Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Eroninja: The Limelight

Samui: Meet the Team

by TheLemonSage

A story which shines a spotlight on the kunoichi in Naruto's life as he continues in his goal to unite the shinobi world in a way that would make Jiraiya proud.

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2021-08-09 - 16041 words

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Eroninja: Limelight

Samui: Meet the Team

Events detailed happened shortly before Team Samui in Suna during Chunin Exam Arc.

Samui found heaven to be a place that she could routinely visit, although it had been months since she had last booked a trip. But, that currently didn’t matter as she was in the midst of one due to her being connected to her lover, while he pounded her from behind as she was on her hands and knees. Her heavy breasts swayed in rhythm with his thrusts as his cock drove nails of pleasure into her over and over again. A feeling which intensified as she moaned loudly, and contently when his hands traveled from her hips, up her body until he could grasp her swaying breasts, which he kneaded and massaged while his rod continued to batter her womb. An assault which relented momentarily when her pussy bore down on him due to the increased stimulus. But it was an extremely short lived respite from the seemingly endless waves of pleasure as he quickly overcame the increased resistance causing the battering ram trying to destroy the barrier between her and her climax to begin hitting it harder and faster.

Samui reminded herself that she needed to think of a way to thank Mabui as it was thanks in part to her fellow Kumo kunoichi that they could once again be seen in public with their blond lover. Although, not necessarily in a free and open manner as Naruto needed to use his Kakami Takayama identity, while outside of Mabui, his other Kumo lovers needed to assume the role of a personality that had come to the surface within the Snow-nin that was said to be dating him. An arrangement that didn’t truly bother Samui all too much, since she tended to enjoy the roleplaying since it did allowed her to adopt a personality of someone with a much less impressive bust but a more warm personality. Still, despite what her form when acting as the Snow-nin would suggest, she had truly come to terms with her natural bust, particularly when considering how much enjoyment she derived from her lover relishing her tits. Something he demonstrated as he suddenly flipped her over onto her back, and after kissing her hungrily, then moved south to begin sucking on one tit while he squeezed the other.

Samui arched her back as she moaned in delight from her lover’s actions, while mentally praising Mabui for her bravery, as she had become the focus of quite a bit of gossip. Which although Samui found that since becoming bound to Naruto all the various voices that had used to speak about her in hushed manners no longer mattered, she wasn’t quite as sure if she would be able to maintain her composure if she was subjected to as much scrutiny as Mabui seemed to be weathering since coming out as being in a relationship with Kakami Takayama, and the many women that his Snow-nin partner seemed to possess. Particularly, since while she had been subjected to some of the disproving stares, or hushed conversations about them that evening, due to her and Naruto enjoying an evening out together, she at least got to escape it simply by returning home and dropping her henge. Still, while Mabui truly didn’t seemed to be affected by any of the gossip, and had even on occasion seemed to feel somewhat guilty that she didn’t need to wear a henge to appear in public, Samui wanted to make sure she showed the other woman just how much she appreciated what she had done. Since, while the drought of quality time with Naruto, which was currently in the process of ending for her. Had been due more in part to the damage he had sustained to his chakra network in the aftermath of the Battle of Ame. Then a result of his being suspected of aiding Yugito in defecting, and so would probably be arrested or killed on sight if he appeared in Kumo. It did allow them to finally be with him away from the Hidden Thunder Inn, which while admittedly was lavish beyond compare, there was still something far more special about enjoying time with the man that she cared deeply for, while taking in the sights and sounds of the village that she loved almost as much.

Such matters faded from her mind as the battering ram that was Naruto’s cock caused a small crack to appear in the wall separating her from an even higher plain of pleasure. From the crack, a gush of warmth began exploding forth alerting her to how her womb was being filled with Naruto’s essence, which caused the wall to come tumbling down as the pleasure it held back exploded forth, causing her arms and legs to wrap around him tightly as she tried to pull him ever deeper inside her while she joined him in howling in release. Although the moment seemed to last forever, it was also over all to soon as Naruto sagged against her, while her own body began to go limp.

While her breathing returned to normal, she let out a small sigh of loss when Naruto rolled off of her to lay beside her. She let a small frown appear since his cock still stood proudly erect, which admittedly hurt her pride a little, even as she rationalized its defiant stance as being due to the fact that if he was so easily satisfied there would be no way that he could satisfy the numerous women bound to him. She looked away from it towards her nightstand as she felt a hunger welling up within her, and felt another sigh threaten to spill out as she knew she wouldn’t have time to indulge in it.

She moved to climb out of her bed and smiled as Naruto gripped her wrist just before she had completely left it as he asked, “Why don’t you blow off the meet and greets you have scheduled? I can think of a few more enjoyable ways for you to spend your time.”

Samui allowed herself to topple back into the bed, so that her face was near the pillar of flesh he called a cock, and teasing it with her hand asked, “This wouldn’t happen to be just a repeat of how we’ve spent the last few hours would it?”

Naruto pouted playfully as he asked while sounding almost hurt, “Are you saying they weren’t enjoyable?”

Samui smiled and just answered him by wrapping her lips around his cock, enjoying the groan of pleasure he let out, almost as much as she was basking in their combined flavor. She began bobbing on his length, until Naruto closed his eyes, at which point she quickly rolled out of bed causing him to pout for real as he said, “You really rather spend the day speaking with your team’s guardians, then finishing what you started?”

“No,” Samui replied stretching her arms over her head, and enjoyed the moment due to how Naruto drank in her nude form, “But, doing things we don’t want is what being an adult is all about. Besides, you probably won’t have to look too hard to find someone willing to pick up where I left off.”

Naruto gave her a wide amused grin as he said, “No wonder you became the de facto sensei for your old team. Your new charges are lucky to have you. But, why are you only looking in on their home situations now? You’ve been their sensei for months now.”

Samui shrugged, as she replied, “I suppose it is because I’d rather get an idea of who they are and give them a chance to get to know me, before I go probing around in their lives. I suppose most sensei tend to do it shortly after being assigned to a team as a means to assure the parents that their children are in good hands. But truthfully, as their parents let them be shinobi in the first place, I can’t really say I care too much about providing them with any such assurances.”

“My, that’s cold,” Naruto stated as Samui turned away to take a shower but stopped long enough to give him a coy smile before she disappeared into her bathroom.

Turning the water on, she gave it a few moments to warm up before stepping under the spray, and found the heat of the shower although pleasant, paled in comparison to the warmth that had been deposited inside her. She didn’t bask in the feeling for long though as she set about cleaning herself in preparation for the home visits that she would be conducting, which would be followed by a meeting the teams participating in the Chunin Exams would be having with the Raikage.

As she soaped herself up, she allowed her thoughts to turn towards the three kunoichi that she had been assigned. Although, she had accepted the assignment under protest at first, she admitted that she was rather content with her decision currently. Still, there were a few worries in regards to what the future would hold, particularly in regards to how her team would react if they knew their sensei was in effect sleeping with the enemy. Especially as that enemy would be taking the same Chunin Exams as they were, and was the venue where she and her fellow Family members expected the Raikage would take a stab at trying to abduct him or at the very least the Bijuu most of the world believed he carried. Strangely, despite the clearly high expectations the Raikage was placing on her team, she wasn’t sure it had translated into loyalty to the village. With the reason being due to the fact that two of her charges’ guardians, while powerful warriors in their own right, had never pledged their own allegiance to the village of Kumo. As such, Samui believed that instead her team was being seen as a long term investment by the Raikage, who believed that given time her charges would begin to shift their allegiance purely to Kumo. Particularly, as they were kunoichi so the Raikage likely suspected that before too long they’d fall in love, and drop out of the shinobi program to produce children with the coveted genes of both The Invincible Superman and The Master of all Kenpo.

Samui felt a phantom pain of guilt brought about by the respect which with she used to hold the Raikage in, as his placing her in charge of the team meant he trusted her to guide them, and in turn their future genetic contributions to the village onto the path of becoming truly dedicated shinobi. But, closing her eyes and seeing the brightly smiling eyes of the man who had captured her heart caused the feeling to fade as quickly as it had appeared as she accepted that her village leader was not the man that she had believed him to be, and following his lead would lead her away from the world she wanted to see come into being.

Still, that did lead her to ask why her team’s guardians had agreed to allow the two kunoichi under her care to become shinobi in the first place. Particularly as they had founded a dojo called Ryōzanpaku, which at times had the martial arts masters that had been invited to become members poaching jobs that otherwise would have probably been given to Kumo. An arrangement that she was surprised the Raikage would allow, although she supposed that he was of the opinion that jobs completed by the masters would still be credited to Kumo. Since the dojo was based in the village, which as the masters tended to only accept S or A ranked assignments meant that while the Kumo wouldn’t see the revenue, it would receive more prestige which would drive more business their way in the long run. She also suspected that the Raikage hoped that as the masters were willing to take on students, it meant that in time more quality shinobi could be produced. Although, that particular hope had yet to materialize since while many candidates had attempted to join the dojo, most ended up quitting within days if not hours.

Samui sighed as she admitted none of her pondering had driven her closer to the answer of why Hayato Furinji or Kensei Ma had allowed their respective charges to join Kumo’s shinobi program. Although, from what she knew of what had brought Kensei’s daughter Renka Ma, she suspected he hadn’t had much of a choice in the matter due to the plea deal he had needed to agree to in order to keep her from being sent to Kumo Iron Mountain Prison. Still, recognizing that she wasn’t getting any closer to the answers that she sought in the shower, she finished up and after drying off, quickly stepped out of the bathroom where she wasn’t surprised to find her lover was gone, so set about getting dressed.

She learned Naruto hadn’t needed to go far to get the problem she had left him with taken care of, as she stepped out of her apartment to find him right outside it and leaning against the railing that blocked off the opening in the center floor which showed the communal areas of the Hidden Thunder Inn below. Crouched in front of the Uzumaki was Karui who was contently sucking on his cock as she worked her mouth back and forth over his rod. The red-headed kunoichi was still dressed in her Anbu uniform as she made loud slurping noise, while occasionally moaning softly due to her rubbing herself through the material of her pants.

Samui despite her earlier resolve, found herself tempted to drop to her knees and join her former teammate. Particularly as Naruto appeared to be unaware of her presence since he was focused on meeting Karui’s eyes as she stared up at him, at least until he let out a groan indicating he was close, at which point her former teammate perhaps sensing she had an audience let him slip free of her lips and began jerking his cock with both hands. Turning away, unless she give into the temptation to bump Karui out of the way to capitalize on her hard work, she leapt over the railing to land on the floor below just as Naruto said, “Oh shit, just a little more…I’m cumming.”

Samui could easily picture the spurts of her lover’s semen painting Karui’s tongue white, and judging from the moans the dark skinned kunoichi let out as a result, suspected the front of her pants began to darken as well as she came from the experience of tasting his seed. Samui ignored the temptation to look back, at least until she heard, “Have a great day, and don’t work too hard today. Because I’m not letting you off the hook for this morning.”

Samui couldn’t help the smile that appeared, or looking back to receive a wink from Naruto as Karui pulled him after her on the way to her apartment. She turned away, and punched in the code to call the elevator up to their floor as a door slammed shut behind her. Which despite having spent most of the morning in the same manner it looked as if Karui was going to spend the rest of the day, filled her with a sense of envy and a desire to get the day’s tasked finished in the hopes she’d find her lover waiting for her upon returning home. An unlikely scenario considering just how in demand he was, but she found it was just likely enough that she entered the elevator as it opened with a noticeable bounce in her step.


Kisara Nanjo walked in a hunched manner with her hands in her pockets as she made her way towards her apartment which she lived in alone ever since her parents had divorced several years earlier. A situation which suited her well enough as both of them had been cheating on the other with younger lovers, and who they had in turn married to enjoy life anew. As such, both of her parents had been all too glad to let her get her way when she declared she wanted to live on her own. As they were quite well off, if was a simple matter for them to just write her a check every month as they moved on with their new lives.

Despite the relaxed manner in which she appeared to be traveling, internally she was anything but as she was quite aware of the fact that she was being followed. Having an idea of by whom, she waited until she passed an ally at which point she quickly ducked into it, and hid behind a nearby dumpster. Moments later, several footsteps began closing with her hiding place, and just as they indicated the people were going to pass her, she spun out with a kick that she intended to clean the clock of the lead most individual. However, rather than someone’s head her leg connected with a wooden tonfa.

She quickly recovered, and leapt back as the spot she was standing in was passed through by a staff. Landing smoothly, Kisara allowed a sneer to appear as she focused on the three similar dressed women whose outfits consisted of a tracksuit like top, with a logo consisting of a side view of the upper portion of a woman’s head wearing a winged helmet that was printed on the left breast. The three women all also wore skirts that matched the colored stripe that ran down the front of their mostly white tops. With the woman Kisara had attacked being pink while the other were light blue.

Addressing the kunoichi dressed in pink, Kisara asked, “What do you want Chisato?”

Swinging the tonfa that she wielded in an intricate pattern before bringing it to a stop along her forearm, the brown haired woman that she had directed her question to replied, “Normally, one tries to determine that before attempting to ambush them.”

“Well considering how things went the last time you asses attempted to corner me, I felt it wise to strike first,” Kisara stated keeping her guard up.

“That is because you continue to disrespect Freya,” the short blue haired staff wielder shouted.

“Why would I respect a weakling who believes the only way she can measure up to a man is with a weapon,” Kisara countered causing the two of the three facing her to tense as if to attack.

However, Chisato held out her arms to stop the other two as she said, “I guess we’ll find out if your legs can stand up Freya’s jo staff at the exams. But, something tells me that you’re just going to end up flattened by her again.”

“Guess we’ll see,” Kisara replied, “That is, if she and the rest of you losers even last long enough to make it to a round we’re we can fight each other.”

“I’m going to enjoy watching her crush you again,” Chisato fired back, “And this time, she won’t have to hold back.”

Despite the bravado that she was trying to portray, internally Kisara felt a flurry of butterflies take flight in her stomach as despite having faced the other woman numerous times, she had yet to best her. Still, not letting the nervousness that she felt show, she said, “If you want an early preview of the ass kicking she’s going to get, why don’t you losers step up.”

For a moment, it looked like the three would accept the challenge that had been issued, but a new voice cut in, “We can’t be having that now, can we?”

Kisara felt torn between cursing and sighing in relief as her instructor dropped down between them from the roof above. She focused on both parties as she said, “If you end up fighting here, the only assured thing is that both of your teams will likely end up getting cut from the exams.”

The third kunoichi who’s bluish grey hair was covered by a white bandana straightened as she tucked away her twin sais in order to state, “Let’s get out of here. There will be time enough during the exams to cash the checks her big mouth has been writing.”

Chisato nodded as she began to turn away but not before stating, “We’ll be sure to finish this during the exams.”

“Looking forward to it,” Kisara replied while giving them the finger.

She waited until the three kunoichi exited the alley before stating to her sensei in an annoyed manner, “I didn’t need your help.”

“I disagree,” Samui replied calmly which caused her pupil to look even angrier as if the belief was she wouldn’t have been able to handle herself. Although, Samui wasn’t sure she would have come out on top against the three, she didn’t inform her student of as much as she stated, “I wasn’t kidding when I said it was likely your teams would get expelled if a fight had broken out. Not to mention, with us needing to leave in the next few days to attend the first exam taking place in Suna, even if you had prevailed the odds of you doing so without sustaining any injuries would be remote, which would only impact not only your performance but your teammates’ as well.”

“So what,” Kisara fired back heatedly, “I don’t give a shit if me and those cows become chunin. I don’t need to become one in order to achieve my current goals.”

Samui didn’t let the annoyance that she felt at the reply show, especially as Kisara had directed a meaningful glare towards her bust as she had labeled her teammates as cows. Instead keeping herself collected she replied, “Perhaps not. But, you’re probably still going to need them in order to clear the first stage at least. So, it wouldn’t hurt to at least make an effort to get along with them.”

“Fine,” Kisara said jamming her hands back into her pockets and turned away as she asked, “Are we done now?”

Samui shook her head in the negative as she said, “You lied to me about where you are living?”

Kisara looked over her shoulder with an expression flickering with annoyance as she replied, “I thought you wanted to meet with our parents. The address I gave you was for one of them.”

Samui frowned at the reply, before clarifying, “I said I wanted to look in on your home environments. I never specified that I needed to meet with your parents.”

“Yeah, well you deny you’re interested in meeting with the dairy queens’,” Kisara replied bitterly as her gaze again traveled to her bust.

Samui resisted the urge to cross her arms out of the frustration she felt, afraid it would emphasize her breasts and further antagonize her student. So, stated, “I won’t deny that is something I hope happens today. But, mainly as Miu still lives with her grandfather, and it is also where Renka’s father stays as well. However, I still intend to drop in on her because I’m interested in seeing the environment that she spends her time in when not on missions with us. Just as I am with you. So, shall we?”

Kisara sighed before asking, “You didn’t just so happen to show up, did you? You were also tailing me?”

Samui allowed a small smirk to appear as she replied, “You left me little choice as the address that you provided is also the one you’ve left on your records.”

The young red-head allowed a small self-amused smile appear as she said, “Oh yeah, I kept meaning to update that.”

Something which Samui mirrored as she said, “Don’t worry, I’ve already updated them for you.” Holding a hand in the direction that they should travel, the blond kunoichi asked, “Now shall we get going?”

Kisara frowned as Samui began walking away, and asked, “What was that about leaving you no choice but to tail me?”

Samui shrugged, before replying, “I wanted to make it clear that I was already aware of your deception. I had intended to catch you earlier before you headed out for your daily training, but I was delayed this morning…” Kisara noticed some color entering the normally stoic woman’s cheeks, so wondered what memories her words had dredged up. But, she quickly continued, “In any case, I did consider ambushing you at home. But, I considered that choice might result in some damage to it if you noticed my presence, and mistook me as an intruder with ill intentions. Apparently that wasn’t an as far off possibility as I originally thought considering what I just witnessed. Although, I do suppose I overestimated your detection abilities since you made no indication you sensed me following you.”

“Oh yeah!” Kisara stated angrily, “What makes you so sure that I wasn’t aware you were there the entire time?”

Samui gave a collected smile before stating, “Simple, it took you several blocks to realize those three kunoichi were following you, and it was quite apparent the moment you did. Moreover, when you confronted them, you would have been better off indicating that you were aware they had what at the time would have possibly been an unseen ally. One who could just as easily chosen to drop in behind you trapping you in the middle.”

“Fine, I get it. I didn’t sense you.”

“I know,” Samui replied making it clear the matter had never been open to debate.

Kisara growled something under her breath, and seemed to retreat into herself. But, as they reached her apartment building, she finally asked, “Why are you doing these home inspections now anyway? Isn’t that something Sensei usually do when first assigned their teams?”

“I suppose most do,” Samui replied leaving her answer at that for the moment, to which Kisara simply shrugged in response before stepping into the building

Samui followed Kisara into the building, having already noted its somewhat dilapidated state. The building’s state had originally surprised her when she first realized that Kisara didn’t live where her records stated that she did. She had also suspected, that there had been some sort of falling out with one or both of her parents. Especially as they had the funds to insure their daughter didn’t need to live in such conditions. Still, although she had come to believe that there had indeed been at least some sort of falling out with her parents, it wasn’t the reason for her current living conditions. A conclusion she had arrived at after inspecting both of her divorced parents new homes, and found few reminders of the daughter that had once united them. Instead, it appeared as if they were currently caught up in a rather hedonistic lifestyle, which she attributed to how both of them had taken lovers about half their age. Although, Samui had to admit it wasn’t like she could truly could pass judgement of them considering her own lifestyle. Still, she suppose she better understood why Naruto was so against having children because of it.

Focusing on Kisara as she unlocked her front door, she suspected that it was probably the breakdown of her family life which was why she was so prickly. But, she suspected her living conditions were more a choice rather than a necessity. Particularly as they had not improved any after she graduated and had become a genin, even as their team had already undertaken several B ranked missions already. This led Samui to believe it wasn’t the loss of material wealth which made Kisara so standoffish, but was probably tied to something else.

Wondering if the encounter she had witnessed had something to do with, she was about to inquire as to what it had been about after following Kisara into her apartment. Yet, she was beaten to it as she held up her arms asking, “Well is it everything you imagined?”

Samui put her question on hold in order to take in the apartment, and wasn’t too surprised at how sparsely furnished it was. She also noticed the apartment although small was well maintained. Focusing on a window near the kitchen area, she smiled as she noticed several saucers just outside it on the fire escape, and imagined that the local alley cats were quite well treated. She was surprised though that it didn’t appear that she owned a cat herself, especially considering how taken she was with them.

Noticing that Kisara was watching her she answered, “It is in line with my expectations. It shows the personality of someone dedicated to a specific pursuit, but not someone so single minded that they neglect attending to matters around them.” It pleased Samui to see that Kisara appeared happy with her assessment she had given although she was trying to look unmoved by it. Samui didn’t call attention to it as she moved to a plain wooden chair that was situated near the window and was where she pictured Kisara would sit as she watched the cats gather around the food and milk she left for them. Turning it to face her charge, she sat and crossed her legs before asking, “So, can we discuss what transpired in the alley?”

“Not much to tell,” Kisara stated crossing her arms as she adopted a guarded posture, “I don’t get along with their leader, and she runs with a pack of bitches who are always sucking up to her. They were probably looking to score points with her by trying to get a few licks in before the exam.”

“I see,” Samui replied neutrally, aware that quite a bit was being left unsaid. Such as while she did indeed seem to hold antagonism towards the other girls’ leader, she suspected there was quite a bit of respect mixed in with it as well. She began to suspect that Kisara also might have been a member of the group, and perhaps had joined shortly after her parents had divorced, and so it had given her a sense of stability which she had lost as a result of whatever the disagreement was that had driven them apart. Tilting her head quizzically she said, “This leader of theirs would be that Freya person you mentioned. That is a rather unique name.”

“It isn’t her real one,” Kisara offered up in response, although she made no more effort to identify her. “She just heard about some goddess from some obscure book or something. It was also where she came up with the silly name for her little gang, the Valkyries. They were female warriors of the same seafaring folk whose shipwrecks have been discovered on occasion.”

Now convinced that Kisara had once been a member, she decided not to pry further so stood as she said, “I’ll take my leave now. Thank you for the hospitality.”

She made her way towards the door, but paused as Kisara asked hesitantly, “S-sensei, do you believe a woman can be stronger than a man without relying on weapons?”

Samui frowned, but hid it away as she turned to the young woman. Thinking carefully, she said after a moment, “I suppose that depends on what you mean by stronger. If you are talking about in a purely physical capacity, then I would have to say more often than not no.” She could see Kisara was not pleased by her answer, and imagined that if she let things stand there she would likely cause her student to pull even further away from her, so continued, “There are just too many biological differences, that give them an upper hand in terms of strength and speed. With chakra we are able to nullify that to a certain extent. But, that would just be relying on a different kind of weapon in a sense.” She could see that Kisara understood the truth of what she was saying, even as she was trying to reject it. So, channeling her lover she added, “However, if by stronger you mean taking what advantages you do possess, and using them fully to your gain so you don’t need to rely on weapons to even the playing field. Then yes, I believe that is a goal that can be attained.”

“Do you really believe that?” Kisara asked sounding rather skeptical.

Nodding, she replied, “Yes, but that does not mean it is going to be easy.” Kisara nodded, so she stated, “I will see you later. Do not forget there is a meeting this evening with the Raikage. It is mandatory for all teams participating in the Chunin exams to attend.”

Kisara inclined her head as she replied, “I’ll be there. Where and when should we meet first?” Giving her the details, Samui took her leave as she headed off in order to check in on her next student.


Renka Ma frowned as she discreetly watched one of the handful of bathing houses located in Kumo, and sighed in disappointment as her quarry continued to allude her. Although, she was relatively used to coming up short in the hunt for her target, her father, tonight she was particularly disappointed since Kumo was being visited by a group of Honey gals. The name being used for women who worked for the famous HoneyBee Inn located within the Redlight District of the Land of Lightning’s Capital. The Honey gals were the models and dancers that worked at the Inn, which also produced a monthly magazine that she had caught her father “reading” on one of the few occasions that she had managed to surprise him. As several of the women visiting Kumo on a tour had appeared in the magazine, she had expected her father would try to indulge in another of his lecherous hobbies, peeking on naked women. Sadly, it appeared as if he had learned some restraint.

She felt a hint of concern well up as the thought that her father might have anticipated her staking out this particular bath occurred to her. A decision she had arrived at due to it being the most well reviewed, as well as it being the closest to the Hotel the women were staying at. And as such, he had decided to take in the “sights” at the other hot springs due to her being tied to a particular spot.

Renka felt torn between rushing off to one of her other apartments to see if there was any sign her father may have visited them, or playing the hunch that her father would be unable to resist to see the stars of his favorite pictorials in the flesh. Yet, before she settled on a decision, her focus was pulled away from the spring for a moment when she sensed a presence near her apartment door, at which point a green blur quickly darted from its hiding spot to disappear over the wall that surrounded the spring.

A soft but firm knock sounded against the door, which Renka considered ignoring. Particularly since she had an idea of who it would be, even as she had given the individual an address for the official apartment that she had been given upon first coming to Kumo several years earlier. She sighed, knowing that ignoring the person would be useless since she was certain the only reason she had detected her presence was due to her allowing it. As she moved away from the window, she also concluded that she’d have to let the leases on her current crop of safehouses elapse since she was certain if her sensei knew of this location, then it was likely her father had already pinpointed it as well.

Opening the door, she smiled brightly although it didn’t quite reach her eyes as she stated, “Oh sensei, was today the day of the home visit. It completely slipped my mind, otherwise I wouldn’t have agreed to housesit for a friend today.”


Samui smiled politely as she replied, “It happens,” before taking in the young woman’s attire which consisted of a green form fitting dress. The hem of which barely reached her upper thigh, and when coupled with the boob window that called attention to her well-endowed breasts tended to allow her to strike first in quite a few of her encounters with the opposite sex. Her long purple hair was done up in an intricate braid which wrapped around the back of her head, which left two strands of hair poking upwards on either side of her head, and a third hanging over the braid itself. Also hanging from it were a pair of almost fist sized cat bells, with one hanging behind each ear, and would ring occasionally with her normal movements. Although, when required she could move with the grace that would render them completely silent.

Renka stepped into the hall, as she said, “Well, let’s head to my apartment then…”

But Samui quickly slipped past her before she could close the door, and stated, “There’s no need. It seems you’ve been doing quite a bit of housesitting, so I suppose it is just as right to visit you here as anywhere.”

“If that is okay with you, sensei,” Renka replied as a feeling of dread threatened to envelope her. Particularly, since Samui seemed to be aware of her other safehouses, which meant that she likely knew that despite official they had been leased by several different individuals. In truth they all were rented by her which she had procured while using false identities. A less than ideal situation as it likely meant the Raikage knew, which would mean that she was in violation of the probation she had been given. A probation she had begun serving several years earlier due to her first failed attempt to capture her father and take him home, which had resulted in her beating several Kumo-nin that had tried to interfere. Thanks in part to her father negotiating the deal on her behalf, she had first had to join the Kumo shinobi program, and it now had her serving as a member of Team Samui.

After another eight years, she would be free to return to her true home located within the Land of Earth, where her father had been head of the Phoenix Alliance, a martial arts organization with over ten thousand disciples. At least he had been the head of it until he had quit suddenly, nearly a half decade earlier leaving it all to his wife, Renka’s mother.

It had been in thanks to the resources afforded to her through the Alliance, that Renka had been able to secure the documentation and funds to purchase her safehouses. But, she imagined that if Samui informed the Raikage of her activities, she’d find herself back on the Anbu watch list much as had been the case shortly after finding herself on probation. Which although Renka had appeared compliant to the terms of her deal at first, she had never truly given up on her desire to abduct her father and return him to his proper place.

As Samui moved to the window, it occurred to Renka that perhaps the supposed relaxation of those keeping tabs on her that she had detected shortly before her graduation to genin, and had prompted her to begin putting the pieces into place to make another attempt on capturing and extracting her father, was just a means to get her to slip up in order for the Raikage to impose harsher demands on her father or even the Phoenix Alliance itself.

As Samui’s gaze focused outside the window, Renka felt a temptation to attack the woman, feeling a small thrill as she wondered if she could take her. She also considered the possibility that by doing so, it would force her father into a position where he would have to choose between helping her and the lackadaisical lifestyle he currently enjoyed. However, she felt one thing which prevented her from following through on such a decision would be her learning what he would chose, and it not being her.

However, another thing which stayed her hand was Samui suddenly stating, “It seems your friend picked this room due to its view of the hotsprings. However, while it is undoubtedly tempting to select a room with the greatest vantage point of the surrounding area, it tends to also be the one that allows others to spot them as well. Even when the glass doesn’t allow those outside to see in.” Samui allowed a slight smirk to appear as she added, “Hmm, it seems there is some commotion happening at the hot springs.”

“What,” Renka said suddenly joining the blond by the window. She felt a growl escape her as she noticed various objects being tossed about. She noticed most of them began streaming towards the wall, at which point someone leapt over it effortlessly. Upon landing, although for a normal person they would have only noticed a blur, for a shinobi the split second they had taken upon landing to accelerate off in a new direction had allowed them to see the small man in green wearing a hat. “Daddy,” Renka said annoyed, while tempted to take off after him, but recognized that with his head start she would likely never reach him before he returned to his home at the Ryozanpaku Dojo.

Samui noticed Renka’s mood drop as a result of the missed opportunity, but turned away from the window without commenting on it. Taking in the rest of the apartment, she said, “I’m glad to see that even if you are just housesitting, it appears you are taking good care of the place. But, I’d refrain from taking on any other such requests, at least for the time being.” A small look of defiance appeared in Renka’s eyes, so Samui pressed on stating, “Also, don’t forget that tonight there is a mandatory meeting with the Raikage in regards to your participation in the Chunin Exams. We wouldn’t want him questioning as to why you weren’t present. It might cause him look into it, and him discovering your side jobs.”

Renka responded with a look that was filled with surprise that Samui was hinting at the Raikage still being unaware of her activities, even though the blond seemed to fully understand that she hadn’t given up on her desire to return home with her father. Samui was pleased that although it quickly disappeared and a hint of suspicion appeared in the young woman’s blue eyes, that she had succeeded in her task of laying a foundation which may in time may allow her to earn Renaka’s trust. Still, it was clear that day was still some time off so she took her leave in order to make her next appointment.


Samui would admit that when first picturing a person described as The Invincible Superman, the image of Hayato Furinji would not immediately spring to mind. Not because of his build, which as he was rumored to be in his nineties it was almost impossible for her to understand how he could maintain his muscular build and stature to such an amazing degree, at least without the use of some crazy anti-aging jutsu such as had been applied to the women that Naruto had taken as lovers. Not to mention the man’s long hair and beard were still both fully blond. However, while those things certainly would belong to some people’s vision of a superman, the fact that he was kneeling on a pillow opposite from her while licking a large lollipop, sort of detracted from the image of an invincible fighter. Still, she found the relaxed atmosphere surrounding him rather enjoyable as it served to reminded her of her lover’s ability to put others at ease, despite also being one of the shinobi world’s strongest warriors.

She felt a tug at the corners of her mouth as she could easily imagine her lover fitting in among the collection of strange masters that had gathered at the Ryōzanpaku dojo. Particularly when considering the extremely tall and tanned man who she had encountered when he had answered the gate after she had knocked on it, and having mistaken her intentions, had asked if she was there for lessons. Before she could even answer though, the silver-haired giant had added that he would try his very best not to kill her.

Naturally, his statement had caused her to raise an eyebrow, yet before she could clarify her purpose a man from behind the giant stated, “She isn’t here for lessons Apachai. I believe this would be Miu’s sensei.”

“Apa,” the bronze skinned giant said as his eyes grew wide, and his face went blank for a moment before he suddenly leapt away over her head. The height and velocity with which he leapt, left Samui with the impression that he would probably land somewhere in the middle of Kumo.

A little flabbergasted by the giant’s suddenly leaving all Samui could muster was a surprised sounding, “Um…”

Sounding friendly and amused, the man who moved to occupy the spot where the giant had been said, “Don’t take it personally. Miu was somewhat nervous about your visit so asked Apachai to give you a wide berth due to his tendency to not really think about what it is that he is saying.”

“Such as his having killed people coming here looking for lessons,” Samui inquired somewhat concerned for her student’s wellbeing.

A feeling which wasn’t exactly put at ease as the messy black haired man before her chuckled in amusement in response. But, after a moment he replied, “Luckily, that hasn’t exactly happened yet.” He stroked his pencil thin mustache and as his mouth was covered by his hand, she got the distinct feeling that he had mumbled something along the lines of there having been a few close calls. But, changing the subject, he introduced himself by stating, “But, enough about such matters, I am, Akisame Koetsuji, and unless I am mistaken, and scared Apachai off for no reason, you would be Samui.”

“Indeed,” Samui replied accepting the hand of the man who was currently dressed in a Hakama.

Turning to allow her by, he said, “Right this way then. I’ll escort you to the Elder.”

Samui followed beside Akisame, who for the most part seemed inclined to make the trip in silence. As they walked, she noticed a muscular shirtless man standing among several thick wooden posts while assuming a stance where his arms where held upright along the sides of his chest. He began to steady his breathing for a moment as his entire body took on an almost unnatural stillness, before he exploded into a flurry of movement which although Samui had trouble following it to some extent, she had little trouble spotting the results as the posts shattered around him. Seemingly satisfied with the results, the man picked up a bottle of beer which rested next to a leather jacket by his feet, after cutting the top off of it with his bare hand, he took a swig and upon noticing them called out, “Hey Akisame, who’s the babe. Don’t tell me you’ve finally tired of your statues being the only thing keeping you company at night.”

Akisame can to a stop and seemed to have a self-satisfied sense of glee as he informed the man, “For your information, Shio, this lovely young woman would be Miu’s jounin sensei.”

The man whose scared visage and muscular frame looked like it would be at home on the cover as the protagonist of a battle manga suddenly looked a little panicked. At least as panicked as a hardened veteran could get, which although it didn’t exactly show in his voice, it was clear he had become somewhat uncomfortable as the man said hurriedly, “Oh, is that so. Well that’s nice. I better go make sure Apachai stays out of trouble then.” He then snatched up his leather jacket, which he donned in a smooth motion before walking away quickly although while also trying to make it look like he wasn’t.

Samui frowned as they resumed walking and after a moment stated, “I’m beginning to wonder if I should be taking this personally.”

Akisame chuckled, before responding, “Don’t take it the wrong way. Much as with Apachai, Miu asked Shio to keep out of sight. He’s a good man, but can come off as rather intense to newcomers.”

Samui nodded, before commenting, “Still from the way they almost seemed fearful after our encounters, you would think Miu was someone that they dreaded crossing.”

“That’s not an observation entirely without merit,” Akisame stated after another few chuckles, “Especially as Miu would be the one who typically handles the cooking around here, not to mention finances and laundry, and so controls the flow of food among other things.” Samui frowned at the idea that Miu seemed to be the one actually running the dojo, but before she could inquire further Akisame came to a stop before the sliding door of the dojo and indicating that she should entered said, “The Elder is waiting inside.”


Ending her recollection of the short but insightful walk which lead to her kneeling opposite one of the strongest warriors on the continent, Samui bowed politely and deeply to her host as she stated, “Allow me to begin by thanking you for agreeing to meet with me.”

She frowned upon hearing an unfamiliar clicking noise from behind her. She straightened and fought the temptation to look over her shoulder, especially as she was more caught by surprise as the Elder suddenly began to look a little nervous. Especially as he said quickly, “Not at all. I am the one who owes you my thanks for how well you’ve looked after my granddaughter.” Samui inclined her head at the compliment, as the Elder seemed to regain his composure as he asked in a serious manner, “Still, I would admit to being rather curious as to why you would schedule this visit now. From my understanding, many of your fellow Jounin-sensei tend to schedule these visits upon first being assigned a team. Not after several months have passed.”

Samui inclined her head, before replying, “I suppose it is a holdover from how I inherited the leadership of my previous team from my sensei. I’m sure you would already be aware that my teacher was Killer B.” Receiving a nod from the elder she continued, “Well this wasn’t an issue early on, as we performed mission in or around Kumo, but after I became a Chunin, and we began accepting missions outside the Land of Lightning, it began to conflict with the Raikage’s desire to keep his adopted brother close to the village, and it became inconvenient to continuously assign new sensei for a mission or two, I began to be given command of the team. Since, I had already spent years with my teammates by that point, I suppose I began to value getting an idea of who they were in the context that I would be spending most of my time with them rather than snooping through their personal lives. Still, there is some merit to seeing how they are at home as it helps inform me as to why they behave the way they do in certain circumstances.”

“Oh,” the Elder said sounding interested before asking, “And what has your short visit here helped you with in recontextualizing what you’ve already learned of Miu over the last few months?”

“Well, for starters, it would appear that Miu is the one actually keeping the Ryōzanpaku afloat,” Samui stated, before adding, “Although, perhaps just barely.” The Elder nervously scratched at his cheek as she continued, “For starters, this dojo while lovingly maintained is obviously worn down. Which, helps me to see why Miu at times appears to be both extremely greedy, while also being frugal to an insane degree. I’m guessing this is because she pours most of her earnings into maintaining this place. I believe this would also be the case for the Medical Clinic and Acupuncture studio run by Akisame Koetsuji and Kensei Ma respectively. Whose clients seem to primarily consist of people that have challenged this dojo, whom you also charge for the privilege, and then charge them once more upon beating them senseless in order to treat them. Moreover, as this doesn’t even take into account the occasionally mission you or the other masters of the dojo end up poaching from Kumo, left me wondering why she was always so concerned about money. But, having just witnessed one of your fellow masters obliterating several wooden posts which considering we live on a mountain of mostly barren rock, would be something of an expensive commodity to have purchased just for a single exercise session. Which if the rest of you masters treat your training equipment or the dojo itself in a similar fashion likely means that without Miu, it would be insolvent within a month, if not sooner.”

The Elder chuckled nervously at it being obvious to his granddaughter’s sensei that without Miu, they’d be out living on the street. Continuing on, Samui softened her observations somewhat by stating, “Still, it is obvious that Miu cherishes this place, and the role that she serves here, as she easily takes on tasks like cooking for the rest of us when on missions without complaint. This shows me that whatever responsibilities that she has assumed here are things that she enjoys doing. Perhaps a result of her not having a home of her own for most of her childhood. Can I assume that is why you decided to settle here in Kumo, so she could experience a normal upbringing?”

Hayato frowned softly as he looked like he felt some guilt over having robbed his granddaughter of a normal upbringing. He didn’t answer for several moments, before admitting, “Not entirely.” He lapsed into silence again as if contemplating to explain further before finally saying, “As you perhaps already know, the current Raikage gifted me this land after helping to defend Kumogakure, when the Third died while making his famous last stand.”

Samui nodded, as she replied, “Yes, his army group was routed by Iwa during the tail end of the Third Shinobi World War. He stayed behind to allow the survivors to escape, but eventually was overwhelmed after several days. As the Fourth and Killer B-sensei were busy holding off a similar push from Konoha’s forces being led by the Fourth Hokage, if you and a Kiri defector named Mikumo Kushinada had not intervened, Kumo would have likely fallen.”

Samui noticed a slightly pained look appear in the Elder’s eyes at the mention of Mikumo, but he quickly buried it as he expanded on her explanation of the past, “Yep, and as a result I was gifted this land but promptly took off on my travels again. Only many years later would I recall his offer, which was when I decided to return and found this dojo.”

The Elder seemed content with the explanation he had provided, but Samui finding it lacking asked, “Yet, you only claim it was partially due to your having been raising your granddaughter on the road up until this point. Is there some other reason you would wish to set up shop in Kumo. As to be honest, I imagine the parcel of land you were gifted not withstanding, you could have probably picked any spot you wished, and many leaders would have bent over backwards to make it happen for you.”

The Elder grew completely serious before her, and for the first time exuded the aura that she expected a first-class martial artist would possess, and in that instant, Samui knew that if he desired her life, he would easily claim it. But, the pressure faded a moment later, and as she remembered to breathe, he answered, “I suppose the reason that I chose to settle in Kumo, was because outside of Kiri, at least back then, of all the Shinobi Villages I expected to be the instigators of the next shinobi war, it would be Kumo. So, I guess you could say I settled here as a subtle message to the Raikage to behave.”

Samui adjusted herself on the pillow that she knelt on as the Elder’s brief yet overpowering aura had still left her a little shaken. Having risen up off of her legs, to readjust herself, she heard another strange click, yet while unsure what it was, also felt another presence creeping up on her almost like a cat that was stalking a mouse. She felt a measure of concern at what was happening behind her, yet considering the man who was kneeling before her assumed any other danger approaching was almost redundant.

Samui pushed the encroaching presence out of her mind as she asked, “If you feel that way… why would you have aided us in our time of need.”

“Because the Third Shinobi War was started over a series of misunderstandings that exploded into full-scale conflict.” Hayato replied. He returned to licking his lollipop for a moment before continuing, “Yet, regardless of what concerns I harbor about the leadership of Kumo. Had Iwa reached the village, a lot of innocent people would have been harmed.”

A fact Samui couldn’t deny, yet raised more questions for her, most notably, “Still, I wonder why you would allow your daughter to join Kumo’s shinobi program if you harbor such concerns. Or, why you would admit their existence to me.”

Hayato paused in the enjoyment of his sucker, as he responded, “Are you saying that I shouldn’t trust the sensei of my granddaughter with concerns I have in regards to the village that she will be working for?”

“No,” Samui replied, “Although, it isn’t exactly as if she is working for a local convenience store, and you are just complaining about the hours.”

“True,” Hayato stated with a sense of amusement, “I suppose the reason I’m sharing my concerns with you is because her teachers as she attended the Academy would often complain that she lacks the killer instinct being a shinobi requires. These teachers based their complaints on her refraining from striking vital points on the practice dummies. They would couch their arguments behind ideas such as you must kill as every enemy you leave alive is a potential future threat to the village, or in a actual combat situations, you should kill as not going all out only opens yourself or your teammates to defeat as your enemies will not be holding back. Yet, since you’ve become her sensei, and despite your having gone on several missions where combat has erupted, you’ve never once commented on Miu or her teammates needing to kill their opponents.”

Samui although having noticed that all three girls on her team had yet to take a life, hadn’t really thought much of the matter since most of their missions had been against untrained bandits and the like. With it appearing as if her indifference was behind the Elder’s apparent trust of her, she was hesitant to refute him, but stated, “Well, if I’m to be honest my lack of comment isn’t in reality necessarily a sign of approval on my part, so much as their mercy being a benefit afforded to them for being so much stronger then the opponents they’ve face up until now. However, their previous teachers’ arguments are not without merit, especially if in their desire not to kill they allow harm to befall themselves or others.”

The Elder inclined her head at her point, but stated, “That is the other reason that I’ve decided to trust you. You strike me as an honest young woman, as you could have allowed me to continue on while assuming the best about you. Yet, you set the record straight. So, tell me, are there elements of your home which you find distasteful?”

Samui hesitated a little, still finding it rather taboo to speak poorly of her home village. But, admitted to the Elder, “More so recently, particularly with the Raikage admitting the role he had in the Hyuuga kidnapping incident, as well as it seeming as if the village’s higher ups are preparing to abandon the Alliance.”

Hayato nodded sagely, as he said, “Good, I’ve also come to view the Alliance as something which should be supported. I suppose, that is ultimately why I have allowed Miu to join Kumo, as it is my hope that as she continues to grow, she’ll become a positive influence on the shinobi around her, and more will come to view the world as she does. Do you know what I mean?”

Samui smiled as she thought of Naruto, who was already acting in such a manner and bore much of the responsibility for her own current outlook on the world. “I do, sir,” she answered proudly.

To her surprise, the Elder bowed deeply to her as he said, “Then please continue to watch over my granddaughter.”

Samui mirrored the deep bow although she had wanted to ask about Kensei Ma who she had been hoping would attend. Her bending over to bring her head to the point where her forehead almost touched the floor prompted a flurry of clicking sounds from behind her. Which was followed by a sudden sounding of alarm bells within her as she sensed something dropping from the rafters. Unable to stop herself, she rolled over to the side and came to stop by a wall in a crouched guarding position making sure to keep the Elder and the new threat in front of her.

Much to Samui’s surprise, the potential threat was a raven haired beauty dressed in a small pink kimono which just barely reached her thighs while long purple stockings covered the majority of her legs. Outside of the curvaceous beauties hair which was done up in a long high ponytail, Samui noticed that her eyebrows were also shaped like lightning bolts. But, perhaps of more immediate concern was the long nodachi she was wielding which was a little less than halfway buried in the floor.

Samui frowned as although it would be easy to picture the woman as a potential threat due to her method of arrival, considering she had landed several feet from where she had been kneeling it would have marked her as being an extremely incompetent assassin. Which was extremely unlikely from what Samui knew of the young woman, who had for a time been a Kumo kunoichi before accepting residency at the Ryōzanpaku, and was already considered a Grand Master in the Kosaka Style of armed ninjutsu despite being roughly the same age as her. Samui was also aware of how for a time, Mabui had kept an eye on the woman known as Shigure Kosaka as a potential future member the Family.

Before Samui could inquire what was going on, a short mustachioed man wearing a traditional green martial artist shirt favored by those in the Land of Earth burst up from underneath a loose floor board. In his hands was what appeared to be the remains of a camera, which due to the deep cut running through the front of the device, it was apparent that it had been Shigure’s true target.

The man Samui recognized as Renka’s father ignored her in favor of shouting, “What’s the big idea Shigure? Jealousy that I got tired of taking photos of your behind.”

Shigure extracted her blade from the floor, and holding it in a guard position said somewhat stiltedly, “Miu… asked you… not to perv… on her…teacher.”

“That she did,” Kensei replied, “But, since I can cook for myself I decided it was time to get some fresh booty for my collection. Now, to get these babies developed since you missed the film casing.”

While Kensei spun to take off, Shigure returned her nodachi to her back in a flash, before several shuriken appeared in between her fingers as if summoned by magic. She, quickly let them fly as Kensei almost effortlessly dodged them causing the walls and floor of the dojo to become peppered with the projectile weapons. Shigure seemed undeterred, as she produced a chain and sickle from the cleavage between her breasts which she spun as she gave chase, using it to slice through the door of the dojo when Kensei closed it behind him.

The Elder gave chase as well and sounding annoyed shouted after them, “That’s enough. Didn’t you two hear a thing Miu’s sensei said about these kind of antics making it harder on her?”

Suddenly finding herself alone in the dojo, Samui sat there in stunned silence for a moment before saying, “I guess I’ll see myself out then.”


Miu stood in a large assembly hall along with her team and sensei as they waited for the Raikage to address them. They were not alone as there were around two dozen other teams with them, many of whom were openly sizing up the potential competition. Taking in her own team’s reactions to their surroundings, she wasn’t surprised to see Renka looked bored, or that it looked like Kisara was busy picking a fight with her eyes as she glared past her towards a group of kunoichi that appeared to be members of several teams. Focusing on them, she could see that they were all wearing similar uniforms, although the dark skinned woman they were standing around was dressed differently which Miu suspected was because the others viewed her as a leader of some sort. As she was wearing an orange jacket over a blue sleeves shirt, while her spandex pants were a dark blue. Unlike her compatriots, who were returning Kisara’s glare, the short brown haired woman was staring straight ahead rather stoically. Strangely, while Kisara was sparing no hostility in the glare that she was sending the other women’s way, Miu noticed the hostility lessened considerably whenever she focused on the dark skinned woman.

Feeling the heat of the glares from both camps, Miu leaned behind Renka in order to say, “Kisara, maybe you could just stop looking at them.”

“Maybe you could shut the hell up dairy girl,” Kisara fired back.

Miu flushed in agitation particularly as several of the surrounding teams that had heard the exchange began chuckling, while some of the male members openly began ogling her. Miu, fought the temptation to close the pink jacket that she was wearing over the purple spandex body suit she wore due to the excellent flexibility and range of motion that it afforded her.

Hoping it would distract her from the new gazes being sent her way, she resumed her studying of the other teams. Which as she began judging their combat abilities, she felt an edge of concern creeping up on her since the room seemed to be packed with top contenders. She wasn’t sure at first why such a thing would bother her. But, as she ranked each of the gathered teams, she assumed it was because while she knew the Raikage was planning to address several different groups of chunin hopefuls that evening, she had assumed the reason he wouldn’t just be addressing them all at once was due to the assembly hall not allowing for it due to the number of competitors. However, with it appearing that the group that was currently gathered appearing to be the cream of the crop, she began to suspect that each group would be receiving more than a just do your best speech from the Raikage.

A part of her found the potential revelation disturbing, since rather than a fair competition between the teams of the various villages that Miu was actually looking forward to. It would seem to indicate the Raikage was planning to potential tilt the odds in Kumo’s favor.

Miu tried to ignore the creeping feeling of concern, as she told herself she was perhaps being paranoid as the Raikage hadn’t even addressed them yet. The task of forgetting about the matter became easier as she felt herself being focused on by a new set of eyes, but unlike the previous gazes, it didn’t seem to be interested in her figure. Turning her head towards the owner of the eyes currently studying her, she was at first caught off-guard by his manner of dress as the purple-haired youth seemed dressed more for a night out at a classical concert rather than receiving a speech from the Raikage due to the white suit he was wearing. Meeting her gaze, he smirked at her before adjusting his glasses and turning away to address his sensei who was standing behind him.

She refrained from frowning, as she took in the tall muscular man whose fist and feet were wrapped in bandages marking him as one that preferred to fight using taijutsu. Not an exactly uncommon thing in Kumo, as it vastly lagged behind most villages in terms of bloodline abilities, along with shinobi techniques that allowed for fighting at a distance. Still, Miu felt there was something sinister about the man, made all the more so as his face was difficult to see due to the white hooded cloak he was wearing.

Miu tore her gaze away from the sensei of the team, to scout out the remaining two members as she first focused on a tall young man with spikey blond hair, and based on his demeanor, appeared to be as bored as Renka while he chewed on a piece of bubblegum. She could tell he was powerfully built as a result of his arms being exposed due to the sleeveless white shirt, and red jacket that he wore as he kept his hands in the pockets of his blue jeans.

Standing just beyond him, was a girl with shoulder length blond hair, who was dressed in some sort of strange black gothic outfit, with matching stockings. She sent a gaze towards the purple-haired man on her team, which screamed of the affection which she apparently held for him, but as her gaze turned towards Miu, her eyes darkened with something akin to envy making her think the girl was jealous of her due to it appearing as if she was the topic of conversation taking place between the object of her desire, and her apparent sensei.

Miu quickly turned her gaze away, not wanting to get embroiled in some sort of crazy love triangle, especially as for all she knew, what the young man in white was talking to his sensei about was how eager he was to crush her. As such, she was glad when she focused back on the stage to find the Raikage was stepping out onto it.

“Greetings,” he stated as the acoustics of the room carried his voice to all those present. Crossing his arms over his chest, he continued, “To begin, let me congratulate you on impressing your sensei enough that they felt confident enough in your skills to have nominated you for the exams.” He allowed a small chuckle to escape before adding with a slight tenor of humor, “Although, considering how it has taken several years for the bureaucracies of the other villages to get their acts together, it would be only natural I suppose.” Miu, frowned as she heard what sounded like a soft chiding, “tch,” from behind her, but looking back discreetly saw her sensei looking as reserved as normal, although her eyes didn’t seem to be entirely dispassionate. She focused forward as the Raikage grew serious again while stating, “That isn’t to say you only deserve to be here due to amount of time that has passed. In many ways, these exams will be far more dangerous than previous ones, as while you may have been stuck as genin, your skills continued to increase. Yet, despite the increased danger that you will face, your sensei all thought highly enough of you to put your names forward as the best this village has to offer. Having read all your mission reports, I agree with them.”

Miu felt a sense of pride as the Raikage let his words hang in the air for a moment. It was a feeling that she could see was mirrored on many of the other teams’ faces. Although, her own teammate Renka let out a soft yawn of disinterest before beginning to inspect her nails. Miu wasn’t surprised by her lack of reaction since she imagined the only thing keeping her in Kumo was her desire to drag her father back home. However, the lack of respect being shown towards the Raikage prompted Kisara to attempt to jam an elbow into Renka’s side, but she easily blocked the blow with her own. A small struggle of strength erupted between them, as they stared daggers at one another, and fought to push the other back without calling too much attention to themselves, although the contest ended when Samui chopped down on both of their heads rather severely.

As both Renka and Kisara reacted to the blows they had received, many of the nearby teams began chuckling causing Miu to feel mortified by their behavior as more and more eyes turned towards them, especially as the Raikage having likely witnessed the entire affair said jokingly, “Well, I can see some of you are extremely eager to get the exams underway. It is good to see such competitive spirits, but the exams haven’t started yet.”

Miu tried to laugh along with the others present, but found it difficult since her teammates’ behavior highlighted her concerns about them as a group as they hadn’t come together as a team yet. Which, although it hadn’t impacted them yet, mainly as many of the opponents that they faced had been simple bandits in line with what was expected of the C and B ranked missions they had undertaken thus far. The battles that they had participated in, had generally had them each doing their own thing or acting within whatever role Samui had assigned them. Which, Miu assumed made sense for the most part, as all three of them were primarily close in fighters who specialized in Taijutsu, which constituted most of the shinobi that made up Kumo’s forces since the village was light both in offensive jutsu, but bloodlines as well. Which as she had heard from her grandfather on more than one occasion was why the village had such a poor reputation with the other shinobi villages as they were always attempting to steal both.

Miu’s attention returned to the stage as the Raikage grew somber as he informed them, “Sadly, I’m also going to have to ask you to stifle that competitiveness. At least in regards to each other, as I’m putting a moratorium on you challenging each other in any phase of the exam, but the last one. Assuming you make it that far.”

“What!” Kisara shouted angrily as the blow to her head was completely forgotten, “That’s bullshit! When else would we even get an opportunity to put our all against each other?”

The Raikage seemed amuse, especially as he said, “I’m beginning to understand why your reports read so similar to how they used to, Samui. It seems once more you have to serve the role of cool professional in the face of a fiery red-head.”

“So it would seem,” Samui replied sounding calm, despite how Miu imagined that she should feel annoyed at Kisara’s outburst. Although, based on what the Raikage stated, she guessed it was because her sensei was just used to being placed in such embarrassing situations as a result of someone else’s passions.

The Raikage allowed himself another chuckle, before addressing the entire crowd somberly, making it clear that although Kisara had been the only outburst, it was a feeling many of those present shared. “I know what I am asking of you is unfair, after all many of you have trained together your entire lives. Some were the best in the class, and others the worst. Now having experienced what all those class were meant to prepare you for, you feel the Chunin Exams are the perfect place to see if those old hierarchies still apply, and what better opponents are there then ones you originally sharpened your skills against. I completely understand this sentiment. However, I cannot allow you to indulge in these desires at this time.” The audience began to murmur, which the Raikage allowed for several moments before continuing, “Here me out please. I can understand the frustration you must feel. Especially among those gathered here presently. I will be delivering this message to each of the gatherings I will be addressing tonight. I imagine some will actually be relieved to hear my decision, as it will limit the danger they face. But, I do not feel that is the case here, because I believe those destined to rise to the top are currently gathered.”

Again the Raikage paused allowing his words to linger with the crowd, and while Miu wanted to feel proud that he thought so highly of them. A part of her felt that while he might actually believe them, that wasn’t why he was sharing as much with them. Instead, it was a sentiment he was sharing in order to manipulate the crowd into going along with his desires. Not feeling right about what he was asking, she raised her hand saying, “Sir, is this something all the villages have agreed to? As otherwise, wouldn’t it be unfair of us to essentially be cooperating by staying out of each other’s way?”

The Raikage frowned at her question, especially as another of the participants asked, “Yeah, what if we find ourselves in a situation where the only way forward is to beat another Kumo team?”

“You are to do everything in you power to make sure that doesn’t happen,” the Raikage said as some frustration bled into his tone. Recovering quickly, he explained, “Addressing the first question though, I do not know, nor care, what the other villages are telling their participants. My concern is the well-being of our village, and as you are all well aware it has been years since we last held exam. Years since we’ve been able to fill openings left in our ranks due to injury, death, and just those retiring. Granted, we are a ways away from experiencing any sort of personnel shortage, as many of you have stepped up, and will likely become chunin based solely on your job performance so far. But, what we haven’t been able to do is put our wares on sale.” Although murmurs again broke out as a few people didn’t understand what the Raikage was referring to, he continued on over them, “Even before we joined this latest alliance of shinobi villages, we all timed our exams to happen around the same time as it allowed us to demonstrate our skills to potential buyers. A form of advertising we haven’t been able to indulge in, and as such, I want as many of you to make it to the final round as possible, where not only will you be allowed to fight each other to your heart’s content.” Reaching the end of his pitch, the Raikage’s voice was flush with building emotion as he asked the crowd, “Why bother fighting each other where no one can see? Especially when you can showcase your talents on the biggest stage exam hopefuls have ever known, and properly demonstrate on that stage why those in need of shinobi should come to us!”

Miu watched as many of those present seemed more on board with the Raikage’s desire, including Kisara who sent a pointed look over towards the dark skinned woman she assumed her teammate saw as a rival. Miu on the other hand wasn’t convinced, as she felt by asking for such overt cooperation among the teams, the competitive spirt of the exams was being forsaken. Still, seeing it appeared as if her opinion was in the minority she decided to keep her misgivings to herself.


Samui was walking besides Miu as their paths home currently had them heading in the same direction. After the Raikage had dismissed them and the others, Samui had suggested that they get a meal together, and afterwards visit one of Kumo’s few hotsprings as in a few days they would be leaving for Suna to take part in the exams. But, while Kisara had looked interested in the first due to the free meal, she had quickly refused upon the second while sending an annoyed sidelong gaze towards her teammates more bountiful assets before running off on her own. Renka had also quickly offered up an excuse, claiming to have had enough of the springs for the day. Miu, who had looked the most interested in accepting her offer, also refused upon seeing her teammates taking off on their own, so had decided to follow suit.

Still, seeing that they were heading in the same direction Samui fell into step beside her. They traveled in silence for a bit, but Samui could tell her fellow blonde was bothered by something due to her keeping her blue eyes locked on the ground before her and so taking a guess as to what it was stated, “I take it that you are still not in agreement with the Raikage’s decision.” Miu looked up towards her somewhat surprised, but after a moment nodded. Samui gave a soft smile as she informed her, “Truthfully, neither am I.”

“Really,” Miu said in surprise, not only due to her sensei seemingly agreeing with her, but because it was extremely rare for her to offer up something about what she was feeling unprompted. Not wanting to waste the opportunity to learn more about her teacher, she asked, “Why?”

Samui remained silent for a few seconds, not entirely sure how to put her feeling into words since there were elements she couldn’t share with the young woman. But, after a moment explained, “I suppose it is because the idea of our teams entering into the competition with such an understanding between them, taints the essence of what they are meant to prove. Which is. what team or individual is most deserving of promotion.”

Miu nodded in agreement, as she responded, “Yes, I feel that is the case also. Although, I’m sure if I informed my academy instructors that was what I was feeling, they’d just claim it is the martial artist in me, as a shinobi should desire victory above all else.”

“I’m sure there are quite a few martial artists who feel that way about victory as well,” Samui stated, which earned a slight nod from Miu. Smiling softly, Samui then asked, “Well then, why can’t a shinobi value the ideas of fair play and sportsmanship?”

Miu smiled in response, but then looked a little hesitant as she asked, “Are you saying that I should disobey the Raikage?”

Samui shook her head, causing her students mood to drop a little further at least until she answered, “I’m saying that is for you to decide.” Feeling a warmth well up within her as she thought of the Uzumaki she was bound to, she informed her student, “There is someone precious to me, who finds himself traveling a difficult path. A path, which at times has asked him to compromise on his principles. Yet, although sticking to them has often been the harder road to follow, he continues to do so. Because, that is ultimately what shows that they do matter to him. Many shinobi would say he is too stubborn, or should abandon them in favor of more immediate or advantageous gains. Yet, he continues on heedless of what burdens it places on him.”

Miu wasn’t used to seeing her teacher with such an openly happy look about her, and interested in who could make the normally stoic woman react in such a manner said, “He sounds really amazing. Maybe you can introduce us to him someday.”

“Maybe someday,” Samui replied with a playful smile making Miu all the more curious about the man in Samui’s life, as she dreamed of one day meeting someone who could make her feel the same. But, Samui’s face grew serious again, as she informed her student, “I know a difficult decision lays before you Miu. Just know that regardless of what path you choose to follow. I’ll support your decision.”

“Thank you sensei,” Miu said, feeling buoyed by the knowledge that Samui would support her. Noticing they were close to the intersection where she would need to part with her fellow blonde, she began running off while waving behind her stating, “I’ll see you at the training fields in the morning.”

Samui returned the wave with a smile as she continued down her path home. The smile faded some as some concern rose up within her due to it appearing that as the Raikage was giving out special instructions to the various groups, it lent support to the notion that he was up to something, as while the reason he gave for not wanting the various Kumo participants to attack each other was valid enough, as past Konoha-Suna exams had shown that whichever village had done better in the final round would receive a noticeable boost in mission requests. Samui felt the true reason was because one of the later groups the Raikage would be addressing that night was going to be given the orders to attack and subdue the man whose refusal to dismiss the promise that he had made to always value his lovers happiness had set these events in motion.

Samui reached the lobby of the Hidden Thunder Inn, and reaching the elevator, she pressed the button to call it down and was pleased when the doors almost immediately opened. Stepping inside, and entering the code so it would take her to the three floors that were the exclusive domain of the women bound to Naruto. She wasn’t surprised to find most of the lights turned off when the elevator doors opened considering how currently there were only three women who called it home. Although, she hoped that wouldn’t be the case forever, and held out some hope that one of her students exhibited the type of spirit that would at the very least help move Kumo in the right direction, even if they didn’t end up traveling down the path that she had chosen for herself. A path, which currently was leading her to her bedroom, where she had intended to simply go to sleep. Yet, to her surprise, and contentment found her lover had other plans for her and the other two kunoichi that currently called the Hidden Thunder Inn home, as he lay at the edge of her bed so one foot touched the ground while he rested the other on the edge. His head was resting on a nude Mabui’s lap, while an equally naked Karui was lying beside him and was slowly fisting his cock.

Upon noticing her former teammate’s presence, Karui let go of his kunoichi tamer, which Naruto grabbed the base of. He held it firmly as he used the finger on his free hand to usher her forward while stating, “Now that you’ve handled your responsibilities for the day. How about you finish what you started this morning?”

Samui allowed a hungry smirk to appear on her lips as she stepped into the room and said, “Gladly.” She sank to her knees before her bed, and swallowed his length as far as she could which only amounted to about three fourths of his man meat. Beginning to bob on it, she slurped on it eagerly, her desire being driven on as he groaned and began to pump his cock into her mouth some. Although, pleased by his reaction she let him go with a pop, and having removed the modified Kumo flak jacket she wore around her stomach, while she had sucked on her Uzumaki meat stick, it allowed her to simply pull the front of her shirt down to expose her bountiful breasts which happily spilled out onto Naruto’s lap.

Taking hold of them, she wrapping them around his cock, cooed contently as his warmth soaked into her flesh while she began to use them to stroke him. Naruto moaned appreciatively as she used her tits to massage his cock, and Samui felt a sense of contentment at being one of the few women capable of completely engulfing his dick. She looked down to see the head of it appear as she slid her breasts all the way down to the base, and so rolled her tongue around the head causing him to shiver. She moaned softly as she tasted some of the precum his cock released, the taste being similar to the fruit syrup which coated the ice treats she enjoyed. Although, eager to make him cum that way, Naruto had other ideas as he sat up, and grabbing the back of her head, pulled her into a kiss.

Samui got lost in the moment, as her tongue danced with his, and had to catch her breath for a moment when it finally ended. Naruto then guided her up onto the bed, so that she was on all fours as he moved to stand behind her, where he pulled down her shorts and panties to expose her pussy to his hungry gaze. She moaned as Naruto dove in behind her, and he began licking her dripping gash. Her moans increased in volume when he pushed his tongue inside and tried to fuck her as deeply as he could with it. She basked in the feeling of Naruto’s tongue sliding around inside her, a feeling made all the more pleasurable as she enjoyed the sight of Mabui and Karui kissing passionately before her.

But, just as her lips were beginning to feel left out, Naruto ended his tongue’s exploration of her before flipping her onto her back. He quickly pulled the shorts he had previously bunched up at her knees free and tossed them behind him, before leaning in and kissing her deeply. Samui moaned into his mouth as she tasted herself, and tingled as Naruto rubbed his cock along her slit. He pulled his face back, and staring into her eyes asked, “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” she replied breathlessly, and cried out as she came when he shoved his cock into all the way until it crashed into her womb.

Naruto didn’t give her a chance to recover as he stood at the edge of her bed, and began pounding her pussy like a man possessed. The cool and collected woman she presented to the world shattered completely as she moaned loudly and feverishly from the fucking she was receiving. Moans which grew in intensity when her fellow Kumo kunoichi moved to the sides of her, and capturing her bouncing breasts, began to suckle on them. Samui groaned deeply as it caused her to clench her pussy around the rod battering her womb, which barely slowed Naruto down any although he felt his need to cum quickly approaching. Which he informed his lover of as he stated, “I’m about ready to…”

Despite intending to fill her womb, as her pussy had been attempting to milk him of his seed from the get go. Samui had other ideas, as she pushed him back so that he slipped out of her. Surging forward, she gripped both Mabui and Karui’s hands who understanding what she intended, followed her from the bed to join her in kneeling before him. Naruto groaned as all three kunoichi began bathing his cock, with their tongues until he announced again, “Fuck, I’m at my limit.”

Samui completely consumed by a passion she used to find intimidating, shouted, “Cum! Paint me with your jizz!”

Naruto groaned as he took hold of his cock, and Samui leaned forward with Karui and Mabui doing likewise as they pushed their faces against hers. Finding the sight of the three staring up at him with lust filled eyes, and open mouths to be the final straw, he shot his massive load onto their waiting tongues and faces. When he was spent, Samui wasted no time in pulling Mabui’s face towards her where she ran her tongue over her skin to collect some of his seed, before plunging it into her mouth as she shared it with her. The blonde then turned towards Karui where she repeated the process. After she finished she sat back to savor the taste of what had been passed to her, as both kunoichi licked her face clean and then all three of them enjoyed a three way kiss.

The sight of which caused Naruto’s cock to return to its diamond like hardness, which prompted him to ask, “So, who is next?”

Samui quickly stood, and helping her fellow kunoichi to their feet asked, “Why do we need to choose? You’re the great Naruto Uzumaki, aren’t you? Surely, you can satisfy all three of us at once.” She then turned around and bending at the waist, placed her hands on the edge of the bed, an action that Mabui and Karui mirrored. Chuckling, Naruto generated two K clones which quickly selected one of his lovers to please. Finding it fitting, that they had left Samui to him, he gripped her hips and dove in once more.

Samui moaned as her lover buried himself inside her once more, and drinking in the moans of her fellow kunoichi promised to do her part to ensure that one day the cries which could be heard from the confines of the Hidden Thunder Inn would rival those of Konoha and Suna.


Author’s note: Hello all, well I hope this story proved to be worth the wait. I originally intended to release this chapter as a Little Black Book chapter. But, ultimately felt it would be better as a Limelight due to its focus on Samui, but also because it also ties into the previous one about Mabui.

Again, the muse has led me to work on something other than the Pride, but hopefully now I’ll be able to work on the next part of that story. So, until then, take care! Sincerely, the Lemon Sage.
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