Categories > Original > Poetry

Secret kisses

by ElizabethSpiegel

not really sure what to say about this one....I thought about someone for a while and then put pencil to paper...and this is the result...

Category: Poetry - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-10-20 - Updated: 2006-10-20 - 52 words - Complete


Twisting, turning,
Moaning, groaning,
Flames building
Then exploding.

Kissing, licking,
Biting, sucking,
Bodies writhing,
Hands exploring.

Whispered words,
Stolen glances,
Tender touches,
Secret kisses.

Fear, desire,
Building, growing,
Lust and love,
Within a fire.

Watchful eyes,
Fovever searching,
For a moment....
Time alone.

Sitting, thinking,
Screaming inside,
Wishing secretly
For one another.
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