. The kunoichi lowered her head, looking back at Naruto's manhood sliding in and out of her in a constant blur. Yugito clenched her jaw and fists, summoning some of her Bijuu's chakra. Her body surged with the familiar chakra, helping to block out the waves of pleasure coming from Naruto's thrusts. The young Konoha Genin stopped, his body shaking from the surge of chakra from the Two Tails. Yugito gasped, wondering how that was possible.

"Ah…crap…" Naruto groaned as a shroud of red chakra started to flow over him. "Not this again…" Yugito's eyes nearly popped out of her head.

Samui gasped, unfolding her arms in shock, "He's a Jinchuriki too?"

'Of course! The Nine Tails' Jinchuriki traveling with Lord Jiraiya of the Legendary Sannin!' Naruto's whisker marks darkened and his teeth sharpened a bit. With a grunt, Naruto gripped Yugito's hips and started thrusting faster and more powerful than before. Yugito threw her head back, shrieking in pain as powerful waves of pleasure and pain pumped through her body. 'FUCK! W-why couldn't I remember that? My Bijuu's chakra must've activated his by accident!' Yugito moaned, looking at Naruto as he leaned over sweating body. Naruto closed his eyes, moaning strangely. Yugito saw that he was trying to take control of the Nine Tails inside of him. 'S-so he doesn't have complete control over the Kyuubi! Maybe if I can get more chakra then I can get out of this and knock him out! I have to transform!'

Naruto moved his hands up to pin Yugito's arms to the table as he moaned louder in pleasure. Yugito whimpered before groaning as she tried to focus on getting more chakra from the Two Tails. The chakra surged strongly through her body, causing the ties around her ponytail to snap off. Naruto's eyes snapped open, his eyes red, pupils slit, and a feral look in his eyes that caused Yugito to be stricken with fear. The chakra around Naruto's body exploded, sending a surge of chakra through Yugito's body that nearly numbed all her senses. The kunoichi arched her back, rolled her head back, and screamed as pleasure rocked all her senses.

'Glad that's not me on the receiving end of that,'Samui thought to herself.

Naruto pulled Yugito back and rolled her over. The kunoichi moaned lightly as her feet touched the ground. She looked back as Naruto forced her to bend over the table. Before Yugito could think clearly to herself, Naruto forcefully drove his manhood deep inside his fellow Jinchuriki. The older blonde's back arched as the Kyuubi's chakra coursed violently through her body. Naruto started pounding away viciously, causing Yugito's body to tremble with each thrust.

"I-I can't stop!" Naruto threw his head back, crying out as his body began to shake. Yugito looked back questioningly before she realized Naruto's cock was throbbing inside her.

"Damn it d—DON'T!" Naruto's hardened member twitched before it released a massive amount of his seed inside her. Yugito moaned loudly as she felt the warm liquid overflowing from her sex. Naruto panted lightly, resting a bit before he pulled his hips back and started to go again. "Y-you've gotta be kidding me…"

"I-I'm sorry! The fox's influence is taking over…" Naruto started moving his hips faster, causing stifled moans to escape Yugito's mouth. The Kumo kunoichi bit down on her lower lip, trying to think of a way to escape this.

"F-fuck this!" Yugito's hair shot upward as her chakra erupted around her. Naruto's eyes widened, and were quickly shut as the Kyuubi attempted to pour more of his chakra out as well.

"D-damn it!" Naruto started thrusting his hips while Yugito pushed her rear back further against Naruto. The two Jinchuriki moaned loudly as their chakras started building up around them quickly.

"Great, the two Bijuu are having a dick-sizing contest," Samui murmured, referring to the building chakras. It was obvious that the demons were trying to overpower the other. "Not cool…"

Yugito's entrance tightened around the intruder, making it harder for Naruto to move. The younger blonde simply groaned, and continued to move his hips at a much slower rate. The ground started to shake from the two massive chakras, causing Samui to take a step back. Yugito screamed at the top of her lungs. Apparently the more she relied on the Bijuu's chakra, the more pleasure surged through her body from the Konoha Genin raping her. Naruto threw his head back, crying out for the same reasons as Yugito. The two chakras swirled together, causing the room to shake and the ground to break. Finally, the chakras exploded outward, destroying the building and consuming everyone in a massive explosion.

Jiraiya let out a relieved sigh as he sat on top of an unconscious Kumo ninja's body. "Well…this went about as well as expected. At least there was only one chasing Naruto." The Sannin dropped a scroll, addressed to the Raikage about information on Akatsuki, on the ninja's body. "I should meet back up with the brat now." Jiraiya stood up just as an explosion went off in the distance. The white haired man snapped his head around, seeing birds flocking up into the air in a panic while a bloom of smoke rose into the sky. Jiraiya sighed heavily, putting his hands on his hips. "Why do I get the feeling that has something to do with Naruto…?" With that, Jiraiya quickly raced off towards the explosion.

All that remained of the small bunker were piles of ruble, smoking debris, and a few scorch marks. One rock began to move before it was shoved off of Naruto Uzumaki. The blonde sighed heavily before standing up with an unconscious Yugito in hand. He walked away from the rubble and sat the Jinchuriki gently on the ground. The blonde gathered Yugito's clothes and sat them over her breasts and privates. Naruto stood up, letting out a sigh of relief before patting his jacket off. He looked around at the damage he had done and let out a low whistle.

"Now that was an explosive orgasm," the young Jinchuriki exclaimed. "I'd better get out of here in case any more Kumo ninja show up."

"Not so fast!" Naruto groaned, slouching down in frustration before turning around. Samui, clothes slightly tattered and torn and some dirt smudged in a few areas, walked forward, glaring coldly at Naruto. "I can't let you go. It's my duty as a Kumo shinobi."

"Come on! I just had sex with two women, and my chakra is running low! Can't we just call it even?"

"I'm afraid not…" Samui shot forward, appearing in front of Naruto. The blonde yelped in shock, whipping his head up from her breasts to Samui's face. "Prepare yourself." Naruto got ready to take a stance, but was shocked when Samui vanished again. The blonde gasped and looked down, seeing Samui spiraling her tongue around the tip of his penis.

"W-what the hell!" Naruto threw his head back as Samui started sucking hard on the blonde's rod. She removed it from her mouth and started stroking him.

"It was obvious while watching you that you're inexperienced in sex. And if you've been training with the legendary Jiraiya, I probably wouldn't stand a fair chance against the Kyuubi Jinchuriki would I? This is my best bet to incapacitate you and take you back to the village."

"O-oh yeah? Well I'm not going down without a fight! Believe it!" Naruto put his hands on the back of Samui's head and forced her back onto his cock. The blonde moaned loudly in shock before being chocked by Naruto's pole.

The busty blonde looked up, glaring at Naruto as her head was forcefully bobbed up and down this adolescent shinobi's hardened member. Samui closed her eyes and moaned in concentration, attempting to drain Naruto to take him back to Kumogakure.

Naruto groaned as Samui started to suck his thing as her face was being fucked. The Jinchuriki started to run his fingers through Samui's hair, looking down at her hungrily as he kept moving his hips. Samui's eyes started fluttering a bit as she tried harder to concentrate, which was difficult to do as her mouth was being stretched by Naruto's manhood.

Samui's eyes opened wide in shock as she was forcefully pushed onto her back. Naruto lied on top of the kunoichi, pinning her arms to the ground as he kissed her forcefully. Samui glared in confusion and frustration. The kunoichi gasped as something entered her mouth and went down her throat. Naruto pulled back as Samui coughed fitfully, holding her neck as she almost choked on the mysterious pill.

"Wh-what the hell…was that?"

"It's a special knockout pill," Naruto boasted proudly. "You'll be unconscious for at least a full day! And it works super fast too! Pervy Sage gave it to me and told me to use it whenever—hey, why're you taking your clothes off?"

Samui panted heavily, her body temperature spiked up. She was sweating, burning up and was tearing at her clothes to try and relieve herself. Naruto simply stared in confusion, pulling out the package of pills Jiraiya gave him. He looked at the bottle reading it closely. The blonde's features fell in disbelief.

"AN APHRODISIAC? Are you KIDDING me Pervy Sage?"

"Naruto…" The Jinchuriki turned his head towards Samui, afraid of what would happen. The busty blonde was completely naked, on the ground on her hands and knees in front of Naruto, looking up at him with a lustful face. "Please…fuck me Naruto."

The young blonde's eyes popped out in shock, and his jaw fell open in awe. Samui straightened her back, pressing her breasts together and rubbing the underside of Naruto's cock against her cleavage. Naruto bit his lower lip, wanting to run for his life in case the aphrodisiac wore off at any second, but his hormones prevented his body from moving anywhere.

Samui opened her cleavage like a gateway, letting Naruto's cock fall in-between her melons. The blonde quickly closed her breasts together, crushing them around Naruto's rod. Samui started rubbing her breasts up and down, gaining speed at an immense rate. She looked up at Naruto, opening her mouth wide to stick out her tongue and moan at the boy. Naruto's eyes were closed, overwhelmed by the pleasurable sensation as his dick throbbed hard between Samui's soft, sweating tits.

Naruto threw his head back, moaning louder and louder as he could feel the pressure building up in his rod. "S-Samui!" The kunoichi started going faster and faster, pushing her breasts harder together. Naruto's body trembled, his hips bucked, and his knees knocked as his cock fired a long, powerful stream of cum that shot in Samui's face.

The kunoichi didn't stop, mercilessly rubbing Naruto's throbbing penis. The Jinchuriki cried out, gripping Samui's shoulders for support as his sensitive dick was being assaulted. Naruto's cum would shoot out onto Samui's face and neck, or gush with explosive force between her jugs.

Finally, Samui removed her breasts from around Naruto's cock, leaning forward to lick all of the boy's spunk off. Samui swirled her tongue up and down and around all sides of Naruto's manhood, licking it clean.

"Naruto…" Samui leaned back, spreading her legs open, "Please fuck me." Samui parted her pussy lips with her fingers, giving Naruto a clear view of her womanhood.

Naruto slowly leaned over Samui, lining up his cock with the kunoichi's dripping sex. Impatiently, Samui wrapped her legs around behind Naruto and forcefully had the boy impale her with his throbbing cock. Naruto cried out in pleasure as Samui's pussy squeezed around his manhood, soaking it with her juices.

His mind kicking into auto-pilot, Naruto leaned back, holding onto Samui's hips as he started thrusting into her as fast and hard as he could. The kunoichi cried out as her plump breasts started bouncing up and down with incredible force. Naruto stared at Samui's chest as he pounded her pussy, mesmerized by their rhythm.

Samui sat up, pushing Naruto onto his back, "Fuck me more!" The blonde started bouncing in Naruto's lap, placing her hands on the boy's stomach. Naruto threw his head back, crying out in pleasure as Samui rode his thick, hardened cock. Samui pressed down, taking all of Naruto's cock inside of her before she started grinding her hips back and forth. She bit her lower lip, suppressing her moans before she started to bounce again. "OH Naruto! Your cock is so fucking good!"

Naruto groaned, his body weakening from pleasure. Granted, Samui was one of the sexiest women he's ever seen in his many travels with Jiraiya, but after already banging with two other women, Naruto would be lucky if he could wake up in the morning.

A smug bit of karma; Naruto knew that Jiraiya would give an arm to be in his position right now.

'Damn that brat! He knows I'd give a limb to be there right now!'Jiraiya, sat in a tree nearby, spying on the two blondes fucking out in the open. On the one hand, Jiraiya was practically green with envy at his student's luck. On the other hand, this gave him GREAT material to write the next chapter in his story. Heaven knows he hasn't written a new chapter for his story in generations.

Samui started to bounce harder, her breasts flying up and down in rhythm with her. Naruto cried out, his cock throbbing hard with pleasure inside of Samui. "I-I'm gonna cum Samui-chan!"

"M-me too!" The kunoichi leaned forward, her breasts being pushed together between her arms as she continued to bounce. "Cum with me Naruto!" The two blondes screamed loudly in pleasure.

Jiraiya's eyes snapped to the side instinctively to the side towards several figures coming out of the bushes and trees.

"Time to go," the white haired man shouted, darting towards Naruto.

The Jinchuriki and blonde kunoichi snapped their heads in opposite directions, towards the sudden commotion. Jiraiya kicked one Kumo shinobi in the side, sending him flying off to the side. In a flash, the Sannin appeared in front of Samui and Naruto, causing them both to gasp in shrill fright.

Jiraiya gave a polite smile before grabbing Naruto by the back of his collar, "Gotta take him now! BYE!" Jiraiya forcefully and smoothly jerked his student out from beneath the busty kunoichi.

"WAIT PERVY SAGE I-," Jiraiya sprung off, away from where the Kumo reinforcements were coming from.

"OH GOD," Jiraiya shouted in disgust, "It's everywhere!"

Samui groaned, catching herself on her hands as she nearly fell face first into the dirt. Two shinobi landed on either side of Samui, looking off towards their comrades who chased after Jiraiya and Naruto.

"You okay Samui-chan?" The kunoichi held her hand against the side of her head, looking over at C.

"I...I dunno. I feel like I was drugged." Darui signaled towards a pair of kunoichi who came over towards them. One woman took off her flak jacket while the other one took off a skirt that she wore over her skin-tight shorts. Samui blushed as she quickly put the articles of clothing on. She appreciated that C and Darui weren't watching her at the very least.

"C, go and help the others pursue the Konoha shinobi," Darui ordered. C nodded then shot off into the forest. "You, Karui, and Yugito-san will be escorted back to the village and taken care of properly." Samui nodded, adjusting her new shirt which was about three sizes too small.

By nightfall, Jiraiya and Naruto made it out of the Land of Lightning after nonstop fleeing. Without proper clearance, the shinobi of Kumogakure couldn't cross outside of their country. A recent incident between the Land of Lightning and Land of Frost had the former of the two countries on a sort of probation.

Naruto panted heavily as he splashed cold river water on his face. Jiraiya had his entire head dunked into the river, scrubbing and swinging his hair about. Bringing his head out of the river, Jiraiya took a deep breathe of air, panting due to lack of oxygen.

"AH! You got it in my hair!"

Naruto bitterly scowled, drinking some water from his hands. As he gulped it down he glared back at his teacher, "At least it'll blend in."

Jiraiya snapped a fierce glare back at Naruto, "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY YOU HORNY LITTLE BRAT?"

The blonde huffed, zipping his jacket back up, "You're hardly one to be demonizing me for being horny."


"You were watching me have sex!"

"I was making sure you were okay! Besides, I figure I was doing you a favor, letting you bang a woman like that." Jiraiya grinned, rubbing his finger under his nose smugly. "Hell, I'm a bit jealous of you myself boy. But at least you finally nailed your first woman."

Naruto grinned, staring devilishly at his teacher, "Actually, Samui was the third." Jiraiya blinked in confusion, turning to face his student. As far as Jiraiya had recalled, Naruto had never been with a woman before. "I also managed to trick two other kunoichi beforehand into having sex with me." The blonde shrugged, a smile overflowing with arrogance plastered on his face, "One of which was Kumogakure's Jinchuriki Yugito-chan."

Jiraiya simply stared at Naruto, his face grave. "I honestly hope that what you did to Kumo's Jinchuriki doesn't lead to a war with Konoha...again."

"A war by fornication?" Jiraiya rolled his eyes, a smirk coming across his face before he patted Naruto's shoulder.

"Come on boy, let's get the hell out of here. Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn. Especially when you got three." Naruto nodded then caught up with his teacher. Master and student moved side by side as they hurriedly put as much distance between them and the Land of Lightning as possible

end of chapter 7

ok people that's all 7 chapters that the orginial author had written, so now that, that's finished i will soon upload the chaps that i have written, so i hope you all enjoyed the story so far!
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