Categories > Original > Poetry

A Poem...

by DanilGrigorenko

Inspired by H. H. Crane

Category: Poetry - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2022-05-16 - 128 words - Complete

The Child of daring Poet
That looks for the height to grow at -

Lives for the Poem’s sake -
And his look of benevolent thirst -
That cherishingly sliding one, cursed
With leaving a Fiery Wake!

In a mist of obscurity lies
The Imprint his feet resembles...

The Imprint that no one follows,
A Hollows and Blinds even to seem...
The Poem that kingdom borrows,
Making the castles of bones and steam...

To shuffle a fool and a wise
To make them fear - and - hate

Mixing the Truth and a lies
Abusing the lustful faith,
Perversed to the core creates
A verity to analyze

As a bleeding heart
Of a dying dove

Deafened, eclipsed, unseemlingly hard
To be saved by the Poem Of Love...
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