Categories > Books > Harry Potter > RS- Transforming Harry
RS- Transforming Harry
By Dr T
Part XI – The end of the story.
Harry never wondered magicals differed from Muggles. He should have. When it’s discovered Harry has metamorphing abilities, life will be very different. HP/HG/LL.
The Harry Potter canon and characters are owned by She-Who-Must-Be-Mentioned and many minions. This fic showed what hormonal teens wished they could get away with.
Ginny saw the movement out of the corner of her eye as Draco's wand came up. She let go of Harry and grabbed the wand with both hands, trying to direct it towards the ceiling.
She didn't make it. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"
The curse hit Ginny right in the face.
Neither Harry nor Hermione noticed. Luna did, but refused to be distracted by Ginny's death. Harry pushed deeper into Voldemort's brain with a surge of raw power, which for a moment caused all the cells of the Dark Lord's cerebral cortex to become unconnected. A quarter of the cells died.
Although the remaining cells then more-or-less came back together, the connections made no internal sense. Although his body lived, although it still contained his soul, Voldemort's mind was gone. Down in the cavern, it simply slumped in the chair he had been sitting in. Malfoy collapsed in terror.
As the battle had ended, Harry turned to Professor Madfall and gave her directions to send the Druids to the Forest entrance to the Chamber complex. He then turned his attention to Draco. "Draco!" Harry said sharply. "Wake up! I expelled him; he's gone in fact. Wake up!"
Harry felt a hand on his shoulder. "Harry," Dumbledore said kindly-but-sadly, "you burned out Voldemort's mind?"
"I believe so, sir," Harry said, with a slight flash of triumph.
"His was not the only one lost."
Harry looked at Draco's face, still cupped in his hands, in horror. "No!"
Snape was looking at this from the floor. He instantly realized what had happened. He was about to start screaming at Potter when he saw two things that made him stop. One was the look of horror on Potter's face. It was obvious that Draco's destruction had not been intentional, and that Potter certainly would feel not only horror but guilt over this for a long time, perhaps the rest of his life. Snape loathed Potter, but he also understood better than most that casualties were part of war, and this was not too high a price for peace, if the Dark Lord was indeed now rendered helpless or dead.
The other reason was to Harry's left. Harry attention was directed there now as well. "Ginny?"
"Voldemort got off one last Killing Curse," Dumbledore said. "Miss Weasley deflected it from you, but he struck before she could finish deflecting it from herself."
"No," Harry whispered. Luna, who was already cuddling Ginny's body, started rocking and keening. McGonagall, Flitwick, Tonks, and Remus all glared at Snape, as if daring him to say anything. He raised his hands in surrender. He hated Potter. He was angry over Draco's likely destruction. He was however neither so unfeeling, nor stupid, to say anything. Potter was infamous in some circles for his power tantrums, and if Potter didn't hex him, McGonagall, Tonks, and the werewolf would.
Hermione, who was crying, whispered in Harry's ear, "If you can express yourself better, switch back."
Harry did so. Stella and Hermione joined Luna, and the wordless keening turned from lamentations to a ululating that tore through the hearts of all those present. Luna's calls and shrieks of pain were now fully echoed by her two lovers, as they grieved over the loss of their fourth corner. One by one, all those present was moved to tears.
Even Snape.
"Oh, hell," Tonks growled through her tears. McGonagall and Flitwick turned to see what had drawn her attention. Remus was watching the three women, while Dumbledore helped Snape gather Draco's body. Beyond them, two people were coming.
Tonks approached the shocked Ron Weasley, who was running down the corridor followed by Sarah. While Hermione and Luna had chased after Ginny and Colin, Sarah had gone for Ron. "What happened?" Ron asked after he stopped, breathing heavily.
"I'm so sorry," Tonks said.
"Colin's dead?" he asked, seeing Colin's body off to the side.
"Yes, while it looks as if Voldemort's and Draco's minds have been destroyed. But Ginny took a Killing Curse Voldemort intended for Stella."
Ron Weasley was a very tall and fairly strong young man. He shoved Tonks out of the way and shook Sarah off. "Ginny!" he screamed. He strode over and lifted Stella off Ginny's body with one hand on her collar and glared at her.
Stella wrapped her arms around Ron's waist and simply continued her howls and crying. Ron hesitated, but then gathered her into his arms, and he and then Sarah were brought into the group embrace by Stella, Hermione, and Luna.
Their anguish blended together. Stella reached out and grabbed Dumbledore's hand. "Tell me how to put her back," she pled through her tears.
"It is not possible," Dumbledore said. "Her soul is gone. Reanimating the body would merely create a mindless zombie."
Luna screamed in anger and pain. Hermione, Stella, Ron, and Sarah added their screams. The wolf inside Remus could hold back no longer, and his howls of anguish joined that of his cub and his friends and lovers.
"Enough," Flitwick said. He marched through the others and touched each screaming, howling person in turn with his wand, putting each to a dreamless sleep. "Severus, take Draco to the Infirmary. We must see if there is anything that can be done for him. Minerva and I will take these six. Headmaster, Miss Tonks, you have to check to see if the war is over. Come, we have work to do."
Harry woke up when someone put a hand on his shoulder. He didn't open his eyes, but didn't have to. "Professor Snape?" he asked, warily.
"Yes," Snape answered.
Harry opened his eyes, and he saw he was in a private ward in the Infirmary. His eyes glanced towards the window, and saw it was dark.
"Yes," Snape said, "it is early. However, you will soon have to make some decisions, so you need to be briefed."
Harry said nothing. He merely looked at Snape, puzzled.
"I volunteered," Snape said. "The Headmaster is busy. First of all, I still do not like you."
"Of course not."
Snape managed not to sneer. "I do need to say that while I dislike you, you did do an adequate job in most respects. The Dark Lord is vanquished. If you paid attention in Divination last year, you should have learned that we have ways Muggles do not know of to test the bonds between the soul and the body. This was how the Headmaster knew that while the Dark Lord's original body was destroyed, his soul and essence were still joined and capable of influencing others. His soul has been banished, that is, he is dead in the truest sense, although his body will continue to breathe for a few weeks."
"You're certain?"
"I am." Snape gestured towards his left arm, and the Dark Mark. "It is gone. The hex was not broken when he was banished fifteen years ago. It is broken now. Even if he left more objects like his enchanted diary, they would no longer function."
Harry breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, at least that's over," Harry said, thinking of the three bodies.
"Yes," Snape agreed, "there was a cost. There is always a cost, rarely fully paid by the most guilty. Draco was important to me; he was my godson in fact." Harry's eyes went wide, but Snape raised his hand for silence. "Therefore, I have the right to tell you this. I do not blame you. You did not take over Draco's mind and send him off to confront the Dark Lord. I totally blame the Dark Lord, and Lucius, who was with him. When I told Lucius of Draco's death, for Draco's soul is gone, just as the Dark Lord's is, he shrugged, and said, 'I can make more'."
"Did you hex him?"
"No. Actually, I just slapped him," Snape admitted. "You may or may not care that Pettigrew died. That hand the Dark Lord gave him melted away, and he bled to death. His body reverted back to human, so Black will be exonerated."
Harry shrugged. 'Too little, too late,' he thought.
"I also have to say that I am very impressed by your masquerade as Stella Green. I do not mean the physical manifestation; that was having a power and using it well. I mean the control you had over your actions. It totally fooled everyone. I shall keep your secret, if it stays a secret."
"Thank you," Harry said. "It doesn't seem important right now," he admitted.
"It may in a few days," Snape pointed out.
"Have the Weasleys, and Dennis, been told?"
"I would imagine so," Snape said. "I am sorry for your loss. I have always believed that the bookends of that brood, that is Bill Weasley and your Ginny, were the best of the family." Snape stood. "A word of advice, Mister Potter. You have been hurt very badly, but your remaining two paramours need you as much as you need them. Do not push them away."
Harry almost smiled. "As stubborn as I am, Hermione is close, and Luna has us both beat."
"Good. I expect you to maintain Miss Green's excellence performances in class." Snape strode out, only to be replaced by the Headmaster.
"I have very little time, Harry. First, honestly, how do you feel physically?"
"Physically?" Harry shrugged. "I'm a little tired, and my throat hurts. Other than that, I'm fine. Physically."
"I think it best that we say you were here as you, you fought and defeated Voldemort in a Legilimency battle after a duel, which is where three innocent bystanders, Mister Creevy, Miss Weasley, and Mister Malfoy, were killed."
"Lucius Malfoy may not agree with that," Harry pointed out.
"Lucius Malfoy is trying to avoid execution. He will cooperate. He will also be losing a large portion of his fortune, which should render him much less powerful."
"Wouldn't it be easier to let him be executed?"
"It is actually less likely than he believes. I believe, since he will likely get off with a long term of imprisonment, it would be best to have him make a magical contract on this."
Harry shrugged. "Very well. Can I see Hermione and Luna now?"
"I shall send them in when I leave. I'm afraid you will have to face. . . ."
"The Weasleys," Harry said, drained. "When?"
"Later this morning. Mister Weasley and his bondmate will be joining you after breakfast." Harry nodded.
"I am very proud of you, Harry," Dumbledore said. "I am sorry that your victory came at such a high price."
"So am I," Harry merely said.
Dumbledore nodded and left. Hermione and Luna came in, climbed onto the bed, and the three drifted off.
Harry sent Hermione and Luna from the room when Ron and Sarah showed up. Sarah stayed outside. "Do you hate me?" Harry asked.
Ron shook his head several times. "No," he finally muttered. "No," he said a bit more strongly. "I don't hate you. I can't even blame you, although Percy does." Ron looked at Harry. "It was Ginny's choice to bond with you, Harry. I understand why you couldn't say no to her."
"I could have," Harry suggested.
"If you had, under those circumstances, you would have hurt her far worse than she was when she was killed. I would have traded places with her in a second, and not just to save her, but to save you as well. I know she cared for you at least as much as I do. I know you would have given your life last night to save her, or me, or Sarah, or Colin . . . or even Malfoy, as long as you took that bastard with you."
"Thanks," Harry replied. "You're right, I would have preferred to sacrifice myself. I guess Ginny felt the same." He sighed. "Since you heard from Percy, I guess you've seen your parents. . . ."
"They're all with Ginny," Ron said.
Harry stood and simply said, "Then that's where I should be, too."
"The Creevys are there, too," Ron warned. "That little sister of theirs is acting a lot like Percy."
Harry shrugged, "Eliza never thought much of me. Probably because Colin and Dennis talk about me too much."
"Probably. Listen, let me walk in ahead of you. I'll block anything Percy does. . . ."
"Ron, don't hex your brother." He frowned. "He is really that angry?"
"I think so," Ron admitted.
"I'll have my shields up, so don't worry. I'll be careful."
"Alright," Ron said.
Ron was right to have warned Harry in one respect. As soon as Percy saw Harry, Percy snarled and started to raise his wand. Bill however merely yanked it out of his hand.
"Shame on you!" Molly snapped.
"I don't blame him, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said.
"But I blame you," Percy stated. "And don't forget, you still owe the family the bride's price!"
"Percy!" Molly and Penny both shrieked.
Bill and George each snarled something in Percy's ear, and he went silent.
Harry turned back to face both Colin's and Ginny's parents. "I am sorry. I wish I could have done more."
"So you should have!" Eliza snapped.
"Elizabeth!" Dennis snapped back. "Harry just defeated the most powerful, evil sorcerer in a millennium. He saved all of us!"
"He didn't save ALL of us!" Eliza snapped.
"I didn't," Harry agreed sadly.
Anna and Benjamin Creevy stepped forward and Eliza quieted down, although with a resentful glance at Harry. "I understand this Vodlemore wanted to kill, well, people like my children most of all. Is that true?"
"And non-magical people," Harry agreed. "Voldemort," Harry said, stressing the pronunciation just a bit, "had a non-magical father who abandoned his magical mother when she was pregnant." Harry shrugged. "It festered, and it just grew."
"That happens, although most twisted people can't do much about it, at least not by themselves," Ben said. "This bigot is dead?"
Harry nodded. "Gone forever, the Headmaster said."
"I know Colin thought highly of you," Anna said. "Would you speak at the funeral?"
Harry looked over at Mrs. Weasley. "Ginny's service will be Friday afternoon," Molly said. "Mister Creevy's in Friday morning."
Harry nodded and said to the Creevys while looking at Eliza, "If you're really certain you want me to, I'd be honored."
Eliza wrinkled her nose, but said nothing. George and Ron came over to Harry and put their arms over his shoulders, and led him past the stone-faced Percy into the inner chamber, where the two bodies were (Draco's body, like Voldemort's, was in a protected ward at St. Mungo's, since the bodies weren't dead yet). The rest of the families followed.
When the room appeared empty, five ghosts faded into view -- the four House ghosts and Moaning Myrtle. The Grey Lady turned and looked at the Bloody Baron, questioning without speaking.
"Myrtle here has a story," the Baron said. "The question is, do we just tell the Headmaster and let him decide, or do we tell young Potter at the least? She'll share with the three of you, and then the five of us will decide."
Myrtle cast her eyes down at being looked at by the four most important ghosts in the castle, but then said, "When Draco Malfoy burst through my toilets, I went down the slide to see what had driven him up the ramp. I saw that nasty Tom Riddle and Lucius Malfoy retreating behind what I had thought was a wall, so I followed. I listened to what happened."
"And what happened?" Nick asked gently.
"At the end, when Harry drove Riddle from that grotesque body, he wasn't a ghost, and he wasn't a free soul. He was, well, like a mist."
Nick and the Grey Lady looked horrified. "That was the same condition he existed in after young Potter defeated him here the first time," Nick explained to the Friar. Nick looked frightened. "We must. . . ." He stopped when the Baron held up his hand. The Baron then signaled for Myrtle to continue.
"Then there was this noise, like a great flapping, of wings or of sheets on the wash-line in a strong wind. I heard it, but Malfoy didn't. Of course, he was hiding on the ground, and couldn't see any of this, but he didn't seem to hear anything that I did. Then, I heard the murmuring of voices, and the upper half of a man appeared, and he grabbed onto the mist, as if it were solid. He said, 'Not this time, Riddle. This time, you're leaving for good.' Then another half-appeared and grabbed on, too. They started dragging the mist towards them, and more and more arms appeared, grabbed on and then they and the mist disappeared. The noise stopped."
"Did you recognize either of the two men?" Nick asked.
Myrtle nodded. "The first was Sirius Black. The second was Cedric Diggory."
"I would say we should inform the Headmaster right before he retires tonight," Nick stated after a moment of silence. "I will tell Potter before then. They can decide where to go from there."
"Does anyone object?" the Baron asked. Since none did, they would do as Nick suggested.
Thus, the most powerful Dark Wizard in a millennium was vanquished.
Draco's body died three weeks later. Voldemort's followed two weeks later. By then, Lucius Malfoy had been sentenced to life in prison. The Druids took him back to the wilds of North America, and made certain he stayed there.
Harry insisted on paying the bride price, as Percy had reminded him. Arthur divided the amount evenly between five of his six sons. On Hermione's advice, Arthur sent Percy 30 silver Sickles for his share.
Penny explained the gesture to her husband. She left him after their only child was born.
Remus tracked down a nice-sized manor house in the country. He and Tonks moved into it the next June, along with Dobby and Winky. Harry moved in a few weeks later. Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Sarah each moved in when they left Hogwarts, forming one big happy commune of friends.
Despite his apprehensions, while there would be a few more would-be Dark Lords in his life time, none were located in Europe. Harry would therefore live, finally, a happy life, with his extended family, their many children, and their descendants.
Stella was never seen outside the little group again.
The End
By Dr T
Part XI – The end of the story.
Harry never wondered magicals differed from Muggles. He should have. When it’s discovered Harry has metamorphing abilities, life will be very different. HP/HG/LL.
The Harry Potter canon and characters are owned by She-Who-Must-Be-Mentioned and many minions. This fic showed what hormonal teens wished they could get away with.
Ginny saw the movement out of the corner of her eye as Draco's wand came up. She let go of Harry and grabbed the wand with both hands, trying to direct it towards the ceiling.
She didn't make it. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"
The curse hit Ginny right in the face.
Neither Harry nor Hermione noticed. Luna did, but refused to be distracted by Ginny's death. Harry pushed deeper into Voldemort's brain with a surge of raw power, which for a moment caused all the cells of the Dark Lord's cerebral cortex to become unconnected. A quarter of the cells died.
Although the remaining cells then more-or-less came back together, the connections made no internal sense. Although his body lived, although it still contained his soul, Voldemort's mind was gone. Down in the cavern, it simply slumped in the chair he had been sitting in. Malfoy collapsed in terror.
As the battle had ended, Harry turned to Professor Madfall and gave her directions to send the Druids to the Forest entrance to the Chamber complex. He then turned his attention to Draco. "Draco!" Harry said sharply. "Wake up! I expelled him; he's gone in fact. Wake up!"
Harry felt a hand on his shoulder. "Harry," Dumbledore said kindly-but-sadly, "you burned out Voldemort's mind?"
"I believe so, sir," Harry said, with a slight flash of triumph.
"His was not the only one lost."
Harry looked at Draco's face, still cupped in his hands, in horror. "No!"
Snape was looking at this from the floor. He instantly realized what had happened. He was about to start screaming at Potter when he saw two things that made him stop. One was the look of horror on Potter's face. It was obvious that Draco's destruction had not been intentional, and that Potter certainly would feel not only horror but guilt over this for a long time, perhaps the rest of his life. Snape loathed Potter, but he also understood better than most that casualties were part of war, and this was not too high a price for peace, if the Dark Lord was indeed now rendered helpless or dead.
The other reason was to Harry's left. Harry attention was directed there now as well. "Ginny?"
"Voldemort got off one last Killing Curse," Dumbledore said. "Miss Weasley deflected it from you, but he struck before she could finish deflecting it from herself."
"No," Harry whispered. Luna, who was already cuddling Ginny's body, started rocking and keening. McGonagall, Flitwick, Tonks, and Remus all glared at Snape, as if daring him to say anything. He raised his hands in surrender. He hated Potter. He was angry over Draco's likely destruction. He was however neither so unfeeling, nor stupid, to say anything. Potter was infamous in some circles for his power tantrums, and if Potter didn't hex him, McGonagall, Tonks, and the werewolf would.
Hermione, who was crying, whispered in Harry's ear, "If you can express yourself better, switch back."
Harry did so. Stella and Hermione joined Luna, and the wordless keening turned from lamentations to a ululating that tore through the hearts of all those present. Luna's calls and shrieks of pain were now fully echoed by her two lovers, as they grieved over the loss of their fourth corner. One by one, all those present was moved to tears.
Even Snape.
"Oh, hell," Tonks growled through her tears. McGonagall and Flitwick turned to see what had drawn her attention. Remus was watching the three women, while Dumbledore helped Snape gather Draco's body. Beyond them, two people were coming.
Tonks approached the shocked Ron Weasley, who was running down the corridor followed by Sarah. While Hermione and Luna had chased after Ginny and Colin, Sarah had gone for Ron. "What happened?" Ron asked after he stopped, breathing heavily.
"I'm so sorry," Tonks said.
"Colin's dead?" he asked, seeing Colin's body off to the side.
"Yes, while it looks as if Voldemort's and Draco's minds have been destroyed. But Ginny took a Killing Curse Voldemort intended for Stella."
Ron Weasley was a very tall and fairly strong young man. He shoved Tonks out of the way and shook Sarah off. "Ginny!" he screamed. He strode over and lifted Stella off Ginny's body with one hand on her collar and glared at her.
Stella wrapped her arms around Ron's waist and simply continued her howls and crying. Ron hesitated, but then gathered her into his arms, and he and then Sarah were brought into the group embrace by Stella, Hermione, and Luna.
Their anguish blended together. Stella reached out and grabbed Dumbledore's hand. "Tell me how to put her back," she pled through her tears.
"It is not possible," Dumbledore said. "Her soul is gone. Reanimating the body would merely create a mindless zombie."
Luna screamed in anger and pain. Hermione, Stella, Ron, and Sarah added their screams. The wolf inside Remus could hold back no longer, and his howls of anguish joined that of his cub and his friends and lovers.
"Enough," Flitwick said. He marched through the others and touched each screaming, howling person in turn with his wand, putting each to a dreamless sleep. "Severus, take Draco to the Infirmary. We must see if there is anything that can be done for him. Minerva and I will take these six. Headmaster, Miss Tonks, you have to check to see if the war is over. Come, we have work to do."
Harry woke up when someone put a hand on his shoulder. He didn't open his eyes, but didn't have to. "Professor Snape?" he asked, warily.
"Yes," Snape answered.
Harry opened his eyes, and he saw he was in a private ward in the Infirmary. His eyes glanced towards the window, and saw it was dark.
"Yes," Snape said, "it is early. However, you will soon have to make some decisions, so you need to be briefed."
Harry said nothing. He merely looked at Snape, puzzled.
"I volunteered," Snape said. "The Headmaster is busy. First of all, I still do not like you."
"Of course not."
Snape managed not to sneer. "I do need to say that while I dislike you, you did do an adequate job in most respects. The Dark Lord is vanquished. If you paid attention in Divination last year, you should have learned that we have ways Muggles do not know of to test the bonds between the soul and the body. This was how the Headmaster knew that while the Dark Lord's original body was destroyed, his soul and essence were still joined and capable of influencing others. His soul has been banished, that is, he is dead in the truest sense, although his body will continue to breathe for a few weeks."
"You're certain?"
"I am." Snape gestured towards his left arm, and the Dark Mark. "It is gone. The hex was not broken when he was banished fifteen years ago. It is broken now. Even if he left more objects like his enchanted diary, they would no longer function."
Harry breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, at least that's over," Harry said, thinking of the three bodies.
"Yes," Snape agreed, "there was a cost. There is always a cost, rarely fully paid by the most guilty. Draco was important to me; he was my godson in fact." Harry's eyes went wide, but Snape raised his hand for silence. "Therefore, I have the right to tell you this. I do not blame you. You did not take over Draco's mind and send him off to confront the Dark Lord. I totally blame the Dark Lord, and Lucius, who was with him. When I told Lucius of Draco's death, for Draco's soul is gone, just as the Dark Lord's is, he shrugged, and said, 'I can make more'."
"Did you hex him?"
"No. Actually, I just slapped him," Snape admitted. "You may or may not care that Pettigrew died. That hand the Dark Lord gave him melted away, and he bled to death. His body reverted back to human, so Black will be exonerated."
Harry shrugged. 'Too little, too late,' he thought.
"I also have to say that I am very impressed by your masquerade as Stella Green. I do not mean the physical manifestation; that was having a power and using it well. I mean the control you had over your actions. It totally fooled everyone. I shall keep your secret, if it stays a secret."
"Thank you," Harry said. "It doesn't seem important right now," he admitted.
"It may in a few days," Snape pointed out.
"Have the Weasleys, and Dennis, been told?"
"I would imagine so," Snape said. "I am sorry for your loss. I have always believed that the bookends of that brood, that is Bill Weasley and your Ginny, were the best of the family." Snape stood. "A word of advice, Mister Potter. You have been hurt very badly, but your remaining two paramours need you as much as you need them. Do not push them away."
Harry almost smiled. "As stubborn as I am, Hermione is close, and Luna has us both beat."
"Good. I expect you to maintain Miss Green's excellence performances in class." Snape strode out, only to be replaced by the Headmaster.
"I have very little time, Harry. First, honestly, how do you feel physically?"
"Physically?" Harry shrugged. "I'm a little tired, and my throat hurts. Other than that, I'm fine. Physically."
"I think it best that we say you were here as you, you fought and defeated Voldemort in a Legilimency battle after a duel, which is where three innocent bystanders, Mister Creevy, Miss Weasley, and Mister Malfoy, were killed."
"Lucius Malfoy may not agree with that," Harry pointed out.
"Lucius Malfoy is trying to avoid execution. He will cooperate. He will also be losing a large portion of his fortune, which should render him much less powerful."
"Wouldn't it be easier to let him be executed?"
"It is actually less likely than he believes. I believe, since he will likely get off with a long term of imprisonment, it would be best to have him make a magical contract on this."
Harry shrugged. "Very well. Can I see Hermione and Luna now?"
"I shall send them in when I leave. I'm afraid you will have to face. . . ."
"The Weasleys," Harry said, drained. "When?"
"Later this morning. Mister Weasley and his bondmate will be joining you after breakfast." Harry nodded.
"I am very proud of you, Harry," Dumbledore said. "I am sorry that your victory came at such a high price."
"So am I," Harry merely said.
Dumbledore nodded and left. Hermione and Luna came in, climbed onto the bed, and the three drifted off.
Harry sent Hermione and Luna from the room when Ron and Sarah showed up. Sarah stayed outside. "Do you hate me?" Harry asked.
Ron shook his head several times. "No," he finally muttered. "No," he said a bit more strongly. "I don't hate you. I can't even blame you, although Percy does." Ron looked at Harry. "It was Ginny's choice to bond with you, Harry. I understand why you couldn't say no to her."
"I could have," Harry suggested.
"If you had, under those circumstances, you would have hurt her far worse than she was when she was killed. I would have traded places with her in a second, and not just to save her, but to save you as well. I know she cared for you at least as much as I do. I know you would have given your life last night to save her, or me, or Sarah, or Colin . . . or even Malfoy, as long as you took that bastard with you."
"Thanks," Harry replied. "You're right, I would have preferred to sacrifice myself. I guess Ginny felt the same." He sighed. "Since you heard from Percy, I guess you've seen your parents. . . ."
"They're all with Ginny," Ron said.
Harry stood and simply said, "Then that's where I should be, too."
"The Creevys are there, too," Ron warned. "That little sister of theirs is acting a lot like Percy."
Harry shrugged, "Eliza never thought much of me. Probably because Colin and Dennis talk about me too much."
"Probably. Listen, let me walk in ahead of you. I'll block anything Percy does. . . ."
"Ron, don't hex your brother." He frowned. "He is really that angry?"
"I think so," Ron admitted.
"I'll have my shields up, so don't worry. I'll be careful."
"Alright," Ron said.
Ron was right to have warned Harry in one respect. As soon as Percy saw Harry, Percy snarled and started to raise his wand. Bill however merely yanked it out of his hand.
"Shame on you!" Molly snapped.
"I don't blame him, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said.
"But I blame you," Percy stated. "And don't forget, you still owe the family the bride's price!"
"Percy!" Molly and Penny both shrieked.
Bill and George each snarled something in Percy's ear, and he went silent.
Harry turned back to face both Colin's and Ginny's parents. "I am sorry. I wish I could have done more."
"So you should have!" Eliza snapped.
"Elizabeth!" Dennis snapped back. "Harry just defeated the most powerful, evil sorcerer in a millennium. He saved all of us!"
"He didn't save ALL of us!" Eliza snapped.
"I didn't," Harry agreed sadly.
Anna and Benjamin Creevy stepped forward and Eliza quieted down, although with a resentful glance at Harry. "I understand this Vodlemore wanted to kill, well, people like my children most of all. Is that true?"
"And non-magical people," Harry agreed. "Voldemort," Harry said, stressing the pronunciation just a bit, "had a non-magical father who abandoned his magical mother when she was pregnant." Harry shrugged. "It festered, and it just grew."
"That happens, although most twisted people can't do much about it, at least not by themselves," Ben said. "This bigot is dead?"
Harry nodded. "Gone forever, the Headmaster said."
"I know Colin thought highly of you," Anna said. "Would you speak at the funeral?"
Harry looked over at Mrs. Weasley. "Ginny's service will be Friday afternoon," Molly said. "Mister Creevy's in Friday morning."
Harry nodded and said to the Creevys while looking at Eliza, "If you're really certain you want me to, I'd be honored."
Eliza wrinkled her nose, but said nothing. George and Ron came over to Harry and put their arms over his shoulders, and led him past the stone-faced Percy into the inner chamber, where the two bodies were (Draco's body, like Voldemort's, was in a protected ward at St. Mungo's, since the bodies weren't dead yet). The rest of the families followed.
When the room appeared empty, five ghosts faded into view -- the four House ghosts and Moaning Myrtle. The Grey Lady turned and looked at the Bloody Baron, questioning without speaking.
"Myrtle here has a story," the Baron said. "The question is, do we just tell the Headmaster and let him decide, or do we tell young Potter at the least? She'll share with the three of you, and then the five of us will decide."
Myrtle cast her eyes down at being looked at by the four most important ghosts in the castle, but then said, "When Draco Malfoy burst through my toilets, I went down the slide to see what had driven him up the ramp. I saw that nasty Tom Riddle and Lucius Malfoy retreating behind what I had thought was a wall, so I followed. I listened to what happened."
"And what happened?" Nick asked gently.
"At the end, when Harry drove Riddle from that grotesque body, he wasn't a ghost, and he wasn't a free soul. He was, well, like a mist."
Nick and the Grey Lady looked horrified. "That was the same condition he existed in after young Potter defeated him here the first time," Nick explained to the Friar. Nick looked frightened. "We must. . . ." He stopped when the Baron held up his hand. The Baron then signaled for Myrtle to continue.
"Then there was this noise, like a great flapping, of wings or of sheets on the wash-line in a strong wind. I heard it, but Malfoy didn't. Of course, he was hiding on the ground, and couldn't see any of this, but he didn't seem to hear anything that I did. Then, I heard the murmuring of voices, and the upper half of a man appeared, and he grabbed onto the mist, as if it were solid. He said, 'Not this time, Riddle. This time, you're leaving for good.' Then another half-appeared and grabbed on, too. They started dragging the mist towards them, and more and more arms appeared, grabbed on and then they and the mist disappeared. The noise stopped."
"Did you recognize either of the two men?" Nick asked.
Myrtle nodded. "The first was Sirius Black. The second was Cedric Diggory."
"I would say we should inform the Headmaster right before he retires tonight," Nick stated after a moment of silence. "I will tell Potter before then. They can decide where to go from there."
"Does anyone object?" the Baron asked. Since none did, they would do as Nick suggested.
Thus, the most powerful Dark Wizard in a millennium was vanquished.
Draco's body died three weeks later. Voldemort's followed two weeks later. By then, Lucius Malfoy had been sentenced to life in prison. The Druids took him back to the wilds of North America, and made certain he stayed there.
Harry insisted on paying the bride price, as Percy had reminded him. Arthur divided the amount evenly between five of his six sons. On Hermione's advice, Arthur sent Percy 30 silver Sickles for his share.
Penny explained the gesture to her husband. She left him after their only child was born.
Remus tracked down a nice-sized manor house in the country. He and Tonks moved into it the next June, along with Dobby and Winky. Harry moved in a few weeks later. Hermione, Ron, Luna, and Sarah each moved in when they left Hogwarts, forming one big happy commune of friends.
Despite his apprehensions, while there would be a few more would-be Dark Lords in his life time, none were located in Europe. Harry would therefore live, finally, a happy life, with his extended family, their many children, and their descendants.
Stella was never seen outside the little group again.
The End
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