Categories > Original > Sci-Fi

Chapter One:The start of Xander's Adventure

by ralphmullins

When Xander gets left by his family when they go on vacation. He wanders around looking for a place to stay for the night and stumbles upon a private hanger that has a single ship in it that he tak...

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Crossover,Sci-fi - Warnings: [!!!] [X] [?] - Published: 2013-07-22 - 293 words

Chapter One:The start of Xander's Adventure

On a cold night was wandering in the cold waist that was the northern border of Alaska and not for the first time was remembering what got him in to this situation.

...Few months ago in a town called Granite Falls a boy was running from the local town bullies , the leader of which just so happened to be his older stepbrother, around the local school and was coming up to the trash cans at the back of the school. As the boy was just running around the trash cans he was thinking. "I wish I was some were safe." as he thought this he disappeared from were he was with a loud "crack!" sound and he appeared under his favorite tree on the other side of the school with another loud "crack" sound. The boy looked around at were he was and blinked a few times then said aloud. " That was wearied. I wonder how that happened? OH well I'll fugure out how that happened later I have to get to class." The boy headed to class and was 5min befor the bell.

After school as the kids got picked up from school he saw his stepbrother get picked up by his stepmother and drive him home. While he had to walk the five blocks home. When he got home he was made to do his chores then when those were done to make dinner then clean the dishes after that he was to stay in his room the rest of the night.

as he was sitting in his spars bedroom he wished his birth father was still alive. Having died a year ago and his stepmother marring his now stepfather a few weeks later.
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