Categories > Books > Harry Potter

Harry Potter and the Call of R'Leh

by StrengthAndHonour

A very explicit story in which our dear hero Harry gets what he deserves, to build a master race with tons of hot women, and then take to the stars. eventually.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Fantasy - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] [R] [Y] - Published: 2016-02-29 - 7254 words

Harry Potter and the Call of R'Leh
Chapter 1

First, I’m going to take innumerable things from pretty much everywhere, so if it’s recognisable, don’t sue me. JKR doesn’t mind FFs, so no, I don’t own, its heresy to say otherwise.
It was the first day of the summer holidays, and Harry was restless. He was once again stuck at Privet Drive, forced to remain in his room with only himself to talk to. Sirius had died not two weeks prior to Hogwarts breaking up for the summer, and instead of a councillor or some sort of shrink, Professor Dumbledore had left Harry to the ravages of the mind. Perhaps, Harry thought, Dumbledore didn’t know how close we were… Not for the first time, the young man’s mind flashed to the previous summer at 12 Grimmauld Place. For the first time, he had foolishly thought he could have someone to fulfil the space of a father. Snape’s petty childhood grudge had left Harry to run off to attempt a rescue. No one was even at the Ministry that night. Not a night-guard, not a soul. Thinking back, if Harry had been told about the damned Prophecy before now, he would have known that Voldemort wanted it, and simply not gone to the Department of Mysteries.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Harry knew that all but a smidge of the blame lay at Dumbledore’s feet.
With the Prophecy looming over his head like the proverbial sword, Harry knew it wasn’t long until a confrontation occurred between himself and the Dark Tosser, and when that happened, shit would go down. The bed creaked as Harry rolled over onto his front, and stared at the picture of the old Order of the Phoenix he had tacked up onto the old plasterboard walls of his room. His mum and dad smiled and waved, as they always did, and Pettigrew tried to hide his sorry self behind Moody. Funny how wizarding photos interacted with reality when they couldn’t speak. Glancing out of the window to his left, Harry noticed the sky was getting dark. Almost time to cook another dinner he wouldn’t eat. Great.
It was always so awkward when he walked into a room containing a relative. Harry point-blank refused to call them ‘family’, seeing as he got no respect, and less food from his Muggle landowners. As he sat up, Harry pondered on what he would make tonight. Maybe I’ll leave the leftover ham and just make a fry-up… The Dursley’s do like their fry-ups… Harry smirked. Ever since a lesson in his local primary school, St. Thomas Aquinas, about how bad greasy food was for your body (one of the only science lessons the inane Catholic school actually bothered to teach right), Harry had made sure that while he cooked, he used as much oil as possible to ‘flavour’ the food. Just looking at Vernon and Dudley- while painful- showed the fruits of his labours: they were so fat, the previous summer had seen a chairlift installed in the staircase.
After another greasy dinner, and only one rasher of lean bacon for himself, Harry trudged upstairs. As he was about to open his door, he heard something move inside. He knew for a fact that Dumbledore had Hedwig, on the grounds of her being recognisable. So who was in his room? Harry quickly ran through the available people, and came up short. Apart from Dobby, who could apparate through wizarding anti-apparition wards, Harry didn’t know who it was. Whoever it was shifted again, and Harry saw a shadow underneath the bottom of the closed door. A short sniff! and the door was yanked open, before he found himself thrown onto his own bed, shattering yet another slat on the bed.
After realising he wasn’t being attacked, Harry peaked out from the ruin of his bed to see a small figure gesticulating wildly, going through the motions of what Harry recognised as warding and silencing the room. He stayed still, as the figure turned around, and seemed to scan the room. A little huff! of disgust showed the figure’s opinion of the Boy-Who-Lived’s room. Another waving of the figure’s arm showed Harry’s room to be rapidly mending all of the broken things, such as Dudley’s toys and the bed. Harry, crouched as he was in the hole his bed used to be, was suddenly shot up into the air as the springs in the mattress suddenly came back with a vengeance. The unexpected movement reminded the dark figure of their purpose, it seemed.
Even before Harry hit the bed again, miraculously not breaking it again with his under-fed weight, the figure was flicking the light switch of his bedside lamp. A bit cross-eyed with the impact with his headboard, Harry took a few moments to come to his senses. He opened his eyes to a beautiful, regal, almost feline-like face only inches from his own. Her sizable cleavage was showing in the white lacy top, as it clung to her godly figure. Her skin-tight jeans curved around to her behind, in what Harry could only guess to be an amazing arse. The figure coughed at Harry’s shameless staring.
“Ahhh! Wh- Who are you?! What are you doing here?!” Harry stammered. The figure, now shown to be a woman in the light of the bedside-lamp, chuckled slightly before leaning back.
“My name is Ra’Shan. You may call me Ra, apprentice.” Harry’s face took on a comic-book style bug-eyed look.
“What the hell do you mean ‘apprentice’?! I have no idea who you are, so get out! Before the Dursley’s see you! Quickly!” Ra’shan chuckled at this, before waving him off.
“The… Dursley’s? Won’t disturb us. I’ve warded them out. You are my apprentice, young Harry, because you were born with a power. A power that has been lurking in the genetics of humankind for aeons, gently steered by my master until it was so powerful and ingrained into you that you would not even be able to sense its otherness. It is you, not just around you. Not like this magic you manipulate to your will- which we will come to later, by the way- more like you are a conduit of energy, with a battery inside of you. The Prophecy your guardian has told you is wrong. Not totally, he did not lie. Just… omitted a very important part of it. Funny thing, plurals…” The short woman, Ra’Shan winked at this, as if expecting Harry to understand what the fuck she was on about. If so, she was severely disappointed. Harry’s gormless expression belied his slow mind, it seemed. He was still trying to take in the whole ‘apprentice’ thing. This bundle of supreme hotness was going to teach him? Teach him what, sex ed?
“Uhh, no offence, lady, but what do you mean? You lost me there”. Ra’Shan sighed. It was going to be a long ten years.
“So, what you’re telling me, is that Dumbledore is a Dark Lord, so is Voldemort, Narcissa and Bellatrix are enslaved to Voldie’s will, and I’m rich. Oh, and I’m meant to let you train me. Right?”
“If you want to be blunt, then yes. Subtlety, however, is a must in our business, Harry, so catch the fuck up. My master has been sleeping the past 66 billion years, and he has awoken to a world vastly different to how he left it. The last he saw, a mahussive asteroid was hurtling towards Sol-3, and it hit. The dinosaurs were eradicated by the blast, and the life cycle began anew. His servants- the Parakka- woke periodically to ease the process of evolution, occasionally giving help to certain species with traits our master prized. Ones that tended to pointless violence and yet respect for nature. Lately (like, in the last 12,000 years), my master has changed his mind. His powers have grown so much, he no longer cares about one world. He no longer wishes to rule over this rock as he once did. He wishes to leave behind a sex-crazed world that will procreate until the populations exceed the world’s capacity. And then, he will allow you to expand to the stars, as his race once did. You will guide this world, Harry, into the stars and beyond. You will be the common ancestor of the future population. ”
“…OK… I’ll take your word for this… since, y’know, you kinda haven’t killed me yet.” Harry pondered his luck. First, he got a ‘teacher’ that was as hot as humanly possible, then he got a hot teacher that wanted him to shag every woman out there until he ruled the world. Me likes, methinks, Harry thought to himself, before his mind reset. Hold on, what if this is another one of Voldemort’s random assassination attempts? What if this woman kills me like Bellatrix did Sirius? Harry’s brow furrowed as his thoughts strayed down that sad path, until:
“Harry. Look at me.” Harry did as was told, staring deep into the strange, mysterious woman’s azure eyes. “I am not a trap. I am not a fake. I am alien. I do not come from this world. Like my Master, I have been made immortal by the beings before, designed to help the next Chosen One. My master was the last one to fulfil his destiny; will you be the next?” Ra’Shan looked deep into Harry’s eyes, and saw the hope that lay there. And the sadness. Why was there sadness?
Harry Potter, 15, looked up at the strange woman who had just thrust herself into his life. He saw she actually cared about what happened to him. Maybe not for the best of reasons, but she cared. That was all it took for him to make his decision.
“What do I need to do?”
Another day dawned over Privet Drive, Surrey, as the office-workers of the inner-city collectively entered their shiny cars, started their engines, and mindlessly proceeded to follow the status quo. Little did they know that it would soon be changing, and fast. A red sun rose, blood had been spilt this night.
The Dursley household was silent. Nine o’clock rolled around, and the house telephone started to ring. It carried on, until the answer machine kicked in.
“Hello, this is Patricia, Mr. Grunning’s secretary. Mr. Dursley has not come in yet, and according to the time-clock he was due in at eight-thirty… Standard company policy for floor workers dictates that if no warning is given, then the employee must be given two weeks’ notice of their impending redundancy. My apologies for the bad news. Good day!”
The phone clicked off. Still, not a dust mote stirred in the eerily quiet house, until- drip! Drip! Drip! A splash of red hung over the end of the bannister of the stairs, gradually growing larger until another drop hit the pristine white carpet. A small river of slightly-congealing blood ran down the centre of the bannister, leading up towards the first floor landing. The top step was stained a grisly red-brown, and reeked of death, shit and blood. A mound of eviscerated fat and meat lay atop a small, rail-thin body, hands outstretched in horror. Suffocation, the forensics experts would say. There was no real way around it: Petunia Dursley had been suffocated by her own son. Her fault, really, for feeding him so much. The pathologists would later say that a miniscule, centimetre-long cock had been stuffed down her throat, until she could no longer breathe. The bundle of meat on top of her was missing pretty much all of the bones associated with the skeleton- even the cartilage had been ripped out. Foot bones, shin bones, hand bones, even the knuckle bones. They were found later, of course, in the enormous bloated stomach of the boy’s father. He’d hung himself, obviously after realising what he’d done was so wrong. The numerous crucifixes carved into every inch of his skin were taken as penitence. The obvious castration was put down to shame. The amount of blood pooled around the dismembered slab of flesh implied the filthy man’s excitement as his son raped his own wife. The clean-up took four months, selling the house took seven years. It was eventually bought by a horror-film director. No one knew about the fourth tenant of the house. The small-for-his-age, under-fed, boy-with-too-many-hyphens-to-his-name Harry Potter. The neighbours forgot about him. Anyone who knew about his existence, in the Muggle World, anyway, allowed the memories involving the boy to slip away. He faded away, as if he’d never even existed. His records in primary school and entries in databases were erased, never to be recovered. Where did he go?
White light. A loud, high-pitched whine, like he’d been right next to a gun going off. Harry’s vision slowly cleared, showing a blurry image of a cuboid room. Not much could be seen, due to Harry’s lack of glasses.
“Oh, good. You’re awake. I’m sorry you were out so long, but reality-altering rituals are too much for my core. Yours, however…” The figure left the thought hanging. “Anyway, how do you feel, Harry?”
The events of last night filtered through Harry’s sleep-slowed mind. His willingness to annihilate his relatives. To frame his Uncle Vernon for the rape and murder of his wife and son. He smirked as he thought about how the normal-obsessed Dursley’s died in extraordinary circumstances. He enjoyed the feeling of power that the Imperius Curse gave him over his walrus-like uncle. He did not, however, feel comfortable seeing his Aunt buck naked. She had the rankest figure you could imagine, a roll of fat here, stick-thin limbs there… Harry shuddered. He wouldn’t be able to get anything up for weeks with that image in his head. It was necessary to provide the soul price for the ritual, though.
“Fine thanks. I don’t think I’ll be having a good wank in a long time, though…” Harry blushed at what he’d said connected to his conscious mind. “Uh, not that I do, or- or anything!” Ra’Shan laughed at his innocent expression. So at odds to his grisly visage last night. It turned her on so much.
“So what do I have to do now?” Harry asked, already moving on from the events of last night. Ra’Shan looked at the young man in front of her, thinking about the best way to do this.
“We go shopping.” Thunk! Harry fell off of the bed in his tiny room, so surprised was he at the random answer. His head crashed into Ra’Shan’s lap, his nose burrowed right into her crotch over her skin-tight jeans. Ra’Shan gasped, as his nose brushed her hyper-sensitive clitoris against the coarse fabric of her trousers. Her legs tightened around Harry’s head, preventing him from pulling out. He struggled to breathe through the constriction, and as he did so, his nose brushed her clit again. Ra’Shan shuddered, convulsing, until Harry, still caught between her legs, smelt something heavenly. He stopped struggling and pushed his nose in harder to find the source of the smell, so much like a dog. The sweet-smelling liquid seeped through the orgasming woman’s trousers, until Harry felt a wet warmth on his face. Ra'Shan still held his head tightly, now with one hand on his head, the other in her strawberry-blonde hair. She threw her head back and convulsed harder, as the full contact of Harry’s face brought her off to another writhing orgasm, Harry gave into his instincts and licked the new wetness in his new mentor’s crotch, the flavour bursting on his tongue. She tasted like honey and a slight saltiness that made him go back for more. The woman above him writhed uncontrollably until she too fell off her perch, and they both crashed to floor.
Harry’s head came free from her tight hold, and he sucked in a few breaths in relief. The two lay there, panting, recovering from whatever just happened. “Harry… That was so…” Ra'Shan gasped again as another mini-orgasm rattled her lithe body. Looking over, the dense teenager stared at the woman’s jiggling breasts as they moved in time with their owner’s humping of the air. “Gooood…” Our hero blushed immensely at this, it must have been due to his inexperience. Harry jumped up away from the quivering woman and sat back on his bed. It took a while for Ra'Shan to come down off Cloud 9 enough to talk.
“Harry, I’m so sorry for that… I know it was an accident, but… I can’t lie, it felt amazing! My master made us this way- we cater to the whims of the Chosen One. Even what they don’t know they want it. You obviously need some rumpy-pumpy to tide you over…?” Harry’s expression went blank for a second as his mind explored the possibilities. Then, his common sense kicked in again.
“Uh, n-no thanks, I’m good! Really!”
“Well, in that case, get your bank card- we’re hitting the shops!” Ra'Shan gave a maniacal laugh at this.
“I- I don’t have a bank card, Ra'Shan. I only own my Hogwarts stuff. I have a trust fund left by my parents for school things like books and the uniform. I had a massive mountain of gold at the beginning of my first year, but I haven’t been there in five years! I have no idea how much is left!”
Silence rang. Ra'Shan's eyes narrowed, and swivelled towards the door Harry’s room.
“If they weren’t dead already, I’d kill them! Your parents were dual-nationals of Magical Albion, and the United Kingdom. They were so rich, Bill Gates is a pauper in comparison!”
The reference was lost on Harry, but the point wasn’t. “I’m rich? I’m rich, and the Dursley’s moaned about me being a waste of their resources? I can’t believe it… I could have lived on my own or something for the last four years…” Ra'Shan moved forwards and embraced the emotional boy. It was a shame he didn’t want any sex, that’d calm him down fast enough.
“Harry, we’ll go to the bank, we’ll take some evidence of your identity, they’ll give you a bank card for your parent’s accounts, and then you can buy some nice stuff. We’ll start out Muggle, and then make our way to Diagon Alley, shall we? Hm?” Ra'Shan still had Harry wrapped up in her sizable bust, gently enveloping him in the warmth of her breasts. Harry could definitely feel a stiff nipple poking his chest. After letting him go, she grabbed his hand.
“Ready to apparate? 3 – 2 – 1 – WEEEeeeeee…..”
The two were quickly sucked into the apparition wormhole, and squeezed together, mushed into one, and then pasted out next to the HSBC branch next to the Little Whinging Post Office. Harry promptly laid down and tried not to chunder. Five minutes later saw him looking less green, but still pale. Ra led Harry into the bank, and to the bank teller’s desk. There, she told the bank teller that Harry had lost his credit card, and that he needed a replacement as soon as possible.
While Ra was doing her thing, Harry was checking out the teller. She must’ve only been seventeen or eighteen, with blonde hair running down over her chest, just covering her still-developing bust. Harry could tell they’d be perky when free of the lace bra the girl was wearing. He couldn’t see her legs, but was certain of their provenance. The girl’s eyes here a light hazel, surrounded by minimal make-up. Her cheeks held a light flush for some reason. My kinda girl, Harry thought, as Ra finished her case, and the teller went to get her superior. “What did you tell her, Ra, that convinced her we were the real deal?”
“Well, it could have something to do with the light compulsion charm to believe us, or the fact that I was shamelessly flirting with her?” Ra laughed at Harry’s face, “She was checking you out too, though, so maybe she goes both ways? Plus, the Potter accounts are their biggest. The only reason this bank is running is because of the interest they make off of your accounts. They don’t need to steal money through bonuses, that girl alone is probably on a good £30,000 a year more than if she worked in another bank.” A slight crash! was heard from the back room, and then the branch manager rushed out, slicking his hair back like Malfoy.
“Ah, Mr. Potter! So good to see you, sir! It’s been, what, fifteen years, since your parent’s last came by? Good people your parents, whereabouts are they now? Doing well, I hope. Now, I believe you’ve lost your bank cards? A shame, but it’s a good thing the security on those cards is better than on our vaults! Ahahahhh!” The man’s stomach jiggled as he laughed, which made Harry smile. He was totally off his rocker. Harry wondered what kind of security he was talking about.
“Well, uh..” Harry peered at the manager’s shirt, and his badge, “Mr. Keele, I would appreciate your discretion in this matter. May we meet in private? And perhaps get that lovely bank teller to take notes for me?” Harry didn’t know where that last bit came from, but he supposed there was no reason why not.
“Of course, sir, right this way, sir!” The bowing and scraping was getting on his nerves, but he persevered. The portly man led Harry and Ra to a room through the staff section of the bank, until the conference room was signposted. He pointed the way, and then rushed off to collect the teller and lock the doors for the duration of the meeting.
“Well, Harry, I think your nature is starting to affect you. You didn’t mean to ask for that girl to attend, did you? You just said that without any forethought?”
“Well, yeah, but why not, I won’t remember everything. I can barely remember wand movements as it is!” Ra'Shan sighed at this. More things to remedy before his training began. Before she could rectify Harry’s thoughts, Mr. Keele entered with the teller.
“Mr. Potter, sir, this is Melany Shock, she’ll be taking notes, as you asked.” The girl, Melany, looked interested as to why she was being asked to do this.
“Right, down to business, then. Melany, laptop out, and get the recorder on.” The girl rapidly unfolded a small netbook laptop, and looked back up.
“Meeting Concerning the United Kingdom Will and Testament of Duke James Potter, and his primary wife, Lady Lily Evans-Potter. Attendees: the executor of the Will, Mr. Karl Keele (myself), and the minute-taker Miss Melany Shock on behalf of the HSBC bank, an independent party with no known affiliations or interests. On behalf of the primary beneficiary, Miss…”
“Ra’Shan Filia Lux, apostrophe after Ra.”
“…Right. And the primary beneficiary, Master Harry James Potter. Now, we all know why we’re here, so-”
“Sir, I would like to know my purpose here. Normally, I only do this for the most high-ranking will-readings here.” Miss Shock looked apologetically at Harry then, not intending to call him unimportant. Then it hit her. Duke James Potter was a name of legendary proportions in local branch history. He had come in one day, with his wife and swaddled baby in tow, and enacted the old banking law of Testament. Supposedly, the Potters had helped set up the bank, with all its interests, and the Potter Duke wanted his will read here for some reason. It should have been carried out six years ago, supposedly.
“Oh. Ohhhhhhhh, I understand sir. Of course, right. Yeah. Oh.” Miss Shock blushed at her gushing. Her eyes flicked to Harry’s, and then down and up again. She smiled. Mr. Keele, not noticing this, carried on.
“I shall now read the Last Will and Testament of the Duke and Lady Potter. This will was taken on the 30th of October, at midday, in the year of our Lord 1981. Ahem! Being of sound mind and apparently sexy body, I, Duke James Charlus Potter, do hereby declare all previous wills and testaments provided by myself and my wife to be null and void. All mutual wills made individually are also temporarily revoked, until my heir can review and re-implement as necessary. This will is to be read by the executor only, a Mr. Karl Keele of HSBC bank, an independent party with no known affiliations or interests. A trust is be set up for my heir for general use, and for the yearly payment to the family that may take in Harry in case of our deaths. This trust is to exceed no less than five hundred thousand English Pounds, not including the annual payment of twenty thousand Pounds to the warding family of my heir. This trust is also to deceed no more than seven hundred and fifty thousand English pounds. To enforce this trust, my good friend Duke Sirius Orion Black has agreed to receive the statements until my heir’s eleventh birthday. All properties and objects therein are to be transferred to the ownership of my heir. All staff are to consider themselves in the payment of Duke Black until my heir’s eleventh birthday, from whom they will take their new orders. All businesses are to be managed by Duke Black until such time as my heir is deemed capable of handling the businesses in their entirety. A sum of forty thousand pounds is to be paid to Duke Black upon completion of his duties as Godfather and Guardian of my heir. All titles and seats in governments will transfer to my heir upon their emancipation, or their coming of age, whichever is first.
This Last Will and Testament has been witnessed by Remus John Lupin, Duke Black, Petunia Dursley and Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, and stated to be true by Lily and James Potter.
The list of potential guardians for my heir are enclosed.”
Harry sat in silence, wondering why no one had ever told him of this. He came to the bank today expecting at the very least, a bank card that could tide him over until he reached Diagon Alley. Now, he found out he was filthy rich. If his parents could give him a trust fund of up to three quarters of a million pounds per year, what was their total worth? He wondered if there was a house he could live in, away from the house that the Surrey Police would be investigating soon. Maybe this explained why Lupin and Sirius were always slightly awkward around him, as if expecting an awkward subject to be broached. Harry wondered who was meant to have looked after him.
“Can I please see the list of possible guardians, Mr. Keele?” The executor passed over the list in the parchment envelope. Several name jumped out immediately. Amelia Bones, she was the head of the DMLE! Sirius Black, Frank & Alice Longbottom, Harry wondered if Neville knew he nearly had a foster brother. Andromeda Tonks, who was that? There was no Remus Lupin, but, with his ‘furry little problem’, Harry supposed it would be too much stress for the prematurely aged professor. Harry’s visage darkened. He should have been placed with these people. Why wasn’t he?! Dumbledore was always going on about his safety, and yet he would have been far safer with Madam Bones than he was with the Dursley’s! Dumbledore! He placed Harry at the Dursley’s, it was him that placed the wards there.
“Mr. Keele, why was I not placed with any of the people from this list? And why was I not notified on my eleventh birthday?” The bank manager gaped like a fish at this. His mouth opened and closed with a wet plop each time, until the teller girl interrupted.
“Sir, do shut your mouth. You’re practically in the presence of royalty! We can access the records from here.” She swivelled her laptop around, with the records already showing. Good at her job, isn’t she? Harry thought, as Mr. Keele brought up his financial papers, and governmental history. He gasped, and his eyes flashed from Harry to the screen again.
“M- Mister Potter, I- I’m so- Let me express my extreme apologies, Mr. Potter! We were told, when we enquired with Mr. Dumbledore that you had been placed with the Bones’! I- I didn’t question it, at all, even though it is standard protocol to check these things thoroughly! I-” Ra'Shan looked livid at this. It was obvious Dumbledore had used the Confundus Charm on this man, to get his way with steering Harry’s life. Well, no more!
“Finite Incantatem!” Mr. Keele looked puzzled for a second, before his face purpled. He knew what had happened, apparently.
“THAT OLD CODGER! HE CONFUNDED ME! THAT BASTARD!!!” While not exactly eloquent, it carried his drift. While not exactly high-up in the grand scheme of things, if Ra'Shan told the appropriate authorities, then things would sort themselves out in the end.
“Mr. Keele. Even though you are angry, please remember: you are a professional. So, please, shut up, and get Harry his money. He needs some new clothes, a house, and preferably several new experiences. So hurry up. Now.” Her eyes, although beautiful as ever, glinted maliciously at the man.
“Right. Sorry. I’ll go and get the Minting Printer, then. Melany, stay here, please.”
At that, the man left the room, swearing under his breath. The lone girl turned to look at Harry.
“So, is it Lord, Duke, Sir, Your Grace, Your Lordship…?” Miss Shock asked.
“I will answer, but first, is it Mel or Shocker?” The smile in his eyes shined across the room, and lit the fire in the teenager’s lower regions. Pun intended, she was shocked.
“I thought so. So, Shocker, it will be Harry to you, and Duke Potter to Keele out there. Whack your number on the minutes, and I’ll call you when I get a phone.” Once again, Harry’s suave attitude surprised him to no end. He’s never spoken to a girl like this before in his life. He smirked, however, and promptly forgot his surprise. The girl’s shoulders quivered slightly, setting her nice-sized boobs a-jiggling. He’d seen this before, in his room when-
“Did you just have an orgasm?!” Harry enquired, as Melany’s eyes rolled slightly.
“N- No! Just, got cold all of a sudden. It’s nothing.” Harry smirked. He could definitely smell a hint of vanilla and saltiness now. “You smell nice, a new perfume?” He taunted her, as she resolutely refused to rub her legs together, and kept her hands above the table. She blushed. Harry laughed.
“Harry, stop teasing her. Girls will be doing this more as you come closer to maturity. You’ll have to get used to it.” Harry was happy with that.
The next five minutes were spent in silence, until Mr. Keele came back with a small, heavy-looking black metallic box. A small slot on one side belied the high-tech printer.
“This, Duke Potter, is a printer, which will make your own personal bank card. It was designed especially by your mother for purposes such as these. There are others such as making passports and driver licences, et cetera. She asked us to supply some images to be printed onto the card once finished, unless there is one you would like?” Ra'Shan whispered into Harry’s ear then. Harry’s eyes lit up, and he glanced quickly to Melany, who was trying to recover while the spotlight was off of her.
“Mr. Keele, if you have a camera, I would take one in here, if that’s OK?”
“Oh, of course, Sir, here you are! I’ll take a step across the road, and buy a coffee. Anyone else? No?” The man left promptly, and the three were left alone once again. Harry smirked at Melany.
“I do hope, Melany, that you don’t mind me taking a photograph of you for my card?”
“Me? Why me, I’m nothing special to you, am I?”
“Well, you’re hot, and I can smell your pussy as it is. Just a quick couple of photos, and I’ll be on my way. Oh, and don’t forget to stick your number in the minutes. I’ll be seeing you again soon.” Harry literally had no idea where this was coming from. Although, he could definitely smell a sweet smell. Shocker sighed, and started taking off her cardigan.
“Ok, I’ll do it, but Mr. Keele does not find out about this. I have enough trouble from his as it is! Perverted bastard that he is…” She finished taking off her cardigan, and then started on the rest of her clothes. Harry raised the camera, and continually took photos as Melany slowly, sexily ran her hands over her chest, until they reached her collar. She gradually popped open each button, allowing more and more of her developing breasts to sneak out. She smiled sexily, as Harry snapped some more pics as the girl slipped her blouse off her slight shoulders, and into a pile on the floor. Next went the skirt, as Melany bent over, Harry got a good one of her arse, pushed out right towards the camera. The tights were quickly rolled off, leaving Melany in just her lacy bra and knickers. Mel slowly sauntered over to Ra'Shan, and straddled the slightly older woman. The younger girl pushed her chest out, leaving it just inches away from the older one’s face. Harry took a very nice shot of this, especially of Ra'Shan's hungry look. Before anything happened, however, Melany reached around, and unclipped her bra, and threw it behind her. She didn’t know why she was so at ease with this. Her boyfriend would dump her if he knew, but not before hurting her. She needed this, she realised, to relax. Harry’s dick had been getting harder as more cloth came off the nubile girl, but when her last item of clothing came off- her knickers- he stopped taking pictures. He was in awe at the amazing arse the girl had. Must have been better than Hermione’s. Easily.
Ra'Shan was stunned. Harry had to be really powerful to get this girl to do as he wanted. This girl was one of the Engineered few, so her mind was nearly impervious to outside influence. Her stunned expression had nothing to do with the amazing set of tits. Not at all. Well, maybe a little bit. Her head leaned forwards, until her lips brushed a nipple. Melany’s head had been turned towards Harry and the camera, until she felt her left nipple being slowly licked and caressed with a very persuasive tongue. Her expression melted, until Harry started taking photos again. Then she pressed her bosom into Ra'Shan's face even more, holding her head to her chest.
“Harry, I knew of your Godfather, and I know how proud he would be of you now. Before he left his ancestral home at the age of sixteen, he was in a romantic relationship with his close cousins Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda. The marriage contracts they all were forced into- by this so called ‘Dark Lord’ Voldemort- changed their actions forcibly. Bellatrix is currently in grief over what she has done, understand? Your father, godfather, mother and the werewolf were part of the Marauders- a group of individuals that seeded chaos amongst Voldemort’s troops. They worshipped my master, without knowing that two of them were his favoured. Lily and James had been Engineered as far back as their ancient ancestors, billions of years ago. Specifically so that you would be the next Chosen One. Being the Chosen One is not just about defeating Voldemort and Dumbledore, but about spreading your seed to all of the other Engineered humans out there- and the good thing is, they’re all women! Now, before Keele gets back, choose a photo, and put it in the printer. Maybe one that’s not too revealing, you’d want to keep them to yourself.”
At that moment, they saw Keele exit the coffee shop across the road. Quickly flipping through the photos he’d taken, Harry picked out the one of Melany straddling Ra’Shan, and sent it to the printer. Melany was sitting back in her chair, clothed once again. Her face was flushed, and the scent of vanilla and salt hung in the air, for those with the nose to find it. A small wet patch on her chair would later be attributed to a tiny roof leak in the old building.
“All ready, are we? Good, good!” Mr. Keele made his entrance, spilling a bit of his coffee onto his already miscoloured carpet. Who puts pink with green, anyway? Well, there’s brown in there now.
Keele typed in his personal password to the Minting Printer, which promptly began to print out the new bank card for Harry. All the occupants of the room could see was the underside, a deep gold, with a magnetic white stripe. Harry took the card, and put it in Vernon’s- now his- wallet. Before he spent a penny of his own money, he was going to bankrupt his now-deceased relatives, and leave Halifax in an astonishing amount of debt. I mean, why not? HSBC was under instructions to buy them out in the eventuality they went under, anyway.
“My thanks, Mr. Keele, for your outstanding display of loyalty and diligence. I’m sure my parents would be proud. For now, we must say goodbye. Perhaps we may meet again, in the future?” The two shook hands, before Harry turned and whispered to Ra.
“Ra. Obliviate him, would you? He knows too much about me and my money.” She nodded. Harry noted Melany writing her number at the bottom of the minutes, and then clicking print. She promptly deleted everything she’d written. Clever.
Handing him the sheaf of notes, she winked and said, “Whenever you’re ready, give me a call! I’ll come running, the sooner the better. For now, I’ll have to fend off Karl’s advances. Again.”
“It won’t be too long, and then you could join Ra and I at my house. It’s not like I can’t afford to keep you in the lap of luxury. That, and I’m not sure if Ra could keep up with me!” His roguish wink threw Melany. He was open about keeping two (or more) girls on at once? Well, it didn’t matter to her, at any rate.
It took a day, but Harry had finally bought everything Ra said he needed. They practically stormed Diagon and Knockturn Alley, sacking any shop with books, tomes and artefacts of interests. Being in the presence of an Immortal was rubbing off on him- his higher brain functions were slowly speeding up, and becoming fully awakened. He was beginning to sense people’s thoughts, and their emotions; what he could say to convince them to do what he wanted, and other things, besides. Ra’Shan helped him to understand things as he went along. Her master’s plan, and Harry’s role in it, what they would be doing in the years to come to train.
Before they could withdraw from the world, and train, they needed to acquire a harem of women with which Harry could expend his excess energy- the more exhausted he was when he slept, the more stamina he would gain. He did after all, have to fuck and impregnate nearly a hundred thousand women. Multiple times. That, or until he got bored with them, whichever took the longest.
So, Harry made a list of the ones he knew he would like to bone first. They didn’t have to be the Engineered, so long as he didn’t have a baby with any them. The Engineered- such as Melany, it was revealed- were important, and having a child with all of them was also vital.
The list contained Hermione Granger, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Cho Chang, Fleur Delacour, the Patil twins, Daphne Greengrass, Megan Jones and Su Li. Those were just the school-aged ones. He made an addendum of others he’d like if it was possible- Bella Black, Cissy Black, Andy Black, Nymph Black, Nefertiti Zabini, Professor Vector, Professor Burbage, Professor Babbling, Professor Sinistra and Hestia Jones.
It was extensive, but Harry knew he’d be burning through them all by the end of his training. It was going to be a long ten years.
Harry sat at the large round marble table in his newly-bought house. Ra’Shan sat across from him, feet up on the table, simply relaxing in the late August afternoon heat. Harry, however, was ripping through a pile of so-called Dark Magic tomes and grimoires, compiling more useful knowledge for the coming term. Behind him, the expansive kitchen was piled high with the ‘Light’ tomes and grimoires, already read and digested. Harry had a week until he went back to Hogwarts, and a week until he started his take-¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬over of the world¬. Melany was moving in with him and Ra'Shan later that day, which was going to be… new.
He was currently glancing back over an entry on Obelisk Magic- supposedly, there were spires of obsidian strewn throughout the world that were connected, forming an instantaneous transportation grid. Each one was placed on a ley line convergence point, and yet nobody knew of them! How exactly was that Dark Magic? Harry huffed, and slammed the book closed.
“Why are so many people so biased against Black Magic, Ra? I mean, these Obelisk Transporters, why aren’t they being used?”
“The masses eat what they’re fed. The Engineered are the few who don’t, who know that not everything they hear is true. These Obelisks… We should find them, and make sure only us and the Engineered can use them. When our plans are more advanced, and we’re out in the stars, we can use them to move things and people over the vast distances. Get back to reading, Harry, you have until tonight. Mel will need time to get used to the existence of magic, I’m sure.”
“Yeah, sure, and what are you doing while I’m rubbing my nose in a book?”
“I’m writing down the rituals, runes and spells we can use to amplify pretty much anything useful, why? Jealous, much?”
“Well, yeah, I suppose…”
“Ah, get on with it. The sooner you can kill Voldemort, the sooner you can fuck the world.”
With that, Harry resumed reading as much as possible before Mel joined the sexy duo at home.
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