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Magical Relatives

by Scars

4 adopted sisters try to find their family, but also love. Along the way they find that their family is in the Akatsuki along with their suitors (soul-mates). What could happen to these girls. Read...

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Itachi - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2015-02-04 - 306 words

Chapter 1: Introducing…… TOBI!!!

"I'm so bored, I've been travelling for hours and it doesn’t help that I'm thirsty as" I said, and stopped, "Wait , I could've bended it dah"
I bended water out of the leaves from the trees that surrounded me.
"Mmm" I said, "That was much better"
Walking for hours in hard but nearly home.
Finally home it still feels like its from a fairy tale, but of course it is real,
Nothing like being home after another trip trying to find my father. Guess it isn't time for me to find him yet. I heard a screech from the lounge room. I ran to the living room to see a sparrow sitting there looking around for me.
"What is it little guy?" I said putting out two fingers for the bird to perch on. The bird screeched and flaps its wings 5 times signalling for me to follow.
"You want me to follow you?" I asked confused.
The sparrow flew out the window and peeked the door.
"I'm coming little guy, I'm coming" I said and walked to the door and walking out, but not before I locked it and made sure it was secure.
"Ok, lead the way" I said starting to walk.

The sparrow led me to a pond like river that had a weird shrine thing that had a bolder covering the entrance. It was nothing like I has seen before, and I have seen some weird stuff in my life, but his was far the weirdest.
"Tobi is Tobi, Tobi wants to know who pretty girl is?" asked a man named Tobi.
Correction he is the far weirdest thing and person I have ever seen. And that is saying a lot.
"I'm Lilith" I stuttered scared.

I will put up more of the story later today. Thanks
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