Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Eroninja: The Limelight

Hinata: To Form Diamonds, You Need Pressure and Time

by TheLemonSage

A story which shines a spotlight on the kunoichi in Naruto's life as he continues in his goal to unite the shinobi world in a way that would make Jiraiya proud.

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2015-11-03 - 7570 words

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks. Furthermore I’m not making any money from this story.

Eroninja: Limelight

Hinata: To form diamonds, you need pressure and time

Author’s Note: The events of this chapter lead up to Hinata’s scene in Chapter 74

Hinata had been up for close to an hour, but her body had simply refused to move from the warmth of her bed. It wasn’t hard to imagine why as she had always found the Main Family’s living quarters rather drafty due to the oversized rooms, and long corridors. She was sure to those that lived in less splendor, her complaints would fall on deaf ears, but she truly found that she preferred the warm and inviting nature of the Hidden Eddy Inn, or the other love nests that Naruto had established in the villages that she had visited. She sighed wishing that he was there to warm her now, but although they had fooled around in her room on occasion. But, despite the privacy barriers in place to protect against Hyuuga that used their bloodlines in a perverted manner. She would admit that she never actually felt all that comfortable making love to Naruto there. She suspected it was because it had never truly felt like a home to her.

She amended her thought as she did recall a time that it had, but that had been before her mother’s untimely passing. Hinata tried to recall the events leading up to her mother’s death, but in truth couldn’t due to how young she had been as it had happened shortly after Hanabi’s birth. But, she did remember how sudden it had been, as she had gone off to the academy in the morning only to be called home early to find her mother lying on her deathbed with her face covered. Officially her death had been brought on by a sudden heart attack as she had just collapsed while attending her garden. Hinata did recall a sense of sadness coming off of her mother on the day when she had seen her off to school. At times, she almost wondered if her mom had known it would be the last time they would see each other.

Hinata’s world took a drastic shift after losing her mother as her family life shattered. Her father although always somewhat stern became almost bitterly cold towards her as he had apparently already deemed her a failure. He then as a result began to focus his attention on raising Hanabi into being his heir. As a result, Hinata’s self-esteem began to wilt further and further until her father’s words about her lack of worth seemed to be true.

She sat up in her bed and she let a smile grace her lips as she pictured the man that had helped rebuild her confidence. First, by showing her a way to live where no matter how many people discounted her, she would continue to strive to improve herself. But currently through the love and affection that she received from both him, and the women that were tied to him. She reached under her blanket to give her puss a quick rub as it tingled from memories of her giving and receiving pleasure. She considered falling back in bed to warm herself through some physical exertion, but figured it could wait as she knew it would be a busy day. Particularly as her sister Hanabi would be celebrating her fourteenth birthday.

She felt a small pang of jealousy as all her birthdays had passed with little fanfare. Which although her father had softened his stance against her for a few years after Neji’s defeat by Naruto. It had returned in force since her becoming Naruto’s lover. This surprised her particularly since she had actually thought he would be pleased with the improvements she had noted in herself as she had tried to show that she was worthy of being heiress.

However, it seemed that the more support that she garnered in her bid to become the Clan Head of the Hyuuga, the more pushback she received from her father and those that backed his desire to install Hanabi. For the most part her father could count on a small but powerful contingent of Hyuuga Main Families. Within the Clan, although their voice was small, they held a majority of the power. However, in recent months their powerbase had begun to erode as many of the business interests that funded them had begun to experience financial setbacks. Hinata had confronted Kiyomi about it since although she did desire to become the Clan Head, she didn’t wish to do so by hurting members of the clan. Even those opposed to her. Kiyomi though had assured her that she was not manipulating events to hurt those arrayed against her bid. But, it was a natural byproduct of the close ties that they were fostering among the Shinobi Villages, since most of her clan’s business interests had benefitted from the lack of trade.

Still, her clan wasn’t exactly going poor, but certain families were not living the posh lifestyles that they had become accustomed too. However, rather than trying to adapt to the changing finical environment, they were trying to create laws that would preserve the monopolies that they had enjoyed. Hinata did feel somewhat guilty as she watched them try to rig the game in their favor by spending large sums of money to back Civilian Councilors that would push laws that favored the Hyuuga. Or, by backing unions that would try to choke off competition in labor markets in order to prevent new businesses from setting up to compete in areas. That was an issue being experienced by the Uzmaki Natuical Company since the Hyuuga had controlling interest in a great deal of the ports and unions that staffed them along the Land of Fire’s Eastern Coast. But their hold on them was quickly waning since the Port in Wave was attracting more and more incoming ships not willing to pay the high labor costs or fees to use the ones in the Land of Fire. Fuka was even letting competitors use the UNC ports for a fraction of the costs that the Hyuuga controlled businesses charged. It tended to add a day or so of travel to most destinations but it was a small price to pay considering the savings. Fuka was in the process of negotiating with the Daimyo Chiyo of Rice Paddies about opening a port in the north. If things worked out, then the new port would further weaken the financial strength of her clan.

Hinata felt somewhat guilty as she watched her family’s difficulties since in a sense she knew the fix was already in due to the women that would block her clan’s attempts were tied to The Family’s goals. But, as the Hyuuga voice grew stronger in the Civilian Council via the councilors they backed winning elections, it could begin to make things difficult for the Family. The Hokage would be able to block any of the laws that came from the legislative body. But, depending on how the Hyuuga responded they could make the civilians of Konoha and other nearby villages suffer by denying certain services as their unions and other businesses went on strike to put pressure on her.

Hinata had considered ways to mitigate her clan, but was hesitant to institute them since it would put her firmly against her father and by extension sister. She wanted to believe that to change it she wouldn’t need to become an opponent, but if forced she would choose to stand beside Naruto and her new Family over the one she shared blood with.

She was pulled from her thoughts and by extension faced with the reality that she needed to get out of bed as a gentle voice called, “Lady Hinata, I’m entering.”

She sat up yawning as Natsu Hyuuga stepped into her room. The woman that had served as her sister’s attendant after the death of their mother had recently been made the head of the Hyuuga compound’s servant staff. This made the green-haired woman perhaps the most in touch woman about what was happening within the clan. That was if she used the position as Hinata would for her lover if she was in it herself. After all, she was quite sure her Clan often ignored the presence of their servants which would make them privy to quite a few secrets.

Hinata climbed from her bed as Natus moved to her window and threw it open. She turned around to say something cheerful, but her eyes grew wide and she quickly turned away to pull closed the drapes. Hinata was surprised by the action so turned to the maid asking, “What’s wrong Natsu?”

The woman kept her back to her stating, “Lady Hinata where are your clothes?”

Hinata smiled since she had taken to sleeping in the nude. Normally she would make it a point to get dressed before someone was sent to check on her, but the pull of her bed had been too great. Moving to the small bathroom in her room she said, “I was feeling rather warm last night.”

“Of course, milady,” Natsu said giving a slight bow, “It’s just well… you used to be so shy.”

Hinata stepped into her shower as she thought of how that woman was long gone. The one that had only been able to watch the one she loved from the shadows instead of being by his side, and although technically she still loved him in the shadows, she had no problem with it as she knew he loved her. As she washed her body, she began to pay some attention to her breasts and teased her nipples to hardness. She then brought both hands between her legs where she began to tease her pussy while imagining her lover being the one making her feel good. The image of Naruto kneeling before her with his mouth clamped over her pussy then morphed into that of her teacher. She leaned back against the shower as she imagined Kurenai kneeling before her and licking her pussy. She marveled at her life that it wasn’t just a fantasy but something that she had lived. It did delve into fantasy as she began to cum and the woman between her legs pulled away to reveal she had morphed into Natsu who asked, “Is everything alright Lady Hinata?”

Hinata shook herself out of her fantasy to reply, “Yes, just day dreaming. I’ll be out in a moment.”

She quickly finished the task of cleaning herself before stepping out to find a towel waiting for her. She smiled as she dried herself and saw the woman laying out her training clothes. Frowning she asked, “I wasn’t aware that I was set to train today.”

Natsu looked a little uncomfortable as she knew of the tension between her and her father as she explained, “It was decided that you would spar with Lady Hanabi at this morning. You should probably make a point of joining the Main Family for the morning meal going forward.”

Hinata frowned at Natsu politely rebuking her for her refusal to attend breakfast with the other members that comprised the Main Families. However, having found the meals with her fellow Main Family members such soul sucking affairs, she made a point of avoiding them to instead spend it with her True Family or eat with the Branch Family. Natsu despite her role as a servant was still of the Main Family which Hinata had always found strange. But whereas the Main Family had no issue with the Branch Family being used as human shields for them or soldiers for the Leaf, they preferred not to associate with them. Her father was an exception, but mainly because his brother had been one of the first in a long time to be sent to the Branch Family due to the circumstances of their birth. As such Natsu also tended to share what Hinata felt was a haughty view of the Branch Family despite being from one of the lesser Main Families.

Letting a little steel enter her voice she said, “It isn’t for you to comment on such matters.”

“I’m sorry Milday,” Natsu said quickly lowering her head, “I meant no offense.”

Hinata began to dress and let the silence speak for her. A part of her wanted to apologize, but she refrained as she tired of a clan that treated half of its members worse than they treated their servants because those servants didn’t have a barbaric mark branded on them. Neji may have been an exception, but that was simply because her father had taken him under his wing. A part of her wanted to believe it was because he was family, but when her father had been pressed by other members of the Main Families he had argued it was the best way to contain him since Neji had managed to teach himself techniques reserved for the Main Branch. But still despite her father’s seemingly good relationship with Neji now, she sometimes suspected that it was because her cousin presented a danger to the status quo so rather than let him continue to prove himself to be exceptional without their assistance, they were making an exception for him to keep him from rising too high and desiring more. She wanted to believe her father was simply saying what the Main Branch wanted to hear, but she feared that he like many were simply trying to prevent things from changing under his watch.

She did let a small smile appear on her face as she thought of the ambition that she shared with her lover because she knew change was coming to the Shinobi World, and the Hyuuga would need to adapt or flounder.


Hinata let out a grunt of pain as she was hit by her sister in the side due to Hanabi having managed to duck inside her guard to capitalize on a missed strike from her. Her father called out the hit while several elders acting as judges marked down the points awarded for the score. Her sister was forced to backpedal as she quickly recovered, and struck out with her other hand aiming for one of the chakra points that was providing Hanabi’s Byakugan with chakra. Her sister leapt back out of her grasp before she could fully connect, but Hinata dropped down into the Sixty-Four palm stance while she was still in the air. Then when her sister landed, she sped forward to attack.

Hanabi deflected a good portion of the strikes, but then a few began to slip through her defenses which prompted more to follow. Her father called out the strikes that connected causing a few of the judges to begin muttering amongst themselves. Hinata tried to follow up the attack with a palm strike that was more for pushing her opponent back then for shutting down her sister’s chakra network. The blow connected causing Hanabi to stumble back as Hinata had pulled her punch.

Hanabi didn’t look too haggard, primarily since during such spars they were not using chakra. Instead, while their father would call out the strikes that counted, the Elders currently watching the match were awarding points on a variety of criteria. One of which being the movement of chakra within the two combatants body. This was because the Gentle Fist was a fighting technique that required precise chakra control. Therefore, they had to be able to release it while they were in contact with their opponent. Since the two sparring were not releasing their chakra, the elders were judging if the pulses that normally would be used to shut down an opponent’s chakra were timed properly with the strikes. As such although the strikes themselves were worth a set number of points, depending on the timing of the pulses a person could get more points added or have points subtracted. The goal was to time the pulse when contact with the opponent was greatest thus guaranteeing it would strike the targeted tenketsu point and shut it down.

Hinata did a quick calculation in her head and knew she was ahead on points based solely on the number of strikes. But, she was concerned her sister might come out ahead in the technicality of how points were awarded. A part of her was concerned the reason the elders were murmuring was because they were conferring among themselves to do exactly that by subtracting points from her strikes, while adding them to her sisters.

It would be a cheap way for them to give her sister the victory, but recently she had noticed a trend where many of their spars were ending with Hanabi’s points being closer than she would have scored them. She feared it was a result of the growing discontent that many in the Hyuuga had with the elders and her father’s favoring Hanabi as the heiress. The discontent had started within the Branch Family, but considering how the Caged Bird Seal kept them under the Main Branch’s thumb their desires were often disregarded. However, with the recent turn in the Hyuuga’s fortunes as more and more opportunities to skirt the monopolies that had kept the Clan as one of the premier powers of the village presented themselves, there were hints that members of the Main Family were beginning to share in the complaints. The Primary reason Hinata was beginning to garner support was naturally due to her position as one of Tsunade’s assistants. Furthermore, Hinata was often credited by Tsunade as being a key advisor in the improved relations with Kumogakure which had served to downplay Hanabi’s own contribution to the actual negotiation that had resulted in the Cloud Village joining the alliance.

Hinata had asked that Tsunade remember to mention her sister’s accomplishment since she did not want to see it downplayed for her benefit. Yet, the Hokage had refused stating there were enough people within the Hyuuga already cheerleading for her sister, and wanted to make sure her contributions weren’t the ones being forgotten.

Hinata felt a warm feeling emanating from within her as she had appreciated the Hokage’s words. Having lacked a person willing to stand up for her through much of her childhood before finding on in Kurenai upon joining Team Eight. She found the near constant support that she received from her true Family to be as nourishing as the light of the sun was to a flower. Naturally though, most of her clansmen were unaware of that being the result of her improvement in recent years. Still, they did recognize that Hinata appeared to have the ear of the current Hokage, and to them it appeared that she was at least friendly with the man that most believed Tsunade intended to be the one to replace her. Hinata did suspect that her cousin at least suspected that she was more than just friendly with Naruto though. But, she wasn’t sure if that meant he might be aware of her also being a great deal closer to many of the women that surrounded the blond man.

But although the rest of the clan had no clue as to just how deeply connected she was with Tsunade and Naruto, they likely believed her current position would allow her to turn the Clan’s future around more effectively then Hanabi would be able to due to her being trained essential by those clinging to doing things by the traditional means.

Her sister charged her likely sensing Hinata’s mind wasn’t entirely focused on the current sparring matach. Hinata held her ground and easily batted away all of her sister’s attacks. It wasn’t due to Hanabi lacking anything in the skill department, but when it came to dedication in training she doubted that her sister spent half as much time as she did. After all, not only did she attend to her normal Hyuuga training, but she also trained along with many of her True Family members, and her team. Not to mention the many nights of passion that she enjoyed. Sadly for poor Hanabi, her sister just couldn’t compete in terms of how often she tested and pushed herself.

Therefore, Hanabi’s strikes lacked much of the precision and speed that she had displayed at the beginning. Hinata imagined that from the cardio she received from making love alone that she could easily be able to maintain her current level for another hour or so. She let a slight smirk appear as she considered the unforeseen benefit of having a nearly insatiable lover.

Her sister noticed the small upturn of her lips and suspected it was related to the events of their match. Believing it foreshadowed Hinata going on the offensive as at the moment Hanabi knew her sister was easily parrying most of her attacks, she tried to dig deeper and poured her remaining energy in going on the offensive.

Yet, Hinata hardly felt pressed as even though she began falling back, she easily pushed her sister’s strikes away from her. Hanabi, tried to maintain her offensive, but like a runner that pushed herself too hard with too little fuel remaining, it quickly faded. Her sister tried a desperate jab for Hinata’s stomach, which a byagukan user would know a strike there was meant to take out a Tenketsu point from where the chakra originated from within the body. The fact that chakra originated around the womb was why the Binding was most effective when the user came inside his target. There had been cases when it had taken effect without Naruto cumming inside of his lover, but it was due to the woman’s resistance being compromised already as a result of the Temptation’s Touch being used extensively. But, it was also why when facing another Hyuuga the core where chakra originated was a prime target that needed to be defended.

In fact, the entire Gentle Fist style was centered on disabling a person’s chakra network working outwards to the core. As such, a Hyuuga would first attack the extremities before then working their way into the body. Against, non-Hyuuga this was not exactly a priority since opponents had little idea of where a Hyuuga would be targeting, and thus left their most vulnerable portions unguarded. Granted, in combat most opponents still knew not to be hit at all would be best, but in the heat of battle certain tendencies played to the Hyuuga’s advantage. An enemy for example would tend to cover his vulnerable midsection, like they would against a person wielding a kunai and thus willing sacrifice an arm. But, the simple act of covering up could expose tenketsu points which would allow a Hyuuga to shut down chakra from being received to half his body. The opponent might still be able to use his arms or legs but his ability to use jutsu would be extremely hampered. Hinata had learned the hard way this wasn’t always the case from sparring against Haku when she had learned the Ice-User was capable of casting jutsu with a single hand. She said Zabuza had taught her due to the Hyuuga being one of the most dangerous opponents a Kiri-nin could face since their Byakugan rendered the Hidden Mist Jutsu useless.

Hinata deflected her sister’s desperate strike, and then struck her sister in the stomach. It was her fingers which made contact and the move caused the elders to begin murmuring among themselves. The primary reason being it was an advanced technique which would have shut down several of Hanbi’s chakra points in a single strike. Hinata had practiced the move several times against Naruto, who had commented that it reminded him of the strike that Jiraiya had used to remove the seal Orochimaru had placed on him during the Chunin Exams.

Her lips turned upwards as she considered how her sister should consider herself to be luckier than her lover as she didn’t apply the second portion of the technique which was a Vacuum Palm that was unleashed once the palm made contact with the body. Still, Hinata showed that she was capable of it as she timed her chakra to show as much.

Hanabi’s posture sagged in defeat as she stepped away since her desperate maneuver had been turned against her resulting in the ending of the match. Hinata was glad it was a decisive victory as she noticed not just her father, but the elders appeared displeased with her advancement. The two sisters turned to their father and bowed. When they straightened he announced, “Hanabi, we must work on your endurance. Although, I take fault with your defeat today since I pushed you so hard yesterday.”

Hanabi looked surprised by their father’s statement, which she covered up quickly. Hinata likely wouldn’t have noticed it in the past. But, having been wary of a judgement against her if the match had ended under different conditions, she had discreetly watched Hanabi out of the corner of her eye.

Hinata did not let the frown she felt show at her father providing a reason to diminish her victory even as her father stating, “Hinata… you were adequate,” momentarily caused her to want to revert to her older less confident self.

However, instead she grew angry, but kept most of the emotion from being expressed. Although her tone dripped with sarcasm as she replied, “Thank you father, for your esteemed praise.”

Her father’s reaction was extremely muted, but for a Hyuuga versed in reading body language the slight widening of his eyes was akin to a startled gasp. Hinata met his gaze defiantly refusing to wilt before him as she had in the child. After a moment, she simply turned to leave prompting him to say, “I did not dismiss you.”

Hinata considered replying snottily about not asking for his permission. But, knew now was the time to demonstrate grace as she turned to face him again, bowing enough to be considered respectful. “You are correct. May I leave father? I have other duties to attend to.”

Her father nodded, so she rounded on her foot to take another shower. While she cleaned herself, she began to feel a little guilty about how she had acted towards her father. So upon dressing, she proceeded to search for him, and wasn’t too surprised to find him and Hanabi still training. Having opened the door just enough to ascertain if the training room was occupied, she was about to announce herself, but stopped as her father said to her still practicing sister, “No Hanabi. Do it again. Your sister presents a small opening when dodging away from a blow. That is where you must strike. Force her on the defensive, and then take advantage of the small crack that appears.”

“Yes father,” Hanabi said obediently following the instructions her father called out.

Hinata’s anger returned in full force, and she quickly left the place that she might be forced to stay in due to the blood in her veins in favor of her true home.


“Damn him,” Hinata said angrily as she paced back and forth in the living room of Naruto’s apartment after telling him what she learned.

Her mood wasn’t helped as her lover, who she had expected to take her side, said, “Hinata, perhaps there is a…”

“A reason,” she snapped angrily causing Naruto to sit back in surprise, before a small smile broke out on his lips. Something that she might normally find endearing normally, but at the moment just annoyed her as she continued, “What possible reason could he have to train her in how to defeat me? He wasn’t just training her, but giving her a gameplan to defeat me specifically. This is going beyond his just favoring Hanabi, but now he’s actively trying to sabotage me. And stop smiling like that. You should be on my side.”

Naruto held up his hands defensively as he replied, “I am on your side.”

Hinata crossed her arms as she said, “It doesn’t feel like it.”

Naruto chuckled which annoyed her further, and seeing his amusement wasn’t helping he stood up and approached his lover. She resisted his attempt to uncross her arms in order to take her hands. She finally relented and smiling warmly told her to follow him. She did, and wondered why they were heading to his apartment’s bathroom. For a moment, she thought he might be about to prank her by putting her under the shower to cool her off. She imagined it would have the opposite effect on her, but that turned out not to be the case as Naruto stopped her in front of the mirror.

Hinata’s mood began to lift as she recalled them being in a similar position when he had made her one of his lovers. He rested his chin on her shoulder and asked, “Do you know what I see right now?”

“A beautiful woman that needs to wake up and realize there are a lot of women that would kill to see what she sees every day in the mirror,” Hinata said repeating the words Naruto had said to her on that day.

“That goes without saying,” he replied kissing her neck, “But that is only what is on the surface. Having been blessed to get to know you so much better since then, I see a woman brimming with confidence and talent. Not to mention a gentle soul who has touched the hearts of many.”

“It’s only because I have you…”

“No it isn’t,” Naruto said tenderly, “That woman was always there just lying beneath the surface. Your father likely sees that as well, which was why he tried to make you unsure of yourself and has now abandoned that tactic to actively sabotage you. Which is because all he did was harden your resolve to show the world how strong you are. As a result of the pressure he put on you. You’ve become a true diamond now Hinata. But the truth is that the material to make you such was always there. Your father’s attempts to belittle you have only succeeded in making you unbreakable.”

Hinata felt her heart grow fonder for the man holding her so lovingly and telling her that despite her belief that he was what made her strong, that she had always been and just needed to be shown a way to harness it. But, she felt a sense of sadness as she asked, “But why is father so against me?”

“That I can’t tell you,” Naruto replied his tone showing the sympathy he had for her in regards to her familial issues. “But, I can say you probably will not find the answers by just venting your frustrations to me.”

Hinata smiled as his words proved to be the cold shower that she needed to begin to see clearly. She didn’t know why her father so favored Hanabi, but his trying to train her sister to best her was likely born of desperation. She began to think that perhaps she was closer to attaining her desire to become Clan Head of the Hyuuga then she had thought.

Before she could give the matter much thought she felt a firmness form behind her. Naruto’s words may have been the metaphorically cold shower that she needed for her justifiable anger. But they had served to create the complete opposite reaction where it came to her desires for the man whose arms were embracing her.

Reaching between them, she began to rub his manhood through his pants as she said, “I’m glad to see despite seeing more than just my surface beauty I still arouse you.”

“Your depth only adds to it, my Hyuuga Princess,” Naruto said adoringly.

Hinata turned to look over her shoulder and pulled him into a kiss that conveyed all the love and passion she had for him and felt those feelings returned to her in his. She turned in his arms so she could press her lips and body more firmly against him. She also raised her right leg over his hip, and began to grind herself against his stiff cock. They moaned in unison from the friction, which grew in intensity from Naruto cupping the cheeks of her ass and pulling her grinding hips firmer against his throbbing cock.

Hinata broke the kiss to stare into her lover’s eyes which she imagined reflected the lust and desire she was feeling so to keeping in the theme of echoing their first time together that Naruto had used to calm her, she said, “You’ve made your point. Now shut up and fuck me!”

Naruto smiled at her, and then easily lifted her up onto the sink. He hurriedly pulled her pants and panties off and then leaned down to begin licking her dripping honeypot. She cried out as his tongue danced over her sensitive pussy, and despite knowing his mother was in the apartment she did nothing to curtail her moans.

Although loving the vigor with which he was eating her snatch, and how his eyes reflected his enjoyment of her taste to her as they never left hers. She felt she was more than ready for the main attraction so moaned, “Naruto, I said fuck me!”

Naruto smiled and stood while divesting himself of his pants. Staring down at her with her ankles resting on his shoulders he leaned forward bending her in half as he said, “I know we’re not in the most romantic places for a bout of love-making, but that is no reason not to take the time to enjoy ourselves.”

Hinata reached up and cupped his face as she replied, “I truly love that about you. That with so many people looking for your attention you’re always willing to go the extra mile. But sadly, I have other obligations today, and I didn’t say make love to me. I said fuck me. I want to spend as much time as possible from now until I need to leave with your cock buried deep inside me.”

Hinata let out a loud guttural moan as Naruto followed her desire and slammed his dick into her. She locked her feet behind Naruto’s head as he slammed into her steadily and furiously. Her hands which had continued to cup her lover’s face pulled him into a kiss. Their tongues rolled about while Naruto pushed her bra and shirt up to expose her tits which he squeezed and fondled to his heart’s content. Her womb quivered every time he bottomed out as his cock would poke it. Hinata broke the kiss to egg him on saying, “That’s it Naruto… harder. I’m feeling it so much. I… I’m going to cum.”

Hinata was overjoyed as normally her lover would slow down to let her recover so she could build to something grander. But following her previous instructions and correctly inferring that she was interested in a multitude of orgasms rather than one spectacular one, instead began to speed up and became even fiercer. The pressure building inside her finally reached critical mass and she let out a powerful cry which heralded her climax. Although, her pussy beginning to milk his dick also served to clue her lover into her current state of bliss. Naruto prolonged the moment by burying his cock inside her and releasing his cum inside her thirsty womb.

Hinata sagged as she felt a desire to take a nap, but Naruto had other ideas as he pulled her of the counter. Without removing his still hard cock, he spun her around so that she was standing and facing the mirror. She needed to cling to the sink as her legs still felt wobbly, but luckily Naruto held her hips firmly as he began to stir the seed that he had just deposited inside her.

Hinata stared at her reflection in the mirror and although disheveled it was easy to see the contentment that appeared in her eyes. It wasn’t just from her lover’s cock being buried inside her, but from the woman that she had grown into. A woman that her lover believed she could always have been since the elements to make her who she was at present were always there. Still she did attribute the fact that rather than succumbing to the pressure that her father had exerted on her and becoming easily breakable like glass, she had instead formed a firm unshakeable resolve to become the Head of the Hyuuga, born through the love and encouragement she received from Naruto and her true family. If she was a diamond as Naruto had claimed then the pressure from her father might have been what helped formed that resolve, but it was The Family which had dug it up, and polished it so that it had the chance to shine.

But, such thoughts quickly faded as she let out a disappointed moan when Naruto pulled out of her. She didn’t need to fret though as he made his intentions known by separating the cheeks of her ass, and pushing his cockhead against her puckered asshole. She looked over her shoulder to give him a pleased smile as she stated, “I don’t recall you fucking me in the butt back then.”

Naruto returned her grin with the one that she so adored as he replied, “Well we’ve both grown so much since that time. Besides my Hyuuga Princess loves having her asshole drilled.”

Hinata giggled as she stated, “You know me so well.” She then began pushing back against him helping push his dick inside her. Much like before Naruto gave her everything he had with little fanfare as he slammed his hips into her. She mewed appreciatively as she continued to stare at her reflection and basking in the pleasure she saw etched into her lovers face. A state which was mirrored on hers.

After a moment though her reflection morphed into a visage of her sister. For a second it felt like she was standing before an older Hanabi as she was being claimed by her lover and Hinata couldn’t believe how much the idea excited her. The vision faded as her lover unware of where her thoughts were nonetheless felt the results of how much her vision did arouse her announced, “Damn Hinata, your ass is really bearing down on me.”

Hinata attributed her excitement at the idea of her sister joining her true Family due to the even closer bonds that she had witnessed between members such as Tsume and Hana. Beginning to eagerly throw herself back against her lover, who responded to her increased excitement by squeezing her breasts, Hinata was shocked at just how excited she was becoming as she began to rub her pussy. She smiled though as she thought, “When I become head of the Hyuuga, perhaps Naruto will be able to help her find a meaningful way to live like he did for me.” She knew there was still a few obstacles in the way of her goal, but she felt a renewed sense of determination to reach it, both to further her True Family’s ambitions, as well as to help those afflicted with the Caged Bird Seal. But now she also felt it might lead to her discovering a new bond with her sister as she tired of their current one as rivals which their father had created between them. The thought of which caused Hinata to shout out in orgasmic bliss while her lover filled her bowels with his liquid heat as she was sure her sister would also gladly accept all her Family had to offer.

Next Chapter: Yugito Nii

Author’s Note: Hello everyone, first let me thank those that take the time to review. Well here is Hinata’s Limelight chapter. The events take place just before a scene which will show what happens at Hanabi’s Birthday celebration in chapter 74. Like always I don’t believe you will need to read this chapter to understand what happens, but it will give people perhaps a greater appreciation of it. Ultimately, what this chapter is meant to show is why I feel canon Hinata is a failure as a character and that is because she exists solely as a trophy of sorts. She has no personality but where Naruto is concerned making her just like Sakura in terms of Sasuke. That this is seen as a negative trait for one character but championed for another is something I will never truly understand.

There could have been so much more to her, but sadly all that potential was wasted with the ending we received. I hope this chapter helps showcase that which is that although Hinata was influenced by Naruto, she could exist separately from him. After all, canon Hinata cannot because even Kishimoto would pity here. But Eroninja Hinata although with him, does have ambitions that exist outside of him. She wants to unit her clan, become stronger, and as this chapter hinted at is desirous of a deeper bond with her sister. After all, the Canon Hinata was more interested in knitting then saving her sister as shown by the Last from what I heard. I just hope that this chapter helps show why I feel Eroninja’s Hinata is an improvement over canon’s.

So speaking of the two female Hyuuga that appeared, well as this chapter also should allude that with her confidence in her place by Naruto’s side, the promise he made her becomes less and less relevant. But, for those looking for a Hanabi or Natsu lemon, well those are still quite a ways off in the future.

Moving on, I had originally planned to release this chapter after chapter 74 came out, but felt doing so before wouldn’t spoil anything. Plus, if can serve as a slight appetizer for the chapter since due to my current Metal Gear addiction I know my updates have been slowed. But, I also wanted to show that I’m working on other things not just main chapters for my stories which shows that my passion for them is as strong as ever, just the distractions are greater. Damn you Metal Gear.

I also have a LBB chapter almost finished, but that one will be released shortly before chapter 74 which probably will come out around the beginning of December. Some people have asked that I release the LBB chapters on FicWad as well, but while I might do that for older chapters at some point. For now I want them to solely be on my Deviantart account and the fanclub there as well.

For those unaware, the fanclub’s email is

A great artist named StikyfinkaZ-003 has been doing chapter covers for the story, and even released a small comic from a scene in the first chapter. Please check it out, as well as his other works and show him your love because he is doing it all for free.

As for me, well I will be releasing the next chapter of the Pride…hopefully soon. Then I will be moving back to the ERoninja world for a time. At least until the arc that begins with 74 comes to an end. Then it will be up to the muse, but at present it tells me it might want to stay on Eroninja since we will finally go into the Chunin Exams.

Also, for the Pride, as was kind of hinted at eventually the Bijuu will be getting physical forms. But at present I’m not married to any particular characters. For example, the Two Tails who in Eroninja is Yoruichi, but I don’t know if I will go with that in the Pride. For one, it would be easy to caste her as a Kumo kunoichi, along with Soifon, which admittedly is barren of them now that the remaining ones alive are with Naruto. I was thinking of going with Kuroka from Highschool DXD for her this time around. I probably will put up a poll to help me decide, also if you have another character you think might fit please give me your suggestions. I’ll probably post the poll on my Deviantart account after I have a few choices.

I think that covers just about everything at present. Thank you again to all the people that do leave me reviews, they are what keep me motivated. So until next time take care. Sincerely, The Lemon Sage.
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