Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha

Hunting Down Little Red

by Topaz_Kat

A new twist with an old faerytale using the IY characters.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Inuyasha, Koga - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-08-27 - Updated: 2006-08-27 - 4934 words - Complete

Title: Hunting Down Little Red
Author: Topaz Kat
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: InuYasha and Kouga belong to Rumiko Takahashi, and while "Little Red Riding Hood" has no true author, it's well-known thanks to the Brothers Grimm.
Notes: If you see anything like this out there, please let me know. The idea seemed so logical to me that I was sure that someone else must have written something similar at some point. I am not a plagiarist, but if you have written, or know someone who's written a similar idea, please let me know.

InuYasha ducked the trees as they flew by him. He hated gathering herbs for Kaede, but she had to point out that he had the special gift of his heightened senses. Why was it that every time Kagome had to disappear off to her own damn time that he got turned into an errand boy? It also would have been a lot easier if he were doing this with some help. Miroku was off romancing the ladies and if Sango hadn't taken Shippo with her to go investigate a small disturbance, then his life would have been easier since he could of have used them to help him. As it was, he was hopping from tree to tree with a basket hooked under one arm and a list of herbs in one hand, feeling agitated and ridiculous.

"What are you doing puppy?" asked an amused voice from up in the tree tops.

InuYasha looked up with a sigh to see the wolf prince. He pulled back the cloak from around his shoulders to its usual position, resting along his back and down past his hips. He would wear it up during times of gathering herbs since it helped to block out the light from the sun. Making it possible for him to fin some of the herbs he searched for. He had been no where near Kouga's territory: but that didn't mean that the youkai wouldn't pop up from time to time just to irritate him and pursue Kagome. "Gathering herbs the old hag. What are you doing here?" he snipped, a bit irritated.

Kouga jumped from one tree branch to the one lower and then finally to the ground, landing directly in front of the silver-haired hanyou. He looked into the basket and various twigs, petals, and full flowers; he looked back at the golden eyes and snorted, "What, no mushrooms?"

InuYasha shrugged, "Kaede didn't say she needed them, just these."

"What do the humans use them for?"

InuYasha was a bit surprised, but was glad to show off just a tad, anything to have an advantage over the wolf demon "these roots and twigs are good for bruises when ground up and steeped in a tea bag and then applied to it. The flowers have strong pollen that helps combat breathing problems. And those petals help combat fevers when chewed on."

Kouga was surprised, even to the point of raising an eyebrow, "really? You know a lot about human medicine. But then, I guess you would have to, since you're not really a youkai."

Golden eyes narrowed in irritation, "perhaps, but at least if Kagome gets hurt, I'll know how to take care of her."

Browns narrowed in kind, "if she were with me, she wouldn't be getting hurt in the first place."

InuYasha shook his head, biting his tongue. He cared for Kagome a great deal, but that still didn't explain exactly why he didn't want Kouga around her. If he could put his finger on what it was exactly that set his teeth on edge about the wolf demon, then he might stand a better chance of keeping him away from the girl he thought of more and more of as a sister.

Kouga frowned a bit, but mostly to himself. It really wasn't as much to tease the hanyou if Kagome wasn't around to see how he reacted. He wanted to consider Kagome his mate, but he was also a practical person. No human woman could properly keep up with him, not to mention any children born between her and he would be half-breeds and weaker as a result. That didn't mean that he didn't consider Kagome as a part of his pack, he did that with all of those in her little clan.

"What are you doing after you deliver those herbs to Kaede?" he asked easily. Perhaps he would be able to get what he really wanted, or rather, who he really wanted finally.

InuYasha shrugged easily, "I don't know, probably go hunt down rumors of the shards and Naraku. Why?"

The youkai prince smiled easily, almost wolfishly, "oh nothing much, just curious. You know, you should make sure you hit up that meadow over there. There should be some grass that can help with burns that's just popped up. Where are you taking the herbs and such back to?" he asked as he watched the young half-breed bend over to get some plant of sorts. He didn't get much a view usually, and this was no different, but he knew that the youth had to have a fine ass.

InuYasha, unaware of the scrutiny of his derriere, nodded over in the direction of the village as he ripped various plants out by their roots, "Kaede's house is at the east end of the village, so that's where these all go when I'm done. Thanks for the tip on the other plants," as he stood up, he was surprised to see that no one was behind him anymore.

Kouga ran quickly, knowing that it wouldn't take long for his pretty hanyou to gather up all of the plants, including the extras that he'd sent him on. He found Kaede's small house at the end of the village, a fair distance away from prying eyes. He stepped inside, looking around.

He cried out in surprised as he got hit in the back with a broom. He fell with a thud and rolled over onto his back, looking up at an annoyed woman with an eye-patch. He had a feeling his just met Kaede. "Um, hello ma'am, how are you?"

She looked cross, "if you're here to challenge InuYasha, do it somewhere else and leave me and my home alone." She stalked away from him, back out through the sliding doors.

He smiled to himself; that had been easier than he had thought that it would be; now he wouldn't have to bother getting rid of Kaede. He had been planning on catching InuYasha here at the house and finally getting what he wanted from him. Thankfully, the first part of the obstacle had been removed since Kaede had left; he doubted very much that she would have been willing to let him ravage the hanyou in her house.

He looked around for the discarded clothes, he did so want to play with InuYasha, and it created an interesting game for him. Could he disguise himself well enough to fool the white haired pretty? He would certainly try. Reaching down, he picked up a large shawl of Kaede's that easily covered the whole of his body, including his head. A plan formed in his mind as he ran back outside. It would more suitable for him to capture his prey in amongst the woods.

He waited in secret within the shadows, completely covered and waiting for InuYasha. He had used his own knowledge of herbs to hide his scent to the hanyou's nose, and was now calmly enjoying the passage of the sun going down. Since it was still several hours from twilight, the afternoon sun was heating the ground and the woods nicely, sending a flavor of warmth through him.

He smiled to himself as he saw his target leaping towards the house, cloaked in the red that made him stand out far more than would normally be considered wise. InuYasha walked up towards the house and banged on the door to the front, realizing that he might miss his chance, Kouga gave a soft cough to change his voice a bit before calling out to the hanyou.

"InuYasha, I'm back here," he raised his voice a bit, hoping that it didn't crack too badly at the slightly higher octave.

The white haired youth came from the front of the house to the back where he found Kaede sweeping up around her fire pit, a peculiar habit he had seen her partake in for the last several months. He blinked, putting down the huge and heavy basket of herbs and plants. "You heard me banging on the front of the house? Your ears must be getting better somehow."

"Don't be a fool InuYasha," Kouga answered with as much gruffness as he suspected Kaede would use, still sweeping easily. "My ears still work just fine, and I can hear your grating voice without any issue." He put down the broom and turned back to the half breed, his eyes and face still hidden. He kept one eye close just in case the light caught part of his face, since he knew the wise woman was without one. "Do you have my herbs?"

InuYasha nodded his head, picking up the basket of herbs. "Yes, I have them. Where do you want me to put them? I wouldn't want you to strain yourself," he teased roughly, "particularly since I don't need you bitching at me to go get you more if you use them all up on yourself." The banter was not an unusual aspect to their lives, it was part of what reminded them that they were alive and kept them going, the chance to have a verbal sparing partner.

He blinked in surprise to have the basket yanked out of his hands. He hoped that he hadn't really offended her, for more than one reason. Friends were few and far between as it was, but more than that, she was a reliable person, someone who provided necessary aid, even if it was sometimes unwanted. "Are you forgetting yourself old woman? That's heavy you know."

Kouga snorted, but he had to admit that the basket was indeed heavy, certainly nothing that he couldn't handle, but if the older human had grabbed it from him, he would have been surprised as well. "I'm not so weak that I still couldn't knock you into the ground pup, just you remember that."

*Yes Kaede," InuYasha sighed as he sat down for a while; his lower back was hurting from all the hunting that he'd done earlier in the day. "Have you ever heard of a grass that helps heal burns?"

Kouga chuckled quietly; it seems as if the hanyou didn't quite trust his knowledge of medicinal herbs, which didn't surprise him too much. "Yes," he answered in his false voice, perhaps he could lure his prey closer to him and then to the forest where he could finally pounce on him.

"Really? Kouga said the same thing, but I don't think he knows what he's talking about. He said that it's supposed to help heal burns... but they looked like normal grass blades to me. Maybe you can show me which ones they are tomorrow. With the way that the sun is going down, it's changing the shadows, making it more difficult to see things."

Kouga nodded his head, understanding the need to keep things clearer for the older woman. "True enough, I only have one eye left that's of any use to me."

InuYasha watched Kaede, thinking about that, "even with only eye though, you've said that it's still pretty strong..." he hoped it was at least.

The wolf in woman's clothing just nodded his head, "well, yes, the better to shoot the arrows with right? You only need one for it."

The white haired youth nodded quietly, not arguing, simply wondering if it really was the right thing to do in any case. He stood up, moving some things around for Kaede to work on dinner. While he wouldn't admit it out loud, she was a better cook then most of the others he traveled with. Even Kagome with all of her "instant foods" from the future never made edible food as well. "Is there anything you need me to get for you?"

Kouga shook his head, smiling, and wondering exactly how he was going to get InuYasha to his hands. "Sure, I've just got about everything I need to be able to eat a decent meal."

The hanyou cloaked in red stood up and walked over to him, handing him some of the ingredients to put into the stew. His hands landed on a piece of thick meat, something that would be very tasty either as it was, or cooked. He noticed that Kaede also was giving the food a longing look, something odd to see considering that she was not a big meat eater as far as he knew. "Careful there old woman, your teeth probably aren't up to the task of having good meat anymore, not with all the vegetables you eat."

Kouga raised an amused, yet slightly irritated eyebrow, thankful that InuYasha couldn't see it due to the wrapping around his head. "My teeth are sharp enough whelp," he answered a bit more huskily than he had originally intended.

Golden eyes blinked up in startle at the youkai prince in disguise, "really?"

The covered head nodded as the wolf walked towards the woods a bit, he knew his words had piqued the half breed's curiosity, and it would not be too long before he had him now. "Oh yes, more than sharp enough to make a few marks on you."

InuYasha stood up, falling into the trap he knew was being set. He recognized a challenge when he heard one and he had had a feeling for a while now that he wasn't dealing with the old haggard woman who first taught Kagome to make him sit. His own eyes narrowed in response to the words he heard, drawing the demon further into the woods, for damned if he was going to let the rest of the village get dragged into a fight between him and someone else. "I doubt that very much."

Kouga smiled proudly as he pulled back the shawl that covered his face. He had InuYasha exactly where he wanted him, in the shadows of the woods. He watched with amusement as his prey walked backwards a bit, right into a tree. He placed one arm on either side of the white haired youth, blocking his escape as he leaned in closer. A very wolfish smile spread on his lips as he leaned in closer and pressed his lips against his prey's neck. "Yes, very sharp, little pup."

InuYasha's eyes bulged wide in surprise at the feeling of the lips and teeth against his throat. He could feel a severe shock run up and down his back at the little nips that ran along it. He couldn't believe at how wonderfully strange it felt. The sharp sensations made him shudder in pleasure. When he was finally able to hope his eyes in response, he looked up at the wolf prince and swallowed, "what is this about wolf?"

Kouga smiled as he ran a tender hand in the hanyou's white locks, "this is about staking claim and taking what's mine. My teeth should be strong enough to leave at least a few marks on your lovely white skin."

Golden eyes widen in surprise. He knew what he was hearing, and he wasn't ready for it. Demons claimed for at least 100 years, and if something happened to them within that time period, the reason for it often regretted it very soon afterwards. While that could prove to be helpful with fighting Naraku, they already had Kouga on their side. But being claimed... that was something else, truly.

He raised his eyes, gazing quietly into the warm browns that met him, he felt a sense of calm reach him and nodded his head, showing that he was willing to accept the attention. "I have only one question, why me?"

He let out a wonderful cry of surprise as his red cloak was gripped and then ripped off of his shoulders and cast aside. He was forced on to his back and to the ground quickly, the youkai up above him looking feral and dangerously sexy. "Because I want to. You are mine." The feral smile appeared against as he exposed more of his prey's flesh to his eyes. The creamy skin looked delicate, just waiting to be marked.

The half human gasped loudly as the white under shirt was pulled off of his shoulder as well, revealing more of his body to the wolf prince. He was a bit worried, but wasn't sure as to how far he was willing to go. Part of him thought this was still some sort of game or something not as serious as being claimed. He yelped a bit as the strong jaws latched onto his neck and shoulder, making him whimper, and he now knew that he was not getting away from this claiming, no matter what he tried

Kouga smiled as he felt the blood from his bite leak into his mouth. He didn't want the bite so large that InuYasha lost a great deal of blood, but he wanted the mark large enough that it would take at least a couple of hours to heal up. He knew of a way to leave the mark in such a way that it would never really be able to go away, but it would take time and several re-markings.

He felt the wiggling of the body beneath him as he prey tried to get away and bit down harder, making the half-breed yelp. He pulled away, holding the flushed face in his hands, keeping him still and licked up some of the excess blood from his lip and shook his head in gentle warning, "don't try fighting me puppy, you won't win."

InuYasha nodded his head, a bit nervous. He didn't want to show it, but with his neck bleeding as much as it was made it difficult for him to fight back much, particularly when he was pinned to earthen floor as he was.

Kouga nodded his head in approval, for as far as he was concerned, the cessation of fighting meant that the half-breed finally understood his place. He moved back to what he was working on, lapping softly at the bit mark he'd placed already before nipping harder and more frequently. He felt the little twitches of pleasure running through his prey as he nibbled on his throat. It felt good to finally take what was his. "That's a good job puppy, just calm down, it will be all right."

Taking a deep breath, the white haired youth tried to calm down. He had heard tales of claimings, and while he was never completely sure if they were true, it sounded as if it was an unpleasant process. "You don't really think I'm just going to lie here and take what you dish out, do you?"

The wolf prince raised an eyebrow and kissed him deeply, ringing a softly strangled cry of surprised from the cherry kissed lips. The hanyou tasted so sweet, he wondered if he could ever get enough. He gazed softly into the golden eyes, pleased to see that while there was defiance, there was no fear. He wanted someone he could play with who could bite back. Spice was what made things interesting. He went back to nipping down the soft throat to the tender jaw yet again, this time on the other side. "You will, little puppy, particularly if you know what's good for you."

More skin was bared as the strong hands made short work of his clothes, giving InuYasha the shivers, distracting him just enough for him to not realize his nudity until it was too late. He looked up at the wolf prince, could still feel the slickness of blood running down his neck, and nodded quietly. It was a scary thing to be claimed, he had been told, and now he knew why. He could feel Kouga's desires going through his own body as he was being marked with his need.

He opened his eyes, somewhat surprised to see that Kouga was nearly nude as well, confused as to how the wolf youkai had managed to strip while he was undressing him and marking him as well. He felt the strong hands lay him back against the earth and gently pull his legs apart. This part was supposed to hurt.

He felt kisses at his eyelids, forcing him to close them again, it felt so sweet and light, bringing tenderness where there had been none before. The sweet little touches brought a light pleasure that he could feel all through his body, making him relax. He moaned softly, feeling that the tender marks were giving him sweet pleasures.

A soft cry erupted from his prey as Kouga flipped InuYasha over onto his stomach. He would never be able to claim him properly if he wasn't holding him correctly. As far as he was concerned, he needed to have access to all of the hanyou's sweet spots: his nipples, his flanks, his neck and shoulders, and his cock. He'd be holding him from behind when he finally buried himself inside the tight body.

Virgin or no, it didn't matter to Kouga. Most demons had at least one lover before their reached too late into their teens, but with a half-breed, that probability fell very low. So he would be extra careful with his prey, besides the point was to mark him, not break him.

The white haired youth jolted a bit cutely as he felt hands on his ass cheeks. He tried to look over his shoulder, but found that he couldn't, thanks to the sweet petting that he was getting from the wolf demon. He moaned in pleasantly surprised pleasure when he felt a tongue bathing him ever so nicely over his on to be plucked entrance and the feelings it brought him were both wonderful and a bit scary as well.

The way that the tongue flicked against his entrance made him quiver a bit with unknown need. He could feel what Kouga wanted to do to him, how the wolf wanted to bend him over and fuck him hard, and that was what frightened him more than anything else. That he could feel exactly how much the wolf demon wanted him, which was the biggest surprise to his mind still.

"Shh, little puppy," Kouga whispered again in his ear, his tongue tracing the shell of his ear as he head just done to him. "Don't be so scared, you're mine, and I'll take care of you. You might be surprised as to how well I can take care of you," he finished, a very pleased smile on his face as he raised a hand under the hanyou's hips, pushing him up onto all fours. "You're my pretty puppy, all mine." He heard sweet whimpers and gasps as he continued to lave his prey's entrance with sweet kisses and his tongue: he wanted to make sure that it was nice and slick for him to go through a moment later.

InuYasha quivered again, a soft moan reaching his lips. He knew that it wouldn't be long now, in fact, from what he could feel from Kouga's emotions, he was ready as far as the wolf demon was concerned. He was thankful that the prince had taken as much time as he had to prepare him, he knew that it didn't always happen when one was claimed.

He felt something hard and slick press against his ass, and he knew what it was. He would have wiggled more if it hadn't been for the strong arms clasped around his chest and upper arms. He gritted his teeth as he was slid into, his ears tilting back in pain as he was speared. He felt the soft tongue at his ears, and cried out in shocked pleasure as he suddenly took the entirety of Kouga's cock into his ass, distracted by the biting at his ears.

The wolf prince was glad to feel the way the body fell against him, relaxed to the point where he would be able to easily take his pretty completely and make him his. He had wanted this for a while and he took no time to waste what he wanted to have. He thrust his hips firmly against the smaller body beneath his. This was the way claiming was supposed to be: the one underneath feeling the pleasure from his dominant, and allowing it to mark him from the inside out, so that no other could ever touch him this way again.

The white haired youth moaned louder, at first there had been pain, but now all he could sense both inside himself and from the one plowing into him was pure pleasure. And it felt very good indeed. He panted, enjoying the way in which he felt as if his cock was being stroked even though both of the wolf's arms were wrapped tightly around his chest. It was when he opened his eyes a bit that he realized that he was being stroked, by Kouga's tail.

The fur sensitized the flesh greatly and it made him squirm with a need for release. The soft fur flicked back and forth against his skin while the bones and muscles under the skin gripped him with strength not unlike that of a hand. This was much better than touching himself though, because he wasn't entirely sure of where the tail would stroke where or how strongly it would encase his flesh.

Kouga grit his teeth as he both took and gave pleasure, needing more of his new lover's taste and body. He nipped up and down the hanyou's neck once more, still taking him and still stroking him. He needed to feel the way in which the white haired pretty heart beat would throb, since it was the key to his timing, and so he sucked hard over the cords in the neck that would allow him to mark his lover at last.

He felt the way in which InuYasha's body stiffened at the overload of pleasure coursing through his body, his heart beat was much faster then he'd felt in some time and he did his best to nip and suck at it. He knew that they were both close to losing control over their bodies, but he retained at least enough coherent thought to remember he still needed to mark his prey.

InuYasha cried out harshly, his mind and body overtaken by the way in which Kouga had claimed him. The wolf's cock was pressed hard against that strange button that provided him with so much pleasure, his tail was wrapped tightly and warmly around the base of his cock, giving him a lot of pleasure, and his teeth were sunk into his neck, right over the pulsing vein.

Kouga just grinned to himself, his prey had finally been taken down, and he still had more to do. He thrust deeply inside the pretty hanyou a few more times before cumming hard. But, he did not remove his sharp teeth from his lover's throat. He knew that by cumming deeply inside his new love while keeping a firm bite on him for several moments would make sure that at least part of the mark would stay.

Long, slow minutes past, and finally the wolf removed his teeth from his puppy's throat. He gently pulled his lover back against him, running tender fingers in his hair before turning his head so that he could look into the golden eyes. "Are you all right puppy? Still with me?"

A cute whimper met his ears as the snowy head nodded quietly. Slowly, pretty twin suns looked up at him. "That was harsh... did you need to bite so roughly?" He put a sleepy hand up against his neck, and then pulled it away to look, surprised and pleased to see that there was no excess blood on his hand.

Kouga just chuckled softly, running soft fingers in his hair again, surprised by how soft and untangled it was. "Yes, how else will I prove to others that you are mine?"

"I don't belong to anyone-" the white haired youth began with a frown.

"But me," Kouga answered calmly. He could see a bit of irritation flash in his love's eyes, but noticed with happiness that it left a moment later.

"But I guess you were right, your teeth are sharp enough to leave a mark," was the quiet contemplation. InuYasha rested against him a moment longer then tried to pull away, letting out a sweet yelp. "I'm stuck!"

Kouga blinked confused eyes open from where he had been resting them, "well yeah, I'm a wolf demon after all. The knot's keeping you in place." He looked down his mate's pretty body. "It must be your human blood that made it so that you don't have one. But I think I like that..." he trailed tender fingers down his body until he got to the spent cock, pleased to see it still respond to his touch. That told him all that he needed to know, that the marking had been a success and that his prey would not be hunted down by any other.
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